Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari - 10 Things I’m Loving Right Now
Episode Date: February 11, 2025This episode is a different style episode but just as fun. I talk about the 10 things I've been loving as of late. Everything from how I've gotten my hair to grow, the beauty treatment that's... been a game changer for my under eyes, a book detailing what a dominatrix learned about power, why I'm on a major carb kick, the dinner experience I can't get enough of, the solution to a gel allergy, what's been helping me sleep like a baby, all of my favorite sweats, the new martini I'm loving, and getting rid of the thing that emits the highest level of EMFs in our homes. A word from my sponsors:YNAB - Listeners of Let's Be Honest can claim an exclusive three-month trial, with no credit card required at www.YNAB.com/HONESTSKIMS - Check out the Fits Everybody Collection at https://www.skims.com/honest #skimspartnerRitual - Get the good stuff to your gut, with delayed-release capsule tech that supports a balanced microbiome. Feel the difference, daily, with Synbiotic+. Get 25% off your first month at Ritual.com/BEHONEST.Wayfair - Give your home the refresh it needs with Wayfair. Head to Wayfair.com right now.BILT - Start earning points on rent you're already paying by going to joinbilt.com/HONEST.Gatorade - Put your water to work with Gatorade Hydration Booster.For more Let's Be Honest, follow along at:@kristincavallari on Instagram@kristincavallari and @dearmedia on TikTokLet's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari on YouTubeProduced by Dear Media.This episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct, or indirect financial interest in products, or services referred to in this episode.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
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The following podcast is a Dear Media production.
This is Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari, a podcast all about getting real and open
on everything from sex, relationships, reality TV, wellness, family, and so much more.
And just a fair warning, there will probably be some oversharing.
Welcome in.
How is everybody doing today? because I got all the power, yep. Welcome in.
How is everybody doing today?
I am changing things up today.
I have a fun episode planned.
I'm going to do the top 10 things that I've
been loving as of late.
And I will not lie to you guys, I'm
trying to come up with creative ways that I can avoid
talking about my personal life because I am actively trying to stay out of the media world
because I do know that here in a few short weeks when I go on my podcast tour, that is
going to be an absolute frenzy.
I just can already see it happening because I'm knee deep in booking all of my guests.
I have huge surprises for you guys.
I cannot wait to announce who's coming on my tour.
I actually might not announce it.
I might just wait until, you know,
the show to just bring these people out.
But I think you guys are gonna be really excited,
but I can tell you right now,
it is definitely gonna create headlines.
So I am trying to stay quiet lay low and not ruffle any feathers here for the next few weeks
And then after the tour I plan on also going quiet for a while. So I have
Been coming up with creative ways that I can have this podcast but not talk about anything personal
so this podcast but not talk about anything personal. So today we are gonna talk
about like I said the top 10 things I've been loving and these are in no
particular order. They are kind of all over the map random as fuck but they are
just truly the the things that I've been really excited about or doing or loving or what have you. So let's jump
in. And again, no particular order. The first one is I am so
obsessed with this stuff called butana oil. And this is one
situation where tick tock got me not I didn't buy this product
off of tick tock, but I get a lot of these videos, I guess,
of people saying, you know, these natural hacks,
these beauty hacks, these life hacks,
these whatever they are, and I'm all for a natural hack.
I think you guys know that about me by now.
I love to, for the most part, keep things clean.
There are a few things I kind of bend on that,
but I love a natural alternative to anything. So,
botana oil. Didn't really know what to expect.
The thing I saw on TikTok said it's great for hair growth and that people with
alopecia actually use botana oil to help grow their hair back.
So I thought, fuck, you know, I'll give it a go. Why not?
I've got nothing to lose.
So I went on Amazon.
I just got one off of Amazon.
And I think any time you're looking at any sort of oil,
olive oil, avocado oil, botanical oil,
you want to make sure it's organic or cold pressed.
Like, you want to look for all of those buzzy words.
So you can find that stuff on Amazon.
So I found what I thought was a good quality one
and it's not expensive.
