Life with Nat - EP16: Davinia Taylor

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

Nat asks about Davinia’s approach to diet and the food we eat. Rather than worrying about our bellies, Davinia believes we need to look after our brains first. An insightful conversation with a lovely, real person. Enjoy! Please subscribe, follow, and leave a review. xxx Hosted by Natalie Cassidy. You can find us in all places here; INSTA: @natcass1 A 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: SHOW INFO: Life with Nat - it’s me! Natalie Cassidy and I’ll be chatting away to family, friends and most importantly YOU. I want to pick people's brains on the subjects that I care about- whether that’s where all the odd socks go, weight and food or kids on phones. Each week I will be letting you into my life as i chat about my week, share my thoughts on the mundane happenings as well as the serious. I have grown up in the public eye and have never changed because of it. Life with Nat is the podcast for proper people. Come join the community. ♥️ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello everyone welcome to life with nat on this gloomy thursday hello nat amy from lewisham here and just want to say just seeing your story regarding hay fever and the weather today, I am shocked. It is the 11th of June and I came downstairs this morning and put the heating on. We're in June. I'm absolutely gobsmacked. Anyway, that is the current state of affairs in our household at the moment which is sad putting the heating on in june my bones are cold anyway just want to say absolutely love your podcast uh there's nothing better than putting in my headphones on my commute to work and listening to your pod with my coffee in hand i feel like I'm having a chat with a mate
Starting point is 00:01:06 and I roar with laughter absolutely love it so thank you so much for bringing this podcast out because before now I wasn't really into podcasts and now I can't wait when for when yours is out and I've also got into um a couple of others so thank you for opening my eyes to the world of podcasts and can't wait for the next ep bye oh I know we shouldn't talk about the weather but it's freezing isn't it we're in June it is so cold it's the 13th of June oh I know we do go on about the weather but you what? I don't want to be wearing a jumper. I want to be out in a little vest, sitting in the garden, organising the next barbecue. Anyway, let's hope it changes soon because I know we're all fed up with it. Today's
Starting point is 00:01:57 episode, I am talking to Davinia Taylor. I spoke to her about two weeks ago on a Sunday morning and she was full of energy and full of life. And she spoke to us about her beliefs in how bad vegetable oil and sugar is for you. Now, listen, this won't be for everybody, this chat, but that's okay. She's a very, very interesting lady and I follow her. I've read her book, one of them. She's actually written two books and she has a company called Will Powders where she sells her products and I use her keto creamer in my coffee in the mornings and her collagen. I'm 41 now, you know, coming up to the menopause soon maybe, perimenopausal definitely. So it's really, really good to have a delve into what she believes in and I really hope you enjoy this chat she's really knowledgeable and very very funny so enjoy
Starting point is 00:02:51 one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you this morning is really because your story is so amazing and what you've achieved in your life obviously thank you for sending me your book as well because i read all your book and whatever and you know i don't dress things up this is a very it's a very basic podcast i'm i'm not steven bartlett so it's just for the normal woman out there listening or man to say how can we just change our lives a little bit? Everything is so overwhelming. I'm not going to, personally, I'm not going to give everything up and work out every single day. I haven't got time for that. I'm going on holiday, right? We're going to Corfu. Three months ago, I said, I'd love to look good for that holiday. I'd really like to go on that holiday feeling really confident in a bikini.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah. And I go the other way. I self-destruct. Yeah. Yeah, I know that. It's a pressure, isn't it? We spin so many plates. And then all of a sudden the body pressure's on us as well.
