Legends of the Old West - UPDATE: Apache Wars & Bonus Content!

Episode Date: May 13, 2020

Exciting new things are on the horizon. Here are the quick hits: Apache Wars has been delayed. It will now begin May 27. Explanation in the episode. Bonus content is on the way! We've partnered with ...a company to create a premium listening experience. Hear about some of the features in the episode. The back catalogue is on its way to YouTube... Thanks Legends Family. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit amex.ca slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by Lego Fortnite. Lego Fortnite is the ultimate survival crafting game found within Fortnite. It's not just Fortnite Battle Royale with minifigures. It's an entirely new experience that combines the best of Lego play and
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Starting point is 00:01:14 I know you're supposed to be listening to episode 1 of the Apache Wars series right now, so let me start with that. Before I get into a couple things that I know you're going to like, so let me just get the stuff that needs to happen out of the way. So Apache Wars has been delayed for two weeks. It will now start May 27th, 2020. And here's why. So I won't get too deep into the technical jargon here, but I think you do need to know a little bit of the behind the scenes stuff. So as happens in most businesses, we had to make a decision or a couple decisions. And, you know, what always seems to happen, you make one decision, then it forces you to make another and another and another. And it turns into kind of a chain reaction. And there's like a domino effect. And so we ended up having to make a couple decisions a couple weeks ago that have now led to this point.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So the big decision that we ended up having to make recently that we were putting off for quite a while longer was that we're going to switch hosting companies for our podcast episodes. So the technical jargon a little bit is that when I produce an episode, I upload it to a hosting service that then pipes it into all the different podcast apps where you're listening right now. So we've been talking about changing that for a long time. And again, we made a decision a couple of weeks ago, which then ultimately trickled down to needing to make this decision to switch hosting services right now. We needed to be safe about this.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And I just decided, you know, I would rather go through this elaborate process and all these complicated steps over the next 10 days or so and not run the risk of hurting the Apache Wars series. I didn't want to do this changeover the risk of hurting the Apache war series. I didn't want to do this changeover in the middle of the Apache war series. So we're going to delay the series release until May 27. So we can totally complete this switch from one hosting service to another. So you know, that's the basic nuts and bolts of what's happening with the Apache war series. It will begin in two weeks. I hope you like it when it happens.
Starting point is 00:03:09 But that's the reason you're listening to me in this kind of crazy update episode rather than stories of Mangus Coloradus and Cochise and Geronimo right now. Number two is much more fun and exciting in that we have talked about bonus content for a long time. It's actually happening. I wasn't lying every time I've said that. It has been happening. a long time. It's actually happening. I wasn't lying. Every time I've said that it has been happening. It's coming out also in the next couple weeks. That whole system is being put in place right now, as we also prepare for this big switchover. And I won't get too deep into the weeds of exactly what's going to be in a part of the bonus system and how it's going to work. I'm going to do a whole nother update episode next week that's going to get into the step by step process of subscribing to this
Starting point is 00:03:45 this plant these plans it's very simple so don't I don't want to make it sound like a super complicated thing it's incredibly easy the service that we've signed up with to deliver this information to you guys is great it's just a matter of a few clicks but here's the stuff I do want to tease you with a little bit that we are going to finally have the ability to deliver bingeable seasons. Many of you have said over and over again, I love the episodes, but I hate waiting week to week to listen to them. Thank you. That's very flattering. I love the fact that you want to keep listening to the series as fast as possible. So we are going to make that available. Finally, we've finally been able to. that available. Finally, we've finally been able to, we're starting to work ahead far enough so that we can deliver every episode of a new season on the day that the first episode airs for people
Starting point is 00:04:31 who want to subscribe to that feature. In addition, you'll be able, those same subscribers will be able to receive bonus episodes like we've always talked about, exclusive episodes that are only available to subscribers and will never be on the free podcast feed. So I'll be back next week to give a full update on that whole system and how it's going to work because I want you to be able to just subscribe right from the episode notes. So that whole process is in the works.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Last update, which is kind of like a half update because many of you, if not all of you, already know that I started YouTube pages for both Legends of the Old West and Infamous America, where you can watch slash listen to the episodes through YouTube. Every week, the new episode that airs on the podcast feed also gets uploaded to the YouTube page. So the new update is that starting that first, that week of, would it be May 25th, the week of Monday, May 25th, when the first Apache Wars episode will air on May 27th, that week, I'm going to start rolling out the entire back catalog of Legends of the Old West, basically working backwards in time.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So each week, I'll deliver a new batch of episodes from the old catalog, starting with Jesse James and working our way backward all the way to the very beginning. So a lot of new things happening by the end of May. Going to have a ton of new stuff for everyone. You're going to have back catalog episodes on YouTube, bonus content stuff coming at you. And of course, hopefully you won't notice any kind of difference in the regular free podcast feed when we do this big hosting switch. If all works correctly, you'll never know that it happened. You'll just have to take my word for it. So keep an eye out for everything. I will
Starting point is 00:06:09 return in one week with a bigger bonus content update episode. Thanks for your patience, everyone. I really appreciate it. Cheers.

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