Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Very BROKEN Trump TOO CHEAP to Afford Settlement, Foreshadows DOOM

Episode Date: November 21, 2023

Trump operated a golf course in NJ that contributed to the death of a man in a car rollover because his staff was more worried about a bar tab than human life. Michael Popok reports on the incongruity... of Trump, arguing that he’s a multi billionaire in New York, while he had the gall to spread the $400k administrative fine his golf course was hit with for the death of a former patron, over four years on a payment plan. Get 20% off when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Michael Popack, legal AF, wherever Donald Trump goes and operates his business as death destruction and injury follows. We got yet another example that's now raised to the surface of Donald Trump operating a business that ultimately contributed to somebody getting killed. And Donald Trump didn't take responsibility for it. In fact, when he got fined by the new Jersey attorney general, because this happened in New Jersey, he not only just got away with a $400,000 fine for the death of the person, but he put it on a payment plan, a layaway plan, paying $100,000 a year, just to show you that there's no moral compass and no compassion in the Trump world or Donald Trump himself. I mean, he should have been paying for this. What happened?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Here's what happened on this attic. In 2015, a person who with his father went to a Trump golf course in New Jersey, not the one in Bedminster, but one in my home county in Mommoth County, New Jersey, at the Trump National Golf Course after playing a round of golf, got drunk and was continued to be served alcohol by the Trump Organization, by Trump National, beyond his limits. And we have laws against that. We call them responsible vendor laws, which require people who have the privilege of a alcohol beverage license to make sure they're distributing alcohol safely. And if they notice and they're trained to do this, if they notice somebody's had one too many, you don't continue to serve them.
Starting point is 00:01:36 But that's what Trump National did to Mr. Andrew Halder, then 33, who with his father, Gary Halder, now deceased left the golf course drunk, Mr. the younger holder and then couldn't very near to the golf course, couldn't navigate a moving from one highway to another highway. Hit a curb, flipped as many as many Cooper and killed his father. Now there's two issues here. One under the dram shop laws and liability, Donald Trump and his organization should have been responsible in part for that catastrophe and that loss of life. To the extent that Donald Trump didn't pay a dime towards the Halter family losing their
Starting point is 00:02:19 father, that was wrong. But what else is wrong is the New Jersey attorney general cutting Donald Trump a pass in 2019, interesting year, while he was still president. Okay. So there we got another issue, right? Chris Christie just left being governor, Republican, sort of in that cuss period. And now the New Jersey attorney general cuts a deal with Donald Trump, where he not only only has to pay a $400,000 fine and have to agree to let his, let more training happen at his golf course to make sure that people abide by responsible vendor laws related to alcohol,
Starting point is 00:02:56 but he got them to agree not only that the $400,000 fine be that amount so low, but that it be paid over time. be that amount, so low, but that it'd be paid over time. The New Jersey Attorney General allowed Donald Trump to pay this like an installment plan, like he was buying something at the local department store. That is on one side. On the other side is the death of Gary Holter, who died in the flip in the, and been lost by his son, being served beyond his limits by the Trump national golf course. I mean, it's an embarrassment. You know, I'm a, as people know, I'm a Jersey guy.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I live part-time in Mom with County. I know this golf course. You know, I ride by it on the way to some other things that I go shopping at. And it's a, it's a, it is beyond a shame. And I'm glad we're bringing, we're shedding light on this now. The Donald Trump and his organization got away with murder or at least got away with a car being flipped over that killed the passenger because Donald Trump made an extra $7 selling an extra beer that he shouldn't have through his workers there at the Trump National Golf
Starting point is 00:04:02 Course. What is it with Donald Trump and golf courses and crimes? They're just the scene of so many crimes, you know, or clubs. Clubs are golf clubs. It doesn't matter to this guy, he'll just commit a crime wherever he can find it. And then when he's got the moment to step up and be the moral leader of the world, I mean, he is at the time the president of United States when he cuts the deal or his family does
Starting point is 00:04:28 or whatever it is. How does he cut it? The 400,000, he's so cheap. The $400,000 isn't low enough. He's got to put it on a payment plan. Whether you're traveling back home, hosting the entire family or recovering from the annual holiday party,
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Starting point is 00:06:16 The Donald Trump for the last seven weeks is arguing inside and outside of a courtroom in New York that he's a billionaire several times over. Well, if you're a billionaire several times over, including during this relevant time period, then why do you need to be on a payment plan, right? And why aren't you taking care of the holder family, who's who lost their father, grandfather, brother, and the son, right? Because your organization was not properly trained and needed to make the extra buck selling that last glass of booze or beer.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Why? And then why when you have the moment to do the right thing? Do you enter into a relatively secret confidential agreement with the New York Attorney General, the New Jersey Attorney General in which you are going to pay it out over time. It's just mind boggling to me. What this guy gets away with.
Starting point is 00:07:13 People are running around worried about our president, Joe Biden, celebrating his 81st birthday. At the same time, there's a whole group of Americans that don't care that Donald Trump regularly flouts the law, morality, contributes to the death of somebody, doesn't take responsibility for it, commits crimes in a crime spree that stretches multiple states in 91 felonies, and yet people are worried about Joe Biden. I mean, it's just it boggles the mind. If Joe Biden had contributed to the death of somebody, it, you know, the collective heads of Maga right wing in Congress would explode on cue. But, you know, the problem is, and we talk about a lot of hot takes like this one
Starting point is 00:08:06 on legal AF or on the Midas Touch Network, there is a built in baked in Trump fatigue, and we try to fight through it in bringing you without blowing smoke or sunshine, the truth about events like this, so you can make your own decision when you go into that ballot box. That's where it matters. Holding and harboring the position that Donald Trump is unfit to be
Starting point is 00:08:32 the leader of the free world and ever get within a mile of the White House is one thing. Doing something about it to contribute to his defeat is a horse of a different color. And you need to have this kind of information, right? You need to have these data points in order not only to vote for yourself, but to contribute to the dialogue to get others to vote in a similar way. And so that's why we do what we do here on the Midas Touch Network and exclusively there and bring you this information because I think it's important. I think it's important that you know that Donald Trump's golf course contributed to the death of a patron because they wanted to make another buck serving his bar tab.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I think that's important. If you're watching this, I'm hoping you think it's important too. You may not agree with my conclusions related to it and my juxtaposition with that with Donald Trump, bragging that he's a multi billionaire in New York and doesn't get enough credit for it, contrasted with he's trying to set up a payment plan to pay off the blood off his hands, the blood money off his hands. But that's my analysis. That comes from years of my expertise in training that I bring here on the legal AF podcast and on the Midas Touch Network. So if you like this kind of information coming to you straight, unadulterated, we do it one place.
Starting point is 00:09:58 You know where it is. It's the Midas Touch Network. Help them get to two million free subscribers. It's all free. The bigger they get as an independent grassroots media company, which is what they are with no outside investors, the more your voice is heard. And then join me every Wednesday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time for a curated podcast. We call legal AF. It is exactly what you think by the title. I do it on Wednesdays with one co-anchor Karen Friedman at Nifalo. I do it on Saturdays with Ben, my cellus.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And then you can get us on audio podcast platforms wherever you get your audio podcasts from. Until my next hot tick, until my next legal AF, says Michael Popak reporting. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. AtmitusTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. Michael Popok reporting.

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