I think it was nine bucks or something and I got it.
And the reason I got it is because
when I would put my hair back,
I had these two little spots.
I think this is called a widow's peak.
No, this is a widow's peak.
Well, whatever.
The ones that are off to the side.
The widow's peak is in the middle, I believe.
I'm not by any means losing hair, but I just had these like two little spots I
was like I could I could fill those in a little bit you know like all of a sudden
now I'm 38 I'm like what's happening so I decided to get it and I just I put it
on these two spots and then I would kind of massage it in these spots and then I
actually when I could if I didn't have to work or do anything
I would actually put it through my whole all of my hair
Not a ton because you'll definitely look like a grease ball, but I would just kind of like run it through
With my fingers and then I would use a brush and brush it through my hair. Well guys long story short after
You know, I'm not it was probably a month I got my hair colored and Cody, the guy who
colors my hair, told me that I had a bunch of new growth. And I was like, wait, seriously?
I'm so excited. And I've been using it since because I was so excited about that. It's
probably been six months or so. And I specifically, I'll put it on my ends and stuff. I also,
in my head, I sort of just think it's like a good natural deep conditioner, sort
of a mask is how I'll also use it.
But I've been putting on these spots and I've had a lot of new growth in these spots, you
And it's crazy and I'm so excited about it.
So I wanted to share that with you.
If you guys have a specific spot on your head that you're trying to grow or I don't know I think it's just been I think it's been good for
my overall the health of my hair overall.
My hair is actually the healthiest it's been in a long time and I'm really thankful for
that hair is really important to me it always has been since I was a little girl.
So butana oil there you go.
The only thing is it smells kind of kind of smells like an ashtray or something.
That's, it's not a great smell, but it works.
So you can't have it all.
Okay, the other thing that I've been loving,
fucking loving that is making a difference
in the way I look is PRF.
And if you guys don't know what PRF is, I'm gonna tell you. PRF is when they
take your blood, they spin it for 15 minutes so then what you get on top of
it is this like gold plasma. They take that gold plasma and they quite
literally inject it under your eyes and it is regenerative that's a hard word for me to say
regenerative meaning it helps your under eyes sort of it naturally helps
your under eyes sort of replenish itself for lack of better words I've done it
four or five times now and I was doing it every six weeks there. And I kid you not, it has changed my under eyes.
It's nice.
So when you first do it, you're a little puffy.
There's like a day and a half, two days,
where if you're going to be out in the world,
you definitely are probably going
to want to wear sunglasses.
Some people, I don't know, maybe after a day
you can kind of venture into the world.
But then you actually do look sort of filled in
for like a week or so I would say, which is kind of nice.
And then you can see it like slowly kind of go away.
But after you do it three or four times,
you will notice that long-term now,
it actually makes a huge difference.
I was also doing that at the same time
and I would do micro-needling with same thing, the plasma.
And again, regenerative, time and I would do micro needling with same thing the the plasma and again
regenerative it's supposed to help your your skin build its own collagen back
it's just it's good for so many different things and I swear by it I
have made an effort to do those things every six weeks
PRF after the fourth time now I haven't done it in a minute I'm taking a little
bit of a break because I just, I don't need it.
But I am continuing with the micro needling
and these are natural things that you can do
that make a huge difference that as far as I know,
don't have any side effects.
Don't quote me on that.
Obviously talk to a professional.
But it's your own blood.
It's your body produces this.
So to me, that stuff makes a lot of sense than injecting a foreign object into your
I was going to say body, but I've got implants.
But on the implant conversation, you know, I did my boobs nine years ago.
I wonder if I were given the opportunity today if I would get an implant or not.
I don't know. That's hard to say. I know that the implant illness thing is a real thing.
I have not had any symptoms. Very lucky, very thankful for that.
But I do know that that is a real thing that exists.
And I'm also not crazy about having a foreign object in my body, you know, if we're being completely honest.
I definitely think about that from time to time.
But here we are, I made the decision
after breastfeeding three kids,
and that was nine years ago.
So, anywho, that's not the conversation today.
