Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trumpers LOSE THEIR MIND Over FAIR JURORS

Episode Date: April 17, 2024

Now, MAGA is reduced to asking prospective Trump jurors to LIE THEIR WAY ON THE JURY, and commit FELONIES, in order to acquit Trump regardless of the facts or law. Michael Popok examines right wing �...�legal commentator” Clay Travis’ call for ILLEGAL jury tampering and “jury nullification” to encourage runaway jurors to step forward and to their “patriotic” duty. Head to or use code LEGALAF to automatically get a free pack of honey sticks with your order — a $15 value! Visit for more! Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Well, Clay Travis lit up the left today. All it took was one tweet. It says, if you're a Trump supporter in New York City who's a part of the jury pool, do everything you can to get seated on the jury and then refuse to convict as a matter of principle, dooming the case via hung jury. It's the most patriotic thing you could possibly do. And Clay joins us now. Clay, you aren't suggesting that there's a stealth juror that maybe is dishonest during jury selection and totally boots this trial on purpose.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Would you be suggesting something like that? Jesse, you know me. There are few people on the planet with higher standards of just decorum. And as you can well see by the way I am dressed, few people who are just more beloved in the entire legal profession than me. So, Jesse, of course I would say legally,
Starting point is 00:00:58 I want everyone to behave in the absolute perfect fashion. So, Michael Popov with the Legal AF Hot Take. Now, MAGA legal commentators are just saying out loud that New Yorkers should commit felonies in order to help Donald Trump win his criminal trial. Right. Clay Travis, who is on a show called Outkick, who took over for Rush Limbaugh at some point, and says he's some sort of lawyer
Starting point is 00:01:24 that practiced in the Virgin Islands, has now made himself into some sort of insta-legal commentator, and he is in his own social media, and we'll put it up on the screen here, has just said that to do their patriotic duty, people in New York should work to get onto the jury by lying about their ability to be fair and impartial, to get as many Trump MAGA people on as possible. Once they're there, no matter what the evidence and no matter what the facts that are presented, they should vote to acquit and hang the jury.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That's Clay Travis. I'm going to play a clip from Clay Travis in a moment so you can see who I'm talking about. But let me just break it down first. The first request that he's making, yes, is a federal crime, even though this is a state prosecution. There is a specific statute, 18 USC 1623, particularly that I'm going to read for you, that Travis is actually encouraging people to violate. The statute says that whoever under oath, which is what you take when you're being a prospective juror, in any proceeding before any court of the United States, which includes the New York criminal court, knowingly makes any false material declaration or makes or
Starting point is 00:02:45 uses any other information, knowing the same to contain any false material declaration shall be fined or imprisoned." So when you are telling the court and the other lawyers during voir dire, the jury selection process, that you can be fair and impartial, when you're just trying to be a runaway juror who gets on, not going to put his hands over their eyes and ears, and doesn't matter what happens in the courtroom, doesn't matter what the evidence is, doesn't matter what the facts are, you're going to vote to acquit Donald Trump, that is a felony. And the comeback for that, you'll see Clay Travis' comeback for that, is that he said,
Starting point is 00:03:29 no, no, I'm not asking for people to commit a felony. I'm asking them to do jury nullification and therefore that's not a felony. I mean, I don't know what law school, well, actually, I do know what law school he went to. He went to Vanderbilt and then practiced in the Virgin Islands. This is a guy, just so before I tell you why he's wrong again and I'll explain what jury nullification is and I'm not making this up. I never make up things ever on Legal AF or really anywhere in my life. I don't blow smoke or sunshine. Clay Travis once went on a pudding strike because he couldn't get NFL Sunday ticket in the Virgin Islands when he lived and worked there, which means he ate nothing but pudding for 50 days
Starting point is 00:04:13 in order to get DirecTV to give him the NFL Sunday package. That apparently is his main legal credential to tell you and me that New Yorkers where he doesn't live should commit felonies and willingly participate in unlawful jury nullification in order to do their patriotic duty to help Donald Trump. This episode of Legal AF is brought to you by Manicura Honey, also known as the honey with superpowers. Let me share something sweet with you.
