Lex Fridman Podcast - #454 – Saagar Enjeti: Trump, MAGA, DOGE, Obama, FDR, JFK, History & Politics

Episode Date: December 8, 2024

Saagar Enjeti is a political journalist & commentator, co-host of Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar and The Realignment Podcast. He is exceptionally well-read, and the books he recommends are al...ways fascinating and eye-opening. You can check out all the books he mentions in this episode here: https://lexfridman.com/saagar-books Thank you for listening ❤ Check out our sponsors: https://lexfridman.com/sponsors/ep454-sc See below for timestamps, transcript, and to give feedback, submit questions, contact Lex, etc. Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/saagar-enjeti-2-transcript CONTACT LEX: Feedback - give feedback to Lex: https://lexfridman.com/survey AMA - submit questions, videos or call-in: https://lexfridman.com/ama Hiring - join our team: https://lexfridman.com/hiring Other - other ways to get in touch: https://lexfridman.com/contact EPISODE LINKS: Saagar's Book Recommendations: https://lexfridman.com/saagar-books Saagar's Substack (where he recommends more books): https://saagarenjeti.substack.com/ Saagar's X: https://x.com/esaagar Saagar's Instagram: https://instagram.com/esaagar Breaking Points: https://youtube.com/@breakingpoints The Realignment Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@therealignment Saagar's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/esaagar SPONSORS: To support this podcast, check out our sponsors & get discounts: Eight Sleep: Temp-controlled smart mattress cover. Go to https://eightsleep.com/lex AG1: All-in-one daily nutrition drinks. Go to https://drinkag1.com/lex LMNT: Zero-sugar electrolyte drink mix. Go to https://drinkLMNT.com/lex BetterHelp: Online therapy and counseling. Go to https://betterhelp.com/lex Shopify: Sell stuff online. Go to https://shopify.com/lex NetSuite: Business management software. Go to http://netsuite.com/lex OUTLINE: (00:00) - Introduction (09:47) - Why Trump won (14:48) - Book recommendations (18:24) - History of wokeism (25:54) - History of Scots-Irish (32:32) - Biden (36:34) - FDR (38:36) - George W Bush (40:59) - LBJ (46:15) - Cuban Missile Crisis (53:48) - Immigration (1:25:46) - DOGE (1:52:27) - MAGA ideology (1:55:39) - Bernie Sanders (2:04:00) - Obama vs Trump (2:21:00) - Nancy Pelosi (2:24:14) - Kamala Harris (2:40:00) - 2020 Election (3:03:49) - Sam Harris (3:14:55) - UFOs (3:20:47) - Future of the Republican Party (3:27:24) - Future of the Democratic Party (3:35:21) - Hope

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is a conversation with Sagar Anjati, his second time in the podcast. Sagar is a political commentator, journalist, co-host of Breaking Points with Crystal Ball and of the Realignment podcast with Marshall Koslov. Sagar is one of the most well-read people I've ever met. His love of history and the wisdom gained from reading thousands of history books
Starting point is 00:00:25 radiates through every analysis he makes of the world. In this podcast, we trace out the history of the various ideological movements that led up to the current political moment. In doing so, we mention a large number of amazing books. We'll put a link to them in the description for those interested to learn more about each topic. And now a quick few second mention of each sponsor. Check them out in the description. It's the best way to support this podcast. We got Asleep for naps, AG1 for health, Element for hydration, BetterHelp for the mind, Shopify for the wallet, and NetSuite for your business. Choose wisely my friends.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Mind Shopify for the wallet and NetSuite for your business. Choose wisely my friends. Also, if you want to get in touch with me for a multitude of reasons, go to lexfreeman.com slash contact. And now onto the full ad reads. I try to make them interesting, but if you skip them, please still check out our sponsors. I enjoy their stuff. Maybe you will too.
Starting point is 00:01:20 This episode is brought to you by 8 Sleep and it's pod for Ultra. This episode is brought to you by 8 Sleep and it's Pod 4 Ultra. I'm gonna try a new thing where I hold on to a theme as I talk about these ads. I use 8 Sleep and the Pod 4 Ultra to cool the bed. And since Sagar knows pretty much more than anybody I've ever met about the various US presidents and presidential politics and the history of politics in US. Let me mention a little factoid. Did you know that the White House didn't get air conditioning until
Starting point is 00:01:52 1933 under Hoover who funded it just before leaving office for FDR? So all that praise that Sager gives to FDR, just remember, maybe it wouldn't be possible without the cool fresh air that Hoover gave to the great FDR. And that in fact, and I'm not sure why I'm using this voice in talking, but that in fact is essential for sleep controlling the temperature of the bed, controlling the temperature of the sleeping environment. There you go. of sleep controlling the temperature of the bed, controlling the temperature of the sleeping environment. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:26 The more you know. Go to Asleep.com slash Lex and use code Lex to get up to $600 off your Pot 4 Ultra purchase when bundled. That's Asleep.com slash Lex. This episode is brought to you by AG1. Basically a nice multivitamin that's also delicious. That drink every day that makes me feel like I have my life together, which I barely do. Now speaking of drinks that you believe make you feel better, you know
Starting point is 00:02:58 placebo effect, that kind of thing. Here's a little presidential themed factoid. John Adams drank hard cider every morning believing it promoted good health. I would love to get a health advice podcast with Winston Churchill. Another president, William Howard Taft, had the White House kitchen prepare special protein shakes made from eggs, milk, and beef extract. I would love the dietary details of some of the presidents. I'm sure a bunch of them just smoked and drank and had their own little habits that serve as a kind of escape from the madness of the world. Anyway, get AG1 and they'll give you one month supply of fish oil when you sign up
Starting point is 00:03:46 at drinkag1.com slash Lex. This episode is also brought to you by Element, my daily zero sugar and delicious electrolyte mix. And here I have to return again to the presidents who consumed various kinds of liquids. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson spent $11,000 on wine during his presidency? And we're not talking about quality here. We are in fact talking about quantity.
Starting point is 00:04:19 That's equivalent to about $300,000 in today's money. Whatever works, it's like that meme that there's a perfect optimal amount of alcohol that makes you productive in programming. I have never found that optimal. Actually, if I have a drink, my productivity and my clarity of thinking and my creativity all go down. Now, I start enjoying the social interactions more
Starting point is 00:04:47 and more because I am fundamentally an introvert that have anxiety about social interaction so that helps but in terms of productivity or creative juices or whatever nope anyway you can get a sample pack for free with any purchase try it's a drink element dot com Lex. This episode is also brought to you by BetterHelp, spelled H-E-L-P, help. They figure out what you need and match you with a licensed therapist in under 48 hours. And there's actually quite a lot of presidents that really struggled with anxiety, with depression, with all kinds of complicated mental states. Coolidge, for example, fell into a deep depression after his son died from blood poisoning
Starting point is 00:05:30 and that changed him forever actually. It's difficult to come back from that. John Quincy Adams somewhat famously kept extremely detailed diary for 68 years, often writing sort of a detailed analysis and almost like log of his mental states. That's an interesting thing to do actually. I don't do that enough. I speak it. I don't write it down. Perhaps there's some magic in writing it down.
Starting point is 00:06:02 But there is with BetterHelp also magic in speaking it with a professional. Check them out at betterhelp.com slash Lex and save on your first month. That's betterhelp.com slash Lex. This episode is also brought to you by Shopify, a platform designed for anyone to sell anywhere with a great looking online store. So Abraham Lincoln actually owned a general store. And he has famously written that he wished he had Shopify. He would be much more convenient. Anyway, he had a general store that failed.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So, you know, sometimes you need the right job for the right man that managed to be made and everything else is not gonna work out. I sold shoes, women's shoes, at Sears kind of like Al Bundy for Married with Children if you know the show and you know I did okay but I think it wasn't quite the right fit for me. You know, I was quite technically savvy and knew about computers and I said I should probably be selling electronics and computers.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And they said, yes, yes, yes. One day you will, but now we need helping shoes. So let's start you there. And if I stayed there for many more years, perhaps I would have upgraded to electronics. But then I also saw the beauty in selling women's shoes. There was a real joy in finding the right match for the right person. And that joy can be scaled significantly with Shopify. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at Shopify.com slash Lex. That's our lowercase. Go to Shopify.com
Starting point is 00:07:43 slash Lex to take your business to the next level today. This episode is brought to you by NetSuite, an all-in-one cloud business management system. Ulysses S. Grant, the famed general, kept extremely detailed expense accounts, recording every single penny he spent. Now, rigor, attention to detail, obsession with detail, financial detail is important. But you know, if you have the right tool for the job, that's made easier. I would love to kind of throw some of these people, some of these leaders, some of these brilliant minds from history into the modern world that is digitized. I think a
Starting point is 00:08:26 lot of them would actually be destroyed by it because the machine of distraction will pull them away from the focus you can more easily attain in a non-technological world. And some of them, I think, will become even more super productive. So it'll be really interesting. And there's been a lot of presidents that kind of pushed the White House and government in general into the direction of great record keeping from George Washington to Carter to FDR, as Sager talks a lot about. Anyway, all that is in the realm of politics, but the realm of business in many ways is the same, especially when the government is working well.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So NetSuite is for business. In fact, over 37,000 companies have upgraded to NetSuite. Take advantage of their flexible financing plan at netsuite.com slash Lex. That's netsuite.com slash Lex. This is a Lex Friedman podcast. To support it, please check out our sponsors in the description. And now, dear friends, here's Sagar Anjati. So let's start with the obvious big question. What do you think Trump won?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Let's break it down. Before the election, you said that if Trump wins, it's going to be because of immigration. So aside from immigration, what are the maybe less than obvious reasons that Trump won? Yes, we absolutely need to return to immigration. But without that multifaceted explanation, let's start with the easiest one. There has been a wave of anti-incumbent energy around the world. Financial Times chart recently went viral showing, so the first time I think since World War II, possibly since 1905, I need to look at the data set that all anti-incumbent parties all across the world suffered major defeats.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So that's a very, very high level analysis. And we can return to that if we talk about Donald Trump's victory in 2016, because there were similar like global precursors. That individual level in the United States, there's a very simple explanation as well, which is that Joe Biden was very old, he was very unpopular, inflation was high.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Inflation is one of the highest determiners of people switching their votes and putting their primacy on that ahead of any other issue at the ballot box. So that's that. But I think it's actually much deeper at a psychological level for who America is and what it is. And fundamentally, I think what we're going to spend a lot of time talking about today is the evolution of the modern left and its collapse in the Kamala Harris candidacy and eventually the loss to Donald Trump in the popular vote, where it really is like an apotheosis of several social forces. So we're going to talk about the Great Awakening, or so-called awokening, which is very important to understanding all of this.
Starting point is 00:11:22 There's also really Donald Trump himself, who is really one of the most unique, individual American politicians that we've seen in decades. At this point, Donald Trump's victory makes him the most important and transformative figure in American politics since FDR. And thought process for the audience is in 2028, there will be an 18-year-old who's eligible to vote,
Starting point is 00:11:43 who cannot remember a time when Donald J. Trump was not the central American figure. And there's stories in World War II where troops were on the front lines, some of them were 18, 19 years old, FDR died, and they literally said, well, who's the president? And they said, Harry Truman, you dumb ass. And they go, who? They couldn't conceive of a universe where FDR was not the president of the United States. And, you know, Donald Trump, even during the Biden administration, he was the figure. Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:12:11 defined his entire candidacy and his legacy around defeating this man. Obviously, he's failed. We should talk a lot about Joe Biden as well for his own failed theories of the presidency. So I think at a macro level, it's easy to understand. At a basic level, inflation, it's easy to understand. But what I really hope that a lot of people can take away is how fundamentally unique Donald Trump is as a political figure and what he was able to do to realign American politics really forever. I mean, in the white working class realignment
Starting point is 00:12:38 originally of 2016, the activation really of a multiracial kind of working class coalition and of really splitting American lines along a single individual question of did you attend a four-year college degree institution or not? And this is a crazy thing to say. Donald Trump is one of the most racially depolarizing electoral figures in American history. We lived in 2016 at a time when racial groups really voted in blocks, Latinos, blacks, whites.
Starting point is 00:13:10 There was some, of course, division between the white working class and the white college educated, white collar workers. But by and large, you could pretty fairly say that Asians were Indians, everyone 80, 90% were going to vote for the Democratic Party, Latinos as well. I'm born here in Texas, in the state of Texas. George W. Bush shocked people when he won some 40% of the Latino vote. Donald Trump just beat Kamala Harris with Latino men, and he ran up the table for young
Starting point is 00:13:39 men. So really, fundamentally, we have witnessed a full realignment in American politics. And that's a really fundamental problem for the modern left. It's erased a lot of the conversation around gerrymandering, around the electoral college, the so-called electoral college bias towards Republicans. Really being able to win the popular vote for the first time since 2004
Starting point is 00:14:02 is a shocking and landmark achievement by a Republican. In 2008, I have a book on my shelf and I always look at it to remind myself of how much things can change. James Carville, and it says, 40 more years, how Democrats will never lose an election again, 2008, they wrote that book after the Obama coalition and the landslide.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And something I love so much about this country, people change their minds all the time. I was born in 1992. I watched red States go blue. I've seen blue States go red. I've seen swing States go red or blue. I've seen millions of people pick up and move the greatest internal migration in the United States since world war II. And it's really inspiring because it's a really dynamic, interesting place. And I love covering and I love thinking about it, talking about it, talking to people. It's really inspiring because it's a really dynamic, interesting place and I love covering it. I love thinking about it, talking about it, talking to people, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:48 One of the reasons I'm a big fan of yours is you're a student of history and so you recommended a bunch of books to me and they and others thread the different movements throughout American history. Some movements take off and do hold power for a long time, some don't and some are started by a small number of people and are controlled by a small number of people.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Some are mass movements. And it's just fascinating to watch how those movements evolve and then fit themselves maybe into the constraints of a two-party system. And I'd love to sort of talk about the various perspectives of that. So would it be fair to say that this election was turned into a kind of class struggle?
Starting point is 00:15:32 Well, I won't go that far because to say it's a class struggle really implies that things fundamentally align on economic lines. And I don't think that's necessarily accurate. Although if that's your lens, you could get there. So there's a very big statistic going around right now where Kamala Harris increased her vote share
Starting point is 00:15:50 and won households over $100,000 or more, and Donald Trump won households under 100,000. So you could view that in an economic lens. The problem again that I have is that that is much more a proxy for four-year college degree and for education. And so one of my favorite books is called Coming Apart by Charles Murray. And that book really, really underscores how the cultural milieu that people swim in when they attend a four-year college degree and the trajectory of their life, not only on
Starting point is 00:16:20 where they move to, who they marry, what type of grocery store they go to, their cultural, what television shows that they watch. One of my favorite questions from Charles Murray's is called a bubble quiz. I encourage people to go take it, by the way, which asks you a question. It's like, what does the word Branson mean to you? And it has a couple of answers.
Starting point is 00:16:39 One of them is, Branson is Sir Richard Branson. Number two is Branson, Missouri, which is like a country music tourist style destination. Three is it means nothing. So you are less in a bubble if you say country music, and you're very much in the bubble if you say Richard Branson. And I remember taking that test for the first time,
Starting point is 00:16:56 I go, obviously Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic. Like what? And then I was like, wait, I'm in the bubble. And there are other things in there, like can you name various different military ranks? I can, because I'm a history nerd, but the bubble. And there are other things in there like can you name various different military ranks? I can, because I'm a history nerd, but the vast majority of college educated people don't know anybody who served in the United States military.
Starting point is 00:17:10 They don't have family members who do. The most popular shows in America are like the Big Bang Theory and NCIS, whereas people in our probably cultural milieu, our favorite shows are White Lotus, The Last of Us. This is prestige television, right? With a very small audience, but high income, high education.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So the point is, is that culture really defines who we are as Americans, where we live. And rural, urban is one way to describe it, but honestly, with the work from home revolution and more rich people and highly educated people moving to more rural, suburban, or areas they traditionally weren't able to commute in, that's changing. And so really, the internet is everything.
