Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Lawyers in PANIC MODE After Trial Schedule Gets JOLTED

Episode Date: November 21, 2023

Trump’s Georgia criminal lawyers are in panic mode as they realize very little helps them defend the case and Trump’s DC lawyers panic that they have very little to stop the March trial . Michael ...Popok of Legal AF unpacks why Trump’s criminal lawyers are conspiring to try to pressure the Georgia State court judge to interfere with federal judge Chutkan’s DC election interference case, to slow down both. Head to to get a 14 day FREE trial with your own personal trainer. Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:53 kabuki theater going on between the lawyers representing Donald Trump and the Georgia election interference case and his lawyers representing him in the DC election interference case. Want a state court proceeding at which Fawni Willis Fulton County District Attorney has produced all of the discovery and information that's relevant to her investigation and the crimes that have been charged against Donald Trump of which they number 14 in Georgia. And the DC election interference prosecutor, special counsel Jack Smith, has provided his several terabytes of data and information that he's required to do under a line of cases, we call Brady, so Brady and other material to Donald Trump, related to the four counts of federal crimes
Starting point is 00:02:38 and conspiracies that he's charged in there. There's a little bit of overlap. I will give you between Fannie Willis's Fountain County prosecution and that at the District of Columbia. But that doesn't mean that Donald Trump is entitled to pull from one set of discovery information and evidence and use in the other. And especially he's not permitted to try to mislead the trial judge in Georgia judge McAfee into believing that he's having some difficulty getting the documents from Donald Trump's other set of lawyers, even though I've tried judge because there's a protective order in place in DC.
Starting point is 00:03:18 That's true. There is a protective order in place. And what Steve Sadow, the very economical writing Steve save it out. I've never seen him just to be clear. I've never seen him write a motion on behalf of Donald Trump that wasn't less than four pages long. That's all he writes.
Starting point is 00:03:38 He's got the liberty of Donald Trump in his hands and all he can scrape up is a 20 minute motion in which he tries to get the judge in Georgia, state court judge in Georgia, to be at odds with the federal judge, Chutkin, who's going to trial in March of 2024 against Donald Trump. And what he wants is based on the motion,
Starting point is 00:04:03 is he wants Scott McAfee, the judge in Georgia to make a phone call over to judge Chutkin and see if the fact that he entered a protective order protecting the information and data and documents provided by Fawney Willis in Georgia will be enough for her to allow this entire group of information to go not just the Donald Trump, but the 14 or 15 other go defendants that would be entitled to this information as well. They just want to blow this cornucopia wide open without respect to whether any of this improperly leaks out into the government. And now that they've seen that Judge McAfee has entered a protective order about the use
Starting point is 00:04:48 of evidence and documents and information produced in Georgia, they're like, well, that's good enough for us, Judge. Let's now take all of the truckload of information in the federal case and let's shove it through your protective order in Georgia so that my client has access to that as well. I'm going to attack this two ways. One of them is procedurally and the other one is substantively. Procedurally, this is not the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Way to do it is the lawyers for Donald Trump in DC go in with a motion to judge Chutkin who they've not only tried to remove a couple of times, but are currently appealing her on her institution or in position of a gag order against Donald Trump. You file a motion with her and you ask, I've done this before in my own practice. And you ask to have that information that's only supposed to use in one criminal case in the District of Columbia, be able to be transmitted, right over to Georgia to be used by the same criminal defendant in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I'm not sure whether that's going to win or lose. I'm of two minds about that right now, but that is the procedure. I'll tell you what the procedure isn't. The procedure isn't, you file a two and a half page motion with your state court judge and ask him to pick up the phone and call the federal judge and ask pretty, pretty please. Now that we've got two, two mirror image protective orders won't you let all the data and information out there and have a come over to Georgia. So that 15 other co-defendants and 15 other lawyers can get, get their eyes on it. Forget it. If I'm, if I'm making the ruling, I would reject it. If I'm Scott McAfee, state court judge in Georgia to say the discovery that is present that is necessary to, for the defense to make their defense
Starting point is 00:06:41 has been provided to them by the investigation work of the state prosecutor, the Fulton County District Attorney. What may or may not be the toolbox developed by Jack Smith over on the federal side is really irrelevant. He was indicted, Trump, along with all the other 15, 16 others for all these counts, 14 counts at last, at last counting based on that evidence. The fact that there may be some other evidence out there in another case involving the DC election interference case, which is not the subject of the trial, right?