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I want to talk to you guys about skims. Skims, bras, and underwear are the only intimates
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Let's chat about Wayfair.
I don't know about you guys,
but I love after the holiday season,
just kinda giving my house a little TLC,
putting away all the holiday hustle and bustle
and just getting things back to normal.
I'm all about decluttering.
I am the opposite of a hoarder.
I love getting rid of things
and just having my whole house be super organized
just makes me feel grounded, balanced in my head.
But no matter what you wanna do with your home,
Wayfair has got you covered and all within your budget.
You guys know I recently moved into a new house
and we're still doing some final touches,
got some renovations going on,
but for the most part we're getting there
and I've gotten a lot of stuff on Wayfair.
Actually, all three kids' rooms are mostly from Wayfair.
I just recently got Sailor this really cute swing
that hangs from her ceiling.
It's white and it has these little twinkling lights in it.
She loves it.
I think it's adorable.
And she has all of her stuffed animals on it,
which is really cute,
but she can actually sit on it and read a book or swing
or do her homework or whatever.
And I love that their delivery is super fast.
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Okay, this one is random. We're about to take a left turn. Something I've been doing a lot more of
in the last eight-ish months is I've been eating way more carbs than I have since
I was a kid and I've been able to not think about my weight, worry about my
like my weight doesn't even cross my mind anymore and I've decided carbs are
not what's making us fat.
And let me clarify this.
Good quality carbs, good quality sourdough.
I even questioned the sourdough that's at Whole Foods.
I'm sorry, but I do.
Because when you look at the ingredient labels,
ideally you want sourdough to have
what, three or four ingredients?
Flour, salt, water, and
probably yeast maybe? I don't even know if there's yeast. Well yeah there's gotta
be. But the ones at Whole Foods have all kinds of shit in them. So I don't know if
you're eating good quality the pasta that I get from Italy you can get that
at Whole Foods. Durham semolina wheat I think is what it is. But making sure, read
the ingredient labels, make sure it's really good quality,
that there's like one, you know,
mainly just one ingredient in pasta anyways.
Bread, same thing.
It should, minimal ingredients are what is key here,
but it's been fascinating for me
because I used to be scared of carbs in a lot of ways.
And you know, we were told for so
long that carbs are what you know essentially make you fat and I just
wholeheartedly disagree and again everything goes back to quality if
you're eating good quality everything I think you can eat everything in
moderation but I just really don't think that carbs are the devil every single
morning for breakfast I have a huge piece of
sourdough toast with two eggs usually. I was trying to up my protein
and I was doing three eggs for a minute but it just became a lot of food. I would
rather eat the bread than have an extra egg. And then I eat right, well I
usually do leftovers for lunch but I do a ton of rice, but we would
do a ton of pasta.
We do pizza, but I get the pizza dough.
So I'm lucky because I have, if you're in Tennessee, the kneaded loaf is a woman and
she makes all of these sourdough products out of her house and you go and do these pickups.
And I, that's what I do that every week.
And we get multiple loaves of sourdough bread.
We do the pizza crust.
She has cinnamon rolls that are fucking amazing.
And so we just got burger buns.
I'm making burgers tonight and we got sourdough burger buns
which I'm really excited to try.
Those are new.
And so again, I just really go back to,
if you can, I think try to find,
if farmers markets are great places to find
this stuff I get sourdough bagels at the farmers market that I go to every
Saturday and so it can be done you guys it's sometimes it's more effort 1000%
to have to make an extra trip somewhere to let's say someone's house to do a
porch pickup or to the farmers market I get it in addition to the grocery store
listen two days ago I because if I can't make it to the farmers market, I get it, in addition to the grocery store. Listen, two days ago, I,
because if I can't make it to the farmers market,
or if I haven't in a while,
there are some of the places that I love
that do these pickups,
these like little farm stand pickups,
and the place I get all of my ground,
or all of my meat, not just my ground beef,
all of my beef from Bear Creek Farm,
I'll shout out all my places here in Tennessee,
and you can go and do a pickup.
