Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump Uses NEW WEAPON to Attack Prosecutor

Episode Date: January 19, 2024

Let’s end the MAGA rumor mill right now in its tracks: Fulton County DA Fani Willis is NOT BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION because she is friends with one of her special pr...osecutors. Michael Popok calls out the new lie circulating in MAGA world to try to undermine the prosecutor and get the Trump indictment dismissed. Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bet on the NFL with Fandule, official sports put partner of the NFL. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sports book. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamling Problem Call 18665-312-200 of Michael Popok, legal AF. Let me start the hot take right off by telling you that Fawni Willis, Fulton County District Attorney, is not the subject of a Georgia Bureau of Investigation investigation.
Starting point is 00:00:27 The GBI is not investigating Fawni Willis because she may or may not be dating somebody that's on her side of the V on her prosecutor team against Donald Trump. And who cares? And talk about balls for them to protect a former president who's currently currently, as I speak, as I record, on trial for punitive damages for having raped, sexually assaulted a woman, a victim, and then defamed her over and over again requiring punitive damages to be imposed by a jury for the second time. How dare they talk about who funny willis as a consenting adult who single chooses to see
Starting point is 00:01:08 after hours or not. What does it have to do at all with the validity of the indictment, the foundation of the indictment against Donald Trump? Fony Willis, as I've said before, didn't indict Donald Trump a grand jury, a grand jury process indicted Donald Trump, a grand jury, a grand jury process indicted Donald Trump on the standing on the shoulders of a special purpose grand jury that made a report and recommendation to indict Donald Trump. Funny Willis didn't indict.
Starting point is 00:01:35 What funny Willis does with their own money and are off hours, it doesn't matter a wit to the validity and credibility of the indictment. And so now you have right wing maga on that with their 2.4 million of followers on X or Twitter coming out and just floating out the scandalous, girlous allegation that maybe, not even maybe allegedly the GBI is investigating funny will us. It's a lie. It's a lie. And the person that did that will put it up on the screen. Jack Posobiek don't know who he is. I didn't either, but apparently 2.4 million people want to follow him for Mervatorin as a beautiful picture of his family up there all wearing American flags. I assume he's a Trumper and maga by the things that he's posted goes by Jack Poso. All right, well, this is Michael Popok, Jack Poso. And you should take it down. I went
Starting point is 00:02:32 on the site right before I did the hot dick, still up there. And that forced the hand of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation because we talk about facts here on legal AF. We don't blow smoke or sunshine. I just tell you the facts gbi has come out with a statement and they said that no gbi investigation of farty well as there is no gbi investigation of farty well as and they didn't use waffle language wiggle room at this time
Starting point is 00:02:57 at all there's nothing to see here there's nothing to investigate as my colleague on legal a, Karen Friedman Agnipolo put it so plainly, this is an HR matter at best, at worst, right? Fawney Willis and Nathan Wade are allowed to go out for drinks, even if those drinks are on a Caribbean island. I don't care. If he was on the other side defending Donald Trump and she had an improper relationship with them, now you're talking about an ethical dilemma.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But the fact that she's dating somebody, I've been doing this for 32 years. I know the rules of professional conduct state by state pretty well. There's no provision that says that a prosecutor can't have a relationship or friendship or whatever it is with somebody on their team. And in no way does that undermine the lawsuit or the indictment? Funny well, it says a lot of friends. She's got three of them that are special counsel in the case, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Two of them are white. One of them is black male. And the one that they attacked, of course, is the black male and the black woman making the decisions about and challenging her judgment about who she's put on the prosecution team. It's not like she's wasting money. I Used I did a prior hot dick where I said she's spent about a million dollars of a budget at some of money to prosecute Donald Trump and 17 other people and all the investigation and all the special grand jury work and all the regular grand jury work
Starting point is 00:04:34 and the trial work and the motion practice and the bond hearings and getting people to flip and getting felony please in her favor and witnesses for the prosecution. And she's done that with an additional budget of about a million dollars, 650,000 to Nathan Wade. Jack Smith, and I love Jack Smith and the special counsel's work, but he's trying a much less complicated case against Donald Trump and one defendant in the District of Columbia four counts of conspiracy. And he's got a very simple Mar-a-Lago case,
