Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Gets SCREWED by GUILTY Lawyer, HAUNTED by Past Statements

Episode Date: October 25, 2023

Donald Trump is an “idiot, unethical, corrupt, and a lying dirtbag.” So says a 2016 Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s campaign lawyers who just pled guilty this week to a felony in Georgia, bringing ...the total of trump lawyers convicted of election interference crimes to a whopping 3. Michael Popok of Legal AF analyzes who he predicts the “FINAL 4” of criminal defendants, including Trump will be when Fulton County DA Fani Willis tries her case in the late spring. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to and use the code LEGLAF to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popock, legal AF. Trump is an idiot, unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag, whose supporters defy logic. Not my words, those of Jenna Ellis, the lawyer for Donald Trump and his campaign who just pled guilty in Georgia. She said that back in 2016 before she joined the Trump campaign headed by the lawyers headed by Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith and started her Odyssey that led her today to plead guilty to one count felony five years probation and did something that none of the other two lawyers, Sydney Powell and um, Ken Chesbro who pled guilty last week did when they pled. She stood up and did a tearful apology to the judge in which she acknowledged that she didn't do her due diligence, that she followed blindly the, uh, information given
Starting point is 00:00:59 to her by Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith, that she't have and that none of what she said or they said to state legislatures or on the media were about voter fraud were true. She didn't have to read that aloud, but she chose to read that aloud. Now Jenna Ellis's grand odyssey to reach this point today where she now is a convicted felon started as strangely as I just started this hot take. She thought that Donald Trump was a dirtbag in an idiot in a criminal. And yet she signed on to be his campaign lawyer, even though she had no experience with election law or campaigns and to carry the bag for Rudy Giuliani.
Starting point is 00:01:43 She was present at every major event. Rudy Giuliani attended the phony legislative hearings, quote unquote hearings that were conducted in hotel ballrooms, not at the state house press conferences, press conferences involving Sydney Powell. Whenever you see a young blonde woman next to Rudy Giuliani with his hair dyed dripping down his neck, that was Jenna Ellis. And, you know, how she went from Trump critic to Trump complete supporter getting paid by the Trump campaign. Maybe that's the key to it all. And on social media and otherwise, attacking all of the enemies and critics of Donald Trump, all the people interested in justice. And then today having to be brought in tearfully and confess her sins and her crimes, in which she got a five year,
Starting point is 00:02:40 as I said, five year probation and a small fine. But an obligation that she stay off of social media, that she doesn't use social media or any proxies to attack any part of the case or to make contact with witnesses or the like. I don't think we're going to see Jenna Ellis's lawyer, for instance, do what Ken Chesbro's lawyer has done. Scott Grubman, which is to make the media circuit and act like his client had nothing to say and no information to provide. And therefore, shouldn't be called as a witness and certainly isn't flipping on Donald Trump. When we know the opposite is likely true and certainly Jack Smith
Starting point is 00:03:17 is going to get to the bottom of who's telling the truth. Mr. Grubman, the lawyer on various television appearances or Mr. Chesbro in his proffer and his interaction with the prosecutor's office. My bet is on the prosecutors and not on Mr. Grubman. So I don't think Jenna Ellis's lawyers are going to do anything to try to undermine the sentence here or the agreement that she's reached with the prosecutors. She certainly don't want the prosecutors running back into court, saying that there's been a breach of the plea deal.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And therefore, all bets are off and she's back on the trial docket. Nobody wants to see that, right, Miss Ellis? So I don't think she's going to do that. Somebody that cries, whether you call it crocodile tears, or whatever it is tears of embarrassment. She's got a future and a law license to worry about. She already conceded that many of the things that she said were false to the Colorado bar regulators where she holds a license and she skated by the by the skin of her nose by the skin of her teeth with a $225 fine and a wrap on the knuckles. Now she's gonna have to report back to the bar
Starting point is 00:04:25 that she pled guilty to a felony related to false statements made including in courtrooms. And I think they might take a different tack there. There's no guarantees that the Colorado regulators of her bar license aren't gonna do something more drastic now with the new evidence in hand. Now she's the first time offender in Georgia. As I explained in a prior hot tick related to Ken Chasbro and Cindy Powell, if they color
