Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump’s Lawyer Makes TOTAL FOOL OF HERSELF at Trial

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas gives a full recap of how Donald Trump’s lawyer was constantly admonished by the federal judge for her behavior at the federal defamation trial in the case brought agai...nst Donald Trump by E Jean Carroll and now Donald Trump was reprimanded as well. Visit to pick the razor for you and use code LEGALAF for 2 years worth of free blades! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So day two of trial in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case against Donald Trump just concluded the case is being tried in federal court in Manhattan, the Southern District of New York. You saw E. Jean Carroll leaving the courthouse. There were numerous instances today where both Alina Haba and Donald Trump were admonished by federal judge Kaplan. It started very early in the day where Alina Haba requested an adjornment of the proceedings. Judge Kaplan, it started very early in the day where Alina Habba requested an enjoyment of the proceedings. Judge Kaplan denied that. And what became very clear is Alina Habba has no clue how to do the basics of trying a case. I don't believe she's ever done a trial in
Starting point is 00:00:59 federal court before. And numerous occasions Judge Kaplan was saying to her, you have to follow the rules. If you want to introduce evidence, you have to show it to the witness. You have to ask the witness if she recognizes the document. You then have to ask that it be admitted. And then you can request that it be published before the jury. You can't just start belerting out things in my courtroom, Ms. Haba.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And so Testimony today was taken of E. Jean Carroll, the direct testimony and the questions being asked by E. Jean Carroll's lawyer, Sean Crowley. We're on point Crowley's a pro and E. Jean Carol handed herself Powerfully during direct examination honestly emotionally It was heartwarming to hear the strength of E. Jean Carol then Alina Habewent Let me just give you some of the low lights and then let's just go through this together of what went down Including where Donald Trump made a comment to the judge, like, well, why don't you just kick me out, judge, you can kick me out. And judge Kaplan's like, I'm sure that's what you want me to do.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And it's unclear to me why you are just physically incapable of controlling yourself and circumstances like this. Oh, and then after the proceedings ended today, before the jury even exited the room, normally the party stand up. They wait for the jurors to leave and then the parties walk out. As soon as the proceedings and Donald Trump cut off the jury, like, like box them away
Starting point is 00:02:38 and then walked out first, which is just unheard of and so disrespectful to jurors. And it's just not what you do. Let me just give you some of the main low lights and then let's just go through this together. So Alina Habba looks like she's like reading something as she's questioning E. Jean Carroll and Habba goes, oh, before I say this, special shout out to at inner city press on X, they've done an incredible job being in the courtroom and posting these things. So I just want to give a massive shout out to them. So Alina Habba says she's like reading from a piece of paper. Habba goes, many people called you a liar before the president
Starting point is 00:03:18 made his statement. Ejian tarot's lawyers say objection. She's not even asking a question, Your Honor. She's just saying words right now. And Alina Habagos, I wasn't finished. It says here, referring to a document, you're a pathetic old hag. And federal judge Lewis Kaplan then goes, Ms. Habagos, that's not evidence. And Alina Habagos, I'm trying to get it in your honor and judge Kaplan goes, no, we are not going to read out loud a document that is not in evidence. We're going to take a break, ladies and gentlemen, of the jury, and we're going to return at 330 and you, Ms. Haba, are going to refresh your memory about how you get a document into evidence because you apparently don't know how to do a federal trial.
Starting point is 00:04:11 The jury then was let out. The jury comes back in and Judge Kaplan goes, Miss Haba can't use documents that are not in evidence. Jury comes in. Alina Habba goes to a E. Jean Carroll. Did you receive tweets in the five hours before President Trump spoke?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Carroll, I hadn't seen them. Habba, were you tagged? Judge Kaplan, don't get into content of the documents before they are admitted into evidence. Miss Habba and Alina Habba goes, how do you, how do you suggest that I proceed, Your Honor? What do I do? Judge Kaplan goes, show it to her, ask her if she recognizes it. And Alina Habba goes, do you recognize this Miss Carol? And then Judge Kaplan goes, it's not marked. It should be marked.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Miss Habba just do this appropriately. Do it overnight. Just do the work you're supposed to do before you come into my courtroom. They need to be pre marked Miss Habba. Do you understand that? And then Alina Habba goes, did you anticipate the public would immediately believe your allegations of Judge Kaplan just had enough sidebar come over here? And Judge Kaplan was admonishing her at sidebar and saying, Habba, you don't know how to put evidence in.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You have to show the witness without the jury a document. You have to build a foundation. Do they recognize the document? The exhibit has to be marked. It has to have an exhibit number. Then you can request that the document be published before the jury. And only then can you ask E. Jean Carroll about it. It's a very simple process. Here's the thing. Everyone knows how annoying cheap razors are. They cut you. They irritate you. And heck, they frustrate you, and don't get me started with subscription razor services, can you say, eh! That's why you gotta meet Henson shaving.