And I had so much going on that day.
I was so fucking stressed out.
Honestly, I had just gotten home from,
I had to go to Colorado for a funeral.
And my kids had an early release day,
so they were home at 1.15.
And it was just, I, there's a lot happening right now
on the work front as well.
And I was like, I have to go get meat. And I was so pissed
about it. But I was like, this is what I'm doing for the health of my family,
because that's how much I care about it. So I think if you care about it, you can
make it a priority. That was not what I should have been doing on Wednesday
afternoon was going and doing a beef pickup. But I did it because that's
important to me. So you just have to decide if this stuff is important to you,
it can absolutely be done. But my whole point of this bullet point was
that carbs are not the devil and I think there's something to being really free
with food, allowing yourself to eat what you want to a degree and not worrying
about it. I think the combination of all of those things really goes a long way. Okay, the next one is I am currently reading a book called
Unbound and this book is amazing. A friend told me about it and it is
written by Adominatrix about essentially what she has learned about power over
the years of doing this as a
job and I'm only halfway done with it but it talks a lot about the dominant
role and the submissive role and in a lot of ways the submissive role is being
vulnerable but I think what she's trying to get across is that those two roles
are very different than how we've classified them in our society. And they're both equally as important. And there's a art to the way
that you move about life while doing both of those roles that I think some people sort
of naturally do and aren't even aware of, but she gives you concrete examples of like how to be successful as a dominant to get what you want or in
the same breath how you can be submissive and get what you want. And what
else does she talk about? She talks about, it's even interesting because she talks
about just a normal conversation with a friend or a colleague or whoever and how
there's this natural ebb and flow of submissive and dominant,
and it's like a ping pong game.
It just sort of goes back and forth.
And a lot of times we don't even realize
that we're doing it,
but it's fascinating to hear her perspective on it.
But she also, I love that she describes
the whole point of how people respond to a dominant is really the basis
of it is that so many people right in their everyday lives are are the dominant and for
them to give themselves fully to someone and I don't even mean just sexually okay this
book is very far beyond sexually.
Of course there are sexual elements to it
because she was a dominatrix,
but it's so much bigger than that.
But her whole thing is having someone be able to
become the submissive and have someone else
just fully take over.
And when you're the submissive,
it's all about your pleasure. And allowing yourself that so that someone else can fully take over and when you're the submissive it's all about your pleasure and
allowing yourself that so that someone else can fully take over she says that
you know even the most powerful people they just like melt in that submissive
role and I can appreciate that I feel like I'm definitely a dominant in most
of my life and that's why in a relationship I actually love so much to
be the submissive and so I relate to that. Again I'm speaking way beyond just
sexually. I think it's a much broader thing. Anyways I think that this book is
really great and I think it would be good for truly anybody to read especially
if you're someone who wants to go after what you want in life,
but you kind of don't know how. This book really kind of gives you permission to
be you and to chase your dreams and it's encouraging to get to know yourself at
such a deep level that you know what your desires are. Because I think a lot
of people don't even know their own desires. And how can you live a fulfilled happy life
if you don't even know what you want?
So if that speaks to you, definitely get this book
because it's the best book I've read in a long time.
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Okay, let's talk about Gatorade. You guys know I'm a health nut and I'm all about staying hydrated
Well Gatorade hydration booster puts my water to work to help me do just that
You guys know I love electrolytes. I'm always trying to get them in especially when I'm working out if I'm
going in the sauna. Traveling I also love to have them with me. I love just
throwing these Gatorade hydration booster packets in my bag having one in
my purse just anytime I leave the house it's part of my routine you know you
check for your keys your wallet your phone and also my electrolytes. It's formulated
specifically for all day always on hydration. It has an advanced blend of
electrolytes from watermelon, sea salt and other sodium and potassium salts.
It's packed with essential vitamins A, C, B3, B5, and B6. There are no artificial flavors,
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best no matter what the day throws at you. This product is for anyone with a
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as much water as maybe you normally do or you've been just neglecting your hydration.