Starting point is 00:17:48 The stuff that you consume on the internet, the stuff that you spend your time doing, the type of books you read, whether you read a book at all, frankly, whether you travel to Europe, whether you have a passport, all the things that you value in your life, that is the real cultural divide in America. And I actually think that's what this revolution of Donald Trump was activating and bringing people to the polls, bringing a lot of those traditional working class voters of all races away from the Democratic Party along the lines of elitism, of sneering, and of a general cultural feeling that these people don't understand me and my struggles in this life.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And so the trivial formulation is that it's the wokeism, the anti-wokeism movement. So it's not necessarily that Trump winning was a statement against wokeism. It was the broader anti-elitism. It's difficult to say because I wouldn't dismiss anti-wokeism or wokeism as an explanation, but we need to understand like the electoral impacts of woke.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So there's varying degrees of like how you're going to encounter quote unquote woke-ism. And this is a very difficult thing to define. So let me just try and break it down, which is there are the types of things that you're going to interact with on a cultural basis. And what I mean by that is going to watch a TV show and just for some reason there's like two trans characters.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And it's never like particularly explained why they just are there or watching a commercial and it's the same thing. Watching, I don't know, I remember watching, I think it was Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness and the main, it was a terrible movie by the way, don't recommend it. But one of the characters, I think her name was like America
Starting point is 00:19:24 and she wore a gay pride flag, right? Look, many left-wingers would make fun of me for saying these things, but that is obviously a social agenda to the point as in they believe it is deeply acceptable that is used by Hollywood and cultural elites who really value those progress in sexual orientation and others.
Starting point is 00:19:43 They really believe it's important to, quote unquote, showcase it for representation. So that's one way that we may encounter quote unquote wokeism. But the more important ways, frankly, are the ways that affirmative action, which really has its roots in American society, all the way going back to the 1960s,
Starting point is 00:19:59 and how those have manifested in our economy and in our understanding of quote unquote discrimination. So two books I can recommend. One is called The Origins of Woke, that's by Richard Hanania. There's another one, The Age of Entitlement by Christopher Caldwell. And they make a very strong case that,
Starting point is 00:20:15 Caldwell in particular, that he calls it like a new founding of America, was the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because it created an entire new legal regime and understanding of race in the American character and how the government was going to enforce that. That really ties in with another one of the books that I recommended to you about the origins of Trump by Jim Webb and Senator Jim Webb, incredible, incredible man. He's so underappreciated, intellectual, he was anti-war and people may remember him
Starting point is 00:20:47 from the 2016 primary and they asked him a question, I don't exactly remember about one of his enemies and he's like, well, one of them was a guy shot in Vietnam and he was running against Hillary. And that guy, he wrote the book, Born Fighting, I think it's History of the Scots-Irish People, something like that. And that book really opened my eyes
Starting point is 00:21:08 to the way that affirmative action and racial preferences that were playing out through the HR managerial elite really turned a lot of people within the white working class away from the Democratic Party and felt fundamentally discriminated against by the professional managerial class.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And so there's a lot of roots to this, the managerial revolution by James Burnham and in terms of the origin of kind of how we got here, but the crystallization of like DEI and or affirmative action, I prefer to use the term affirmative action in the highest echelons of business. And there became this idea that representation itself was the only thing that mattered. And I think that right around 2014, that really went on steroids. And that's why it's not an accident that Donald J. Trump elected in 2016. At this point, do you think this election is the kind of statement that wokeism as a
Starting point is 00:21:59 movement is dead? I don't know. I mean, it's very difficult to say because woke ism itself is not a movement with a party leader. It's a amorphous Belief that has worked its way through institutions now for almost 40 or 50 years I mean it's effectively a religion and part of the reason why it's difficult to find is it means then different things to different people So for example, there are varying degrees of how we would define quote unquote woke. Do I think that the Democrats will be speaking in so-called academic language? Yes, I do think they
Starting point is 00:22:30 will. I think that the next Democratic nominee will not do that. However, Kamala Harris actually did move as much as she could away from quote unquote woke, but she basically was punished for a lot of the sins of both herself from 2019, but a general cultural feeling that her and the people around her do not understand me and not only do not understand me, but I have racial preferences or a regime or an understanding that would lead to a quote-unquote equity mindset, you know, equal outcomes for everybody as opposed to equality of opportunity, which is more of a colorblind philosophy. So I can't say, I think it's way too early. And again, you can not use the word Latinx,
Starting point is 00:23:11 but do you still believe in an effective affirmative action regime, in terms of how you would run your Department of Justice, in terms of how you view the world, in terms of what you think the real dividing lines in America are. And cause I would say that's still actually kind of a woke mindset.
Starting point is 00:23:28 And that's part of the reason why the term itself doesn't really mean a whole lot. And we have to get actually really specific about what it looks like in operations. In operation, it means affirmative action. It means the NASDAQ passing some law that if you want to go public or something, that you have to have a woman and a person of color on your board.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Like this is a blatant and extraordinary look, racialism that they've enshrined in their bylaws. So you can get rid of ESG, that's great. But you can get rid of DEI, I think that's great. But it's really about a mindset and a view of the world. And I don't think that's going anywhere. You think the reason it doesn't work well in practice is because there's a big degree
Starting point is 00:24:07 to which it's anti-Maritocracy. It's anti-American, really. I mean, DEI and woke and affirmative action make perfect sense in a lot of different countries. Okay, and there are a lot of countries out there that are multi-ethnic and they're heterogeneous and they were run by basically quasi dictators and the way it works is that you pay off the Christians
Starting point is 00:24:28 and you pay off the Muslims and they get this guy and they get that guy and everybody kind of shakes it. It's very explicit, where they're like, we have 10 spots and they go to the Christians, we have 10 spots and they go to the Hindus. You know, I'm talking, India is a country that I know pretty well and this does kind of work like that
Starting point is 00:24:41 on state politics level in some respect. But in America, you know, fundamentally, we really believe that no matter where you are from, that you come here and basically within a generation, especially if you migrate here legally, and you integrate that you leave a lot of that stuff behind. And the story, the American dream that is ingrained in so many of us is one that really does not mesh well with any sort of racial preference regime or anything that's not meritocratic. And I mean, I will give the left-wingers some credit in the idea that meritocracy itself could have preference
Starting point is 00:25:17 for people who have privileged backgrounds. I think that's true. And so, the way I would like to see it is to increase everybody's equality of opportunity to make sure that they all have a chance at quote-unquote willing out the American dream, but that doesn't erase meritocracy, hard work, and many of the other things that we associate with the American character, with the American frontier. So these are two ideologies which are really at odds, like in a lot of ways, like wokeism, racialism, and all this. This is a third world ideology
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's one that's very prevalent in Europe and all across Asia But it doesn't mix well here and it shouldn't and I'm really glad that the America feels the same way Yeah, I gotta go back to Jim Webb and that book. What a badass fascinating book Oh my god, Warren fighting amazing how the Scotts Irish shaped America So I did not realize to the degree, first of all, how bad-ass the Scots-Irish are. And to the degree, many of the things that kind of identify as American
Starting point is 00:26:13 and part of the American spirit were defined by this relatively small group of people. As he describes, the motto could be summarized as fight, sing, drink, and pray. So there's the principles of fierce individualism, the principles of a deep distrust of government, the elites, the authorities bottom up governance over 2000 years of a military tradition. They made up 40% of the revolutionary war army and produced numerous military
Starting point is 00:26:41 leaders, including Stonewall Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, George S. Patton, Ulysses S. Grant, George S. Patton, and a bunch of presidents. Some of the more gangster presidents, Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. Just the whole cultural legacy of country music. We owe them so much,
Starting point is 00:27:00 and they really don't get their due, unfortunately. A lot of, for the reasons that I just described around racialism is because post, you know, mass immigration from Europe, the term white kind of became blanket applied to new Irish, to Italians, to Slovenians. And, you know, as you and I both know, if you travel those countries, people are pretty different.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And it's not the different here in the United States. Scott's Irish were some of the original settlers here in America and particularly in Appalachia and their contribution to the fighting spirit and their own culture and like who we are as individualists and some of the first people to ever settle the frontier and that frontier mindset really does come from them. We owe them just as much we do the Puritans
Starting point is 00:27:41 but they don't ever really get their due. And the reason I recommend that book is if you read that book and you understand then, you know, how exactly could this group of white working class voters forgo from 2012 voting for a man named Barack Hussein Obama to Donald J. Trump, you really seem to, it makes perfect sense if you combine it with a lot of the stuff I'm talking about here about affirmative action and about distrust of the elites, about feeling as if institutions are not seeing through to you and specifically also not valuing
Starting point is 00:28:09 your contribution to American history and in some cases actively looking down. I'm glad you pointed out not only their role in the Revolutionary War, but in the Civil War as well. And just how much of a contribution culturally really that we owe them for setting the groundwork that so many of us who came later could build upon and adopt some of their own ideas
Starting point is 00:28:30 and their culture as our own. It's one of the things that makes America great. Mark Twain. Yeah. I mean, so much of the culture, so much of the, yeah, the American spirit, the whole idea, the whole shape and form and type of populism that represents our democracy.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So would you trace that fierce individualism that we think of back to them? Definitely, it's a huge part of them about who they were, about the screw you attitude. I mean, that book actually kind of had a Renaissance back in 2016 when Hillbilly Elegy came out. I'm sure you remember this, which it's kind of weird to think that it's now the vice president-elect of the United States.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Kind of wild, honestly, to think about. But JD Vance's book, Hillbilly Elegy, I think was really important for a lot of American elites who were like, how do these people support Trump? Where does this shit come from? That they're really, I mean, if you really think back to that time, it was shocking to the elite character that any person in the world could ever vote
Starting point is 00:29:27 for Donald Trump and not just vote, he won the election. How does that happen? And that's Hillbilly Elegy guided people in an understanding of what that's like on a lived day-to-day basis. And JD, to his credit, talks about the Scots-Irish heritage, about Appalachia and the legacy of what that culture looks like today
Starting point is 00:29:43 and how a lot of these people voted for Donald Trump. But we got to give credit to Jim Webb, who wrote the history of these people and taught me and you about their original fight against the oppressors in Scotland and Ireland and their militant spirit and how they were able to bring that over here. And they got their due in Andrew Jackson and some of our other populist presidents who set us up on the road to Donald Trump to where we are today. Dude, it got me pumped, excited to be an American.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Me too, I love that book. It's crazy that JD, the same guy, because that's Hillbilly Elegy is what I kind of thought of him as. Yeah, I mean, I'll tell you, for me, it's actually pretty surreal. I met JD Vance in like 2017 in like a bar. I didn't ever think he would be the vice president-elect
Starting point is 00:30:28 of the United States. I mean, just kind of wild. One of my friends went back and dug up the email that we originally sent him, just like, hey, do you want to meet up? And he's like, sure, you know? Okay, yeah, I was watching him on television. I mean, the first time that it really hit me,
Starting point is 00:30:41 I was like, whoa, and it was like name in a history book, is whenever he became the vice presidential nominee, I was watching him on TV and the confetti was falling and he was waving with his wife and I was like, wow, like that's it, you're in the history books now forever, especially now. So as the literal vice president elect of the US, but his own evolution is actually a fascinating,
Starting point is 00:31:02 a fascinating story for us too, because I think a lot of the time I've spent right now is kind of, a lot of what I'm giving right now are like 2016 kind of takes about like why Trump won that time, but we just spent a lot of time on how Donald Trump won this election and like how what happened, some of the failures of the Biden administration,
Starting point is 00:31:19 some of the payback for the great awakening. But also if you look at the evolution of JD Vance, this is a person who wrote Hillbilly Elegy, and not a lot of people pay attention to this, for the great awakening. But also if you look at the evolution of JD Vance, this is a person who wrote Hillbilly Elegy, and not a lot of people pay attention to this, but if you read Hillbilly Elegy, JD was much more of a traditional conservative at that time.
Starting point is 00:31:34 He was citing, you know, a report, I think the famous passage is about like payday loans and why they're good or something like that. I don't know his position today, but I would assume that he's probably changed that. But the point is, is that his ideological evolution from watching somebody who really was more of a traditional Republican with a deep empathy
Starting point is 00:31:53 for the white working class, then eventually become a champion and a disciple of Donald Trump, and to believe that he himself was the vehicle for accomplishing and bettering the United States was specifically for working class Americans really of all stripes. And that story is really one of the rise of the modern left as it exists as a political project as an ideology.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It's also one of the Republican Party, which coalesced now with Donald Trump as a legitimate figure and as the single bulwark against cultural leftism and elitism that eventually was normalized to the point that majority of Americans decided to vote for him in 2024. So let's talk about 2024. What happened with the left? What happened with Biden? What's your take on Biden?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Biden is, I try to remove myself from it and I try not to give like big history takes while you're in the moment, but it's really hard not to say that he's one of the worst presidents in modern history. And I think the reason why I'm gonna go with it is because I wanna judge him by the things that he set out to do. So Joe Biden has been the same person
Starting point is 00:33:02 for his entire political career. He is a basically C student who thinks he's an A student. The chip on his shoulder against the elites has played to his benefit in his original election to the United States Senate, through his entire career as a United States Senator, where he always wanted to be the star and the center of attention,
Starting point is 00:33:20 and to his 1988 presidential campaign. And one of the most fascinating things about Biden and watching him age is watching him become even more of what he already was. And so a book recommendation, it's called What It Takes, and it was written in 1988, and there's actually a long chapter on Joe Biden and about the plagiarism scandal.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And one of the things that comes across is his sheer arrogance and belief in himself as to why he should be the center of attention. Now, the reason I'm laying all this out is the arrogance of Joe Biden, the individual and his character is fundamentally the reason that his presidency went awry. This is a person who was elected in 2020 really because of a feeling of chaos, of Donald Trump, of we need normalcy, decides to come into the office, portrays himself as a quote unquote transitional president, slowly begins to lose a lot of his faculties
Starting point is 00:34:10 and then surrounds himself with sycophants, the same ones who have been around him for so long, that he had no single input into his life to tell him that he needed to stop and he needed to drop out of the race until it became truly undeniable to the vast majority of the American people. And that's why I'm trying to keep it as like him
Starting point is 00:34:28 as an individual, as a president, because we can separate him from some of his accomplishments and the things that happened. Some I support, some I don't. But generally, a lot of people are not gonna look back and think about Joe Biden and the CHIPS Act. A lot of people are not gonna look back and think about Joe Biden and the Build Back Better bill
Starting point is 00:34:42 or whatever, his Lena Conn antitrust policy, they're going to look back on him and they're going to remember high inflation. They're going to remember somebody who fundamentally never was up to the job in the sense that, again, book recommendation, Freedom from Fear by David Kennedy is about the Roosevelt years.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And one of the most important things people don't understand is the New Deal didn't really work in the way that a lot of people wanted it to, right? Like there was still high unemployment, there was still a lot of suffering, but you know what changed? They felt that they had a vigorous commander in chief
Starting point is 00:35:16 who was doing everything in his power to attack the problems of the everyday American. So even though things didn't even materially change, the vigor, that's a term that was often associated with John F. Kennedy at VIGA, you know, in the Massachusetts accent. We had this young, vibrant president in 1960 and he was running around and he wanted to convince us that he was working every single day tirelessly. And we have an 80-year-old man who is simply just eating ice cream and going to the beach while people's grocery prices and all this can go up by 25% and we don't see the same vigor.
Starting point is 00:35:47 We don't see the same action, the bias to action, which is so important in the modern presidency. That is fundamentally why I think the Democrats, part of the reason why the Democrats lost the election and also why I think that he missed his moment in such a dramatic way. And he had the opportunity, he could have done it if he wanted to, but maybe 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:36:06 But the truth is that his own narcissism, his own misplaced belief in himself, and his own accidental rise to the presidency ended up in his downfall. And it's kind of amazing because again, if we look back to his original campaign speech, 2019, why I'm running for president, it was Charlottesville, and he said, I want to defeat Donald Trump forever,
Starting point is 00:36:27 and I want to make sure that he never gets back in the White House again. So by his own metric, he did fail. That was the only thing he wanted to do, and he failed from. You said a lot of interesting stuff. So one, FDR, that's really interesting. It's not about the specific policy.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's about fighting for the people and doing that with charisma and just uniting the entire country for a particular, this is the same with Bernie. Maybe there's a lot of people that disagree with Bernie that still support him, because we just want somebody to fight authentically for us. Yes, FDR, people really need, FDR was like a king.
Starting point is 00:37:04 He was like Jesus Christ in okay, in the US. And some of it was because of what he did, but it was just the fight. So people need to go back and read the history of the first hundred days under FDR, the sheer amount of legislation that went through, his ability to bring Congress to heel, and the Senate, he gets all this stuff through.
