Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump gets SLAPPED IN THE FACE by former Allies
Episode Date: February 5, 2025In just 2 weeks, Trump has turned the US into a Pariah State, with our allies condemning Trump’s plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza and for the US to take it over like some beach-side real estate deve...lopment deals. Michael Popok reports on the UK, Scotland, the UN and Germany’s rebuke to Trump, and how it undermines our national and economic security. Go to and use code: LEGALAF to get 10% off your Graza Starter Kit and get to cookin' your next chef quality meal! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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One convicted criminal, one indicted criminal standing next to each other, the President
of the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel, had a joint press conference in
which it was announced that the United States would take over Gaza, displace 1.8 million
people, perpetuate an ethnic cleansing and a forced diaspora, and develop it like it was
the quote unquote Riviera. Now the world is responding. And I don't just mean the world
of Hamas and of Saudi Arabia. I mean our allies like the United Kingdom, like Scotland and
Germany and Turkey as well. I'm Michael Popak. Let's look at the world's response to what has to be the most chaotic, unprincipled,
illegal criminal presidency we've ever seen.
And we're only two days, two weeks and one day in.
You're here on Legal AF of the Midas Dutch Network.
Let's dive in.
You probably have already heard bombshell news
or you woke up to it this morning
that Donald Trump during a press conference
with Benjamin Netanyahu standing next to him decided to declare that he had
a solution for the Gaza problem or in his mind the Gaza problem, the solution.
Now mind you, this solution is while the exchange of hostages has not yet been complete or the
release of hostages for Israel have not yet been complete.
There's no real peace deal on the table.
The Middle East is still on a knife's edge, and Donald Trump decides, with Netanyahu obviously
supporting him, to announce that he's got the plan, he's got to take over the Gaza Strip
and develop it like it's a real estate project, make it like Dubai,
with hotels and casinos and a place for international people, make it an international city, completely
ignoring and never really mentioning the 1.8 million people that call Gaza home and would
have to be relocated into other places, not in Gaza, and accepted by other Arab countries, so that the US and Israel, in some sort of partnership,
could develop Gaza?
So, let's just say our allies are not happy,
the United Nations is not happy.
The United Nations has said it is illegal,
it is an international law violation
to ethnically cleanse and forcibly expel people from land
that they call home.
Others have gone further.
Let me read to you from, let me read you what the UN's human rights office has said about
It is crucial that we move towards the next phase of the ceasefire, recognizing that there
is currently a ceasefire and the Israelis getting back
whatever remaining surviving hostages there are, to release all hostages and arbitrarily
detain prisoners, end the war and reconstruct Gaza with full respect for international humanitarian
law and international human rights law. Any forcible transfer in our deportation of people
in or deportation of people from occupied territory is strictly prohibited.
That's the UN human rights office.
The Starber, the prime minister of the United Kingdom
went further, here's what he said,
in response to a question from the liberal Democrat,
the third largest party in the House of Commons.
He told lawmakers, quote,
"'The most important issue on the ceasefire
is obviously that it is sustained
and we see it through the phases.
And that means that the remaining hostages come out
and that the aid that's desperately needed
get into Gaza at speed and at the volumes that are needed.
I have from the last few weeks,
two images fixed in my mind.
The first is the image of Emily Demare
reunited with her mother, which I found extremely moving. The first is the image of Emily Demare reunited with her mother, which I
found extremely moving. The second was the image of thousands of Palestinians walking, literally
walking through the rubble to find their homes and communities in Gaza. They must be allowed home.
They must be allowed to rebuild. And we should be with them in that rebuild on the way to a two-state solution. And so the dangerous statements from the president
is something that Starmor was responding to.
Scotland went further.
John Swinney, Scotland's first prime minister,
said that Trump's plans on Gaza were, quote,
unacceptable and dangerous,
that there must be no ethnic cleansing,
calling it what it is.
In a post on Blue Sky, he said,
after months of collective punishment
and the death of over 40,000 in Gaza,
any suggestion Palestinians should be removed
from their home is unacceptable and dangerous.
There must be no ethnic cleansing.
Only a proper two-state solution will bring lasting peace.
He was joined by Hamsa Yousaf,
Scotland's former First Minister, whose parents were trapped in Gaza,
describing again Donald Trump's plan as ethnic cleansing and a living hell. So
listen, I'm not here to take sides. I hear you people know my position and my
support of Israel and that they were inhumanely attacked and civilians
were inhumanely attacked and thousands and thousands died and were captured in that
horrible October 7th day. However, we now have a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We have a group of people that were put into Gaza and separated for the rest of the Palestinian
people as part of a process.
And there has to be some sort of rebuilding.
The question is not whether there needs to be rebuilding.
The question, apparently, according to Donald Trump, is whether the Palestinians are going
to be involved or allowed to participate in the rebuilding.
Donald Trump sees it as a bombed out parking lot
that needs to be developed along the waterfront,
sees valuable beachfront property
that he would like to develop as a developer,
as a US president developer.