Okay guys, so put your water to work
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Okay, the next thing that I love is,
currently loving, is amakase.
Amakase, amakase?
I'm probably mispronouncing that.
But it is a, it's sushi, but it's the style of sushi and it is a 16 course sushi experience.
Justin and I kind of mentioned it on a previous podcast because we did that on my birthday
actually with my kids. But it's one piece of sushi per course and you go
and you sit at the bar and the sushi chefs are incredible and typically I
mean now it's becoming very popular so I don't know you know if there's like I
guess knockoff versions is sort of the way to say it. But typically the quality
of fish is incredible. There's a place here in Nashville sushi bar and they fly
in all of their fish from Japan and New Zealand and just the quality of fish is incredible. There's a place here in Nashville, a sushi bar. And they fly in all of their fish from Japan and New
Zealand, and just the quality.
This fish melts in your mouth.
And how these chefs prepare just what would normally
be a simple piece of fish on rice is phenomenal.
It will blow your socks off.
It is so fun.
It's because there's so much going on,
and they're always explaining each piece to you. you know you're with other people at the bar. It's
very entertaining in a lot of ways. I was able to take my kids to it. I also went
on New Year's Eve. You can do it as a date. You can do it with girlfriends. I've
been there with girlfriends. So it's just a fun experience. It's not cheap. It's
definitely a splurge but it's worth it and you can you can do sake pairings, or you could just, you
don't have to drink, I didn't drink on my birthday, actually,
or you can do you know, whatever. But it is I have done
it before where you do the sake pairings, you get a little
slosh, not gonna lie, but it is very fun. So it's a cool
experience. For a special occasion, an anniversary, a
birthday, something fun, it's really worth doing I think.
Okay, the next one is, so I for the longest time would not do gel on my hands because
I don't even really know why. I don't really have a good reason. And then I finally discovered
gels three years ago and I was like, what the fuck have I been doing?
Why have I not been doing gels?
So I started consistently doing them.
And then, sort of around the same time,
I noticed I was getting these little bumps,
kind of like around my nose,
kind of like under my eyes a little bit.
I mean, trying to figure out what that was from
was one of the most exhausting things.
I had no idea.
And then randomly I decided to give my nails a break.
And what do you know, all my little bumps went away.
And at the same time, I started seeing videos on TikTok,
again, thank God for TikTok,
of how some people are, I guess, allergic to gels.
And this is a very common thing, that people
get bumps on their face from having gels on their hands.
Okay, so I was telling that to my nail girl, and she was saying that I guess there's this
chemical in gels called HEMA, and that is what makes people get these little rashes,
So she said, let's try Hema-free gels.
And we did.
And I have not had any of those little bumps on my face.
I've been doing Hema-free gels now for a few months.
It's the only gel I will let Sailor get.
And it's made such a difference
because I can still do gels,
but I don't have a fucking rash all over my face.
So I would encourage you guys to
try Hema free gel. I did go to a nail salon, and and I asked for
it and they looked at me like I had four heads. So I don't think
it's everywhere just yet. But my guess is that's going to start
popping off here pretty soon. Kate, my nail girl did say that
she thinks eventually all gels will be HEMA free, which then sort of makes me wonder what
the fuck is in it and if it's so bad for you, why didn't they just do HEMA free
from the jump, you know? Like that's the kind of stuff that just pisses me off.
Like if you can do it without it and it's way better for you, come on. I get it's all about, you know, unfortunately our society is all about making the most money.
I understand that.
But how about we get a brand with some integrity that actually cares about its customers?
It's hard to find.
I'm going to not get on my soapbox.
Again, not the episode.
So yeah, Hema Free Gels.
And if more of us start
asking for them at nail salons, I think it's only a matter of time before then
it kind of starts really catching on. Okay, another thing is, so I'm sure you
guys for the most part are aware red light is so beneficial. I do ads on the
podcast for you know different red light and I've talked about how great it is for you.
In a nutshell, red light helps your body produce
its own natural melatonin at night.
And so red light at nighttime is really beneficial.
I lost my mind a little bit during COVID.