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Starting point is 00:06:13 That's slash legal af to get $25 off your starter kit. This is the ultimate honey indulge and try some honey with super powers from Manakura. Manakura is incredible and I'm so thankful they're a partner of the show. I look forward to Manakura every morning. Make sure you click the link in our description or head to slash legal AF and try some today. Jury nullification. We'll do a little Patreon breakout session here, is a concept in which the jury, because they like the person,
Starting point is 00:06:53 they wanna help the person, the defendant, they ignore all evidence, they ignore the law, they ignore the instructions of the judge, and they just make up their mind that they're gonna acquit the defendant. That's called jury nullification. Lawyers sometimes illegally subject to reversible error try to invite jury nullification. They tell the jury at some point either directly or indirectly in their closing argument or
Starting point is 00:07:22 their opening statement that some implicit know, some implicit instruction. Don't worry what the law and the facts are. If you just feel that my guy's getting railroaded or he's subject to selective prosecution in the case of Donald Trump, a quit, vote to a quit, that is an exhortation towards jury nullification. And it is unlawful in New York under a long line of court of appeals decisions to encourage jury nullification. It is unlawful in New York under a long line of court of appeals decisions to encourage jury nullification. We don't want juries once sworn to deliberate fair and impartially to ignore the facts and the legal instructions by the judge and just come up
Starting point is 00:08:00 with their own result. That is exactly what Clay Travis, a leading MAGA commentator, who used to be a Democrat, is asking for. Just to give you a little taste of Clay Travis, here's a clip from him appearing recently on Fox saying that this case particularly is gonna help lead to a Trump landslide, just so you could orient yourself into his sort of get inside his,
Starting point is 00:08:26 his, his cranium here for a moment. Let's play the clip. Story. Uh, first of all, Laura, that, that's an incredible argument. I know that's the new pivot is that Trump actually gets too beneficial treatment from the courts. Uh, Sam Bingman Fried just got sentenced to 25 years in prison. His business was way bigger than anything that Trump owns.
Starting point is 00:08:45 So I don't think there's a too big to fail element here. But look, I think everything going on in New York City, this is the big deal, is actually benefiting Trump. Well, he might have one day if he hadn't gone to prison for 25 years. I think he was already contemplating it, by the way. But if you look at Trump right now, he's up five in the latest Fox News poll. He is up in all seven swing states according to real clear politics.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We're not just talking about a Trump win. We're talking about a potential Trump landslide against Biden. And I think it's all because this lawfare is blowing up in the Democrat party's face. If you ask them all, you got South Florida, you got DC, you got New York City, you got Atlanta. If you're only gonna get one trial complete, I think that's what they're going to get.
Starting point is 00:09:27 They're going to get bookkeeping fraud that's been elevated from a misdemeanor to a felony based on, and this is me speaking as a lawyer, total BS claim that doesn't actually stand up, I think, on the appeals basis to be able to use another case to elevate from a misdemeanor to a felony. Oh, by the way, while Alvin Bragg is lowering almost every felony in New York to a misdemeanor, he's elevating a bookkeeping misdemeanor to a felony. This is going to put Trump in the White House. And I think it's going to put Trump in the White House so far as this is playing in a massive win, even bigger than his win in 2016, which Rachel Maddow and company still refuse to acknowledge. Some would say it's going to come down to a few battleground states.
Starting point is 00:10:05 All right, so that's lawyer, for those that are listening to me and not watching me. Ah, I just found a way to make confetti fly. That lawyer, Clay Travis, practice in the Virgin Islands, who's claimed the fame in the legal profession before he got here and replaced Rush Limbaugh on a radio show and a podcast
Starting point is 00:10:28 was that he went on a pudding strike. He's encouraging this. Now there's a little bit of a social media war going on now with Clay Travis, with Eric Swalwell, friend of Midas Touch, in which Eric Swalwell called him out very quickly and said, you're asking for people to commit a felony. He said, no, you imbecile.
Starting point is 00:10:46 We'll put it up on the screen. No, you imbecile. I'm not asking for a jury tampering or for them to lie. I'm just asking for them once they're in there to nullify, to do jury nullification. And that is the same thing by another name. That's just as one commentator said, word salad. That, you know, your request to encourage somebody
Starting point is 00:11:09 to actually commit the unlawful act of jury nullification is a version of jury tampering, which is unlawful, both under New York law and under federal law. Look, this is what we're dealing with here. That's why we say, or I say on Legal AF, I don't blow smoke or sunshine. This is what we're dealing with here. That's why we say, or I say on Legal AF, I don't blow smoke or sunshine. This is what we're up against. They claim that Donald Trump is innocent.
Starting point is 00:11:31 This is the Biden interference election case. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump. They never want to take responsibility or have Donald Trump take responsibility for his bad conduct. Can you imagine if Donald Trump was a schoolboy and was caught for all of these things and in response to the principal trying to give him some sort of discipline, detention, suspension, extra study hall, he came up with all these series of excuses and attempts to delay the punishment and I mean, and blamed other people. You know, he's the one that's putting little girl's hair into inkwells.