Starting point is 00:37:19 But as you and I know, legislation takes a long time to put into place, right? We've had people starving on the streets all throughout 1933 under Hoover. The difference was, Hoover was seen as this do nothing joke who would dine nine course meals in the White House and he was a filthy rich banker. FDR comes in there and every single day
Starting point is 00:37:39 has him fireside chats, he's passing legislation, but more importantly, so he tries various different programs. Then they get ruled unconstitutional. He tries even more. So what does America take away from that? Every single time, if he gets knocked down, he comes back fighting. And that was a really part of his character
Starting point is 00:37:54 that he developed after he got polio. And it gave him the strength to persevere through personally what he could transfer in his calm demeanor and his feeling of fight that America really got that spirit from him and was able to climb itself out of the Great Depression. He's such an inspirational figure. He really is. And people think of him for World War II,
Starting point is 00:38:19 and of course, we can spend forever on that. But in my opinion, the early years are not studied enough. 33 to 37 is one of the most remarkable periods in American history. We were not ruled by a president, we were ruled by a king, by a monarch, and people liked it. He was a dictator and he was a good one. Yeah, so to sort of push back against the implied thing
Starting point is 00:38:42 that you said, so when saying Biden is the worst president. No, second worst in modern history, that's what I said. Second worst. In modern history, who's the worst? W, no question. I see, because of the horrible wars, probably. I mean, Iraq is just so bad. It's just mess, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 One of my favorite authors is a guy, Gene Edward Smith. He's written a bunch of presidential biographies. And in the opening of his book, W Biography, he's like, there's just no question there's a single worst foreign policy mistake in all of American history. And W is one of our worst presidents ever. He had terrible judgment
Starting point is 00:39:11 and got us into a war of his own choosing. It was a disaster and it set us up for failure. By the way, we talked a lot about Donald Trump. Nobody is more responsible for the rise of Donald Trump than George W. Bush, but I could go off on Bush for a long time. Oh, we will. We will return there. So as part of the pushback, I'd like to say,
Starting point is 00:39:29 because I agree with your criticism of arrogance and narcissism against Joe Biden. The same could be said about Donald Trump. You're absolutely right. Of arrogance. So, and I think you've also articulated that a lot of presidents throughout American history have suffered from a bad case of arrogance and narcissism.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Absolutely, but sometimes for a benefit, you have to be a pretty crazy person to want to be president. I had put out a tweet that got some controversy and I think it was Joe Rogan who I love, but he was like, I want to find out who Kamala Harris is as a human being. And I was like, I'm actually not interested
Starting point is 00:40:02 in who politicians are as human beings at all. I was like, I've read too much about them to know, I know who you are. If you spend your life, and because I live in Washington and I spend a lot of time around would-be politicians, I know what it takes to actually become the president. It's crazy. You have to give up everything, everything.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Every night, you're not spending it with your wife, you're spending it at dinner with potential donors, with friends, with people who can connect you. Even after you get elected, that's even more so. Now you gotta raise money, and now you're onto the next thing. Now you wanna get your political thing through. You're gonna spend all your time on your phone.
Starting point is 00:40:34 You and your staff are gonna be more like this. Your entire life revolves around your career. It's honestly, you need an insane level of narcissism to do it, because you have to believe that you are better than everybody else, which is already pretty crazy. And not only that, your own personal characteristics and foibles lead you to the pursuit of this office
Starting point is 00:40:56 and to the pursuit of the idolatry of the self and everything around you. There's a famous story of Lady Bird Johnson after Johnson becomes the president. He's talking to the White House butler. And she was like, everything in this house revolves around my husband. Whatever's left goes to the girls, her two children,
Starting point is 00:41:11 and I'll take the scraps. So everything revolved around Johnson's political career. And his daughters, when they're honest, because they like to paper over some of the things that happened under him, but they didn't spend any time with him. Saturday morning was for breakfast with Richard Russell, I forget.
Starting point is 00:41:28 These are all in the Robert A. Caro books. Sunday was for Rayburn. There was no time for his kids. That's what it was. And by the way, he's one of the greatest politicians to ever live. But he also died from a massive heart attack, and he was a deeply sad and depressed individual.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Yeah, I saw that tweet to go back to that. And also I listened to your incredible debate about it with Marshall on the Realignment podcast and I have to side with Marshall. I think you're just wrong on this. Because I think revealing the character of a person is really important to understand how they will act in a room full of generals and full of-
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah, this gets to the judgment question. The judgment. And that's, I think of Johnson and of Nixon, of Teddy Roosevelt, even of FDR, I can give you a laundry list of personal problems that all those people had. I think they had a really, really good judgment. And I'm not sure how intrinsic
Starting point is 00:42:21 their own personal character was to their exploration and thinking about the world. So JFK is, actually, JFK might be our best example because he had the best judgment out of anybody in the room as a brand new president in the Cuban Missile Crisis. And he got us out and avoided nuclear war, which he deserves eternal credit for that. But how did he arrive to good judgment?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Some of it certainly was his character. And we can go again though into his laundry list of that. But most of it was around being with his father, seeing some of the mistakes that he would make. And he was also had a deeply inquisitive mind and he experienced World War II at the personal level after PT-109. So it is, look, I get it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I actually could steal Manet. I could, the response to what I'm saying is judgment is not divisible from personal character. But just because I know a lot of politicians and I've read enough with the really great ones, the people who I revere the most, there's really bad personal stuff basically every single time.
Starting point is 00:43:21 But you're saying the judgment was good. Yeah, his judgment was great. His judgment was great. On the Cuban Missile Crisis, some of the best judgment and decision-making in the history of America. Yes, and we should study a lot of it. And I encourage people out there,
Starting point is 00:43:36 this is a brutal text, we were forced to read it in graduate school, the essence of decision by Graham Allison. I'm so thankful we did, it's one of the foundations of political science because it lays out theories of how government works. This is also a useful transition, by the way, if we want to talk about Trump and some of his cabinet
Starting point is 00:43:53 and how that is shaping up, because people really need to understand Washington. Washington is a creature with traditions, with institutions that don't care about you. They don't even really care about the president. They have self-perpetuating mechanisms which have been done a certain way. And it usually takes a great shocking event
Starting point is 00:44:12 like World War II to change really anything beyond the marginal. Every once in a while you have a figure like Teddy Roosevelt who's actually able to take peacetime presidency and transform the country, but it needs an extraordinary individual to get something like that done. So the question around the essence of decision was the theory behind the Cuban missile crisis
Starting point is 00:44:29 of how Kennedy arrived at his decision. And there are various different schools of thought, but one of the things I love about the book is it presents a case for all three, the organizational theory, the bureaucratic politics theory, and then kind of the great man theory as well. So there's a, you know, you and I could sit here and I could tell you a case about PT-109 and about how John F. Kennedy experienced World War II as this, I think he was like a first lieutenant
Starting point is 00:44:54 or something like that, and how he literally swam miles with a wounded man's life jacket strap in his teeth with a broken back and he saved him. And he ended up on the cover of Life Magazine and he was a war hero. And he was a deeply smart individual who wrote a book in 1939 called Why England Slept,
Starting point is 00:45:11 which to this day is considered a text, which at the moment was able to describe in detail why Neville Chamberlain and the British political system arrived at the policy of appeasement. I actually have an original copy. It's one of my most prized possessions because, and from 1939, because this is a 23-year-old kid, who the fuck are you, John F. Kennedy? Turns out he's a brilliant man.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And another just favorite aside is that at the Potsdam Conference, you know, where Harry Truman is there with Stalin and everybody. So in the room at the same time, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the general, right, who will succeed him, 26 year old John F. Kennedy as a journalist, some shithead journalist on the side. And all three of those presidents were in the same room with Joseph Stalin and others.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And that's the story of America right there. It's kind of amazing. I love people to say that because you never know about who will end up rising to power. But- Are you announcing that you're running for president? No, absolutely not. Yeah, I don't have what it takes.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I don't think so. I'm self-aware. Yeah. Well, maybe humility is necessary for greatness. Okay. So yeah, actually, can we just linger on that book? Yeah. So the book, Essence of Decision,
Starting point is 00:46:21 Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis by Graham Allison, it presents three different models of how government works. The rational actor model, so seeing government as one entity, trying to maximize the national interest. Also seeing government as, through the lens of the momentum of standard operating procedures, sort of this giant organization that's just doing things how it's always been done.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And the government and politics model of, there's just these individual internal power struggles within government. And all of that is like a different way to view, and they're probably all true to a degree, of how decisions are made within this giant machinery of government. That's why it's so important is because
Starting point is 00:47:08 you cannot read that book and say one is true and one is not. You can say one is more true than the other, but all of them are deeply true. And this is one, this is probably a good transition to Donald Trump because, and I guess for the people out there who don't think I've been up too obsequious,
Starting point is 00:47:21 you'll be my criticism. Trump said something very fundamental and interesting on the Joe Rogan podcast, probably the most important thing that he ever said, which is he said, I like to have people like John Bolton in my administration because they scare people and it makes me seem like the most rational individual
Starting point is 00:47:37 in the room. So at a very intuitive level, a lot of people can understand that and then they can rationalize while there are picks that Donald Trump has brought into his White House People like Mike waltz and others that have espoused views that are directly at odds with a quote-unquote anti neocon Anti Liz Cheney agenda now Trump's theory of this is that he likes to have such quote-unquote like psychopaths like John Bolton In the room with him while he's sitting across from Kim Jong-un
Starting point is 00:48:05 because it gets scared. What I think Trump never understood when he was president, and I honestly question if he still does now, is those two theories that you laid out, which are not about the rational interest as the government is one model, but the bureaucratic theory and the organizational theory of politics.
Starting point is 00:48:19 And because what Trump I don't think quite gets is that there are 99% of the decisions that get made in government never reach the president's desk. One of the most important Obama quotes ever is, by the time it gets to my desk, nobody else can solve it. All the problems here are hard. All the problems here don't have an answer. That's why I have to make the call.
Starting point is 00:48:37 So the theory that Trump has, that you can have people in there who are, let's say, warmongers, neocons, or whatever, who don't necessarily agree with you, is that when push comes to shove at the most important decisions, that I'll still be able to rein those people in as an influence.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Here's the issue. Let's say for Mike Waltz, who's gonna be the National Security Advisor, the, a lot of people don't really understand, you know, there's this theory of National Security Advisor where you call me into your office and you're the president, and you're like, hey, what do we think about Iran? And I'm like, I think you should do X, Y, and Z.
Starting point is 00:49:06 No, that's not how it works. The national security advisor's job is to coordinate the inter-agency process. So his job is to actually convene meetings, him and his staff, where in the situation room, CIA, State Department, SEC, DEF, others, before the POTUS even walks in, we have options. So we're like, hey, Russia just invaded Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:49:23 We need a package of options. Those packages of options are conceived of three things. We're gonna have one group. We're gonna call it the dovish option. Two, we're gonna call it the middle ground. Three, the hardcore package. Trump walks in. This is how it's supposed to work.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Trump walks in and he goes, okay, Russia invaded Ukraine. What do we do? Mr. President, we've prepared three options for you. We've got one, two, and three. Now, who has the power? Is it Trump when he picks one, two, or three? Or is the man who decides what's even in option one, two, and three. Now, who has the power? Is it Trump when he picks one, two, or three? Or is the man who decides what's even in option one,
Starting point is 00:49:47 two, and three? That is the part where Trump needs to really understand how these things happen. And I watched this happen to him in his first administration. He hired a guy, Mike Flynn, who was his national security advisor. You could say a lot about Flynn,
Starting point is 00:50:00 but him and Trump were at least like this on foreign policy. Flynn gets outed because what I would call an FBI coup, whatever, 33 days, he's out as a national security advisor. H.R. McMaster, he's got a nice, nice shiny uniform, four star, all of this. McMaster doesn't agree with Donald Trump at all. And so Trump says, I ran on pulling out of Afghanistan. I wanna get out of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:50:23 They're like, yeah, yeah, we'll get out of Afghanistan. But before we get out, we got to go back in, as in we need more troops in there. And he's like, oh, okay. It's like all this and it proves a plan and effectively gives a speech in 2017 where he ends up escalating and increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And it's only until February, 2020 that he gets to sign a deal, the Taliban peace deal, which in my opinion, he should have done in 2017. But the reason why that happened was because of that organizational theory, of that bureaucratic politics theory, where H.R. McMaster is able to guide the interagency process, bring the uniform recommendations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others, to give Donald Trump no option but to say, we must put troops. Another example of this is a book called Obama's War by Bob Woodward.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I highly encourage people to read this book because this book talks about how Obama comes into the White House in 2009 and he says, I wanna get out of Iraq and I don't wanna increase, I wanna fight the good war in Afghanistan, right? And he's doing, Obama's a thoughtful guy, too thoughtful actually. And so he sits there and he's working out his opinions.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And what he starts to watch is that very slowly, his narrow, his options begin to narrow because strategic leaks start to come out from the White House Situation Room about what we should do in Afghanistan. And pretty soon, David Petraeus and Stan McChrystal and the entire national security apparatus has Obama pegged where he basically politically at the time decides
Starting point is 00:51:47 to take the advantage position of increasing troops in Afghanistan, but then tries to have it both ways by saying, but in two years we're gonna withdraw. That book really demonstrates how the deep state can completely remove any of your options to be able to move by presenting you with ones which you don't even want and then making it politically completely infeasible to travel down the extreme directions.
Starting point is 00:52:13 That's why when Trump says things like, I wanna get out of Syria, that doesn't compute up here for the Pentagon. Because first of all, if I even asked you how many troops we have in Syria and you could go on the DOD website, it'll tell you a number. The number's bullshit because the way that they do it
Starting point is 00:52:26 is if you're only there for 179 days, you don't count as active, military contracts, the real number is let's say five times. And so Trump would be like, hey, I wanna get out of Syria. They're like, yeah, we'll do it. Six months, right? We need six months.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And after six months ago, so are we out of Syria yet? And they're like, no, well, we gotta wrap this up. We got this base, we got that, and we have this important mission. And next thing you know, you're out of office, and it's over. So there's all these things which I don't think he quite understands.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I know that some of the people around him who disagree with these picks do, is the reason why these picks really matter is not only are the voices in the situation room for the really, really high profile stuff, it's for all the little things to never get to that president's desk, of which can shape extraordinary policy.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And I'll give you the best example. There was never a decision by FDR, as president of the United States, to oil embargo Japan. One which he thought about as deeply as you and I would want. It was a decision kind of made within the State Department. It was a decision that was made by some of his advisors. I think he eventually signed off on it.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It was a conscious choice, but it was not one which ever was understood the implications that by doing that, we invite a potential response like Pearl Harbor. So think about what the organizational bureaucratic model can tell us about the extraordinary blowback that we can get and why we want people with great judgment all the way up and down the entire national security chain
Starting point is 00:53:43 in the White House. Also, I just realized I did not talk about immigration, which is so insane. One of the reasons Donald Trump won in 2024, of course, was because of the massive change to the immigration status quo. The truth is that it may actually be second to inflation in terms of the reason that Trump did win the presidency was because Joe Biden fundamentally changed the immigration status quo in this country. That was another thing about the Scots-Irish people and others that we need to understand is that when government machinery and elitism and liberalism appears to be more concerned about people who are coming here in a disorderly and illegal process and about their rights and their
Starting point is 00:54:20 you know ability to quote unquote pursue the American dream while the American dream is dying for the native born population. That is a huge reason why people are turning against mass immigration. Historically as well, my friend, Raihan Salam, wrote a book called Melting Pot or Civil War. And one of the most important parts about that book is the history of mass migration to the United States.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So if we think about the transition from Scots-Irish America to the opening of America to the Irish and to mass European immigration, what a lot of people don't realize is it caused a ton of problems. There were mass movements at that time, the Know Nothings and others in the 1860s, who rose up against mass European migration.
Starting point is 00:55:03 They were particularly concerned about Catholicism by as the religion of a lot of the new immigrants. But really what it was is about the changing of the American character by people who are not have the same traditions, values, and skills as the native born population. And their understanding of what they're owed and their role in American society is very different
Starting point is 00:55:23 from the way that people previously had. One of the most tumultuous periods of US politics was actually during the resolution of the immigration question, where we had massive waves of foreign born population come to the United States. We had them integrated, luckily actually at the time, with the industrial revolution.