I thought the world was gonna end,
and I was following major conspiracy theorists,
and I really went off the gonna end and I was following major conspiracy theorists and I
Really went off the deep end for a while so much so that I even had red light bulbs in my kids
Lamps on their nightstands and my kids were so mad at me and you know understandably so they were like this is weird
What the fuck's happening?
I look back at some of the shit I did. But great intentions behind it. I just
wanted my kids to you know naturally produce their own melatonin. I wanted
them to sleep really well. Okay we got rid of the red light bulbs in the
lampshades. But for Christmas I gave my kids, myself, my mom, Justin, I gave a lot
of people these little these little red lights that can just sit by your bed.
You could travel with it too.
And it's, you know, it's about the size of your palm.
And I just put it on at night when I go into my room,
if I'm gonna read or if I'm, I'll be honest with you guys,
sometimes I scroll on fucking TikTok.
Ugh, I hate that I do that at night by the way,
but I do sometimes.
But I put my little red light on and I swear by red light, I have been sleeping like a
Justin also says since he's been using this little red light, it's made a huge difference
in his sleep quality.
It actually makes you tired at night.
So I, and there's nothing necessarily special about this little red light.
I don't even know the brand.
I did get it on the Goop website, but you could get any sort of little red light
and just to have by your bedside.
I just or at night.
Another thing I do at night, too, is when the sun starts to go down,
I do like to dim all of the lights in my house, just sort of like getting all
of our natural body clocks, you know, just letting our body clocks know it is night
and we are going to be going to bed soon. I do find that that helps. I have on my phone too,
it switches over to the... what is it? It's like the warmer tone on your phone.
That switches over, I think, at seven o'clock at night and then stays like
that until eight o'clock in the morning. No, seven o'clock in the morning. So there
are little things that you can do because the
blue light from our phones, our TVs, our computers, that is what is messing up our
circadian rhythms and so the red light is what helps out. So happy sleeping. Okay.
The next thing is anytime I wear sweats on the podcast I get a ton of DMs or
comments asking where my sweats are from
So I'm gonna tell you I'm such a sweat whore. I probably spend
The most money out of like in the clothing department on sweats the amount of sweats that I have is so stupid quite honestly
But I love them. I love them and I wear them the most out of anything that I have so I figure hey
Why not? But okay, so Rebecca Minkoff just recently told me about Joa Brown these
are the sweats that I'm currently wearing the softest most comfortable
sweats on the planet honestly after discovering these I may never buy another
pair of sweats other than Joa Brown they also have cute little just like tank tops
and shirts and great basics I would say. I also discovered recently the brand yellow label. I have another gray pair
because you know obviously we need multiple gray pairs of sweats and those
are also great. Those are really great. Uncommon James does have awesome sweats
you guys. We had this fall we had a set that just said uncommon on it. It was a big uncommon in both navy blue and brown and I lived in those. I
well I still do I love those. I will say we have very good sweats at Uncommon
James. We've worked really hard in the last two years to get our merch up to a
really good place and I'm very proud of where it's at right now. So I have a
couple from Mad Happy but I think I'm I think I'm turning proud of where it's at right now. So I have a couple from Mad Happy,
but I think I'm turning on, not turning on Mad Happy,
but I think I've moved on from Mad Happy,
but it was a great run, a great run.
They're just, they're really thick, they're really big,
which I do love sometimes, but I don't know,
the Joe at Brown right now, I'm in the super cozy,
comfy era, this is my cozy era.
Okay, the next thing is an East Side Martini. I had no
idea what an East Side Martini was until I was in LA and I, well I'm doing Dry
February by the way because, really because I just want to make sure I'm on
my A-game for my podcast tour and I want to look my best. But I find if I'm trying
to look my best, alcohol is the first thing to go.
So doing Dry February, I only drank twice in January.
Is that right?
And once in LA and I went out on Broadway actually
in Nashville one night.
We had a snow storm and they plowed my driveway
and I was like, I'm getting out.
And I met Kate Lindbergh Snow actually.