Starting point is 00:12:11 He's the one that's setting fires in the corner, and yet he blames everybody else. He blames, effectively, he insults the intelligence of the American electorate. Let me just call it for what it is. Donald Trump and his followers and his defenders insult the intelligence of the American electorate. Let me just call it for what it is. For what it is. Donald Trump and his followers and his defenders insult the intelligence of the American electorate. It's like the old country song, who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes? That's what Clay Travis is asking for. Don't believe the evidence. Don't believe the facts. Just believe the lies of Donald Trump and vote for jury nullification.
Starting point is 00:12:46 A crime. That's what they're down to. They can't win fair and square in a courtroom. The evidence is overwhelming in the four different criminal cases against Donald Trump. The one in New York, I was out there yesterday. Actually, we'll roll a clip of me out there yesterday. And I was meeting people out in the, besides media, there was more media outnumbered the amount of protesters or counter protesters for Trump by about five to one. But having said that, you know, I had a conversation with somebody that I ran into who's a legal AF supporter from Philadelphia. And we were talking about things that they can do
Starting point is 00:13:28 in advance of the election, like voter registration, especially in Western Pennsylvania. And I basically pointed to the courthouse and I said to this person that I met, who's a legal AF fan, I said, he's getting convicted of this crime. I mean, that comes from 33 years of experience in the New York court systems.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And in jury trials just like this one, the glass ceiling of Donald Trump being convicted has already been broken. He was convicted, his companies were convicted of tax fraud by this very same Manhattan DA in this very same courthouse, the 100 Center Street Criminal Courthouse from Manhattan with 12 other jurors, with the same one of the two same defense lawyers on the other side. The only difference is Donald Trump will have to make a decision whether he's going to testify or not. We know what happens when he testifies, really terrible things to him. Judgments get increased tenfold when he testifies. He testified in the New York Attorney General case, tried to do his own closing argument. What happened? $465 million judgment against him. He testified in the second E. Jean Carroll case, and the judgment went up
Starting point is 00:14:40 with a new jury from $5 million to $83 a half million. New Yorkers don't like or trust Donald Trump. Yes, he gets the benefit of being presumed innocent. I'm not calling for jury nullification, but I also know my fellow people from Manhattan, the Manhattanites, and they are a hearty bunch who don't really like BS. That's why you don't see a lot of people down. I mean, literally, I counted them. There were 25 people total who were down there for day one of the trial. No Marjorie Taylor Greene, none of her boyfriend, none of those other people. It was just rows and rows of media trucks. We'll show a clip of that. And about, I would say, 15 Trumpers, three wearing MAGA hats, and then everybody else was just against Donald Trump and calling for his conviction.
Starting point is 00:15:32 But I'm convinced based on the weight of the evidence, the amount of witnesses that will testify against Donald Trump, including people in his inner circle. And I'm not just talking about Michael Cohen. There's plenty of other people who are going to testify. I mean, just to show you how strong of a case the Manhattan DA thinks they have against Donald Trump with all of the physical evidence, circumstantial evidence, inferential evidence, audio tapes, and witness testimony, they don't even need Alvin Bragg. I'm sorry, let me try it again. They don't even need Allen Weisselberg. They need Alvin Bragg. He's the prosecutor. They don't need Allen Weisselberg, who's the former chief financial officer,
Starting point is 00:16:09 twice convicted felon who's now in Rikers Island, who'd been the 50-year money man for Donald Trump and was a key witness in terms of the factual chronology in the case. They cut a deal with him to have him just be sentenced to five months, go to Rikers Island, and don't testify for the prosecution. That's how strong their case is. They don't need one of the people through which the payoff to Stormy Daniels and the Books and Records issue passed. That's called bravado, which I applaud by way of Alvin Bragg. So look, we'll continue to follow it. We're doing, you know, daily shows on the analysis. I'm doing hourly hot takes on what's going on from my perspective as a practicing New York lawyer
Starting point is 00:16:54 and defense lawyer right here on Legal AF. We do it on Wednesdays and Saturdays, a podcast. We pull it all together. We do four or five other stories along with the Trump trial. Of course, it's taking up a lot of our time at the intersection of law and politics at 8pm Eastern time on this YouTube channel. If you like what I'm doing, go over to Midas Touch's YouTube channel, free subscribe, and then you can get all of my hot takes there under Michael Popak and
Starting point is 00:17:21 playlists or contributors. So until my next hot take, leave me a comment and a thumbs up. It helps keep me on the air, so to speak. And until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary. Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive into the important legal concepts you need to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, all for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash Legal AF. That's slash Legal AF.

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