And that is what the world is responding to.
The problem is he's continuing to pull in the oars
of America
and make it go it alone in this world.
A world that we are less secure in now
than we were two weeks ago,
that we are less economically secure,
certainly from a national security policy standpoint,
we are less secure.
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your next chef quality meal. Erratic behavior is not a doctrine. It is not something
that is going to work around the world. People sitting there going, I wonder what Donald Trump's
going to say or do next? You know, what crap's going to come out of his mouth? That is not a
doctrine that supports a lasting peace in the world or America's position as the last remaining
or one of the last remaining, along with China, superpowers.
All it does is undermine our allies, makes them see us as a pariah.
I mean, the more we're pushed into a pariah status by Donald Trump, the more our allies,
I'm not even talking about our enemies, will pull in their oars, not cooperate with us on national security issues, intelligence gathering,
keeping us safe around the world,
entering into global economic pacts with us
in order to allow one free trade,
which I'm relatively in favor of as part of our economy,
and more importantly, continuing markets for the US goods and services
that we want to sell around the world.
We as Americans can't consume enough goods and services
from US companies to sustain the economy.
Let me repeat that.
We, the 330 million or so Americans,
cannot physically consume enough
goods and services generated by U.S. companies to sustain our economy or keep those companies
in the black. They need global markets. All we're doing is making us a pariah state among the world and nobody's going to want to do business with us.
It's gotten so bad that Wall Street leading analysts have declared that the Trump administration is bad for business, is not business friendly.
When your own US Wall Street analysts are saying you're not good for business, that's a bad sign. And as Donald Trump continues to make the United States
a pariah state globally and internationally,
we lose our influence over the outcomes that we want to see,
the positive outcomes around the world,
whether they be diplomacy by diplomatic means or by war
or in the economy. If we want our
favorite outcomes, we've got to be a player. We've got to be a diplomatic player, an economic player,
somebody who can be trusted in negotiations. Even if you just reduce this down to two people
having a negotiation, you've got to trust your counterparty. You've got to trust the integrity
of your counterparty. If you can't trust your counterparty, you're not going to do business with that person.
You're not going to buy or sell or trade or lend or lend money to or give credit
to. And what is the end result of that? It benefits our enemies. I talked a
lot at this hot take about our allies' outrage, understandably, at the
announcement the United States wants to take over,
develop, and ethically cleanse Gaza.
So now let's talk about what our enemy's response to that is.
Sheer delight.
They're probably so giddy.
I can hear champagne corks popping in the Kremlin and in Beijing as I'm doing this, Atik. Why? Because the more
we become a pariah state, the more we push into the arms, the waiting, willing economic arms of
our enemies like Russia and China, we push what was once our allies. And even in regions that you may not even think about every day, like in the Caribbean,
Latin America, South America, Chinese are taking over from America withdrawal.
In our international diplomatic community, the Chinese and the Russians are taking over
from our diplomatic and economic withdrawal.
They're stepping in and doing the funding and turning heads towards
East away from the West and away from Donald Trump. Yeah? And this is just after
two weeks and a day folks. So it gets worse not better. We've already done
hot takes about this completely unhinged irrational set of press conferences and
statements made.
Donald Trump threatening that if anybody takes him out, he's left some sort of
secret envelope for, you know, JD Vance and the treasury secretary to go after Iran.
You know, all sorts of crazy statements that nobody, you know, that, you know,
he's not using his inside voice.
I don't know what, what this is.
He's just saying the, the,'s just saying the crazy shit out loud now.
It doesn't make him more dangerous and us more safe. It makes him seem irrational, rogue, and
insane, and therefore undermines our, yours and my, and the people of America's national and
economic security. I'm going to continue to follow it all right here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal
Follow me, Michael Popak, over on Legal AF, the YouTube channel.
We built it just for this moment.
32 lawsuits already filed against the Trump administration, and we're only 16 days in.
We're on two a day.
I said it was going to be closer to four a day, but I'll take two a day right now, and
we are winning in the courts.
Follow us over on Legal AF, the YouTube channel. Hit the free subscribe button there.
And then Tuesday nights, I got a new show doing great because of you, and I'm humbled by it.
It's called Popak Live. It's about an hour. It's me.
It's no holds barred on every topic you can think of at the intersection of law, politics, pop culture, and the economy and financial markets.
That's Tuesday, 8 p.m. Eastern Time here on the Midas Touch Network.
Wednesdays and Saturdays, the OG, the original Legal AF podcast, top eight in the world because of you.
We're doing our best to curate the stories, but you're doing your best to be a part of a willing, happy,
enthusiastic audience, and we appreciate that. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time here on the Midas Touch Network. So until my next Legal AF reporting,
I'm Michael Popak. In collaboration with the Midas Touch Network, we just launched the Legal AF
YouTube channel. Help us build this pro-democracy channel where I'll be curating the top stories,
the intersection of law and politics. Go to YouTube now and free subscribe at LegalAFMTN.
That's at LegalAFMTN.