And we went out, we had a really fun night
I think those were the only two nights in January that I drank so I've essentially
Dry January and I'm now doing dry February, but I did when I was in LA
I got dinner with my girlfriends who I've known for 20 years and I tried an East Side martini
And so let me tell you what's in an East Side martini
muddled cucumber, mint, lime juice, and then with vodka
or you could do tequila of choice. You shake it, you
strain it, you know, all the good martini things. But it was
amazing because it was so refreshing. Also, you guys, I
think I'm over tequila. It's so sad to say the last few times I've drank I've
been drinking vodka. I never, I never thought I would be here ever ever ever.
It started when I used to do my espresso martinis with tequila and I loved it and
I was like oh my god it's so much better who gets vodka and their espresso
martinis anymore. Well then one night I was like, I'm gonna do a vodka. I don't know. Just you know feeling rebellious and I haven't looked back
I've even done vodka sodas with squeezes of orange in it fucking amazing. I don't know what happened
I don't know what happened. I've totally turned on tequila. I'm not proud of it. I'm I feel bad, you know, I feel like I'm breaking up with someone but
I'm back on vodka. So I did my Eastside martini with vodka and I don't regret it. I
Don't even think it would be good with tequila. Okay last one
okay, and this one might be the most important on the list if
You're like me and you care about your health at all. So if you own a home definitely do this. If you live in an
apartment or a condo you might be SOL which is shit out of luck. I don't know.
Well actually you could talk to your building though about doing this. Okay so
smart meters are what most houses and apartment buildings, condo buildings, office buildings, et cetera,
have on, I'm just gonna use homes as an example, okay?
But smart meters are what most homes have on them.
This is for your electrical.
And apparently, they are a fire hazard
and they emit the highest level of EMFs out of anything.
Way more than your cell phone.
Way more. I mean like if you way more.
Oh, by the way, Bluetooth.
AirBuds that are Bluetooth also have very high EMFs.
So never use the Bluetooth headphones.
Always get the ones with the cord.
I know they're kind of nerdy.
Although I think they're kind of coming back.
But so anyways, smart meters.
I know it's crazy.
My mom tried to tell me this years ago and I was like,
Well, okay.
Smart meters.
So they admit a ton of EMFs.
My smart meter was on the outside wall
of my fucking bedroom. So I was sleeping. My fucking head was next to my smart meter was on the outside wall of my fucking bedroom.
So I was sleeping, my fucking head was next to my smart
meter since I moved into this house in September.
So for months, months, which, oh my God, it just killed me.
So what you can do is you can call your electrical company
and you can ask to switch it out for an analog meter. So
I just did this. Totally easy. They didn't even care or ask. Well they
actually asked why and I just said because they're a fire hazard. Great. No
problem. They sent someone out literally the next day. The next day it was a
hundred dollars to switch it out so there's gonna be a charge but I don't
know that's worth it to me.
I do not wanna be sleeping next to a ton of EMFs
every single night.
So look into it, just saying.
I care about the health of everybody.
And they just sort of made these smart meters a thing,
I guess, like no one, no one I even knew what was going on.
It just sort of happened.
But I think the more we pay attention
to what's going on, the better.
And the more questions that we ask, the better.
So I don't know, look into it if you care about EMFs.
I do, I know not everybody does.
And hey, I do think sort of ignorance is bliss sometimes,
to a degree, but now that I'm aware of it,
I have to do something about it.
So anywho.
OK, so those are the 10 things I'm just personally
loving at the moment.
I hope you guys were into this list.
I know it was all over the map.
Everything from EMFs to alcohol.
Hey, it's all about balance though, right?
Isn't that so funny?
I care so much about sleeping next to EMFs,
but give me a fucking East Side martini.
That makes sense.
I'm just keeping it real, you know?
All right, you guys, we are gearing up for tour.
I'm so freaking excited to see you guys on the road.
I will be releasing the episodes
or the interview portion of the podcast tour as episodes.
You will get to hear the interviews,
but definitely if you can
come and see me do. And yeah, but I will I will see you guys next week.