Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump SURPRISING ADMISSION Could Lead to MORE TROUBLE

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

Trump just admitted in his NY criminal probation officer interview that HE VIOLATED A CONDITION OF HIS RELEASE in all 4 criminal cases by FAILING TO TURN IN 1 of his 3 FIREARMS. Michael Popok explains... the difference between felons having their gun permits revoked with Trump’s crime of violating a condition of release by keeping a firearm at Mar a Lago and admitting it during his interview. Thanks to VIIA! Head to and use code LEGALAF for 15% off your purchase. Visit for more! Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:27 for info on crackens undertaking to register in Canada. Michael Popock, Legal AF. Donald Trump and the missing gun. No, it's not a perverse Dr. Seuss book. It is reality and apparently an admission that Donald Trump just made during his probation interview, which only lasted a half an hour with the New York probation department in order for them to create a pre-sentencing report to recommend a sentence for his convictions
Starting point is 00:00:49 in New York, revealed he disclosed that he's kept a third gun. He had three guns. There were three shooters. Two guns he turned in appropriately as a condition of his release in terms of all of his criminal prosecutions, New York, DC, Florida, and Georgia, but he kept a gun. In fact, he shipped it, and he admitted this in his interview as reporting has happened in the Daily Beast and other places, he shipped the gun to Florida. Now, the statutes and the conditions of release
Starting point is 00:01:19 say own or possess. Even if he disassembled the gun, sent it in parts, each part in a different package in a FedEx and had it transported or on Trump Air or whatever he calls that airplane, it is a violation of his conditions of release. And I would expect every prosecutor, Jack Smith, Fulton County DA, Fonny Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Special Counsel Jack Smith again, to bring this to the attention of the judges presiding over his case. Now, this is different from now that he's a felon, 34 count convicted felon, or will be in a judged convicted felon on July 11th when Judge Mershon enters the judgment of
Starting point is 00:02:00 conviction. This is a different issue. He had to as an indicted defendant facing felony charges in the criminal justice system, I think is a better way to put it. He had to as a condition of his release, whether set by a magistrate judge or set by a federal judge or a state judge,
Starting point is 00:02:22 he had to turn in his weapons. And apparently he had no problem with the first two. I'm even surprised as a side note that we allowed him to have three guns this whole time, but he got a concealed weapons permit in New York. Let me put a pin in that for a minute. I'm gonna talk in this hot take about the concealed weapons permit must-carry, right-to-carry rules and regulations overall in the United States, because they are different and they are state by state. Despite the existence of the Second Amendment, every state sort of regulates within the Second Amendment, on top of the Second Amendment, people's right to
Starting point is 00:02:55 carry. People's right to have a concealed weapon or an open carry, meaning you have a gun on your hip. And there are certain places in Texas where you can walk around with a gun or an AR, you know, AR-14 or whatever it is, or, you know, shotgun. You can go into your local bar or tavern and you can bring your gun into your McDonald's. Put that on hold for a minute. Donald Trump said he still had one of the three guns and that it was in Florida. Now his spokespeople say it was properly shipped to Florida.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I don't know what that means. I mean mean if this is a gun that he owns or controls unless he sold it, he had to have turned it in and by not doing it he's committed another crime potentially and he's violated the conditions of his release. It is a big problem. Now as a felon he's also not allowed to have handguns or firearms. So we got two issues kind of colliding on top of each other. We've got he's a convicted felon, not allowed to have a gun. He is a condition of release criminal defendant and wasn't allowed to have guns since last March, if not before.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And he just decided to take his own special dispensation and save one of his guns and ship it to Florida. And we'll talk about Florida next. Let me talk quickly about the concealed weapons permit laws. Most states regulate people's ability to own a handgun lawfully. Most states have, including New York, strict concealed weapons permit application
Starting point is 00:04:23 and regulatory processes. I've gone through it myself in Florida, back when they had one. In New York, until recently, you had to show a compelling need for personal safety protection in order to have a concealed weapons permit. It was very difficult until recently
Starting point is 00:04:40 to get a weapon in New York, to be able to own it lawfully, and to have a concealed carry permit York, to be able to own it lawfully, and to have a concealed carry permit, which could be revoked. It required fire gun safety training so you understand how the weapon works, go to a gun range, learn how it shoots, learn how to maintain it, maintenance, regulations, that type of thing.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And so that's a license or a privilege, and that can be revoked. In fact, the New York Police Department, which regulates in the area of the concealed weapons permit, is going to apparently revoke Donald Trump's concealed weapon permit, meaning usually there is a gun or a firearm that is attached to that permit, so he would never be able to have it and he wouldn't be able to have it ever until his concealed weapons permit was somehow reinstated as a felon. But in the meantime, he wasn't supposed to have the guns anyway as a condition of his
Starting point is 00:05:30 release. Now we had heard he turned in his guns back in March. We were like, well, that's a good thing. Now we understand that one of the three guns is missing and the Palm Beach County Police Department, which also regulates in that area, is looking into, apparently, according to its spokespeople, is looking into what happened to that weapon. It's their responsibility as well.
