Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump SCREWED by SHOCKING New GUILTY PLEA of Ex-Lawyer in RICO Case

Episode Date: October 20, 2023

Lead w the video or at least clips that matter. We have breaking bombshell news against Trump in all his criminal cases. Ken Cheseboro, disgraced Trump lawyer, has just pled guilty and turned states e...vidence against Trump in the Fulton county, Georgia election interference case. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports that as part of Cheseboro’s plea, he will receive a conviction for a felony for conspiracy to submit false papers, Meaning the fake electors certificates, and fully cooperate with the state attorney against Donald Trump and others for their role in the criminal conspiracy, in return for five years of probation and first  This is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at today to get 10% off your first month and get on your way to being your best self! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What you have, yes. Yes. And that you truly testify at all hearings and trials involving co-defendants in this matter, that you have no communication with co-defendants, witnesses, or the media until all cases have been resolved against all co-defendants. Yes. And do you understand that you must give a full recorded proffer with the state that you continue to also provide documents and evidence subject to any law
Starting point is 00:00:24 for privileges asserted in good faith. Yes. And your honor, the defendant has already done an apology letter, which the state will tend to introduce evidence states and submit number one. And also this morning, Mr. Chesborough, along with council, did give a proffer to the state. And I believe there is an understanding
Starting point is 00:00:40 that any outstanding emails, text message, or any of those things will be turned over to the state and time limit. Yes. This is Michael Popok, legal AF. Another Donald Trump co-conspirator in Georgia has just pled guilty attorney Ken Chesbro has pled guilty rather than face a trial. Jerry selection was today, but in lieu of that, he and his attorney Scott Grubman appeared
Starting point is 00:01:02 along with the Fulton County DA in front of Judge Scott McAfee just moments ago and pled guilty to a felony count, count 15 in the indictment, conspiracy to file false documents related to the fake electors scheme that he, along with the others, including Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani participated in, we have another co-operating co-conspirator pleading guilty as a condition of his pleading. The other counts against him. The other felony counts against him will be handled by what's called a null process. They will not be dismissed, but they will be adjudicated as a null pros, meaning the only count that he's pleading guilty to is a felony, a felony count under the fifth count 15 of the indictment. He's also already given a full
Starting point is 00:01:54 proffer. That is a representation under oath of his sworn testimony against all of the co-conspirators and in furtherance of the crime for which he's been charged, he has as a condition of the plea deal accepted and negotiated by the Fulton County DA's office, Latisha James. Mr. Chesborough has a full obligation to continue to cooperate fully truthfully with the district attorney to testify and all upcoming trials, including against Rudy Giuliani, and of course, Donald Trump to do so truthfully, to turn over all his remaining documents and emails, to have no further contact at all with any of the co-conspirators.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And that means Donald Trump, of course. He's going to pay $5,000 in a restitution or find. He's going to be put on five years of probation. He's going to be treated under Georgia's first offender program or first offender act, which if he completes all of the conditions of his participation in that and basically colors inside the lines related to the plea deal that he just struck and that judge McAfee approved. He will be able to expunge his record. It'll never show that he was a convicted felon by plea.
Starting point is 00:03:16 If he completes the program, the big news here is we have our second cooperating witness, the two that said speedy trial. We're ready. Let's go to trial. And Fony Willis said, the two that said speedy trial. We're ready. Let's go to trial. And Fawni Willis said, we're ready to go to trial, Your Honor. And all of that, the preparation that went into being ready from the Fulton County DA's office went into the leverage that she had to get this plea deal coming on the
Starting point is 00:03:39 heels of Sydney Powell, the other now convicted, convicted criminal related to conspiracy involving Donald Trump, which happened just two days ago. We now have two former or current lawyers for Donald Trump with pled guilty said that they participated in the conspiracy, that they're guilty of the crimes that have been charged. And remember, this is a conspiracy count that they are that they are involved with, meaning there are others, including Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani who were mentioned by name in the clip that we just showed by the Fulton County District Attorney to remind everybody that in a conspiracy, everybody is responsible for everybody else's bad acts.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And two of the bad actors have just said we committed a crime. And that's Ken Chesborough, the constitutional lawyer who said he was just doing his legal duties, his professional responsibility to concoct the fraudulent fake electors scheme that was used in all seven battleground states, including in Georgia. And many all of the fake electors are part of the conspiracy in Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and others who helped with that conspiracy. Now have to face the new reality that just happened a few minutes ago that two people that they are, that they are alleged to have been in the conspiracy with said not only that they
Starting point is 00:05:04 did it, but that the conspiracy is a crime and are now cooperating with the district attorney against Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others. The show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Do you ever find that just as you're trying to fall asleep, your brain suddenly won't stop talking? Do your thoughts start racing right before bed or at other inopportune moments? For me during trial preparation or right after I record hot takes, I just can't fall asleep and collect my thoughts to quiet my mind.
