Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump RUNS AWAY like a COWARD after Trial

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the pathetic press conference Donald Trump and his lawyer Alina Habba after Trump gave an odd closing statement and stormed out of trial. Visit and use code LEGALAF and checkout to save $50! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So after getting absolutely wiped out during closing arguments at the New York Attorney General civil fraud case, and after Donald Trump tried to give some bizarre closing statement where he ranted and raved like a lunatic before storming out and running to Forty Wall Street, one of the citas of the fraud that is being alleged in this civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump. Donald Trump ran to his building at Forty Wall Street and then gave this bizarre press conference with Alina Habba. Here's Alina Habba talking about what went down, just listen to her, and just watch Donald Trump just kind of stand there and kind of like wobbling that the whole thing
Starting point is 00:00:50 is very, very strange here play this clip. These are special properties. Real estate is an art, not a science. But you know what else is an art? You know what else is an a science You know what else isn't a science? Political-motivated individuals. She's using this to paint a canvas that Donald Trump is a fraudster because they can't beat him in the polls. They can't beat him in the polls, so she ran on Trump because that was the only way she could win. And now today, after 11 weeks, after three years,
Starting point is 00:01:27 we have concluded that he indeed committed no wrong. The Trump Organization committed no wrong, and the kids have been dragged in just like the other defendants, and it is wrong. America needs to step up, and there's only one person who can do that. My client, Donald Trump. President Trump, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Like, I don't even know what that was. And by the way, if you wanna know what Alina Habba was actually arguing in her closing argument before the actual court of law, not when she was in the lobby of 40 Wall Street, Alina Habba's response to why there were so many fraudulent statements, which she referred to as errors. She goes, where human beings, he did his best.
Starting point is 00:02:13 She calls it human error. She says, these were all just human errors taking place. And then she says that, explain to me this, if you're trying to commit fraud, why would you put it in writing? Why would you put it in writing to the real estate ages? Does that make sense? That she goes, riddle me this. If you are going to commit a fraud, why would you hire a heavyweight accounting firm like Mazers to perpetrate the fraud?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Why would you hire them? They hire one of the largest accounting firms in the state of New York and try to commit fraud the fraud. Why would you hire them? Quote, they hire one of the largest accounting firms in the state of New York and try to commit fraud. Yeah, that's what Enron did. That's what lots of companies did. That's what Bernie made off did. Yes, they utilized the services of accounting for them. And they provide them in writing
Starting point is 00:02:58 with fraudulent data and fraudulent information that this whole concept to buy Donald Trump, Alina Haba, buy his lawyers. Just think about the arguments that they make across the board with all of their cases. Like in Special Counsel, Jackson mitts criminal prosecution. One of the arguments is if Donald Trump speaks it, if he says it, if he utters the criminal conspiracy,
Starting point is 00:03:22 well, the first amendment protects him. He can say anything he wants if bank robbers plan the crime, but speak it. They have a first amendment immunity, according to Donald Trump. What does Donald Trump also argue? Absolute presidential immunity in the criminal cases that he could do any crime at all while he's in office. And that is what's needed to protect a president during their golden years. That's what Donald Trump is actually arguing right now before some of the highest courts
Starting point is 00:03:55 in our land. What's Donald Trump arguing here through Lena Habba and the closing argument? You know, right. How could you write it down? That doesn't make any sense. If you write it, then you're not concealing it. And therefore it doesn't constitute fraud. What's Donald Trump's argument about the 14th Amendment section three disqualification cases? Donald Trump argues that Donald Trump did not take an oath to support the constitution.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And he is not an officer, which would seem to contradict as well because it does his claim that as an officer, he's entitled to absolute presidential immunity, but it doesn't matter. It goes back, frankly, to Donald Trump's mentality about sexually abusing woman. When you're a star, he says that you can get away with it. And in his deposition in the E. Jean Carroll case, he said, unfortunately, or fortunately, he said, or fortunately, that is what rich men can do. Those are direct words from Donald Trump, even at this ridiculous press conference at Forty Wall Street after Donald Trump stormed out of the
Starting point is 00:05:05 closing argument to get there. Donald Trump was asked a question by members of the press about the argument that his lawyers made before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, how chilling Donald Trump's lawyers argued that Donald Trump could order that seal team six kill his political opponent. And Donald Trump would be entitled to absolute presidential immunity. So naturally, a reporter asked him the question, what do you think about that? Do you agree that you should have immunity so that if you are in office, you can kill your political opponent with seal team six?