Starting point is 00:05:54 They can't have a registered or unregistered firearm that they don't know where it is. Now, the spokespeople for Donald Trump have said, "'Don't worry, we shipped it appropriately to Florida.'" I don't even know what that means. Yes, you can dismantle the gun. People take them on airplanes all the time. You have to put them in a lock box. You have to have the ammo separate from the firearm. You have to have permits. You have to show it at the ticket counter, all that stuff. And you could ship a gun too, separately, along with the ammunition.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But I don't care if it's in 57 different packages. If Donald Trump still owns and ultimately possesses that weapon, he has violated the terms and conditions of his release. This is separate from his, he won't be able to use them. He'd have to have them locked away. My days have been jam-packed for as long as I can remember, which makes winding down at night a tall task. Luckily, it's great sleep summer with our partner, Vaya Hemp. No more counting sheep just to be awake at 3 a.m. And trust me, I've been there. Vaya Hemp is a company dedicated to harnessing
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Starting point is 00:08:22 with their dream formula for gummies. It always drifts me right to sleep and the best part is I wake up feeling completely replenished. If you're 21 or over, check out the link to Viya in our description and use the code LegalAF to receive 15% off. After you purchase, they ask you where you heard about them. Please support our show and tell them we sent you. Get the rest you deserve with dreams from VIA." See, if you don't have a
Starting point is 00:08:52 concealed weapons permit, some states say you can't even own them. You can't even have them in a locked safe somewhere in your house for home protection. Now, there's some battles about the Second Amendment and whether those concealed weapon permit regulations will ultimately hold up. But it is an attempt to regulate. I mean, we have a Supreme Court that under, you know, the New York Rifle Association case from a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 00:09:17 said that under the second amendment, unless the regulation existed back in old timey days in the 1800s about gun control, we're not going to recognize those limitations on the Second Amendment. I never understood the mismatch. Second Amendment came in in the other period of another era of our time and why we're using the Wild Wild West in the 1800s as a point of reference. I have no idea. But that is the law under the Gruen case. 1800s as a point of reference, I have no idea, but that is the law under the Gruen case. Put that aside for a minute. Other states say, like Texas and Florida, you don't conceal weapons permit. You don't need that Second Amendment. I suddenly go into some other accent when I talk about that. Texas, there's even places in Texas you can open carry, put a gun on your hip,
Starting point is 00:10:01 wear bullets on your chest, carry a weapon in the streets, go to your local McDonald's, whatever you want to do. It's hard to believe. Florida had a concealed weapons permit process. You had to take training, you had to learn about your firearm, you had to learn how to shoot it, you had to learn how to maintain it and for gun safety and all of that, all those good things. And then they did a background check and they gave you a license. Governor DeSantis and his infinite wisdom decided under the Second Amendment and the new decision by the Supreme Court, you don't need a concealed weapons permit to own a gun and to have a gun in Florida. So people are just running around, the police and
Starting point is 00:10:35 law enforcement have no idea where these guns are, where they came from, right? There's no requirement to register them at your local police department and you can just have a gun. Now it has to be concealed. They're not allowing you to walk around you know your local restaurant with a gun on your hip. However, you know we're moving, we're verging into that territory. New York, a different story. Very, very tight in the ability, very, very hard to get a concealed weapons permit even today. So Donald Trump's is gonna be revoked. But separately we got this crime because he can't as a condition of his release, have a gun.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Donald Trump just decided, I don't want to turn in my third gun. I don't know if it was some sort of hand-me-down legacy, historic firearm. I don't know what it was, but it needed to be turned in. And he was so brazen that during the interview with the probation department to create the pre-sentencing report, he just admitted it in front of his lawyer. That's the reporting. Yep, didn't turn in that third gun. He gave the interview in Florida at Morillago by video conference back to New York with the probation department. They were like, it was like a half an hour thing. It wasn't that detailed. They're going to do their own background check on Donald Trump. Not hard. Just Google Donald Trump and you can create a dossier. But they wanted to ask some pertinent questions and get some information out of him. It's yet to be seen
Starting point is 00:11:53 whether he's going to have the mental health evaluation, which is necessary. That may be for another day. But in doing so, they asked him about his firearms. It's on the top of the mind and the tip of the tongue of law enforcement. Do you, Mr. Felon, have a firearm? And rather than say, no, I turned them all in, Donald Trump said, oh, I have one here in Florida, in Mar-a-Lago. Probably thinking, well, I don't need a permit. He's confused anyway. He probably thought, I don't need a permit to carry this weapon in Florida because of Governor DeSantis. That is a different issue as I've outlined on this hot take from your ability to have it as a condition of your release from the criminal justice system while you await your trial.
Starting point is 00:12:33 That is different. And I'm telling you in every one of those states, Georgia, DC, Florida, and New York, it was a condition of his release that he turned in his weapons. So now we're gonna see, now that that reporting is out, if that is accurate, which I believe it is, if that is accurate, all of the prosecutors
Starting point is 00:12:48 in all the different cases have to bring it to the attention of the judge, and they have to decide what to do next. See if that's a condition of his, if that condition has to be revoked, if some other fine or sanction or contempt has to be found against Donald Trump. He's already facing continued contempt sanctions
Starting point is 00:13:03 in processes up in New York. And we'll see what happens as we await this week the rulings by the United States Supreme Court on a number of bombshell issues that will rock our republic. A new decision on abortion, a new decision on gun control and the ability to own guns, a new decision about immunity and Donald Trump and whether he's going to be facing all four of his criminal charges in the District of Columbia, all up for grabs this week as the Supreme Court wraps up its term by issuing its final opinions. A Supreme Court that is in tatters ethically as Chief Justice and Justice Roberts, who
Starting point is 00:13:38 is circling the drain of history. That's what we're waiting on, that branch of government to act. In the same week that Hunter Biden got convicted for owning a handgun and possessing a handgun for 11 days after he lied on an application about his addiction to crack. That's where we're at. And I'm going to continue to follow it right here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. That's a show, people ask me, how'd you come up with that name? Now you know why when you hear stories like this. Every Wednesday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Eastern time,
Starting point is 00:14:08 right here on the Midas Touch Network, exclusively there, we curate the top four or five stories at the intersection of law and politics and lawyers on Legal AF and the co-anchors, Karen Friedman, Nick Nifilo, Michael Popak, and Ben Micellus. Bring it to you the way we know how, the only way we know how to bring it,
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