Starting point is 00:04:52 within the lines and are good felons in this probationary program, then that felony conviction will come off their record. It'll be expunged. Cindy Powell was given misdemeanors for her cooperation, perhaps indicating the level of information that she's providing warranted even going lighter on her. So we've got the first four people now cooperating out of the out of the original 19 co-conspirators, starting with Scott Hall three weeks ago, two weeks ago, a bell bondsman involved with the break in and the computer tampering of election equipment in
Starting point is 00:05:30 coffee county. He got Mr. Meener. He got probation. He was the first to go. And then we had Sydney Powell. She got Mr. Meener's and she got probation. Then Ken Chesboro. He got a felony count and probation.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And now Jenna Ellis, a felony count and probation. And now Jenna Ellis, a felony count and probation. But this has a tremendous impact on many things, including Donald Trump. First one up on the chopping block is there's two remaining lawyers that are left among the co conspirators who have not pled guilty or taken a plea deal. I mean, a pled guilty, but haven't taken a plea deal. Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith. Ray Smith was so involved up to his chin in all of this mess that he was actually in the room guiding the fake electors while they were signing the fake electors certificate. That's how in DP is Rudy Giuliani. We already know I could spend dozens of hot takes. I've spent a fair amount of hot takes talking about Rudy Giuliani
Starting point is 00:06:30 and all the things that he's done to promote the big lie that Joe Biden only won by way of corruption. And so Rudy Giuliani has some serious thinking to do here, because three of his fellow co-conspirators and lawyers have already pled guilty, which destroys any opportunity for Donald Trump to argue that he had a good faith reliance on counsel to defeat his men's ray or mental intent or criminal intent. You can't, I mean, this is gonna be stating the obvious and people are gonna be like, Pope, we know this already, but is going to be stating the obvious. And people are going to be like,
Starting point is 00:07:06 Pope, we know this already, but let me just say it out loud. You can't rely in good faith on three lawyers who turn out to be criminals who criminally participated in a conspiracy with you. Did you know that your temperature at night can have one of the greatest impacts on your sleep quality? If you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend you check out Miracle Maid's bed sheets. Inspired by NASA, Miracle Maid uses silver infused fabrics and makes temperature regulating bedding so you can sleep at the perfect temperature all night long.
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Starting point is 00:09:16 organization, Rico count, which is the biggest count that ties all that tied all of them together. Of course, of course, she dropped it. I mean, no one's gonna plead guilty to the Rico count. Maybe they will, or maybe they won't. But she got two felony convictions already, two misdemeanor convictions. Doesn't mean that she's not gonna, she doesn't believe in the strength of her case when she goes to trial on the Rico case against Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But Steve, say it out like to turn it on its head, right? Like Alice in Wonderland, we're going through the looking glass and said, see, she doesn't really believe in her Rico case, Faudi Willis. That's why she keeps using it as a bargaining chip and dropping it. No, that's just good prosecutorial bargaining
Starting point is 00:09:58 to get people on board, get them on board the freight train that's heading straight without a break towards your client, Donald Trump. Because this is a freight train that's heading straight without a break towards your client, Donald Trump. Because this is a freight train now, and it's picking up tremendous momentum as Fony Willis picks off all the lawyers and all their issues and gets them on board
Starting point is 00:10:16 as state witnesses, witnesses for the prosecution, as they turn what we call state's evidence. And so I just think it's remarkable, the path, and it's such a short amount of time, and she's a relatively young person, for Jenna Ellis to go from, you know, idiot, dirtbag, criminal, unethical, and corrupt to, sure, here's the engagement letter. Where do I sign up as an attorney? And now, and now, of course, you know, this full Shakespearean play comes full circle in act three, where she stands in front of Judge Scott McAfee and says, I didn't use my due diligence. I was misled by older lawyers, you know, who took advantage of me. I mean, basically is what she's saying. And I believe the facts they were telling me without doing my own independent corroboration. Yes, Jenna, you were a member
Starting point is 00:11:10 of an honorable profession. You took an oath, an ethical oath to only promote things with merit and in good faith as an officer of the court. And you blew it. And you blew it. And now you're a convicted felon as of today. But the implications here, as each one of these dominoes falls, the lawyer dominoes specifically, Sydney Powell, Ken Chesbro, Jenna Ellis, you know, race Smith is no Rudy Giuliani. Let me just say it that way. Race Smith's got nothing to gain by continuing to hold out for Donald Trump. Right? Donald Trump's not going to help him. Donald Trump currently isn't paying his attorney's fees.