Starting point is 00:55:44 So we actually did have jobs for them. One of the problems is that today in the United States, we have one of the highest levels of foreign born population than ever before, actually since that time in the early 1900s, but we have all of the same attendant problems. But even worse is we don't live in an industrial economy anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:02 We live in a predominantly service-based economy that has long moved past manufacturing. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't bring some of that back, but the truth is that manufacturing today is not what it was to work in a steel mill in 1875. I think we can all be reasonable and we can agree on that. And part of the problems with extremely high levels of foreign-born population, particularly unskilled,
Starting point is 00:56:23 and the vast majority of the people who are coming here and who are claiming asylum are doing so under fraudulent purposes. They're doing so because they are economic migrants and they're abusing asylum law to basically gain entrance to the United States without going through a process of application or of merit. And this has all of its traces back to 1965,
Starting point is 00:56:44 where the Immigration Naturalization Act of 1965 really reversed and changed the status quo of immigration from the 1920s to 1960, which really shut down levels of immigration in the United States. In my opinion, it was one of the most important things that ever happened. And one of the reasons why is it forced and caused integration. It also forced by slowing down the increase in the number of foreign born population. It redeveloped an American character and understanding that was more homogenous and was the ability for you and me to understand despite the difference in our background. If you accelerate and you continue
Starting point is 00:57:21 this trend of the very high foreign born unskilled population, you unfortunately are basically creating a mass, you know, on it's basically it's a non-citizen population of illegal immigrants, people who are not as skilled. You know, I think it was, I read 27% of the people who've come under Joe Biden illegally don't even have a college degree. That means that we're lucky if they're even literate in Spanish, let alone English. So there are major problems about integrating that type of person, you know, even in the past,
Starting point is 00:57:52 whenever we had a mass industrial economy, now imagine today, the amount of strain that would put on social services if mass citizenship happened, you know, to that population would be extraordinary. And even if we were to do so, I don't think it's a good idea, but even if we were to do so, we would still need to pair it with a dramatic change.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And part of the problem right now is, I don't think a lot of people understand the immigration system. The immigration system in the United States effectively, they call it family-based migration. I call it chain migration. Chain migration is a term which implies that, let's say you come over here and you get your green card,
Starting point is 00:58:30 you can use sponsorship and others by gaming the quota system to get your cousin or whatever to be able to come. The problem with that is who is your cousin? Like, is he a plumber? Is he, you know, does he have, is he a coder? You know, that doesn't actually matter because he's your cousin, so he actually has preference.
Starting point is 00:58:44 The way that it should work is it should be, nobody cares if he's your cousin. What does he do? What does she do? What is she gonna bring to this country? All immigration in the United States, in my opinion, should be net positive without doing fake statistics about, oh, they actually increased the GDP or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's like, we need a merit-based immigration system. We are the largest country in the world. And one of the only non-Western, or one of the only Western countries in the world that does not have a merit-based, points-based immigration system, like Australia and or Canada. And I mean, I get it because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:59:15 did come to this country under non-merit-based purposes. So they're really reluctant to let that go. But I do think that Biden, by changing the immigration status quo and by basically just allowing, you know, tens of millions, potentially tens of millions, at the very least 12 million, new entrants to come to the US under these pretenses of complete disorder and of no conduct, really broke a lot of people's understanding and even mercy in that regard. And so that was obviously a massive part of Trump's victory.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Speaking of illegal immigration, what do you think about the borders are Tom Homan? Tom Homan is a very legit dude. Got to know him a little bit and Trump 1.0. He is an original like true believer on enforcing immigration law as it is. Now notice how I just said that, that's a politically correct way of saying mass deportation. And I will point out for my left wing critics in that, yeah, he really believes in the ability
Starting point is 01:00:20 in the necessity of mass deportation, and he has the background to be able to carry that out. I will give some warnings, and this will apply to Doge too. Tsar has no statutory or constitutional authority. Tsar has as much authority as the president of the United States gives him. Donald Trump, I think it's fair to say, even his critics or even the people who love him could say
Starting point is 01:00:41 he can be capricious at times and he can strip you or not strip you or give you the ability to compel. So czar in and of itself is frankly a very flawed position in the White House. And it's one that I really wish we would move away from. I understand why we do it. It's basically to do a national security advisor,
Starting point is 01:00:58 interagency convener to accomplish certain goals. That said, there is a person, Stephen Miller, who will be in the White House, the Deputy White House Chief of Staff, who has well-founded beliefs, experience in government, and a rock-solid ideology on this, which I think would also give him the ability to work with Homan to pull that off.
Starting point is 01:01:18 That said, a corollary to this, and frankly, this is the one I am the most mystified yet, is Kirsten Noem as the Department of Homeland Security Secretary. So let me just lay this out for people because people don't know what this is. Department of Homeland Security, 90% of the time, the way you're gonna interact with them is TSA.
Starting point is 01:01:37 You don't think about it. But people don't know, the Department of Homeland Security is one of the largest law enforcement, if maybe the largest law enforcement agency in the world. It's gigantic. You have extraordinary statutory power to be able to prove investigations. You have Border Patrol, ICE, TSA, CBP,
Starting point is 01:01:55 all these other agencies that report up to you. But most importantly for this, you will be the public face of mass deportation. So I was there in the White House briefing room last time around when Kirstjen Nielsen, who was the DHS secretary under Donald Trump and specifically the one who enforced child separation for a limited period of time, she was a smart woman. She has long experience in government and honestly, she melted under the criticism. Kirstjen Ohm is the governor of South Dakota.
Starting point is 01:02:24 I mean, that's great. You have a little bit of executive experience, but to be honest, I mean, you have no law enforcement background. You have no ability to, you have no frankly with understanding of what it is going to be like to be the secretary of one of the most controversial programs
Starting point is 01:02:40 in modern American history. You have to go on television and defend that every single day, a literal job requirement under Donald Trump. And you will have to have extraordinary command of the facts. You have to have a very high intellect. You have to have the ability to really break through. And I mean, we all watch how she handled that situation
Starting point is 01:02:58 with her dog and her interviews. And that does not give me confidence that she will be able to do all that well in the position. So what do you think is behind that? So Crystal falls on breaking point is that there's some kind of interpersonal, like I didn't know. I should know this, but I didn't know any of the,
Starting point is 01:03:20 there was some cheating or whatever. There's a rumor, nobody knows if it's true that Corey Lewandowski and Kiersten Noem had a previous relationship and ongoing. Corey Lewandowski is a Trump official and that he maybe put her in front, I don't know. Is this like the real housewives of DC? Yeah, kind of, although, I mean,
Starting point is 01:03:35 it was the most open secret in the world, allegedly. I don't know if it's true, okay? I don't like to traffic too much in personal theories, but I mean, in this respect, it might actually be correct in terms of how it all came down. I have no idea what he's thinking to be, I truly don't. I mean, maybe it's like he was last time. He said, I want a woman who's like softer and like
Starting point is 01:03:54 emotionally in the ability to be the face of my immigration program. I mean, again, like I said, I don't see it in terms of her experience and her media. It's frankly like not very good. So you think she needs to be able to articulate, not just be like the softer face of this radical policy, but also be able to articulate what's happening
Starting point is 01:04:17 with the reasoning behind all this. Yes, you need to give justification for everything. Here's the thing, under mass deportation, the media will drag up every sob story known to planet Earth about this person and that person who came here illegally and why they deserve to stay and really what the quasi thing is, that's why the program itself is bad
Starting point is 01:04:34 and we should legalize everybody who's here illegally. Okay, so the thing is, is that you need to be able to have extraordinary oversight, you need a great team with you, you need to make sure that everything is being done by the book, the way that the media is being handled is that you throw every question back in their face and you say, you either talk about crime
Starting point is 01:04:52 or you talk about the enforceability of the law, the necessity. I mean, I just, I think, articulated a very coherent case for why we need much less high levels of immigration to the United States. And I am the son of people who immigrated to this country. But one of the favorite phrases I heard from this from a guy named Mark Corcorian,
Starting point is 01:05:11 who's the Center for Immigration Studies, is we don't make immigration policy for the benefit of our grandparents. We make immigration policy for the benefit of our grandchildren. And that is an extraordinary and good way to put it. And in fact, I would say it's a triumph of the American system that somebody whose parent family
Starting point is 01:05:28 benefited from the immigration regime and was able to come here. My parents had PhDs, came here legally, applied, spent thousands of dollars through the process, can arrive at the conclusion that actually we need to care about all of our fellow American citizens. I'm not talking about other Indians or whatever. I'm talking about all of it. I care about everybody who our fellow American citizens. I'm not talking about other Indians or whatever. I'm talking about all of them.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I care about everybody who is here in this country. But fundamentally, that will mean that we are going to have to exclude some people from the US. And another thing that the open borders people don't ever really grapple with is that even within their own framework, it makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:06:03 So for example, a common left-wing talking point is that it's America's fault that El Salvador and Honduras and Central America is fucked up. And so because of that, we have a responsibility to take all those people in, because it's our fault, or Haiti, right? But if you think about it, America is responsible, and I'm just being honest,
Starting point is 01:06:23 for destroying and ruining a lot of countries. They just don't benefit from the geographic ability to walk to the United States. So, I mean, if we're doing grievance politics, Iraqis have way more of a claim to be able to come here than anybody from El Salvador who's talking about something that happened in 1982. So, within its own logic, it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Even under the asylum process, people don't even know this. You're literally able to claim asylum from domestic violence, okay? Imagine that. That's frankly, that is a local law enforcement and problem of people who are experiencing that in their home country.
Starting point is 01:07:01 I know how cold hearted this sounds, but maybe honestly it could be because I'm Indian. One of the things that whenever you visit India and you see a country with over a billion people, you're like, holy shit, you know, this, this is crazy. And you understand both the sheer numbers of the amount of people involved. And also there is nothing in the world you could ever do
Starting point is 01:07:21 to solve all problems for everybody. It's a very complex and dynamic problem. And it's really nice to be bleeding heart and to say, oh, well, we have responsibility to this and to all mankind and all that, but it doesn't work. It doesn't work with a nation state. It doesn't work with a sovereign nation. We're the luckiest people in the history of the world
Starting point is 01:07:36 to live here in this country. And you need to protect it. And protecting it requires really thinking about the fundamentals of immigration itself and not telling us stories. Like there's a famous moment from the Trump White House where Jim Acosta, CNN White House correspondent, got into it with Stephen Miller,
Starting point is 01:07:55 the current, you know, the current deputy chief. And he was like, what do you say? Something along the lines to people who say you're violating, you know, that quote on the Statue of Liberty, like give me your tired, your poor, your hungry, all of that, the Emma Lazarus quote. And Stephen very logically was like,
Starting point is 01:08:10 what level of immigration comports with the Emma Lazarus quote? Is it 200,000 people a year? Is it 300? Is it 1 million? Is it 1.5 million? And that's such a great way of putting it because there is no limiting principle
Starting point is 01:08:24 on Emma Lazarus quote. There is when you start talking, honestly, you're like, okay, we live in X, Y, and Z society with X, Y, and Z GDP. People who are coming here should be able to benefit for themselves and us, not rely on welfare, not be people who we have to take care of after because we have our own problems here right now.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And who are the population, the types of people that we can study and look at, who will be able to benefit. And based on that, yeah, immigration is great. But there are a lot of economic, legal, and societal reasons for why you definitely don't want the current level. But another thing is, even if we turn the switch
Starting point is 01:09:04 and we still let in a million five people a year under the chain family-based migration, I think it would be a colossal mistake because it's not rooted in the idea that people who are coming to America are explicitly doing so at the benefit of America. It's doing so based on the familial connections of people who already gamed the immigration system to be able to come here
Starting point is 01:09:25 I have a lot of family in India and you know I love them but and some of them are actually very talented and qualified if they wanted to come here I think they should be able to apply on their own merit and that should have nothing to do with their familial status of the fact that I'm a US citizen Like you mentioned the book melting pot or civil war by Raihan Salam, he makes an argument against open borders. The thesis there is a simulation should be a big part. I guess there's some kind of optimal rate of immigration which allows for a simulation.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah, and there are ebbs and flows. That's kind of what I was talking about historically, where, you know, I mean, the truth is, is you could walk the streets of New York City in the early 1900s and late 1890ss and you're not gonna hear any English. And I think that's bad. I mean, really what you had was ethnic enclaves of people who were basically practicing their way of life just like they did previously, bringing over a lot of their ethnic problems
Starting point is 01:10:16 that they had and even some of their cultural, like unique capabilities or whatever, bringing it to America and then New York City police and others are figuring out like, what the hell do we do with all this? And it literally took shutting down immigration for an entire generation to do away with that. And there's actually still some. The point about assimilation is twofold. One is that you should have the capacity
Starting point is 01:10:38 to inherit the understanding of the American character that has nothing to do with race. And that's so unique that I can sit here as a child of people from India and that's such a deep appreciation for the Scots-Irish. I consider myself, you know, American first. And one of the things that I really love about that is that I have no historical relationship
Starting point is 01:11:01 to anybody who fought in the Civil War, but I feel such kinship with a lot of the people who did and reading the memoirs and the ideas of those that did, because that same mindset of the victors and the values that they were able to instill in the country for 150 years later, gives me the ability to connect to them. And that's such an incredible victory on their part.
Starting point is 01:11:24 And that's such a unique thing in almost every other country in the world, in China and India or wherever, you're kind of like what you are. You're a Hindu, you're a Jew, you're a Han Chinese, you're a Uyghur, or you're Tibetan, something like that. You're born into it. But really here is one of the only places in the world where you can really connect to that story and that spirit and the compounding effect of all of these different people
Starting point is 01:11:48 who come to America. And that is a celebration of immigration as an idea. But immigration is also a discreet policy. And that policy was really screwed up by the Biden administration. And so we can celebrate the idea and also pursue a policy for all of the people in the US, our citizens to actually be able to benefit.
Starting point is 01:12:08 And look, it's gonna be messy. And honestly, I still don't know yet if Trump will be able to pursue actual mass deportation, just because I think that, I'm not sure the public is ready for it. I do support mass deportation. I don't know if the public is ready for it. I think, I don't know, I'll have to see,
Starting point is 01:12:25 because there's a lot of different ways that you can do it. There's mandatory verify, which requires businesses to basically verify you're a US citizen or you're here legally whenever they employ you, which is not the law of the land currently, which is crazy, by the way. There's, you know, you can cut off or tax remittance payments,
Starting point is 01:12:41 which are payments that are sent back to other countries like Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. Again, illustrating my economic migrant point. There are a lot of various different ways where you can just make it more difficult to be illegally here in the US, so people will self-deport. But if he does pursue like real mass deportation, that will be a flashpoint in America.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Aren't you talking about things like what Tom Homan said, works that raids, sort of increasing the rate of that? Yeah, we used to do that. But there's a rate at which you can do that where it would lead to, I mean, radical social upheaval. Yeah, it will. I mean, and I think some people need to be honest here, and this actually flies in the
Starting point is 01:13:22 face of, I mean, one of the most common liberal critiques is this is gonna raise prices. And yeah, I think it's true. I think it's worth it. But that's easy for me to say, I'm making a good living. If you care about inflation, you voted for Donald Trump and your price of groceries or whatever goes up because of this immigration policy,
Starting point is 01:13:42 I think that needs to be extremely well articulated by the president. And of course he needs to think about it. The truth is, is America right now is built on cheap labor. It's not fair to the consumer. It's not fair to the immigrants, the illegal immigrants themselves. And it's not fair to the natural born citizen.
Starting point is 01:13:58 The natural born citizen has his wages suppressed for competition by tens of millions of people who are willing to work at lower wages, that compete for housing, for social services. I mean, just even, you know, like basic stuff at a societal level, it's not fair to them. It's definitely not fair to the other person.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Cause I mean, whenever people say like, who's gonna build your houses or whatever, you're endorsing this quasi legal system where, you know, uninsured laborers from Mexico, they have no guarantee of wages, they're getting paid cash under the table, they are living, you know, 10 to a room, they're sending Mexican remittance payments back
Starting point is 01:14:39 just so that their children can eat. I mean, that's not really fair to that person either. So that's the point. The point is is that it will lead to a lot of social upheaval, but this gets to my Kirsty Gnome point, as well as you need to be able to articulate a lot of what I just said here,
Starting point is 01:14:53 because if you don't, it's gonna go south real quick. The way Vivek articulates this is that our immigration system is deeply dishonest. Like we don't acknowledge some of the things he just said. Yeah, exactly. And he wants to make it honest. So if we don't do mass deportation, at least you have to be really honest
Starting point is 01:15:11 about the living conditions of illegal immigrants, about basically mistreatment of them. Yes, it's true. I mean, if you support mass illegal migration, you're basically supporting tens of millions who are living lives as second-class citizens. That's not fair to them. I also think it's deeply paternalistic.
