Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Lawyers ATTACK Judge After Trump Kids FALL APART on Witness Stand

Episode Date: November 3, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how the lawyers for Donald Trump are now pursuing a strategy to attack Judge Engoron’s law clerk, just as Trump did, after Don Jr. and Eric imploded on the w...itness stand during their testimony.  Head to and use code LEGALAF to save 20% off your entire order! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have a lot of unbelievable companies that have a single level of logic. We've never had a fault with the number of school-based events. Thousands of employees, 30,000 of employees that lie on campus will raise a food and mouse in a state of New York. We brought some publicity to build things that's all for us. So many other great properties. And we've come to this moment and it's under which company this person's honor. that all the more important is so many other great properties. And which method is open and stronger, which method is person's honor, the end of our follow-up with the liberal purposes
Starting point is 00:00:29 is the stuff that you can try to find out and not be sure it has a cloud of community. The only one remains in this thing because it's a sensationalized place. We've done absolutely done wrong. We have a better company than they could ever imagine. And this is the big charade that serious excuse to police the past year. And it's an every business that we're doing at a university.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I actually want them. That was Eric Trump, behaving like his daddy after his disastrous testimony. I've been my cellist from the Midas Touch Network. What was that behavior? And the testimony Eric Trump gave was so devastating to the defense, the testimony that Don Jr. gave was so devastating to the defense that now the strategy of Donald Trump's lawyers and Eric's lawyer and Don Jr's lawyer is to just attack judge Arthur and Goron's law clerk. Just go after the Law Clerk over and over
Starting point is 00:01:25 again, say that she's your adversary, say that she's causing bias and just continue to attack her. And that's what pretty much happened for most of the morning today as we wrap up the fifth week of the New York Attorney General, civil fraud trial. And you hear Eric saying, we did nothing wrong, we did nothing wrong. I mean, Eric looked like an idiot on the witness stand and even worse He looked like a criminal, frankly, on the witness stand. I mean one of the things that came out during the testimony And I'll do a longer hot take just on this subject is that Eric said that he was the one responsible for the severance agreement with Alan Weisselberg that stated that Alan Weisselberg could not cooperate with adverse parties in investigations into his conduct.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So the New York Attorney General lawyer went to Eric and said, so are we an adverse party? And Eric said, yeah, you know what? The New York Attorney General was implying with that question and what Eric stepped right into. Yep. You guessed it. Potential obstruction of justice in the Manhattan District Attorney's office is certainly taking note. And not only that, but obviously Eric's lawyer
Starting point is 00:02:31 and Donald Trump's lawyers were taking note as well. That's why they wanted to try to distract from what went down by attacking Judge Arthur and Goron's law clerk in the way that they did. Now, in the thing with Eric's testimony and Don Jr's testimony, remember, they are the co-trusties during the relevant time period of the Donald J. Trump revocable trust which oversees all of their other entities. And as the co-trusties, they were fiduciaries, they were the ones who had to sign
Starting point is 00:02:59 that the financial statements and statement of financial conditions for all of the years where these statement of financial conditions are fraudulent, where they inflate valuations, they had to certify that they were true and accurate. So you had all of the professionals testify so far and basically say that, you know, Eric and Don Jr., were ultimately the ones responsible for it, that they were the ones who provided incorrect data. And then you had Don Jr. and Eric, the bucks supposed to stop with them if they're the
Starting point is 00:03:27 leaders of this organization and they're blaming the professionals. Not only that, they're acting like even though they were the leaders of the Trump organization, that they were the ones who that they never actually really looked at these statements of financial conditions. That's not really what they do. Eric testified that he simply pours concrete they do. Eric testify that he simply pours concrete and Don Jr. basically said that he never even looked at the statement of financial conditions. Judge Goren said to Don Jr. Did you have anything to do with the
Starting point is 00:03:54 statement of financial conditions and Don Jr. is like, no. And then the New York attorney general said, okay, here's your signature for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, where you certified the statement of financial conditions were accurate. Correct. And Don Jr's response, Rinson repeat, Rinson repeat, and Eric's testimony was basically along those same lines where he tried to act like he didn't have any role regarding the statement of financial conditions. But then when he was confronted with the emails, which basically demonstrated that he was his thing was just to blame the tax advisor, blame the lawyers, blame everybody else and act like he wasn't the person who read it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 But we also have other Trump organization insiders like Patrick Bernie and Raymond Flores and all these other people who basically said that no, Eric was aware, don junior was aware. We have Jeff McConney, the former Trump organization controller, stating that Alan Weiselberg, the former CFOs, now a convicted felon, basically told him to commit fraud. And then you have all of the Trump kids basically saying, yeah, we don't know, we don't look at the statement of financial conditions. And Eric then goes out there, you know, and does the accordion hand idiot things? And then he's like, was out there, you know, it does the accordion hand idiot things.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And then he's like, I did great. This is a way, no, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a fence of the level and layers of gaslighting. This is Michael Popec from legal AF. If you like me, you understand the pains of choosing what to wear. Let's face it, most clothes are uncomfortable or too tight or are never actually the size you really are not to mention the annoyance of trying to put a good outfit together, and when you do have a good fit, you can only wear it for a few hours before you have an important meeting or dinner, and then you got to change all over again.