Starting point is 00:04:04 That's not necessarily on us as well that's not necessarily on men as much but i think it's coming um however what you could do is what i did was change your attitude to fat right yeah so dietary fat as in good fat as in butter avocado um olive oil uh even lard beef tall, all these saturated fats that have been demonized over the past 50 years, I personally think have had an impact on our brain. sugar and sugar by by sugar i mean oats um wheat bix um bread all the whole grain stuff and also obviously your dairy milk which is my personal kryptonite that and a mintero with a salt and vinegar square crisp chaser lovely because obviously you go do you know what i mean you got you need the salt and the and the sweet and salt, you know, that has to go in tandem. So I have that palette. I was brought up on Wambas. I was brought up on Calipos. I was brought up on salt and vinegar crisps, Whispers, the whole shebang. That is my palette. You know, I was born in the 70s, raised in the 80s, partied in the 90s. Trust me, my brain has not forgot that. However, there is no way I could white knuckle through a supermarket,
Starting point is 00:05:32 going past all that sweet aisle without having saturated fat in my brain. And that's what it's about for me. And that's what my sort of first book's about, is about hacking into that mechanism in your brain, your satiety mechanism. So you don't actually crave them and you can walk past them and go, no, I'm all right. Which for me is a miracle because I mean, I'm an addict by nature anyway. I've, you know, if I'm going to go to the supermarket, I will literally buy 10 of whatever. Even if I'm in Marks and Spencer's getting knickers, I will buy extra.
Starting point is 00:06:07 There's something up with me. There's something up with me. I've got like this fear mechanism where I have to have excessive stuff. It drives me mad. The garage is full of shit. I'm just one of those people. I mean, you want to see it. It's a bring and buy sale.
Starting point is 00:06:20 That's to be dealt with next weekend. But it's about hacking into that brain network so you can actually go I'm all right when you're in Starbucks or something you can walk past the pastries and not be tempted I'm very good at this honestly I'm not bad at that so I haven't got a sweet tooth as such uh I'm much more tell me about the okay so but it's still sugar you understand that by savory you're saying like pasta bread because what you need to understand is our whole grain mania came about when um saturated fat was demonized right so the whole grain fiber mania, I think, has got a little bit out of control because all carbohydrates, all of them, as soon as they mix with saliva, turn to glucose. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So even though you say I've not got a sweet tooth, you actually have. Right. That's what you are leaning into. And it's kind of like it's not. There's a great saying. It's not the butter on the bread. It's the bread under the butter that's putting on the weight. So the word fat is totally, dietary fat is totally different from physical fat.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's just spelt the same. Yeah. And so if you want to look leaner, the fastest way to do that is to start burning fat as a fuel, as opposed to storing it. And that's where the brain comes in. And that's where you tip into. is to start burning fat as a fuel as opposed to storing it. And that's where the brain comes in. And that's where you tip into a state of... Is that going back to the Atkins? Are you sure we're going back to the Atkins diet there?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, a little bit, a little bit. However, the Atkins diet I find is a little bit, you know, you've got to get through the pain barrier. Whereas what i do is i take something called mct oils because i need instant gratification and i can't wait to adapt and i can't i don't have any patience at all that's just how i am i've got no time for patience no no and i hate it when people say well come back in three months and we'll review it i'm like three months mate i might not even live here so you know and i'll no doubt be onto something back in three months and we'll review it. I'm like, three months, mate. I might not even live here. So, you know, and I'll no doubt be onto something else in three months.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So what I found, which changed my life, because I was like four and a half stone heavier than what I am now. And that was like kind of my lot. I just thought, yeah, my family are pretty, most of them are overweight anyway. My mum wasn't, but she was pretty ill. But my gran was always at Weight Watchers like all my cousins like oh god you know we're all you know we're all sort of like you know big busty sort of hippie women with like rounded you know pretty apple shaped actually
Starting point is 00:08:56 and I just oh that's the family that's the lot and the doctor said to me well eat less move more and back then I'm like I can't actually more. I'd had four kids and he said, well, that's another reason. So, you know, you've had your four lads and, you know, we've been piling on weight, it's your hormones, you're aging. Aging? I think I was about 30, 38 and he's telling me I'm aging. Aging, yeah. Young woman. What? Yeah. And I'm like, well, anyway, so the doctor told me I should, you know, go and get some exercise and I'm not met in that I couldn't be bothered like if I pulled up at the supermarket I couldn't be bothered to go in if I did if there wasn't a mother and baby space because it was too many steps my brain was just like sack it sack it just order it just order it in and so that's how
Starting point is 00:09:42 mentally exhausted I was and I didn't understand this because I wasn't fueling my brain properly, which brings me back to this MCT oil. Now it sounds a bit technical, but don't get baffled by the science. It's just a little part of the coconut oil, which is called a medium chain triglyceride, which means it's only got eight carbon atoms in it. And if it's a small so your average vegetable has got about 48 to 60 carbon atoms right this stuff bypasses the digestive system and even if you've not got a gallbladder it doesn't need to go via that part of the system so you don't need to worry about that because people always ask me about gallbladder but it's fine you don't need um bile to break it down because it bypasses the digestive system.
