Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Wondery | AMERICAN SCANDAL: Snowden

Episode Date: September 2, 2022

The terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, took a large toll on America’s sense of security. In the dawn of this new era, Congress moved to take swift action by creating the Patriot Act. The sta...ted goal was to identify and strike back against terrorists, but in practice, the law had much wider-reaching effects. But everything changed in 2013 when an intelligence contractor named Edward Snowden decided to expose the truth, leaking more classified documents than any whistleblower in American history. This four-part series from American Scandal follows Edward Snowden’s transformation, from a respected intelligence officer, to the most wanted whistleblower in the world.     This is just a preview of Edward Snowden from American Scandal, but you can listen to the rest of this episode at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This has been my cellus host of legal AF with Michael Popack, and I want to tell you about a podcast that I am looking forward to. All scandals begin with a lie. A lie that's ultimately revealed and followed by outrage. American scandal is a podcast from Wondery that takes you deep into the most infamous scandals in American history to see what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they're caught. The newest season explores one scandal that proved extremely polarizing, elicited widely disparate reactions, and had a majorly profound global impact, all because of one man, and where it's noted.
Starting point is 00:00:42 It all started in 2013 when the young contractor with the NSA leaked thousands of documents outlining the secret and the legal mass surveillance operation. The United States was running on its own citizen. Most people were shocked at the depths of the government's illegal surveillance. Consequently, many argued was Edwards noten a whistleblower or a trader.
Starting point is 00:01:04 This season of American scandal explores the questions raised by the infamous leaks. Who was Edward Snowden? Why did he do it? And how did he manage to steal invaluable information from the most secretive intelligence agency in the world? His name alone lists at strong emotions. Agree or disagree with his actions. We owe it to ourselves to understand the whole story. You're about to hear a preview of Edward Snowden from American scandal. While you're listening, follow American scandal on Amazon music, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to Wondery Plus and Apple Podcasts or the Wondery app to listen one week early
Starting point is 00:01:51 and add free. It's a week day afternoon in late 2012. Edward Snowden is carrying a desktop computer through a long and empty hallway. The walls are reinforced with concrete, and the lights overhead are bright, fluorescent, and buzzing with menace. Snowden pauses to set down a large computer and catches breath. He wipes away a bead of sweat from his forehead, and then Snowden shakes out his arms.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He grabs the computer again and continues down the corridor, hoping he won't run into anyone. As he hurries down the hallway, Snowden tries to reassure himself that he's going to be fine. He's 29 years old, pale and lanky, looking a lot like the other guys here in this government installation outside Honolulu. The building is buried deep underground
Starting point is 00:02:47 Underneath an old pineapple field Everyone working here had to say goodbye to the Hawaiian son and accept that they aren't gonna get much of a tan So Snow knows he doesn't look out of place, and it's not that suspicious for him to be carrying an old computer He's an analyst with a national security agency the kind of guy who spends his entire day on a computer, and this underground building is where he works. Still, Snowden can't help but feel a rising panic that's threatening to overwhelm him. He's about to carry out a dangerous plan. Snowden is going to blow the whistle on the United States government. He's going to reveal that the NSA has been conducting mass surveillance on American citizens without their knowledge. Snowden firmly believes
Starting point is 00:03:28 the public deserves to know the truth that American democracy could be at risk if the country's intelligence agencies are left unchecked. But Snowden is also aware that doing the right thing could land him in prison. So he has to be careful. He has to get back to his office with this old PC, a computer that's central to his plan. And if he sees anyone, Snowden has to make sure they don't ask too many questions. Snowden rounds a corner when suddenly,
Starting point is 00:03:56 he spots a director of IT. Snowden looks left and right, his heart pounding, but there's nowhere to escape. Hey, Ed. I was just looking for you. Hi, what's up? Oh nothing serious. You've been running? You little sweaty. Running? No, I'm allergic to exercise.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Okay, but you're doing alright? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a sweaty guy. Well, anyways, I've been getting reports of an internet slowdown. I just wanted to know if you guys were having issues too. Just fine, I think. Yeah, thanks for checking though. See you around. Snowden begins to walk forward,
Starting point is 00:04:31 but the IT director lays a hand on his shoulder. Well, hold on, hold on. What do you got there? Is one of the old delts? Yeah, yeah, actually it is. I thought we got rid of those when we upgraded. Well, it's funny. There's a whole closet of them. Why is that funny? What are you doing with it?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Oh, you know, just, uh... Snowden's mind races, trying to come up with a good response. Stealing government secrets? The IT director pauses, giving Snowden a long and skeptical look. And for a moment, Snowden is certain he's about to get caught. But then the IT director bursts out laughing. Ed, you are a weird one.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Alright, I'll see you around. The director claps Snowden on the shoulder and walks away. And once he's out of sight, Snowden next hails in relief. That was close. Snowden was certain his plan was about to go up in flames. But somehow, he survived. And now Snowden was certain his plan was about to go up in flames. But somehow he survived, and now Snowden just needs to finish carrying out the plan. Snowden shifts the computer in his forearms and hustles to his office. There, he shuts the door and sets down the old desktop machine. Snowden gazes at the computer, reviewing the monumental task in front of him.
Starting point is 00:05:42 He's about to steal top secret documents from the NSA. He'll store them on this old computer which doesn't have to be connected to government servers. It's safe and secure, and once he sorts through everything, Snowden is going to leak the files and show the public that the government has been breaking the law. We've been listening to a preview of Edward Snowden from American Scandal. Make sure to check out the full episode wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You just heard a preview of Edward Snowden from American Scandal. Listen to the full episode wherever you get your podcasts. This has been my cellist from Legal AF. It was an honor to share with you a podcast that I will be certainly listening to you. Share your thoughts about the podcast. You can reach out to me on Twitter, direct message me, tag me, let me know what you think. This has been my cell is shout out to the Midas Mighty.

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