Starting point is 00:11:52 By the way, Donald Trump wasn't paying Jenna Ellis's attorney's fees either. And she became an anti-Trump ever since she got indicted. She raised about $220,000 on a GoFundMe page, some sort of crowdfunding page to pay for her legal bills because he had a band in her. This is the limits of Donald Trump's ability to influence witnesses by paying for their attorneys. Can't pay for them all. Can't pay them all off.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And he picked and chose which ones he wanted to do. And he left Jenna Ellis out twisting in the wind. Ray Smith is similar. So if I were picking the next set of people to now plead guilty, now that the glass ceiling has been broken, right? And we've now got four in a week pleading guilty. I think this continues to gain momentum. If people remember my hot takes and my analysis on legal AF on the Midas Dutch network, I said it's going to be more flipping than Sunday
Starting point is 00:12:46 morning at the International House of Pancakes. Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip. And that, we only had one. Now we have four and three really key ones. You may have never heard of the Bell Bondsman in Coffee County, but you've heard of these other, these other three we've been talking about. I think the next up to flip race Smith, he's got nothing to gain by staying close to Donald Trump. Then I think it's that group of fake electors. Miss, I'm surprised Miss D'Hampton, the former election supervisor for coffee county
Starting point is 00:13:18 and Kathy Latham, her co-worker, both fake electors. I'm surprised they already have, they already have been flipped. I'm sure they're in discussions. Soon as Ken Chesbro went, who was the architect of the fake electors scandal, these two have to go, what do they have to gain? I mean, you know, they're not, they're not in Trump's inner circle or being paid by Trump or his lawyer. So I think it's this next group of fake electors. It's Ray Smith, you know, and by the time that's done and the other fake electors, because remember, there were already eight fake electors who before the indictment
Starting point is 00:13:57 started cooperating with Fony Willis. So she already had them. You take the fake electors, you take Ray Smith, you take this group, you're down to seven or eight or nine people left to try. We're getting awful close to a group that's small enough to try in one trial, if Fannie Willis wants to do that or in two trials. And now, as we've said before, now that Fony Willis has cleared out the under the low, low hanging fruit here, right? And got the trial of Chesbro and Powell off the docket, which would have blocked, would
Starting point is 00:14:35 have blocked the judge for at least four or five months. She's got an opening now to try the case of Donald Trump before November of 2024 in the election. And now all these things are coming, you know, as she strengthens her hand, cooperating witness by cooperating witness by cooperating witness with more to come. I'm gonna be here on hot takes and we're gonna be talking on legal AF
Starting point is 00:15:00 about the next batch of two, three, four and five. I think at the end, if she's got four or five that she has to try, I'd be, I'd be, that would be the limit. Kanye West stylist who tried to influence corruptly Ruby Freeman to say that she was committing voter fraud as an election worker. She's gonna plead, you know, will he Floyd black voices for Trump? I mean, he's nuts from what I can see from a social media, but nobody's paying his freight. He stayed in the jail the longest because nobody posted his bond. I mean, if he's offered some sort of plea deal, I think he goes. And then the, and then I think the lectors and race
Starting point is 00:15:46 Smith. I think you're left with Rudy Giuliani. Maybe Mark Meadows in the final batch. Donald Trump, Jeff Clark. I think it's that final four. If you're looking at the final four for Georgia, I feel like it's March madness. Could be March madness. I think that's your final four. I think it's Giuliani, Clark, Meadows, and Trump. Everybody else clears out of the way. And if that's the final four of that group, I think Mark Meadows cuts a deal because we already know he's had at least a limited amount of cooperation with Jack Smith. And then, and then we'll see. So you either flip earlier, you flip late, but you're gonna flip because you can't take the risk
Starting point is 00:16:30 unless you're insane of going to trial in Fulton County, Georgia in front of a jury on these facts. You just can't. I know that Donald Trump likes to call himself I'm Nelson Mandela, and I'll go win prison for 27 years for what's right. Just the fact that the words Nelson Mandela came out of his mouth. I'll do another hot tick on that one.
Starting point is 00:16:48 So reporting right now is this. Third lawyer for Donald Trump just pled guilty. And what it means for the implication, ramifications, for all the other code defendants as they have to make their own independent individual decision as we get down to what I think is going to be the final for some time for a March trial. So it will be March madness. I'll continue to follow it right here on how it takes like this one only on the Midas
Starting point is 00:17:12 Touch network legal AF catches on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We curate the best five stories like this one. I got a co anchor Karen Friedman, I can if you'll know on Wednesday co anchor co founder on Saturday, Ben my cell is 8 p. co-anchor and co-founder on Saturday, Ben Mycelas, 8 p.m. Eastern time and then on audio platforms wherever you get your audio from. If you like this hot take, give me a thumbs up until my next hot take,
Starting point is 00:17:35 until my next episode of Legal AF, this is Michael PoePock reporting. Hey, Midas, Midi. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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