Starting point is 00:10:25 It hits the liver. Right. And in the liver, this medium chain triglyceride gets converted into something called a ketone, which is an energy source that the brain uses instead of glucose, right? So within 15 minutes,
Starting point is 00:10:42 and that's what I'm talking about, that instant gratification. If you can hold on for 15 minutes, which most of us can do, because I mean, I'm talking about school run here. It's that, isn't it? It's about getting ahead of the craving because everything starts for me at breakfast. Yes. Right. So you have a shot of that.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I whiz it up with coffee. You could whiz it up with tea. I mean, I'm not like putting my company in here. That's not the creaming. So that's the oil. Sorry. I don't think. That's the oil. So what's the oil sorry I don't think that's that's
Starting point is 00:11:05 the that's the keto creamer that you sent me which is a little which is a little bit milder because often people go oh god you know they get a bit of either a rush from it or the tummy goes a bit funny because all of a sudden they're becoming fat adapted but it only takes a week to adapt that's why I developed the creamer. And it's a little bit like coffee, mate, but it doesn't have the veg oil in it. It doesn't have the sugars in it. I really, really like the creamer.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I really get along with it. And it's really, it's really good for you now. I know this sounds really stupid because again, but I'm talking, I have to talk in basic terms because all the listeners, I know they'll want to understand this properly, right? With the Keats, so the vineyard sent me a packet and it is it's like coffee mate it's kind of a white powder that you can put in your coffee you can put it in your tea you can put it in anything really can't you if you want to you can you can yeah anyway if you're a cookie type person I've been using it for the coffee am I right in saying saying, say I've had my dinner at 7pm the night before.
Starting point is 00:12:09 If I get up and I, because I'm quite a fan. I'm a fan of fasting. Yeah, me too. I'm a fan of going till lunchtime or what have you, if I don't need to. Can I use that, because I was scared. Can I use the creamer and am I still fasting with the creamer? Because if I were to put oat milk or dairy milk in my coffee I've finished my fasting correct so what the great thing about
Starting point is 00:12:31 that creamer is it's not going to kick off your insulin so I mean you've got all like these blood sugar things going around you know the continuous glucose monitors forget that we're 10 years away from real science there what we're after is settling down insulin. Your blood sugar is going to go up when you're in a state of exercise, panic, whatever. For me, that Zoe app, it's too premature. It's got people thinking. However, the real problem here is insulin. Now, like I said a little bit earlier on, women need fats to manufacture their hormones, right? We need good cholesterol to manufacture our hormones, all our sex hormones that make us feel safe, make us feel creative, give us energy, all these protective hormones. Now then the great thing
Starting point is 00:13:18 about that fat that you've got in your tea and coffee is it's not going to kick off insulin. Your body is just going to absorb it in a tiny amount. It's going to absorb it. it's not going to kick off insulin. Your body is just going to absorb it in a tiny amount. It's going to absorb it. It's not going to kick off the digestive system. You're still in a fat fasted state. However, I think men can do water fasting and religious fasting a lot easier than women because they've only got bloody testosterone to worry about. We have got all sorts of shit going on. And for our resilience and our mental health we need fat in the morning to transport and create those hormones and make us feel safe and secure and that is otherwise you're going to get hangry you're going to get gnarly and then you're going to end up binging
Starting point is 00:13:57 at 11 o'clock on a brownie and then all of a sudden insulin insulin's kicked off. So for me, the whole zero, like just black coffee, just water fasting, is great if obviously it's for your religion. It's great if it, well, actually, a religious fast wouldn't do that. It's water-free. But we're not doing that. We're trying to pull away from things that are constantly revving up insulin because the majority of the population are insulin resistant. They don't even know it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Because by the time your blood sugar shows some sort of like um dysfunction the horse is already bolted it's gone insulin's already damaged so uh it is a calorie but i don't think that this that this is necessarily um something that you should get your knickers in a twist about because this is supporting your overall well-being and health. Now, just remember, a lot of those bro fasters are bros. You know, they are big, tough guys and they're there and they're shredding. And I think Mandy Peltz, actually, who's a big faster, she said something about, yeah, women do need a fat. And it is, it's, you know, take take take the wins I mean I've got four kids to get out the door in the morning do you think they want to do that in a fasted state after