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Starting point is 00:06:37 That's betterhelp. H-E-L-P dot com slash legalaf. Okay, and again, the reporting has been in and our analysis here on legal AF on this, on this network is been that Donald Trump was caught flat-footed, did not, was not aware that Sydney Powell was going to flip. Certainly wasn't aware that Ken Chesborough was. We predicted on legal AF just two days ago that now that Sydney Powell had the other person that was scheduled to go to trial on Monday had already
Starting point is 00:07:05 turned state's evidence, if you will, become a witness for the prosecution. Ken Chesborough would have been a fool. I think Karen Friedman, Igniflo, my co-worker said he would be crazy not to plead guilty and take a deal, especially if the deal is probation, if that's still on the table. And he did. He didn't even wait to see the jury selected. Sometimes these things happen closer in time after a jury is seated, put into the box,
Starting point is 00:07:28 and we're about to start opening statements. But Ken Chesboro, and you saw a very chased man there, a very chasing man there, who knows that he's guilty, pled guilty, said that he's guilty, and is ready to cooperate with the prosecutors in turn state's evidence. There are, of course, ramifications of this now. Now that this trial that was scheduled to take
Starting point is 00:07:49 five months comes off the board. Scott McAfee's got room now to try a new case and that could well be Donald Trump in early 2024. We expect or I expect the Fony Willis Fulton County DA is going to go soon next week and pick up the pieces here and tell Judge McAfee, well, we cleared our trial docket. We now have an opening and I'm ready to try the case of Donald Trump with those two, two now having pled guilty, a third having pled guilty two weeks ago in the coffee county aspect, the coffee county break in and computer cyber espionage that happened in the downloading of voter data that that Mr. Scott Hall was involved with. So we got three cooperating witnesses now who have pled guilty are cooperating with
Starting point is 00:08:37 phony Willis as she continues to move now with her remaining 17 or 16 co-conspirators, one named Donald Trump. If I'm her, I say we've just cleared our docket five months, judge. We're ready to go to trial with Donald Trump or she continues to flip. There's going to be more people turning state's evidence and flipping on Donald Trump. Now that these two have gone forward, you know, the people, especially the fake electors who are in harm's way, the architect of the fake electors scheme just played guilty. The fake electors are going to have to try to take probation.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Now there's going to be a race, a race to Fony Willis's office to try to take whatever best plea deal is available. She's giving out, now she's giving out felony plea. You got to plead to a felony, which is what we saw earlier with Mr. Hall. And now we saw it, Mr. Chessboro will give you probation, but you got to plead guilty to a felony. You got to point the finger at all the people that are involved in that conspiracy. So we're going to see a lot more. If she's got, you know, six or eight people left one being Donald Trump looming right in the middle to try the case in 2024. I'd be surprised at the rate and the velocity at which she is getting plea deals.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You know, so our hats off to Fony Willis in the Fulton County DA for what she was able to accomplish, which doesn't just happen. It comes from hard work and preparation. And when you have two of your co-defendants that want to play games and go to trial in 60 days or less, you're ready because when you filed your indictment, you'd spent the six months prior getting ready for a trial in case a defendant did exactly that. And she counter punched quickly, Fawne Willis and got them into her vice, squeezed it, and got two immediate, almost back to back plea deals in place and now cooperating witnesses.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So here's the headline, Ken Chesboro, constitutional attorney, who, along with John Eastman and Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell and others, created the fake elector scheme to try to keep Donald Trump in power. He's pled guilty to count 15 of his indictment, which is requiring five years of probation, full cooperation on his part, truthful testimony, a proffer he's already given, a apology note to the people of the state of Georgia, which he's already given 100 hours of community service of $5,000 fine, no firearms and understanding, no firearms that he can possess during the terms of his probation,
Starting point is 00:11:03 and understanding that he, that this could impact negatively his bar licenses Wherever they are which he which he acknowledged He also acknowledged that he is a felon that he did commit the crime and is is voluntarily and of his own free will Co-operating with the Fulton County DA he understands he can't violate any other laws while he's out on probation and that he's been at he asked and the judge granted his request to be treated as a first offender under Georgia law, which allows him if he completes the program and colors within the lines for the next five years to have that record of a felony conviction expunge taken off his record. And he is now a witness for the prosecution against Donald Trump. We'll cover it more on the weekend edition of legal AF here on the Midas Touch Network. I co-anchor it on Wednesdays
Starting point is 00:11:52 and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Only on the Midas Touch Network. And then you can follow us on hot takes just like this one from Karen Friedman, Agnifalo, Ben Micellis, and me, the three leaders of legal AF, only one place exclusively on the Midas Dutch network. Until my next hot tick, until my next legal AF episode, it's Michael Popock reporting on the plea deal just struck moments ago in which Ken Chespero, a lawyer for Donald Trump has pled guilty to conspiracy with Donald Trump, pled guilty to the crime, receiving a five year probation sentence, and full cooperation as now as witness for the prosecution against Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. AtmidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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