Starting point is 00:07:19 Not the focus of the trial in Georgia. Georgia's focus is on election interference in Georgia through a fake electors scheme, through improper pressure campaign on elected officials and election officials and ultimately Mike Pence and the use of fake electors in other battleground states. She purposely, in her indictment, does not indict Donald Trump for things he did related to Jan 6th. There's a mention of it, but she's not inditing him for that DC election interference type work. That is where the federal government comes in. That's the water's edge between the two indictments. I am so thrilled to talk about Legal AF's latest exciting news sponsor, Copilot.
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Starting point is 00:10:08 Dear, I mean, there's an email, which I'll show you, which Mr. Saydow attaches as if he sent it out of the blue to John Loro, the lawyers, the other lawyers for Donald Trump, and they didn't cook this up together. And he says, as you know, gentlemen, you writing to Todd Blanch and John Loro, as you know, I'm lead counsel for President Trump in the Fulton County Georgia Rico case, like they he had introduced himself. Okay. Having reviewed the discovery received from the Fulton County DA, it is clear that relevant material, including FBI investigations,
Starting point is 00:10:45 302s, which are witness statements taken by the FBI and federal grand jury transcripts, in the other case, related to a reasonable foreseeable witnesses common to both our cases is missing. That's because Fony Willis doesn't have access to the federal Bureau of Investigations witness statements, right? George a Bureau of Investigations witness statements, right?
Starting point is 00:11:05 George a Bureau of Investigations, sure. But Feds, that's what the federal trial is for. This isn't joined together in one big state and federal case. He's being prosecuted under state crimes in Georgia, federal crimes and federal. And they, while the prosecutors have similar requirements to provide the other side with documents, and that could be inculpatory or exculpatory, point to their guilt or point away from their guilt. They don't have an obligation to cross, you know, cross-produce, you know, you know, what is in Jack Smith asks for everything
Starting point is 00:11:39 that Fony Willis has and bring that into his case. So I think the reason they're trying to get mac a fee to do it, I don't know exactly why, but they probably think, well, maybe mac a we can we can go to mac a fee into picking up the phone and calling judge Chutkin. I'm already nodding and shaking my head. I don't think that's going to happen. And I don't think that Donald Trump is entitled to whatever factual information a witness statement was developed at the federal level for the federal crimes to try to defend himself
Starting point is 00:12:12 in the state crimes. And he doesn't either. He's obvious and transparent that I'm sure we'll see this in the filings by the Fulton County DA or if the special counsel federal feels they have to intervene in the matter, the file an intervention paper in Georgia. And it's obvious what Donald Trump wants. Donald Trump wants to make mischief.
Starting point is 00:12:30 He wants to get the truckload of information over there and and put it in his Georgia case and release it to 15 uncontrollable defendants because there's a protective order in place. And then let's see what happens We're beyond the let's see what happens stage mr. Trump We are into the you are a defendant in two separate really four separate Criminal justice systems and you have to comport yourself with that and the rules are the same all over He's not the first one to be prosecuted, simultaneously in state and federal court. That doesn't open the door to everything in one,
Starting point is 00:13:09 automatically gets transferred and transposed into the other. So we'll continue to follow and try to piece together what's really going on. One thing is the surface, right on the surface. It looks like a motion to obtain access to relevant discovery. And if you read it and you didn't know anything about anything, you didn't follow legal
Starting point is 00:13:31 AF on the Midas Touch Network, you'd think, well, isn't that a polite thing to do? Mr. Seidow, one lawyer for Donald Trump is writing a very friendly email to the other lawyer for Donald Trump as if he doesn't know him asking him for some assistance. No. Forget that. That's not what's happening. I'm telling you what's happening, based on my experience. We'll continue to follow each one of these data points as we connect the dots to explain
Starting point is 00:13:57 the strategy and tactics of Donald Trump, which always lead back to one place. A giant neon signs flashing delay, delay, delay, right? Because that's his best chance of getting elected. That the Georgia trial doesn't happen in May of 2024, or at least start then. And more pertinent, more acute, that the March 2024 trial in front of Judge Chuck and DC election interference case doesn't
Starting point is 00:14:26 conclude before voters have to vote in November. And that's what we're going to keep an eye on at the intersection of law, politics and justice in one place, the Midas Touch Network. If you like this kind of hot take, give me a thumbs up, helps keep the content coming to you uninterrupted. If you like this kind of legal analysis at that intersection, join us for our special curated podcast. We call, wait for it, legal a F on Wednesdays and Saturday nights 8 p.m.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Eastern time on YouTube from Midas Touch and free subscribe to the Midas Touch YouTube channel. Get them to 2 million. They're so close. And this network, this media platform that has no outside investors and is independently operate, right? Needs your help. And this is all free when I'm describing and go pick up our audio podcasts on every
Starting point is 00:15:19 platform. You get audio podcasts from under legal AF. So until my next hot take, until my next legal AF, this is Michael Popock reporting. Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.
Starting point is 00:15:39 you

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