Starting point is 01:15:32 So there's this idea that America has so ruined these Central American countries that they have no agency whatsoever and they can never turn things around. What does that say about our confidence in them? You know, one of the things they always say there, oh, they're law abiding, they're great people and all that, I agree, okay? By and large, I'm not saying these are bad people, but I am saying like, if they're not bad
Starting point is 01:15:54 and they're law abiding and they're citizens and thoughtful and all that, they can fix their own countries. And they did in El Salvador, that's the perfect example. Look at the dramatic drop in their crime rate. Bukele is one of the most popular leaders in all of South America. That is proof positive that you can change things around
Starting point is 01:16:11 despite perhaps the legacy of US intervention. So, to just say this idea that, because it's America's fault that they're screwed up, it takes agency away from them. Another really key part of this dishonesty, this really gets to Springfield and the whole Haitian thing because everybody, beyond the eating cats and dogs, everybody does not even acknowledge
Starting point is 01:16:33 because when they're like, the Haitians are here legally, they need to actually think about the program. The program is called TPS, so let me explain that. TPS is called temporary protected status. Note, what's the first word on that? Temporary, what does that mean? TPS was developed under a regime in which, let's say that there was a catastrophic,
Starting point is 01:16:51 I think this is a real example, I think there was like a volcano or an earthquake or something, where people were granted TPS to come to the United States. And the idea was they were gonna go back after it was safe. They just never went back. There are children born in the United States today who are literally the descent, who are adults,
Starting point is 01:17:08 who are the descendants of people who are still living in the US under TPS. That's a perfect example of what Vivek says is dishonest. You know, you can't mass de facto legalize people by saying that they're here temporarily because of a program or because of something that happened in their home country when the reality is that for all intents and purposes,
Starting point is 01:17:30 we are acknowledging them as full legal migrants. So, even the term migrant to these Haitians in Springfield makes no sense because they're supposed to be here under TPS, that's not migrant implies permanency. So the language is all dishonest. And people don't wanna tell you about the things I just said about chain migration. The vast majority of Americans don't even know
Starting point is 01:17:50 how the immigration system works. They don't understand what I just said about TPS. They don't really understand the insanity of asylum law where you can just literally throw up your hands and say, I fear for my life. And you get to live here for four or five years before your court date even happens. And by that time, get a work permit or whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:07 You can, you know, you know, get housing, like you just said, in substandard conditions. And you can kind of just play the game and wait before a deportation order comes. And even if it does, you never have to leave because there's no ICE agent or whatever who's going to enforce it. So the whole system is nuts right now. We need complete systematic reform that burns it all to the ground. That said, sort of the image and the reality of a child being separated from their parents
Starting point is 01:18:32 seems deeply un-American, right? Well, I mean, look, it gets, okay, so, you know, I'm not gonna defend it, but I'll just put it this way. Do you hate children? Yeah, see, this's what I mean. Do you think twice whenever you see a drug addict who's put in prison and their child is put in protective services,
Starting point is 01:18:52 nobody in America thinks twice about that, right? Right? So, I mean, well, that's kind of screwed up. Well, we should think about, why did we come to that conclusion? The conclusion was is that these adults willingly broke the law and pursued a path of life, which put them on a trajectory where the state had to come in and determine that you are
Starting point is 01:19:12 not allowed to be a parent basically to this child while you serve your debt to society. Now child separation was very different. Child separation was also a product of extremely strange circumstances in US immigration law, where basically at the time, the reason why it was happening was because there was no way to prosecute people for illegal entry without child separation because previous doctrine, I believe it's called the Flores doctrine under some asylum law,
Starting point is 01:19:40 people will have to go check my work on this. But basically the whole reason this evolved as a legal regime was because people figured out that if you bring a kid with you because of the so-called Flores doctrine or whatever, that you couldn't be prosecuted for illegal entry. So it was a de facto way of breaking the law. And in fact, a lot of people were bringing children here
Starting point is 01:20:00 who weren't even theirs, who they weren't even related to or couldn't even prove it, were bringing them to get around the prosecution for illegal entry. So I'm not defending child separation. I think it was horrible or whatever, but if I give you the context,
Starting point is 01:20:16 it does seem like a very tricky problem in terms of do we enforce the law or not? How are we able to do that? And the solution, honestly, is what Donald Trump did was remain in Mexico and then pursue a complete rewrite of the way that we have US asylum law applied and of asylum adjudication and really just about enforcing our actual laws. So when I try to explain to people is the immigration system right now is a patchwork
Starting point is 01:20:45 of this deeply dishonest, such a great word, deeply dishonest system in which you use the system and set it up in such ways that illegal immigration is actually one of the easiest things to do to accomplish immigration to the United States. That is wrong. My parents had to apply. It wasn't easy.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Do you know in India there's a temple called the Visa Temple where you walk 108 times around it, which is like a lucky number, and if you do it when you're applying for a visa to the United States, all right? It costs a lot of money, and it's hard. People get rejected all the time. There's billions of people across the world
Starting point is 01:21:20 who would love to be able to come here. And many of them want to do so legally, and they should have to go through a process. The current way it works is it's easier to get here illegally than it is legally. I think that's fundamentally why it's also unfair to people like us whose parents did come here legally. Can you still man the case against mass deportation?
Starting point is 01:21:36 What are the strongest arguments? The strongest argument would be that these people contribute to society, that these people, many of whom, millions of here, have been here for many years, who have children, natural born citizens because of birthright citizenship, it would require something that's fundamentally inhumane
Starting point is 01:21:52 and un-American as you said, the idea of separating families, you know, across different borders simply because of what is a quote unquote like small decision of coming here illegally. And the best case beyond any of this moral stuff for no mass deportation is it's good for business. Illegal immigration is great for big business.
Starting point is 01:22:14 It is great for big agriculture. So if you want the lowest prices of all time, then yeah, mass deportation is a terrible idea. But first of all, very convincing. And second of all, and you can't just do mass deportation is a terrible idea. But first of all, very convincing. And second of all, you can't just do mass deportation without also fixing the immigration system. Yes, exactly. And I mean, there are several pieces of legislation,
Starting point is 01:22:35 HR2, that's something that the Republicans have really coalesced around. It's a border bill. I encourage people to go read it and see some of the different fixes to the US immigration system. I'm curious whether it'll actually pass or not. Remember, there's a very slim majority of the House of Representatives
Starting point is 01:22:49 for Republicans this time around, and people vote for a lot of things when they're not in power, but when it's actually about to become the law, we'll see. There's a lot of swing state people out there who may think twice before casting that vote. So I'm definitely curious to see how that one plays out. The other thing is, is that, like I just said, the biggest beneficiary of illegal immigration is big business. So if you think they're gonna take this one lying down, absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:23:14 They will fight for everything that they have to keep their pool of cheap labor because it's great for them. I think JD said a story, I think he was on Rogan, about how he talked to a hotelier chain guy and he was like, yeah, it's just terrible. It's like they would take away our whole workforce. And he was like, do you hear yourself
Starting point is 01:23:33 in terms of what you're talking, you're bragging about, but that's real, that's a real thing. And that, Tyson's foods and all these other people, that's another really sad part is, what I mean by second class citizenship, is this presumption, first of all, that Americans think it's too disgusting to process meat or to work in a field.
Starting point is 01:23:53 I think anybody will do anything for the right wage, first of all. But second is, you know, the conditions in a lot of those facilities are horrible, and they're covered up for a reason, not only in terms of the way that businesses, you know, like do they actually conduct themselves, but also to cover up their illegal immigrant workforce. So honestly, I think it could make things better for everything.
Starting point is 01:24:11 You have studied how government works. What are the chances of mass deportation happens? Well, it depends how you define it. So I mean, mass deportation can mean 1 million. I mean, nobody even knows how many people are here illegally. It could be 20 million. It could be 30 million. I've seen estimates of up to 30 million, which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:24 That's almost one 11th of the entire US population. What number do you think will feel like mass deportation? One million people? A million people is a lot. I mean, it's a lot of people. It's a lot. I mean, but the crazy part is that's only one 12th of what Joe Biden led in the country. That's one of those that just to give people the scale of what it will all look like. Do I think mass deportation will happen? It depends on the definition. Will one million over four years? Yeah, I feel relatively confident in that.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Anything over that, it's gonna be tough to say. Like I said, probably the most efficient way to do it is to have mandatory verify and to have processes in place where it becomes very difficult to live in the United States illegally and then you will have mass self-deportation and they will take the victory lap on that. But actual like rounding millions of people up and putting them in deportation facilities and then arranging flights to God knows all across the globe. That's a logistical nightmare.
Starting point is 01:25:27 It also costs a lot of money. And don't forget, Congress has to pay for all of this. So, you know, we can have Doge or we can have, you know, mass deportation. So those two things are kind of irreconcilable actually. There's a lot of competing influences at play that people are not being real about at all Yeah, that was one of the tensions I had talking to the vec is he's big on mass deportation and big on making
Starting point is 01:25:53 Government more efficient and it really feels like there's a tension between those two in the short term. Well, yes, absolutely Also, I mean, this is a good segue. I've been wanting to talk about this I am sympathetic to Doge, to the whole Department of Government Efficiency. How unreal is it that it's called Doge? Actually with Elon, it's quite real. I guess I've just, you know, I've accepted Elon as a major political figure in the US.
Starting point is 01:26:16 But the Doge Committee, the Department of Government Efficiency, is a non-statutory agency that has zero funding that Donald Trump says will advise OMB, the Office of Management and Budget. Now, two things. Number one is, as I predicted, Doge would become a quote unquote blue ribbon commission.
Starting point is 01:26:37 So this is a non-statutory blue ribbon commission that has been given authority to Vivek Ramaswamy and to Elon Musk. Secondary, their recommendations to government should be complete by July of 2026, according to the press release released by Trump. First of all, what that will mean is they're probably gonna need private funding
Starting point is 01:26:55 to even set all this up. That's great, not a problem for Elon, but you're basically gonna be able to have to commission GAO reports, Government Accountability Office, and other reports, and fact-finding missions across the government, which is fantastic. Trump can even empower you to go through to every agency
Starting point is 01:27:11 and to collect figures. None of it matters one iota if Republican appropriators in the House of Representatives care what you have to say. Historically, they don't give a shit what the executive office has to say. So every year, the president releases his own budget. It used to mean something,
Starting point is 01:27:28 but in the last decade or so, it's become completely meaningless. The House Ways and Means Committee and the People's House are the ones who originate all appropriations and set up spending. So that's one, is that Doge in and of itself has no power. It has no ability to compel or force people to do anything. Its entire case for being, really, if you think about it mechanically, is to try and convince and provide a report
Starting point is 01:27:53 to Republican legislators to be able to cut spending. So that's that. Now, we all know how Congress takes to government reports and whether they get acted on or not. So that's number one. Number two is the figures that Elon is throwing out there. I again, I wanna give them some advice because people do not understand federal government spending. The absolute vast majority of government spending is entitlement programs like social security and Medicare, which are untouchable under Donald Trump
Starting point is 01:28:23 and their most politically popular programs in the world, and military spending, discretionary non-military spending. I don't have the exact figure in front of me, is a very, very small part of the federal budget. Now, within that small slice, about 90% of that eight is bipartisan and is supported by like everybody. NOAA, you know the hurricane guys? Like people like that.
Starting point is 01:28:45 You know, people who are flying into the eye of the hurricane. People who are government inspectors of X, Y, and Z. The parts that are controversial, that you're actually able to touch, things like welfare programs, like food stamps, is an extraordinary small slice. So what's the number you put out there?
Starting point is 01:29:01 Five trillion, something like that? There is only one way to do that. And realistically, under the current thing, you have to radically change the entire way that the Pentagon buys everything. And I support that, but I just wanna be very, very clear. But I haven't seen enough energy around that. There's this real belief in the US
Starting point is 01:29:21 that we spend billions on all of these programs that are doing complete bullshit. But like the truth, the absolute vast majority of it is military spending and entitlements. Trump has made clear entitlements are off the table. It's not going to happen. So the way that you're going to be able to cut realistically military spending over a decade long period is to really change the way that the United States procures, you know, procures military equipment, hands out government contracts. Elon actually does have the background to be able to accomplish this
Starting point is 01:29:52 because he has had to wrangle with SpaceX and the bullshit that Boeing's been pulling for over a decade. But I really want everybody's expectations to be very set around this. Just remember, non-statutory, blue ribbon. So if he's serious about it, I just laid out all of these hurdles that he's gonna have to overcome. And I'm not saying him and Vivek aren't serious dudes, but you gotta really know the system
Starting point is 01:30:15 to be able to accomplish this. So you just laid out the reality of how Washington works. To give the counterpoint that I think you're probably also rooting for is That one is a statement like Peter teal said don't bet against you sure One of the things that you you don't usually have with blue ribbon is the kind of megaphone that Elon has true and I would even set the financial aspects aside just the the influence he has with the with the megaphone, but also just with other people who are also really influential.
Starting point is 01:30:52 I think that can have real power when backed by sort of a populist movement. I don't disagree with you, but let me give you a case where this just failed. So Elon endorsed who for Senate Majority Leader? Rick Scott, right? Who got the least amount of votes in the US Senate for GOP leader? Rick Scott. John Thune is the person who got it.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Now, the reason I'm bringing that up, one of my favorite books, Master of the Senate, by Robert Caro, part of the LBJ series, the Senate as an institution, it reveres independence. It reveres, I mean, the entire theory of the Senate is to cool down the mob that is in the House of Representatives and to deliberate. That's its entire body.
Starting point is 01:31:32 They are set up to be immune from public pressure. Now, I'm not saying they can't be pressured, but that example I just gave on Rick Scott is a very important one of, he literally endorsed somebody for leader. So did Tucker Carlson. So did a lot of people online. and only 13 senators voted for Rick Scott. The truth is that they don't care.
Starting point is 01:31:50 They're set up where they're marginally popular in their own home states. They'll be able to win their primaries, and that's all they really need to do to get elected. And they have six-year terms. They're not even up for four years. So will Elon still be interested in politics six years from now? That's a legitimate question for a Republican Senator. So maybe he could get the House of Representatives to sign off maybe on some of his things,
Starting point is 01:32:10 but there's no guarantee that the Senate is going to agree with any of that. There's a story that Kairos tells in the Master of the Senate book, which I love, where Thomas Jefferson was in Paris during the writing of the Constitution, and he asked Washington, he said, why did you put in a Senate, a bicameral legislature?
Starting point is 01:32:30 And Washington said, why did you pour your tea into a saucer? And Jefferson goes to cool it. And Washington says, just so. That's hard to explain. He was a man of very few words. He was a brilliant man. Okay, so you actually outlined the most likely thing
Starting point is 01:32:47 that's going to happen with Doja as it hits the wall of Washington. What is the sort of the most successful thing that can be pulled off? The most successful thing they could do is, right now I think they're really obsessed with designing cuts, right? And identifying cuts.
Starting point is 01:33:06 I would redesign systems, systems of procurement. I would redesign the way that we have processes in place to dispense taxpayer dollars because the truth is that appropriations itself, again, are set by the United States Congress. But the way that those appropriations are spent by the government, the executive has some discretionary authority. So your ability as the executive to be a good steward of the taxpayer money and to redesign a system, which actually, I think Elon could be good at this, and Vivek too, in terms of their entrepreneurial spirit, is the entire Pentagon procurement thing, it needs to be
Starting point is 01:33:43 burned to the ground. Number one, it's bad for the Pentagon. It gives them substandard equipment. It rewards very old weapons systems and programs and thinking that can be easily defeated by people who are studying that for vulnerabilities. The perfect example is all of this drone warfare in Ukraine and in Russia.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I mean, drone warfare costs almost nothing, and yet drone swarms and hypersonic missiles pose huge dangers to US systems, which cost more than hundreds of billions of dollars. So my point is that giving nimble procurement and systemic change in the way that we think about executing the mission that Congress does give you actually could save the most amount of money
Starting point is 01:34:25 in the long run. That's where I would really focus in on. The other one is, counter to everything I just said, is maybe they will listen. Maybe the Republicans are like, yeah, okay, let's do it. The problem again though, is swing state people who need to get reelected, they need to do one thing. They need to deliver for their district, they need to do one thing. They need to deliver for their district.
Starting point is 01:34:45 They need to run on stuff. And nobody has ever run on cutting money for your state. They have run on bringing money to your state. And that's why earmarks and a lot of these other things are extraordinarily popular in Congress is because it's such an easy way to show constituents how you're working for them whenever it does come reelection time.