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Starting point is 00:08:11 pressing how he wants to make their record and lodge a formal complaint about the judge's law clerk. And then judge and Goran says, do you feel the need to make a further record as things stand now about my law clerk? And then Christopher Kais goes, I think so, Your Honor. And then Goran says, I don't want to endanger the safety of my law clerk and my staff. He notes later, notice this is what Judge and Goran says, you can say anything you want about me. And that's been taken advantage of. You can say anything you want about me. And that's been taken advantage of. You can say whatever you want about me, but don't attack my law clerk. And then Christopher Kies launched into
Starting point is 00:08:52 an extensive monologue, how the world is watching this case. And he needs to call out the perceived bias. And Justice and Goran then basically says, you've said all of this already. What more of a record do you want to make? And then Christopher Kai says, well, there is a report that is out there that suggests that your law clerk has made campaign contributions to Democrats. And then and Goran says, okay, who's reported this? And then Christopher Kai's fumbles through his papers and he goes, bright, okay, who's reported this? And then Christopher Kice fumbles through his papers
Starting point is 00:09:25 and he goes, bright, bark. And then everybody in the courtroom, like you can hear them, it was an audible gasp of like, exciting, freaking bright, bark, are you kidding me? And Chris, Christopher Kice, citing bright, bark, to level attacks on the judges' law clerk, by the way,
Starting point is 00:09:42 the bright, bark, bar article, article sites like some random Twitter account or ex account or like truth social account as its source as well. One that Donald Trump has used over and over again, when Trump has attacked judge and Goran's law clerk. Remember the gag order imposed on Donald Trump was for attacking judge and Goran's law clerk in a very misogynistic way, trying to act like judge and Goron's law clerk in a very misogynistic way trying to act like judge and Goron's law clerk has this relationship with Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer or something beyond a personal relationship. And remember one of the things we did here at the Midas Touch Network that we caught was
Starting point is 00:10:17 that even though Donald Trump took down the post of judge and Goron's law clerk back on October 3rd from his social media, he kept it up where on his campaign website. And then based on the reporting we did on, our incredible editor and chief Ron Philip Kowski found it. Remember, then Donald Trump was found in violation of the gag order based on our reporting. By the way, if you want to support the great reporting they do at and get access to exclusive content, go to slash MidasTouch. They do a great job there. P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash MidasTouch.
Starting point is 00:10:51 But I digress going back to what happened in the courtroom, Trump's lawyers, citing Breitbart, parroting Donald Trump's conspiracies to go after judge and goreons law clerk. And then Christopher Keiss made this line. I have two adversaries here, two adversaries here. And then New York attorney general's lawyer spoke this notion that bias is going to be assessed because a law clerk is passing notes and a judge. This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard of judge is what the New York Attorney General's lawyer said. No party has the right to be privy to the internal
Starting point is 00:11:31 deliberations of what goes on in a judge's chambers. That's absolutely clear, including notes being passed by a judge and a clerk who are working together to help draft decisions and then judge and go around basically said it's really a shame like the way, you know, y'all are behaving here. So that's basically what went down. Eric Don Jr. did horribly and not only that, Eric may have like stepped into potential criminal liability based upon potentially obstruction of justice. I mean, if that's how it's being viewed.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And then the lawyer started attacking the judge's law clerk and Donald Trump testifies next week. So those are your updates, folks. And that video of Eric at the beginning was absolutely ridiculous. I've been my cellist from the Midas Touch Network. Hit subscribe, we're on our way to 2 million subscribers and check us out at slash the Midas Touch and have a great day.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Hey Midas Mighty, love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at Midas Touch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now. Waiting for, follow us now.

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