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Starting point is 00:08:30 Here's what went down. Alina Habba was like, you said, Miss Carol, that you came to New York to interview Fran Leibowitz, judge Kaplan goes, let me get the transcript of what it is that you're claiming she said. And Roberta Kaplan goes, your honor, I don't even really know what she's doing. Alina Habba goes, May I proceed, Your Honor? And Judge Kaplan goes, No, she just said something. And you have not provided the court with a transcript of what you are claiming that she
Starting point is 00:09:00 said, Miss Habba, listen to me. We are going to do this my way in the courtroom. And that's how it's going to be. You tell me the line number from a transcript. And I read it. Then we go from there about whether you can publish it before the jury and Alina Haba goes, well, I was just reading and Judge Kaplan goes, okay, we are going to take a recess. You will provide me with the line number. Okay. You give me the line number.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I determine if it could go before the jury. That's the way that trials work. You don't just make up your own rules. And then, uh, Alina Habagos, um, page 14, six through eight, and the judge is like, okay, well, what are you doing? Are you offering this transcript now into evidence with these portions, and Alina Haba goes, no, I'm offering it for impeachment, Your Honor, and Judge Kaplan goes, those are two different things.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Those are two, do you know what impeachment is? And again, Alina Habba showing that she just does not know how to do a basic trial. And there was another moment where Alina Habba asked for a mistrial. And so one of the things that E. Jean Carroll had testified to is that some of the death threats that she had received, she's deleted some of the death threats. So here's the testimony that E. Jean Carroll gave. So I may have deleted some emails to. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Alina Habba, did you give them to your lawyers? No question. Why not? I don't want to upset them. Habba, do you keep the supporting emails? Carroll, yes, I tend to delete questions and I know I won't use, but I have an entire label for supportive messages. Habba, do you control your email?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Carol, yes, Habba. So only you deleted them, Carol, yes, Habba. Miss Carol, are you aware it is illegal to delete evidence? Agent Carol's lawyer objection. Alina Habba says, I move for a mistrial. Evidence has been deleted and Judge Kaplan goes denied and the jury will disregard everything that Miss Habba has just said.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You will disregard everything. By the way, Alina Habba mentioned might as touch during her cross-examina of E. Jean Carroll. Alina Habba goes, didn't you testify? You don't like talking about Donald Trump? Objection, Judge Kaplan, sustain. Alina Habibos, let's talk about podcasts. The daily, all ears might as touch.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And then E. Jean Carol goes like, yeah. Another question Alina Habibos says, you have a gun. Do you have a license for your gun? And E. Jean Carroll says no, and Alina Habba goes, are you aware that you need to have a license and judge Kaplan goes, what are you talking about? Ms. Habba don't even start down that line. That is nothing to do with this case at all.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Here was just an emotional line I thought where Alina Habba said, Miss Carol, have you ever said that you like speaking with me and E. Jean Carroll says yes and then Alina Habba goes, is that at some level because you enjoy all of this attention you are getting and E. Jean Carroll goes, I want people to know that women can win. I'm 80 years old. It's not right to try to make women be quiet. Here is the moment where Judge Kaplan threatened to kick Donald Trump out of court. So this is from Erica Orden, another great reporter who's in the courthouse. Judge Kaplan threatened to kick Trump out of court after E. Jean Carroll's council complained that Donald Trump, while
Starting point is 00:12:44 there was mumbling and making these noises and saying, she's a liar, she's a liar, she's lying and doing it loud enough so the jury can hear. And Judge Kaplan says, Mr. Trump has the right to be present here. That right can be forfeited. Mr. Trump, I hope I don't have to consider excluding you from this trial. Then Donald Trump threw his hands up and some said, even bang the table. And Trump goes, I would love that. I would love that. And then he whispered to Alina, nasty man, nasty man, and judge Kaplan continue, I know you would, Mr. Trump. I know you would. You just can't control yourself in this circumstance, apparently. You don't know how to control your behavior.
Starting point is 00:13:32 By the way, thereafter, Donald Trump went on his social media and then started defaming George Conway and saying that George Conway attacked him and made all false claims against Donald Trump. And George Conway is like, great. Now I have a liable claim. Now I'm going to sue Donald Trump for a defamation. I'll do a further video on that. And as I mentioned, the day began with Alina Habba requesting an adjornment and Judge Kaplan saying, denied Alina Habba continuing to talk and the judge saying,
Starting point is 00:14:05 what don't you understand Miss Habba about denied? No, sit down and over and over again throughout the proceedings. Judge Kaplan would control his courtroom and tell Alina Habba, sit down right now, denied, denied, denied. And by the way, let's take a break. And maybe you could learn, Miss Habba, how you do a trial because you do not know how to
Starting point is 00:14:30 even act as a lawyer. And you had Alina Habba just thinking she could just what read documents and no, there's an order to how trials take place. And so the jury saw most of that too that Alina Haba doesn't know what she's doing, getting and managed for not knowing how to basically introduce evidence, saying incorrect statements of law. I mean, look, Joe Takapina, who withdrew from all of Donald Trump's other cases, I have a lot to criticize Takapina about for taking the case in the first place. But Takapina knew how to be a trial lawyer, compare this to Alina Habba,
Starting point is 00:15:09 who just got absolutely shut down for almost basic competence. Like the stuff that she was asking horrific, but this came down to basic competence that she totally lacked, never tried a federal case before. And wait, tell me what you think in the comments below. But whew, bombshells after bombshells of today with Alinaab and not knowing what in the world she was embarrassing for Alinaab. Oh, by the way, thanks for the Midas Touch shout out, Alinaab,
Starting point is 00:15:36 but we appreciate it. Hit subscribe, we're on our way to two million subscribers, thanks to your support and check us out at slash might as touch and have a great day. Thanks so much for watching. We're only a few subscribers short of two million subs. Please subscribe right now to the Midas Touch YouTube channel for free and help us grow this unapologetically pro-democracy network. you

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