Starting point is 01:35:05 So it's a very difficult system. And I also wanna tell people who are frustrated by this, I share your frustration, but the system is designed to work this way. And for two centuries, the Senate has stood as a bulwark against literally every popular change. And because of that, it's designed to make sure that it's so popular for long
Starting point is 01:35:25 enough that it has to become inevitable before the status quo can change. That's really, really frustrating, but you should take comfort in that it's always been that way. So it's been okay. Well, as I've learned from one of the recommendations of the age of acrimony, I feel embarrassed that I didn't know that senators used to not be elected. What a crazy system, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:46 I mean, many of the things we take for granted now as defining our democracy was kind of invented, developed after the Civil War in the sort of 50 years after the Civil War. Absolutely correct. Age of Acrimony, oh my God. I love that book. I cannot recommend it enough. It is so important. And one of the biggest mistakes that Americans make is that we study periods where greatness happened,
Starting point is 01:36:11 but we don't often study periods where nothing happened or where really bad shit happened. You know, we don't spend nearly enough, Americans know about FDR. They don't really know anything about the depression or how we got there. What was it like to be alive in the United States in 1840? Nobody thinks about that really because it's kind of an in-between time in history. There are people who live their entire
Starting point is 01:36:33 lives who were born, who had to live through those times, who were just as conscientious and intelligent as you and I are and were just trying to figure shit out and things felt really big. So the age of acrimony is a time where it's almost completely ignored outside of the Gilded Age aspect. But like you just said, it was a time where progressive reform of government and of the tension between civil rights, extraordinary wealth, and democracy,
Starting point is 01:36:57 and really the reigning in of big business, so many of our foundations happened exactly in that time. And I take a lot of comfort from that book because one of the things I learned from the book of big business, so many of our foundations happened exactly in that time. And I take a lot of comfort from that book because one of the things I learned from the book is that voter participation is highest when people are pissed off, not when they're happy. And that's such a counterintuitive thing,
Starting point is 01:37:16 but voter participation goes down when the system is working. So 2020, right, I think we can all agree it was a very tense election. That's also why it had the highest voter participation ever. 2024, very high rates of participation. Same thing, people are pissed off and that's actually what drives them to the vote.
Starting point is 01:37:32 But something that I take comfort in that is that people being pissed off and people going out to vote, it actually does have major impact on the system because otherwise the status quo is basically allowed to continue. And so, yeah, like you just said, I mean, direct election of senators wasn't, I mean, there are probably people alive today who are like, who could, who were born when there
Starting point is 01:37:51 was no direct election of senators, which is an insane thing to think about. I mean, there'd be almost a hundred or so. But the point is, is that at that time it was so deeply corrupt and it was one where the quasi aristocracy from the early days leading into the Gilded Age were able to enforce their will upon the people. But you can take comfort in that that was one of those areas
Starting point is 01:38:13 where Americans were so fed up with it, they changed the constitution and actually forced the aristocrats in power to give their own power. It's like our version of when they flipped power and took away the legislative power of the House of Lords in the UK. I just think that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:38:28 And it's such a cool thing about our country and the UK too. It's the continued battle between the people and the elite. Right? And we should mention not just the direct election of senators, but the election of candidates for party for a party. Yes, that was also invented It used to be that the quote-unquote party bosses I say that with a half a chuckle Chose the candidate. Yeah, the whole system is nuts The way that we currently experience politics is such a modern invention with a little asterisks with Kamala Harris
Starting point is 01:39:03 But right. Yeah, good point. But well, that was actually more of a mean reversion, right? We're living in an extraordinarily new era where we actually have more input than ever on who our candidates are. It used to be, this is crazy. So the conventions have always took in place two months before, right?
Starting point is 01:39:18 Imagine a world where you did not know who the nominee was gonna be before that convention. And the nominee literally was decided at that convention by those party bosses. Even crazier, there used to be a standard in American politics where presidents did not directly campaign. They in fact did not even comment about the news
Starting point is 01:39:37 or mention their opponents names. They would give speeches from their doorstep, but it was unseemly for them to engage in direct politics. You would not get a Bernie Sanders. No, no. You would not get a Donald Trump. Obama, Bill Clinton. I mean, basically every president from John F. Kennedy onwards
Starting point is 01:39:53 has been a product of the new system. Every president prior to that has been much more of the older system. There was a in-between period post-FDR where things were really changing, but the primary system itself had its first true big win under John F. Kennedy.
Starting point is 01:40:08 I think that the lesson from that is there's a collective wisdom to the people, right? I think so. I think it works. Yeah, I mean, well, okay, I'll steel man it. We had some great presidents in the party boss era. FDR was a great president. FDR was the master of coalitional politics politics of his ability. In fact, what really
Starting point is 01:40:27 made him a genius was his ability to get this, overthrow the support of a lot of the corruption and the elite Democrats to take part to take control in there at the convention and then combine his personal popularity to fuse all systems of power where he had the he had the he had the elites basically under his boot, because he was the king and he used his popular power and his support from the people
Starting point is 01:40:50 to be able to enforce things up and down. I mean, even in the party boss era, we would have no, a lot of the people we revere came out of that, people like Abraham Lincoln. I mean, I don't think Abraham Lincoln would have won a party primary in 1860. There's no chance. He won, he won, luck, thank God,
Starting point is 01:41:10 from an insane process in the 1860 Republican convention. People should go read about that because that was wild. I think we were this close to not having Lincoln as president. And yeah, I mean, Teddy Roosevelt, there's so many that I could point to who made great impacts on history. So the system does find a way to still produce good stuff. That was a kind of beautiful diversion from the Doge discussion. If we can return briefly
Starting point is 01:41:34 to Doge. So you kind of talked about cost cutting, but there's also increasing the efficiency of government, which you also kind of talked about with procurement. So maybe we can throw into the pile, the 400 plus federal agencies. So let's take another perspective on what success might look like. So like radically successful Doge, would it basically cut a lot of federal agencies?
Starting point is 01:42:02 Probably combine. Combine. Okay, so I can give great examples of this because I have a great insight. Like for each agency will often use different like payroll systems. They'll have different internal processes, right? That makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:42:16 And it's all because it's antiquated. Now everybody always talks about changing it, but there are a lot of like party interests about why certain people get certain things. The real problem with government, the people like us who are private and like, for example, when you want to do something, you can just do it. So I was listening to a really interesting analysis
Starting point is 01:42:37 about law enforcement and the military. So I think the story was that the military was, National Guard guys were assigned to help with the border and they were trying to provide, I think it was translation services to people at border patrol. But somebody had to come down and be like, hey, this has got to stop.
Starting point is 01:42:57 According to US code X, Y, and Z, the United States military cannot help with law enforcement abilities here. And so even though that makes absolutely no sense because they're all work, there are literal legal statutes in place that prevent you from doing the most efficient thing possible.
Starting point is 01:43:13 So for some reason, we have to have a ton of Spanish speakers in Southcom, in the US command that is responsible for South America who literally cannot help with a crisis at the border. Now, maybe you can find some legal chicanery to make that work, but man, you gotta have an attorney general who knows what he's doing. You need a White House counsel.
Starting point is 01:43:34 You need to make sure that shit stands up in a court of law. I mean, it's not so simple. Whereas, let's say you have a software right here and you wanna get a new software, you can just do it. You can hire whoever you want. When you're the government, there's a whole process you got to go through about bidding. And it just takes forever.
Starting point is 01:43:50 And it is so inefficient. But unfortunately, the inefficiency is really derivative of a lot of legal statutes. And that is something that, yeah, again, actually, radically successful, doge, quote unquote, would be study the law and then change it. Like figure, instead of cost cutting, like cut this program or whatever,
Starting point is 01:44:13 like I just said about why do different systems use payroll, just say that you can change the statute under which new software can be updated, let's say after 90 days. You know, I've heard stories of people who work for the government who still have IBM mainframe that they're still in 2024, that they're still working because those systems have never been updated. There's also a big problem with a lot of this clearance stuff. That's where a lot of inefficiency happens because a lot of contractors can only work based upon previous clearance that
Starting point is 01:44:42 they already got. Achieving a clearance is very expensive. It's a very lengthy process. I'm not saying it shouldn't be, talking about security clearance, but it does naturally create a very small pool that you can draw some contracts from. And I even mean stuff like the janitor at the Pentagon needs a security service, right?
Starting point is 01:45:00 So clearance. So there's only like five people who can even apply for that contract. Well, naturally in an interim monopoly like that, he's gonna jack his price up because he literally has a moat around his product. Whereas if you or I are hiring a gent, whatever, anybody for anything, that type of credentialism and legal regime,
Starting point is 01:45:19 it doesn't matter at all. So there are a million problems like this that people in government run into. And that is what I would see as the most successful. You know, paperwork slows everything down and it feels impossible to break through that in a sort of incremental way. It's so hard.
Starting point is 01:45:36 It feels like the only way to do it is to literally shut down agencies in some kind of radical way and then build up from scratch. Of course, as you highlight, that's going to be opposed by a lot of people within government. Yeah, well, historically, there's only one way to do it,
Starting point is 01:45:55 and it's a really bad answer, war. War, yeah, so I was gonna say, basically, you have the kind of consensus where, okay, all this stupid bureaucratic bullshit we've been doing, we need to put that shit aside, get the fuck out of here, we need to win a war. So all the paperwork, all the lawyers go leave. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:46:18 No, but I want people to really understand that. Up until 1865, or 1860, I forget the exact year, we didn't even have national currency. And then we were like, well, we need a greenback. And prior to that, people would freak out if we were talking about having national currency, greenback, backed by the, you know, the US government and all of that.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Not even a question, passing like two weeks in the US Congress. An income tax eventually went away, but not even in the realm of possibility, and they decide to pass it. Same thing after World War I. And you think about how World War II, I mean, World War II just fundamentally changed the entire way the United States government works. Even the DHS, which I mentioned earlier, the Department of Homeland Security, it didn't even exist prior to 9-11. It was done as response to 9-11 to coalesce all
Starting point is 01:47:06 of those agencies under one branch to make sure that nothing like that could ever happen again. And so historically, unfortunately, absolute shit show disaster war is the only thing that moves and throws the paperwork off the table. And I wish I wasn't such a downer, but I've just, I've both, I've read too much and I've had enough experience now in Washington to just see how these dreams get crushed instantly.
Starting point is 01:47:33 And I wish it wasn't that way. I mean, it's a cool idea. And I want people who are inspired, who are getting into politics to think that they can do something, but I want them to be realistic too. And I want them to know what they're signing up for whenever they do something like that.
Starting point is 01:47:45 And the titanic amount of work it is going to take for you to be able to accomplish something. Yeah, but I've also heard a lot of people in Silicon Valley laughing when Elon rolled in and fired 90% of Twitter. Here's this guy, Elon Musk. You are absolutely correct. Knows nothing about running a social media company.
Starting point is 01:48:01 Of course you need all these servers. Of course you need all these employees. Right. And nevertheless, the service keeps running. He figured it out and you have to give him eternal credit for that. I guess the difference is there was no law that he could fire him. There was no, at the end of the day, he owned the company. He had total discretion of his ability to move. So I'm not even saying his ideas are bad. I'm saying that the ability that's, what makes him such an incredible visionary entrepreneur?
Starting point is 01:48:29 It's movement, it's deference at times to the right people, but also the knowledge of every individual piece of the machine and his ability to come in and to execute his full vision at any time and override any of the managers. So I talked previously about the professional managerial class and the managerial revolution. Elon is one of the few people who's ever built
Starting point is 01:48:50 a multi-billion dollar company who has not actually fallen victim to the managerial revolution and against entrepreneurship and innovation that happens there. There are very few people who can do it. Elon, Steve Jobs, but what do we learn? Is that unfortunately after Steve died, Apple basically did succumb to the managerial revolution
Starting point is 01:49:09 and has become the product. They make all their money by printing services and making it impossible to leave this ecosystem as opposed to building the most cool product ever. As much as I love my Vision Pro, don't get me wrong. I think you just admitted that you're part of a cult. I know, I literally am. I am don't get me wrong. I think you just admitted that you're part of a cult. I know, I literally am. I am, I fully admit it.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Yeah. I miss Steve. The grass is green on the other side, come join us. Okay, whether it's Elon or somebody else, what gives you hope about something like a radical transformation of government towards efficiency, towards being more slim? What gives you hope that that will be possible?
Starting point is 01:49:47 Well, I wouldn't put it that way. I don't think slimness in and of itself is a good thing. What I care about is the relationship to people and its government. So the biggest problem that we have is that we have a complete loss of faith in all of our institutions. And I really encourage people,
Starting point is 01:50:04 I don't think people can quite understand what the relationship between America and its government was like after World War II and after FDR. Like 90% of the people trusted the government. That's crazy. Like when the president said something, they were like, okay, he's not lying. Think about our cynical attitude towards politicians today.
Starting point is 01:50:24 That is largely the fault of Lyndon Johnson and of Richard Nixon, and that entire fallout period of Vietnam. Vietnam in particular really broke the American character and its ability and its relationship with government. And we've never recovered faith in institutions ever since that. And it's really unfortunate.
Starting point is 01:50:41 So what makes me hopeful, at least this time, is anytime a president wins a popular vote and an election, is they have the ability to reset and to actually try and build something that is new. And so what I would hope is that this is different from the first Trump administration in which the mandate for Donald Trump is actually carried out competently.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Yes, he can do his antics, which got him elected. At this point, we can't deny it. McDonald's thing is hilarious. It's funny. It is. People love it. People like the podcasting. People like-
Starting point is 01:51:15 Garbage truck. The garbage truck. Yeah, exactly. They like the stunts. And he will always excel and he will continue to do that. There are policy and other things that he can and should do, like the pursuit of no war, like solving the immigration question,
Starting point is 01:51:28 and also really figuring out our economy, the way that it currently runs, and changing it so that the actual American dream is more achievable. And housing is one of the chief problems that we have right now. The real thing is Donald Trump was elected on the backs of the working man.
Starting point is 01:51:47 I mean, it's just true. Households under $100,000 voted for Donald Trump. Maybe they didn't do so for economic reasons. I think a lot of them did for economic, a lot of them did for immigration, for cultural, but you still owe them something. And there is, I would hope that they could carry something out in that respect that is not a similar continuation
Starting point is 01:52:06 and chaotic vibe of the first time where everything felt like it exploded anytime with staffing, with even his policy or what he cared about or his ability to pursue. And a lot of that does come back to personnel. So I'm concerned in some respects, I'm like not thrilled in some respects, I'm happy in some respects,
Starting point is 01:52:24 but it remains to be seen how he's gonna do it. To the degree it's possible to see Trumpism and MAGA as a coherent ideology, what do you think are the central pillars of it? MAGA is a rejection of cultural elitism. That's what I would say. Cultural elitism though, has many different categories. Immigration is one, right? Is that cultural elitism though, has many different categories.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Immigration is one, right? Is that cultural elitism and cultural liberalism has a fundamental belief that immigration in and of itself is a natural good at any and all levels, that all immigrants are like replacement level, that there is no difference between them. Cultural elitism in a foreign policy context comes back to a lot of that human rights, democracy stuff that I was talking about earlier,
Starting point is 01:53:07 which divorces American values from American interests and says that actually American values are American interests. Cultural elitism and liberalism leads to the worship of the post-civil rights era bureaucracy that I talked about from those two books of DEI, quote unquote, woke, and of progressive social ideology.
Starting point is 01:53:26 So I would put all those together as ultimately what MAGA is. It is a screw you. I once drove past, it was in rural Nevada and I was driving and I drove past the biggest sign I've ever seen, political sign to this J. And it was in 2020 and it just said, Trump, fuck your feelings.
Starting point is 01:53:47 And I still believe that is the most coherent MAGA thing I've ever seen because everyone's always like, how can a Neocon and Tulsi Gabbard and RFK and all these other people, how can they all exist under the same umbrella? And I'm like, it's very simple. All of them have rejected the cultural elite in their own way, certainly, but they've arrived at the same umbrella. And I'm like, it's very simple. All of them have rejected the cultural elite in their own way, certainly,
Starting point is 01:54:08 but they've arrived at the same place. It's an umbrella. And it's an umbrella fundamentally, which has nothing to do with the status quo and with the currently established cultural elite. That doesn't mean they're not elite and they're not rich in their own regards. That doesn't mean they don't disagree,
Starting point is 01:54:23 but that's the one thing that unites the entire party. And so that's the way I would put it. Anti-cultural elite, is that synonymous with anti-establishment? So basic distrust of all institutions? Is elitism connected to institutions? Yes, absolutely, because elites are the ones who runs our institutions.
Starting point is 01:54:41 That said, anti-establishment is really not the right word because there are a lot of left-wingers who are anti-establishment is really not the right word because there are a lot of left-wingers who are anti-establishment, right? They are against that, but they're not anti-cultural leftism. And that's the key distinction between MAGA and like left populism. Left populism basically does agree.
Starting point is 01:54:57 They agree with like basic conceits. Like racism is one of the biggest problem facing America. They're like, one of the ways that we would fix that is through class oriented economic programs in order to address that. But we believe in, I don't know, like reparations as a concept. It's just more about how we arrive there.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Whereas in MAGA, we would say, no, we actually don't think that at all. We think we've evolved past that. And we think that the best way to fix it is actually similar policy prescription, but the mindset matters a lot. So the real distinction between MAGA and like left populism really is on culture.