Starting point is 00:05:08 with not a lot of moving parts down in Florida. He's got a difficult judge. I'll just leave it at that in Alien Cannon. But it's not an overly complex case. Fannie Willis sprawling, racketeering indictment that goes on for pages, dozens and dozens and dozens of paragraphs, hundreds of witnesses, and she spent a million dollars. That shows a tremendous amount of efficiency and proper judgment by Fony Willis.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Jack Smith spent $14 million. I mean, $5 or $7 million of it is to protect him and his staff from Donald Trump for security measures. But can anybody challenge the fiscal responsibility of Fonny Willis? Maybe it's a good thing she hired somebody that may be her boyfriend because he's working for peanuts and working overtime as a result. I think the argument runs the other way. I think he's working harder, right? More efficiently, billing less because he may have a relationship with the person that
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Starting point is 00:07:52 If you want to try Beams best-selling dream powder, take advantage of their biggest sale of the year and get up to 50% off for a limited time. When you go to slash legal AF, the discount is auto applied to checkout. No code necessary. That shop B E A M dot com slash legal AF for up to 50% off. And they don't have standing Mike Roman, the evidence against him for being the mule who ran on the ground, the fake electric scheme, getting the certificates in the hands of Mike Pence, the pressure, Mike Pence on behalf of the then president of the United States, Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:08:41 He's already had one witness turn against him. Ken Chesbro, a lawyer for Donald Trump, the one of the architects of the fake electric scheme, it's already testified against. And we know it. We've done it here on the Midas Touch Network on legal AF when Ken Chesbro cooperated with the Michigan Attorney General. So Mike Chesbro desperate circling the drain
Starting point is 00:09:02 has his lawyer Ashley Merchant, whoever that is, file this motion without supporting affidavits, without declarations at all to try to cast spursions at Fony Willis. And now right on cue, Maga World, Maga Web World, Jack Poso, whoever that is, saying I've heard a rumor. Hmm. She allegedly, when you see that, you might as well tune out. But of course, I read underneath all of his followers jumped on all sorts of inappropriate messaging and pictures of faunny and statements and comments attacking her right on Q.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And that's why I got to clear it up right here on the Midas Touch Network. I hope you I hope our audience comes here for legal a phone Wednesdays and Saturdays for hot takes like this one to get the straight story to get the facts right we're not we're not patronizing we're not telling you what to think but we're giving you the information and we're debunking and ripping the mask off of lies, lies that undermine the integrity of our justice system and make people feel insecure about a major pillar of our democracy, which is our court system. It's all it's doing. They think they're helping Donald Trump. All they're doing is undermining public confidence in a major pillar of our society and our democracy. And they
Starting point is 00:10:31 don't care. You know, one day Donald Trump won't be here, you know, by natural causes, let's say, and or he goes to jail and or loses and comes off the national stage, which would be great. But he apparently is a leader of a movement that may live on beyond him. And they're going to continue to do what this guy did. Jack Poso did, right, with his Poso posts, which are defamatory against Fawney Willis. And if Fawney Willis was investigated by the GPI, we'd be the first ones on legal AF to bring it to you with a breaking hot tick and explain it to you, put it in context. That's not what happened.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So I got to jump on my microphone and I got to spend time educating those that follow our hot ticks and legal a F to tell them a straight story so that when they're having a conversation with their friends and neighbors and those around them and somebody pulls out a palm card provided by MAGA and starts thrilling off, well I heard the Fawney Willis is being investigated above GBI and you can say that's absolutely false. And the GBI is issued a statement that has said
Starting point is 00:11:34 that's absolutely false. Get your facts straight. Can't have a debate with somebody where they're just making up on the fly their own facts. Facts are immutable. They are what they are. The tree fell in the woods or it didn't fall in the woods. It's not well, I have an opinion that if it leaned over far enough
Starting point is 00:11:53 but didn't actually fall, it counts as falling. That's not an argument, that's an opinion. That's not a fact, like Jack Poso putting out a fact that's a lie about Fony Willis. We got it. We have to shine the light on this. And we got to put all of these allegations through an acid bath and test them and pressure test them and then tell you what we think. And that's what we do on legal AF every Wednesday and Saturday. Join us there. Don't touch that dial. You're already here. It's the Midas Touch Network. We do hot takes like this one, about every hour at the intersection
Starting point is 00:12:26 of law, politics, and justice, and we'll continue to do it. So until my next hot take, till my next legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Thanks so much for watching. We're only a few subscribers short of two million subs. Please subscribe right now to the Midas Touch YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:12:42 for free and help us grow this unapologetically pro-democracy network. subscribe right now to the Midest Touch YouTube channel for free and help us grow this unapologetically Pro Democracy Network.

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