Starting point is 00:05:44 And Donald Trump didn't say, that would be a crime, that would be a serious crime. Donald Trump said, I would have immunity for that. Here, play this clip. If you agree with your lawyers with this on Tuesday that you should not be prosecuted,
Starting point is 00:05:57 or could not be prosecuted, if you ordered CLT 6 to kill a political officer. Well, you're talking about a totally different case, the immunity. I say this on a immunity, very simple. If a president of the United States does not have immunity, he'll be totally ineffective, because he won't be able to do anything, because it will mean he'll be prosecuted,
Starting point is 00:06:17 strongly prosecuted, perhaps, as soon as he leaves office by the opposing party. What have ordinary people, just like you and me, could change the world with the push of a button? Meet Lomi. The world's first kitchen appliance designed to turn your home into a climate solution by transforming your food scraps into nutrient rich plant food. Now that I've invested in a Lomi, it's changed the way I deal with my food waste. Lomi is the biggest invention in the modern day kitchen since,
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Starting point is 00:08:32 Haba saying that Donald Trump single-handedly changed the New York skyline. You're playing this clip. Defendants, the organization and every employee of the Trump organization, which is single-handedly changed the New York skyline, including the building we are in today. These are special properties. Real estate is an art, not a science. What do you, because you put your name on a building or two, you think you changed the New York skyline? You've done far little for New York, other than shame, the great city of New York. Oh, and then this was the other part I wanted to
Starting point is 00:09:16 show you from Alina Habo, where she calls Donald Trump's, Don Jr. and Eric is adult. Donald Trump's, uh, Don Jr. and Eric, his adult children, she calls him, they, she calls them the kids, the kids here play this clip. We have concluded that he indeed committed no wrong. The Trump Organization committed no wrong and the kids have been dragged in just like the other defendants and it is wrong. Yes, just the, the, the little children of Donald Trump, Eric, who's basically her age in Don Jr. are now the kids according to Alina Habba. And oh, here, so what Donald Trump had to say at this as well, where he said that New
Starting point is 00:09:59 York Attorney General Leticia James caused Exxon to leave Manhattan. She's responsible for that. Play this clip. She went after Exxon and they decided to move to Texas and hundreds of millions of dollars they pay in taxes. I paid over three hundred million dollars of taxes over the last number of years, three hundred million and they don't recognize that. Exxon left Manhattan in 1989. And by the way, there was a small kind of coltie crowd in the hallways right there. And while Melania is mourning the death of her mother, Donald Trump's mother-in-law,
Starting point is 00:10:42 and Donald Trump tried to use the death of Melania's mother as an excuse for why he shouldn't show up because he said he was morning. Here's Donald Trump doing some weirdo celebration in the hall of 40 Wall Street to this small, Coltie crowd that he stages to cheer for him as he says these weird things. Play this clip. And that brings me though to what Don Jr. is also doing on the campaign trail right now. Don Jr. is going out there and I just have to play this clip for you because it's surreal. Don Jr. speaking to the MAGA cult following saying that he can't think of a single metric where anyone is better off now, even with COVID, even under COVID, even
Starting point is 00:11:47 when the unemployment was higher than it's ever been in our nation's history, Don Jr. says people are worse off now. Play this clip. People touting, you know, by dynamics, I'm like, I don't know man, I was a business guy. Before we got into this charming world of politics. And I was like, I can't think of a single metric where anyone is better off now than they were three years ago, even with COVID, frankly, right?
Starting point is 00:12:13 As one commentator wrote, the real question is, is Don Jr. as insane of a liar like his daddy or are both just an incredible level of moron or both or both, but it's a little bit deeper and more nefarious than that. What propagandists and authoritarians have learned historically is that if you keep on telling a big lie over and over again and gobble said this and Nazi Germany to keep down the big lie over and over again. Eventually people will believe it. And so this dystopian nightmare of American carnage that Fox and right wing media
Starting point is 00:12:54 ejects into the veins of its viewers, belittling its viewers, making its viewers and the cult followers of Maga feel like crap. Give them the impression against all empirical objective data because they don't believe in empirical objective data. They go after an attack doctor, Fauci. They go after the economists. They go after the professors. One of the first things authoritarians do is go after educators, go after people
Starting point is 00:13:22 who are providing the facts and the data. So you go after the data, the data doesn't matter. It's how they feel. And if they're feeling is all of the crap that's pumped out there by Fox and Newsmax and all this right wing crap, all of the time and all Fox goes, yeah, we'll make all this money pumping this crap and getting people scared. Then we'll pay close to a billion dollar defamation judgment when we lie. And then we'll just rinse and repeat and we'll make money off of the arbitrage between the profit and the defamation settlement. And there is our profit margin. And that becomes their freaking
Starting point is 00:14:02 business model at this point to lie to people to make them feel like crap and Ignore the objective empirical data, but folks What goes on in real world? That's why Donald Trump can't stand the courtroom where you have to have admissible evidence and facts and actually follow rules facts and actually follow rules. Maga doesn't want that to apply to them, but folks, I feel momentum. I do. I look at Donald Trump there and I see a weak pathetic grift. I see someone who's weak. I see losers right there.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And that's how we have to talk about a weak, whiny loser, the pide-piper of whining, doing a whining, weak tour across the country, whining about his personal freaking grievances. What a freaking loser. That is how we have to talk about it because what is that? You claim to be a billionaire, but you are whining like a pathetic little petulant child. That's who does that. That's how we need to talk about it. That's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I feel momentum in 2024. You've got Democrats going on the offense, the House of Representatives, ending Congress generally. You've got President Biden pushing back. These are good data points. But it's up to us. It's up to you, Dmitis Mide. Share these videos, let people know what's up and democracy is going to prevail.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Hit subscribe. We're on our way to 2 million subscribers. Thanks to your incredible support. Have a great day. Thanks so much for watching. We're only a few subscribers short of 2 million subs. Please subscribe right now to the Midest Touch YouTube channel for free and help us grow this unapologetically pro-democracy network. you

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