Starting point is 01:55:33 Trans in particular, orientation about, actually immigration may be the biggest one because if you look at the history of Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders was a person who railed against open borders and against mass migration for years. There are famous interviews of him on YouTube with Lou Dobbs, who's one of the hardest, hardcore immigration guys, and they agree with each other.
Starting point is 01:55:55 And Lou is like, Bernie's one of the only guys out there. Bernie, at the end of the day, he had to succumb to the cultural left and its changing attitudes on mass immigration. There's some famous clips from 2015 in a Vox interview that he gave where he started, I think he started talking about how the open borders is a Koch brothers libertarian concept, right?
Starting point is 01:56:15 Because Bernie is basically of a European welfare state tradition. European welfare states are very simply understood. We have high taxes, high services, low rates of immigration. Because we have high taxes and high services, we have a limited pool of people who can experience and take those services. He used to understand that.
Starting point is 01:56:33 He changed a lot of his attitude. Bernie also, I will say, look, he's a courageous man and a courageous politician. You know, as late as 2017, he actually endorsed a pro-life candidate because he said that that pro-life candidate was pro-worker. And he's like, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 01:56:48 I care about pro-worker policy. He took a ton of shit for it. I don't think he's done it since. So the sad part that's really happened is that a lot of left populist agenda and other has become subsumed in the hysteria around cultural leftism, wokeism, whatever the hell you wanna call it, and hysteria around cultural leftism, wokeism, whatever the hell you want to call it. And that ultimately that cultural leftism
Starting point is 01:57:09 was the thing that really united the two wings of that party. And that's really why MAGA is very opposed to that. They're really not the same, but the left populace can still be anti-establishment. That's the key. It's interesting to think of the left cultural elite subsuming, consuming Bernie Sanders, the left populace.
Starting point is 01:57:29 So you think that's what happened? That's what I would say. What do you think happened in 2016 with Bernie? Is there a possible future where he would have won? You and Christophe wrote a book on populism in 2020. So from that perspective, just looking at 2016, if he rejected wokeism from that perspective, just looking at 2016, if he rejected woke-ism at that time, by the way, that would be pretty gangster during 2016.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Would he have, because I think Hillary went towards the left more, right? Am I remembering that correctly? It was a very weird time. So yes and no, it wasn't full on BLM mania like it was in 2020, but the signs were all there. So the great awakening was in 2014. I know it's a ridiculous term. I'm sorry. I love it. Please keep saying it. But just to give the origin, the great awakening is about the great religious revival in the
Starting point is 01:58:20 United States. So people had, you know, because woke ism is a religion, you know, that's a common refrain. They were like, the great awoken-ing is a really good term. So- Thank you for explaining the joke. Yeah. So the great awoken-ing is basically when racial attitudes amongst college educated whites basically flipped on its head. There are a variety of reasons why this happened.
Starting point is 01:58:38 I really believe that Ta-Nehisi Coates' case for reparations in the Atlantic is one of those. It radicalized an entire generation of basically like white college educated women to think completely differently on race. It was during Ferguson, and then it also happened immediately after the Trayvon Martin case.
Starting point is 01:58:55 Those two things really set the stage for the eventual BLM takeover of 2020, but fundamentally what they did is they changed racial attitudes amongst college educated elites to really think in a race-first construct. And worse is that they were rejected in 2016 at the ballot box by the election of Donald Trump, and in response they ramped it up because they believed that that was the framework to view the world, that people voted for Trump because he was racist and not for a variety of other reasons that they eventually did.
Starting point is 01:59:26 And so the point around this on question of whether Bernie could have won in 2016, I don't know. Crystal seems to think so. I'm skeptical. I'm skeptical for a variety of reasons. I think the culture is honestly one of them. One of Trump's core issues in 2016 was immigration. And Bernie and him did not agree on immigration. And if immigration, even if people did support
Starting point is 01:59:51 Bernie Sanders and his vision for working class people, like the debates and the understanding about what it would look like, like a healthcare system, which literally would pay for illegal immigrants, I think he would have gotten killed on that. But I could be wrong. I honestly, I will never know what that looked like. Let me reference you from earlier in the conversation
Starting point is 02:00:09 with FDR. It's not the policy. I think if he went more anti-establishment and more populist, as opposed to trying to court, trying to be friendly with the DNC. Yeah, I mean, that's a good counterfactual. Nobody will really know. Look, I have a lot of love for the Bernie 2016 campaign.
Starting point is 02:00:31 He has a great ad from 2016 called America. You should watch it, it's a great ad. That's another very interesting thing. It's unapologetically patriotic, and that is not something that you see in a lot of left-wing circles these days. So he understood politics at a base level that a lot of people did not. But you know, Bernie himself, and then a lot of the Bernie movement was basically crushed
Starting point is 02:00:53 by the elite Democratic Party for a variety of reasons. They hated them. You know, they basically they attacked Joe Rogan for even having him on and for giving him a platform. That was ridiculous. Obviously backfired in their face, which is really funny. There is, but there are a lot of million examples like that. When they attacked Bernie for endorsing
Starting point is 02:01:13 a pro-life politician and he never did it again. They attacked Bernie for having Bernie bros, people online, the bros who were Super Bro Bernie, and it was his fault, his supporters would say nasty things about Elizabeth Warren and he would like defend straight himself and be like, yes, I'm sorry, please my bro. It was like, stop that. I think that his biggest problem is he never went full Trump.
Starting point is 02:01:35 That he didn't go, like he kept saying sorry. Yeah, I agree. I totally agree. And actually in 2020, I did a ton of analysis on this at the time. He would always do stuff like Joe Biden, my friend. And it's like, no, he's not your friend. He stands for everything that you disagree with, everything.
Starting point is 02:01:52 He'd be like, yeah, he's a nice guy, but he's not my friend. But he would always be like, Joe and I are great friends, but we have a small disagreement on this. But like you just said, in terms of going full Trump, they wanted to see Trump up there humiliating all of the GOP politicians that they didn't trust anymore.
Starting point is 02:02:09 That's what people really wanted. But the other side of this is that the Democratic base in 2020 was very different than 2016, because by 2020, they full on had TDS, and they were basically like, we need to defeat Trump at all costs. We don't give a shit what your name is. Bernie, Biden, whatever.
Starting point is 02:02:29 Whichever of you is gonna be at best defeat Trump, you get the knob. 2016 is different because they didn't full on have that like love and necessity of winning. By the way, this is a strategic advantage that the Democrats have. Democrats just care about winning the current base of the party. All they wanna do is win. Republican base, they have. Democrats just care about winning the current base of the party.
Starting point is 02:02:46 All they wanna do is win. Republican base, they don't give a shit about winning. They just love Trump. So it's nice to win, but one of those where they will express their id for what they really want. Now it's worked out for them because it turns out that's a very palpable political force.
Starting point is 02:03:01 But one of the reasons why, you know, you won't see me up here doing James Carville 40 more years is there is a law of something called thermostatic public opinion, where, you know, the thermostat, it changes a lot whenever you actually, so when you have a left-wing president in power, the country goes right.
Starting point is 02:03:19 When you have a right-wing president in power, the country goes left. Amazing, right? You can actually look at a graph of economic attitudes from the two months where Joe Biden became president after Donald Trump. So Republicans, Trump was president in the last year in office, economy's great.
Starting point is 02:03:34 Two months later, the economy is horrible. That is a perfect example of thermostatic opinion. And I'm not counting these Democrats out. 2004, George W. Bush wins the popular vote. He has a historic mandate to continue in Iraq. By 06, he's toasted. We have a massive midterm election, and by 08, we're writing books about 40 more years
Starting point is 02:03:54 and how there's never gonna be a Republican in office ever again. So things can change a lot in a very short period of time. I think also for me personally, maybe I'm deluded, sort of the great man view of history. I think some of it is in programming circles, the term skills issue. I think some of it just has to do how good you are,
Starting point is 02:04:13 how charismatic you are, how good you are as a politician. I maybe disagree with this. I'd love to see what you think. I think if Obama, if you were allowed to run for many terms, I think Obama would just keep winning. He would win 2016, he would win 2020, he would win this year 2024. It's possible, but I would flip it on you
Starting point is 02:04:31 and I would say Obama would never be elected if there were no term limits because Bill Clinton would have still been president. Yeah, so. Well, those two, right. That's two examples of exactly, they extremely skilled politicians and somehow can appear like populists.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Man, Bill Clinton was a force in his time. And it's honestly sad what's happened to him. I was actually just talking with a friend the other day. I'm like, I kind of don't think that presidents should become president when they're young because they live to see themselves become irrelevant. And that must be really painful because I know what it takes to get there.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Imagine being Clinton. I mean, your entire legacy was destroyed with Hillary Clinton in 2016. And then imagine being Obama, who in 2016, you could argue it's a one-off and say that Trump is just, oh, Hillary was a bad candidate. But Michelle and Barack Obama went so hard for Kamala Harris, and they just got blown out in the popular vote.
Starting point is 02:05:27 I mean, the Obama era officially ended with Donald Trump's reelection to the presidency in 2024. And that was a 20-year period where Obama was one of the most popular central figures in American politics. But I want to return to what you're saying because it is important. And by the way,
Starting point is 02:05:43 I do not support term limits on American presidents. Are you a fascist? Well, that would imply that I don't believe in democracy. I actually do believe in democracy because I think the people, if they love their president, should be able to reelect him. I think FDR was amazing. I think that the term limit change was a, basically what happened is, is that Republicans and a lot of elite Democrats
Starting point is 02:06:05 always wanted to speak against FDR, but he was a God, so they couldn't. So they waited until he died. And then after he died, they were like, yeah, this whole third, fourth term, that can never happen again. And America didn't really think that hard about it. They were like, yeah, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 02:06:21 But I mean, it had immense consequences for American history. Clinton is the perfect example. I mean, just imagine, Bill Clinton left office even despite the Lewinsky bullshit. He had a 60% approval rating, okay? No way George W. Bush gets elected, impossible. Clinton would have blown his ass out. And imagine the consequences of that.
Starting point is 02:06:41 We would have no Iraq. I mean, I'm not saying he was a great man. Like we probably still would have had the financial crisis and there's still a lot of that? We would have no Iraq. I mean, I'm not saying he was a great man. Like, we probably still would have had the financial crisis and there's still a lot of bad stuff that would have happened, but he was a popular dude. And, you know, I wouldn't say he had the best judgment at times, presidentially, not personally, definitely not personally, but, you know, at presidentially.
Starting point is 02:06:58 But I'm pretty confident we would have not gone into the Iraq War. And so that's where it really cost us. If you're a left wing and you're talking about Obama, yeah, I think Obama probably would have won in 2016. Although it's a counterfactual because Obama was never challenged in the same way that MAGA was able to, to the liberal consensus.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Like Romney really ran this like awful campaign, honestly, about cutting spending. It was very traditional, Republican, it was deeply unpopular. The autopsy of that election was, we actually need to be more pro-immigration. That literally was the autopsy. But Trump understood the assignment.
Starting point is 02:07:37 There are two people who I so deeply respect for their political bets, Peter Thiel and Donald Trump. So one of the books that I recommended called The Unwinding by George Packer, he actually talks about Peter Thiel and Donald Trump. So one of the books that I recommended called The Unwinding by George Packer, he actually talks about Peter Thiel there. This is in 2013. And Thiel talks about, he was like, you know, whoever runs for office next,
Starting point is 02:07:56 they don't need to run on an optimistic message. They need to run on a message that everything is fucked up and that we need to fix. And if you think about, that's why Teal's endorsement of Trump with the American carnage message is, I mean, it took, it was shocking, right, at the time, but he had that fundamental insight that that's what the American people wanted.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Trump too comes out of an election in 2012 where the literal GOP autopsy, the report produced by the party says, we need to be pro mass immigration. What happens? Immediately after 2012, they start to go for mass immigrant. Basically they go for like these amnesty plans,
Starting point is 02:08:35 the so-called gang of eight plan, Marco Rubio, and all of this in 2013, it falls apart. But Republicans get punished by their base in 2014. So Eric Cantor, who was the House Majority Leader, the number two Republican, spent more on stake in his campaign than his primary opponent who successfully defeated him, a guy named Dave Bratt.
Starting point is 02:08:55 Dave Bratt kicked his ass on the issue of immigration and said that Eric Cantor is pro-amnesty. All of the forces were there. And then in 2015, Trump comes down the escalator and he gives the message on immigration that the GOP base has been roaring and wanting to hear now, but that nobody wanted to listen to them. And that was his fundamental insight.
Starting point is 02:09:14 That bet was a colossal and a Titanic political bet at a time when all political ideology and thought process would have said that you should come out on the other side, which is where Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and all these other guys were effectively there in varying different ways, like they were hawkish or whatever, but Trump had such a monopoly
Starting point is 02:09:35 on that as an idea. That's why he wins the 2016 primary. And then paired with immigration, a hard line position on immigration, is this American carnage idea that actually everything is wrong. The American dream is gone. We will stop this American carnage. I think American carnage is one of the most important inaugural speeches ever given in
Starting point is 02:09:57 American history. It's put it up against every single other speech. There's nothing else like it, but that was what the country wanted at the time. And that's what great politicians are able to do, is they're able to suss something out. That's also why Peter Thiel is who he is, because he saw that in 2000. Imagine what it takes to come out of the 2012 election and to be, honestly, totally contrarian to the entire national mood and this entire theory of Obama-esque star politics and say, no, you need somebody who runs on the opposite of that to win. Well, we'll never know.
Starting point is 02:10:30 And I love this kind of Mike Tyson versus Muhammad Ali. I still think I would have loved to see Obama versus Trump. Me too, I agree. And first of all, Obama versus Trump in 2008, Obama wins hands down. Well, yes, definitely. So I love how this is a boxing talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Now, when 2016 Obama has a bunch of, you know, Iraq and Afghanistan. He's vulnerable though, I'll tell you why, DACA. That's what nobody ever talks about in the Obama-Trump thing. Don't forget, Obama takes his 2012 victory, basically says, oh, the GOP even now agrees with me on immigration. And then he does DACA and he legalizes, you know,
Starting point is 02:11:09 X million in a number of illegal immigrants who are here, who are brought here as children. That also fundamentally changed the immigration consensus on the Republican side, because they were like, wait, holy shit, you can just do that? Because we don't agree with that at all. And that really ignited the base as well.
Starting point is 02:11:25 So I'm not sure. I mean, a moment I think about a lot with Trump just like being able to unleash the rage of the Republican base is in the 2012 debate, Candy Crowley was the moderator with Mitt Romney and she fact check him famously. This was when fact checking was shocking in a president debate.
Starting point is 02:11:42 And she said something about Benghazi and she was like, no, he did say that. She like corrected Romney on behalf of Obama. To this day, it's questionable whether she was even right. But, and Romney was just like, oh, he did? Okay. Trump would have been like, excuse me, excuse me. Be like, look at this woman. You know, he would have gone off.
Starting point is 02:12:01 And I was like, and I think about that moment because that's what the Republican base wanted to hear. But also it turns out America had a lot of festering feelings about the mainstream media that it needed unleashed. And Trump was just this incredible vector to just blow up this system, which I mean, if you asked me about optimism, that's the thing I'm most optimistic about.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Yeah, but don't you think Obama had a good sense in how to turn it on, how to be anti-establishment correctly? I will not deny that he's one of the most talented politicians literally to ever play the game. And he is, I mean, just unbelievable rhetorical talent. Look, is it counterfactual? Would he be more talented than Hillary?
Starting point is 02:12:38 Yeah, okay, no question. In terms of anybody would have been for that one. But at the same time, all the signs were there. All the signs for the Trump victory and for the backlash against Obamaism kind of as a political project, it all existed. You know, the tea, if you, like I just laid the tea leaves out there,
Starting point is 02:12:57 from 2012 to 2015, in retrospect, it's the most predictable thing in the world that Donald Trump will get elected. But it was crazy in the moment. I got to live through that, which was really fun, like professionally. I think it's unfortunate that he kind of let Kamala Harris borrow his reputation.
Starting point is 02:13:13 Oh, it's, I mean, it's like, you know better, dude. You know, you defeated these people, this Clinton machine, you destroyed them and it was awesome in 08. What is that? Why do you, why did he, like he's so much bigger and better than the machine. I don't get it. It's interesting, right? It's so weird.
Starting point is 02:13:34 I just think- I think this was a wake-up call. 2024 was a wake-up call. Like the DNC machine doesn't work. Absolutely. I mean- There needs to be new blood, new candidate, new Obama-like candidates. Well, I'm glad you brought that up
Starting point is 02:13:45 because that's important too, in terms of the process and the way that things currently stand. The DNC actually rigged its entire primary system under Biden way to the, not to the benefit of Obama. So for example, you know how they moved away from the Iowa caucuses and they actually moved some other primaries and moved the calendar to reward traditional states
Starting point is 02:14:06 that vote much more in line with the democratic establishment. So the story of Barack Obama is one that not many, actually probably a lot of young people today don't even remember how it happened. In 2008, Obama was the underdog, right? And actually, here's the critical thing. Obama was losing with black people.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Why? Black Democrats simply did not believe that white people will vote for a black guy. So Barack Obama goes to this white state, Iowa, all in on the Iowa caucuses and shocks the world by winning the Iowa caucuses. Overnight there is a shift in public opinion amongst the black population in South Carolina that says, oh shit, he actually could win. And he comes out and he wins South Carolina and And that's basically was near the death knell
Starting point is 02:14:45 for the Hillary Clinton campaign. The problem is by moving South Carolina up and by making it first, along with other more pro-establishment friendly places, what do we do? We make it so that Barack Obama could never happen again. We make it so that an older base of Democratic Party voters who listens to the elites
Starting point is 02:15:04 can never have their assumptions challenged. And that's one of the worst things Joe Biden did. You know, I talked about his arrogance. He was so arrogant, he changed the freaking primary system. He was so arrogant, he refused to do a debate. I mean, imagine history. How lucky are we, honestly, that Joe Biden agreed to do that debate with Donald Trump early?
Starting point is 02:15:26 And again, that was his arrogance. I think we're so lucky for it because if we hadn't gotten, we got to understand as a country how cooked he was and how fake everything was behind the scenes in front of all of our eyes. And they tried for three straight years to make sure that that would never happen.
Starting point is 02:15:44 So, I mean, it's still such a crime, honestly, against the American people. I've been thinking about who I want to talk to for three hours. That's why I bring up Obama because he's probably the number one person on the left. I would like to hear analyze what happened in this election and what happened to the United States of America over the past 20 plus years. I can't imagine anybody else. Look, if anybody could do it, it'd be you, but there are layers upon layers with that man.
Starting point is 02:16:15 I would love to actually sit with him, talk with him, for real. I think it's fair to say that we talked about the great man view of history. I think you have a psychopath view of history. Where all great leaders are for sure psychopaths. Not for sure, there are many who are good people. Harry Truman was-
Starting point is 02:16:33 You're like someone with us. Yeah, some- Harry Truman. Some, I assume, are good people. To be fair though, most of the good ones are accidents like Harry Truman. He never really gotten himself elected. He was a great dude.
Starting point is 02:16:46 How do you know he was a great dude? David McCullough book, I highly recommend it. Everybody should read it. Truman loved his wife. I think that's really awesome. I love when politicians love their wife. It's so rare. He adored his wife.
Starting point is 02:16:57 He adored his daughter, spent time with them. He made family life a priority. He had really good small town judgment that he would apply to foreign affairs. He was just a very well-considered, very standup man. And I so appreciate that about him. Another one is John Adams. I love and revere John Adams.
Starting point is 02:17:17 He's my favorite founding father. Him and John Quincy, they don't get nearly enough of their due. They were some of the most intelligent, well-considered, they were family men. The love, the relationship between John and Abigail Adams is literally legendary. And I think it's amazing,
Starting point is 02:17:34 especially in the context of the 1700s, the way that he would take her counsel into conversations and her own ability. And she would sit there and go toe to toe as much with Thomas Jefferson. There are some who are great, to conversations and her own ability. And she would sit there and go toe to toe as much with Thomas Jefferson. There are some who are great, who are really, really good presidents,
Starting point is 02:17:51 who have good judgment and who are really good people and really think deeply about the world and have really cool personal lives. But there's also the vast majority of them, especially in the, I would say, especially in the modern era and where the price of the presidency extracts everything that you have,
Starting point is 02:18:07 you have to be willing to give everything. That's not a price that most people wanna pay. Is it possible? That some of the people who you think are sociopaths in politics are in fact really good people and some of the people you think are good, like Truman and Adams, are actually sociopaths. Definitely.
Starting point is 02:18:28 I mean, I could just be reading the wrong books, right? Yeah, that's right. It sounds like you just read some really compelling biographies. Okay, to be fair, I don't base this on one book. I read a lot of them and I'll get like a, for example, I've read books about LBJ. You wouldn't know any of his foibles,
Starting point is 02:18:44 but then you find out that they're written by his friend or it was written by, and then you read the truth. I really worry about this kind of general, especially now the sense of the anti-establishment sense that every politician must be a sociopath. Now, while the reason I worry about that is it feels true. Yeah. So it's, you can fall into this bubble of beliefs where every politician is a sociopath.
Starting point is 02:19:15 And because of that- It can be a self-reinforcing. Self-reinforcing. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I agree, by the way. We do need to dramatically change it. But the problem is, is that people you know, people vote with their eyeballs and with their interests and people love like to, you know,
Starting point is 02:19:28 dissect people's personal lives. And one of the reasons why you were probably more likely in the pre-modern era to get a quote unquote good people is they were not subject to the level of scrutiny and to the insanity of the process that you are currently. Like I just said about, I mean, theoretically, you could run for president, and you would just get your nomination at the convention. It's only two months
Starting point is 02:19:49 to election day. That's not so bad. But you know, you run for president today, you've got your ass on the road for two years, and then two years before that, and then you have to run the damn government. So the price is so extraordinarily high. I also think that, oh, God, and just Washington is a system. It will burn you. It will just, it will extract absolutely everything that you can give it.
Starting point is 02:20:13 And at the end of the day, you know, I mean, everyone always talks about this. It's hilarious how Trump is the only president not to age in office. I think, I actually think it's crazy. Like when you look at the photos of how he actually looks better today than he did whenever I think, I actually think it's crazy. Like when you look at the photos of how he actually looks better today
Starting point is 02:20:26 than he did whenever he went into the office, that's amazing. And it actually says a lot about how his mind works. I think Trump is pure id. Like I think he's, having observed him a little bit, and you know, both at the White House and having interviewed him, it's pure just, like it's calculating, but it's also pure id,
Starting point is 02:20:43 which is very interesting. The ones who are the thinkers, guys like Obama and others who are really in their heads, it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare. They will, I mean, apparently Obama would only sleep four hours a night, you know? Yeah, add like some empathy on top of that, and it's gonna destroy you.
Starting point is 02:20:58 It will kill you, man. All right, speaking about the dirty game of politics, several people, different people, told me that of everyone they have ever met in politics, Nancy Pelosi is the best at attaining and wielding political power. Is there any truth to that? In the modern era, yeah, I think that's fair.
Starting point is 02:21:16 In the last 25 years, definitely. Let's think about it. Number one is longevity. So she's had the ability to control the caucus for a long period of time. So that's impressive because as I just laid out with Clinton, Obama, these figures come and they go, but over 25 almost year period, you've been at the very top in the center of American politics. The other case I would be is that in this modern era has been defined by access to money. She's one of the greatest fundraisers in Democratic Party history. And again, consistently Obama, Kamala, all those people come and go, but she's always had a very central understanding
Starting point is 02:21:51 of the ability to fundraise, to cultivate good relationships with Democratic Party elites all across the country, use that money and dole it out to her caucus. She's also was really good at making sure that legislation that came to the floor actually had the votes to do so. She ran an extremely well-ordered process in the House of Representatives, one in which you were able to reconcile problems within her office. It didn't usually go public,
Starting point is 02:22:16 and then it would make it to the floor and it would pass so that there would be no general media frenzy and Democrats in disarray or any of that. Put that on display with the Republicans and we've had multiple speakers all resign or get fired in a 16-year period. That's pretty remarkable. Basically, ever since John Boehner decided to leave in 2012, I forget the exact year. My point is that if you compare her record to the longevity on the Republican side, it is astounding. The other interesting thing
Starting point is 02:22:45 is that she also has pulled off one of the real tests of political power is can you rule even when you don't have the title anymore? So she gave up the leader position to Hakeem Jeffries, but everybody knows she pulled Joe Biden out of the race. That's pretty interesting, right? So she's technically just a backbencher, nobody member of Congress, but we all know that's bullshit. So that's actually a very important case of political power is can you rule without the title? And if you can, then you truly are powerful. So I would make a good case for her.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Yeah, she's done a lot of remarkable stuff for her party. I will say they played Trump like a fiddle, man. Last time around, they were able to. I mean, they really got him. One of the craziest elements that I covered was during the Trump basically threatened to shut down the government and actually did shut down the government
Starting point is 02:23:35 for a period of time over a dispute over border wall funding. And Pelosi and Schumer, despite like genuine mass hysteria in the Democratic Party, with even some people who were willing to try and to strike a deal, never wavered and actually basically won and forced Trump to back down.
Starting point is 02:23:53 Not a lot of MAGA people want to admit it, but that was honestly really embarrassing for the Trump administration at the time. And yeah, I mean, the amount of discipline that it took for her and for Chuck to a lesser extent, but for the two of them to pull that off, it was honestly impressive that they were able to do that. Even when the president has so much political power
Starting point is 02:24:12 and it literally shut down the government over it. Speaking of fundraising, Kamala raised $1 billion. Insane. But I guess the conclusion is she spent it poorly. How would you spend it? I don't think money matters that much. That's insane. But I guess the conclusion is she spent it poorly. How would you spend it? I don't think money matters that much. I think Donald Trump has proven to us twice that you can win an underdog campaign through
Starting point is 02:24:33 earned media. And I don't think that paid advertisement moves the needle that much. Now, don't notice, I didn't say it doesn't matter. But am I buying $425,000 a day spots on the Vegas sphere? No, we're not doing that. Are we building? Okay, as people who do this for a living, how do you even spend $100,000
Starting point is 02:24:53 to build a set for one interview? This is the call her daddy? The call her daddy thing. Okay. How's that possible? So think about the dollar per hour costs. That's like running a jet airplane in terms of what they did.
Starting point is 02:25:04 You know what I want wanna note behind the scenes? Yeah. Haven't gotten, and I'm not good with this. I get really frustrated and I shouldn't, but dealing with PR and comms people can sometimes break my soul. It's maddening. Can we not talk about this?
Starting point is 02:25:18 And we need to pull them at 2, 12 PM and you're like, but that's only 30 minutes. You know, it's like, yeah. That, but there's stuff like, like where to put the camera. It's not that I don't, it's not, it actually hypothetically, I don't even disagree with any of the suggestions or this, but it's like.
Starting point is 02:25:34 The micromanagement. Just the micromanagement and the politeness, but the fake politeness. And it just makes me feel like, I think like, what would Kubrick do? Would he murder all of them right now? He would just ban them after he became Stanley Kubrick, but he dealt with it for a while.
Starting point is 02:25:53 By the way, I just went on a Kubrick binge. Man, he was awesome. I watched that World War I movie of his, the one from the 50s. That is such an underrated film. I feel like people don't appreciate, whatever, we'll get past it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:07 Like. But she, yeah, I guess she paid for. A hundred grand, bro. A hundred, and the Oprah thing, she paid for the interviews. So, you know, that's another one. I do this for a living. And as you can tell, I'm a very cynical person.
Starting point is 02:26:21 I did not even know that celebrities got paid for their endorsements. I could never have imagined a universe where Oprah Winfrey has paid $1 million to endorse Kamala Harris. I'm like, first of all, you're a billionaire. Second, I thought you do this because you believe. No, I think to be fair, I think the million just helps
Starting point is 02:26:40 do the thing you would like to do. It's a nudge, because I don't think any celebrity would endorse. They're not doing it because of the money, but you should just do it for free. I can't even believe that you're doing this for money. I mean, and the fact, what was it, Alanis Morissette? You know how they were able, they had to cut her
Starting point is 02:26:58 because they didn't have the funds to pay her. I'm like, first of all, if you believe, you should just play for free. But second, again, as a person who is deeply cynical, I still am genuinely shook that we are paying celebrities for their endorsements. Yeah, it's really fucked up. That's insane.
Starting point is 02:27:13 Why do you think people on the left who are actually in the political arena are afraid of doing anything longer than an hour? That's a great question. So let me just say, probably most of the people I've talked to on this podcast are left-wing, or have been for a long time.
Starting point is 02:27:31 They just don't sort of out and say it. Like most scientists are left-wing, most sort of vaguely political people are left-wing that I've talked to. But the closer you get to the actual political arena, and I've tried really hard, they just is, nope. I had a bunch of people with the highest profile people
Starting point is 02:27:54 say 15 minutes, 20 minutes. And I say, nope. I'm used to that, so welcome. Yeah. Well, yeah. I just can't, you know, like, I can't imagine a conversation with Kamala or with Joe Biden
Starting point is 02:28:10 or AOC. Obama. Or Obama that's of any quality at all, of any, that shows any kind of humanity of the person, the genius of the person, the interesting nuance of the person in like 30 minutes. Like, I just can't, I can't, like, I don't know, maybe there's people that are extremely skilled
Starting point is 02:28:30 that can do that. You just can't. You should be optimistic because a huge narrative out of this election is that the Democrats massively fucked up by not coming on this show or a roguish show. So I actually fundamentally, number one, that's gonna change dramatically.
Starting point is 02:28:44 So be optimistic and keep pushing. But two is, this is a good segue actually, is I've been thinking a lot about, I know a lot of people who listen to this show who are in tech and may have some influence on the admin. So this is kind of, this is something I want people to take really seriously, is I was a White House correspondent for the Daily Caller.
Starting point is 02:29:02 It's a conservative outlet in Washington during the Trump years. And the most important thing I learned from that was that under the White House Correspondents Association, the way that the media cartel has everything set up for access for press to the president is fundamentally broken, anti-American, and bad for actual democracy.
Starting point is 02:29:25 So let me lay this out at a very mechanical level because nobody knows this. And I was a former White House Correspondents Association member, so anybody who says I'm full of shit, I was there. For example, number one, all the seats in the briefing room, those seats are assigned by the White House Correspondents Association, not by the White House itself. The White House Correspondents Association
Starting point is 02:29:43 requires you to apply for a seat, right? That adjudication process can take literally years for bylaws, elections, and all these things to do. This means that they can slow roll the entrance of new media, online outlets, who are allowed into the room. The reason it really matters not having a seat is if you don't have a seat, you have to get there early and stand on the wings,
Starting point is 02:30:03 like I used to, and raise your hand like this and just hope and pray that the press secretary can see it's extremely inconvenient. I'm talking, I have to get there hours early at a chance during a 15 minute briefing. So one of the things is that Trump has is he owes a huge part of his election to coming on podcasts and to new media.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Now, because of that, it's really important that the White House Correspondence Association, which is a literal guild cartel that keeps people out of the White House and credentials itself and creates this opaque mechanism through which they control access, you know, to asking the press secretary questions is destroyed. And there are a lot of different ways you can do this because what nobody gets too, is that all of these rules are unofficial. So for example, they're just traditions.
Starting point is 02:30:50 The White House is like, yeah, it's our building, but you guys figure it out, right? Cause that's a long standing tradition. Let me give you another insane tradition that currently exists in the White House. The Associated Press, the White Press Secretary, or the Associated Press correspondent gets to start the briefing traditionally. They get the Associated Press correspondent, gets to start the briefing, traditionally.
Starting point is 02:31:06 They get the first question. They also get to end the briefing. When they think it's been enough time, they'll be like, okay, Corinne Jean-Pierre, thank you. Right, and that calls the briefing over. What, who, you're not even the White House Correspondents Association. You literally just happen to work for the Associated Press.
Starting point is 02:31:21 Why? Like, why do we allow that to happen? So number one, stop doing that. To their credit, the Trump people didn't really do that, but it's a longstanding tradition. The other thing is that what nobody gets either is that the first row is all television networks for logistical reasons,
Starting point is 02:31:36 so that they can do their little standups with their mic and say, you know, I'm reporting a line for the White House. Well, what people don't seem to know is that all the television networks are basically going to ask some version of the same question. The reason they do that is because they need a clip of their correspondent going after the White House press secretary all out Robert Mueller,
Starting point is 02:31:57 like whenever I was there. So you get the same goddamn version of the stupid political questions over and over again. The briefing room is designed for traditional media media and they have all the access in the world. So in an election where you owe your victory to, at least in part, to new media and recognize in the changing landscape, you need to change the conduit of information to the American people.
Starting point is 02:32:21 And in an election, I don't know if you saw this, but election night coverage on cable news was down 25%, just in four years, 25%. That's astounding. Cable news had a monopoly on election night for my entire lifetime. And yet my show had record ratings that night. And look, I'm a small slice of the puzzle here. We've got Candice Owens, Patrick Bette David, Tim Pool, David Pakman, TYT, all these other people.
Starting point is 02:32:47