Starting point is 00:15:10 maybe I've got the dogs kicking off in the middle of the night no way I need to protect my brain at all costs that is the one organ that I am vigilant about I want good fats in my brain consistently throughout the day you're so right I mean I mean, I've been really, really busy of late. I've started this. So this is going really well. This is all kicked off. I do my other podcast with Joanna. That's another thing that I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And EastEnders has got super, super busy. And what I've found, I've just found the busier I am, the more shit I eat. Yeah, that's cortisol that. Yeah. So the more, you know, I'm at I eat. Yeah, that's cortisol, that. Yeah. So the more, you know, I'm at work and I'm going for the biscuits. If I'm not busy and I'm at home, I can be really good. Some juice or, you know, I'll have a really nice avocado,
Starting point is 00:15:55 like you say, with eggs. If I'm really busy, I find my eating goes down the pan. And a lot of people that email me text me and what have you because a bit like you honestly i i am four stone three four stone yeah three and a half to four stone lighter than i was 20 years ago so i get a lot of people saying how have you kept your weight off how have you but i don't feel i don't feel that i do anything you know i i don't do this in a healthy way do you know what i mean i'll panic about it i'll worry i'll still worry about what i'm eating all the time as much you know as much as i say i haven't got issue with food i have i obviously have because i've always
Starting point is 00:16:39 been obsessed since doing that dvd where i lost loads of weight in three months it was horrific you know i chose to do that i got 100 grand for it and went lovely yeah that's a great thing to do but that no you're like oh my god must maintain yeah yeah and it fucked me over pressure is a you know you're like typical woman in it absolutely fucked me over and i've never ever gotten over the fact that i lost three three three, four stone. And then I put it all on. I ate.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I literally, the DVD come out and then I just ate. I can't even take, like a pig. I remember going to Holloway Road and having a kebab in one shop and then going up, walking up again and having another kebab in another shop, not even being hungry. Yeah, you're not even hungry. It's the rebound effect. That's what it is. It is the Yeah, you're not even hungry. It's the rebound effect. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It is the actual, you're white knuckling, white knuckling. And that's why like in my first book, it's not a diet. That's why I try and explain it's about counting chemicals, not calories. Because I'm an alcoholic, right? And I know there's one ingredient,
Starting point is 00:17:40 I can still drink, but I just can't drink alcohol. So that's one ingredient. That's super easy to identify. If somebody's got alcohol in, forget it. I am off. I will see you in Las Vegas or somewhere even probably prison within a week. I know that.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So I can identify that one thing that just messes with my dopamine, right? Which is a hormone, which I'm funnily enough, I go into in the second book. Yeah. I'm not plugging my book, but it's just in there if anyone wants to know. I'm goingnily enough, I go into in the second book. Yeah. I'm not plugging me. I'm not plugging my book, but it's just in there if anyone wants to know. I'm going to put all the books
Starting point is 00:18:09 in that on me thing. I know. And I just need to apologize for anyone who actually downloads the audio that my voice isn't like this. It's like my mum voice when she answered the phone
Starting point is 00:18:17 in the 80s. Hello. How are we? I go off. It's fucking unbearable. But anyway, that's what you... Just caveat that. Sorry, it is me,
Starting point is 00:18:26 but I'm just doing my poshest elocution voice, drama school voice. Sorry, yeah. So with alcohol, I know there's like that one ingredient that messes with this hormone called dopamine, right? Now dopamine is my favorite hormone because I seek it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It makes you excited. It makes you confident. It makes you go on. Yeah, let's give it a go. It's all that little that little you know almost like you're getting ready to go out we're all going out you know like when you used to get ready as a kid yeah to go out the best bit was the getting ready bit right and then you go out what larry let down oh he was a dickhead we didn't get in there yeah but it was the getting ready it's the anticipation so that's dopamine and i'm always seeking that and so when it comes down i It's the anticipation. So that's dopamine. And I'm always seeking that. And so when it comes down, I seek more.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So that's the trouble with me and alcohol. If I will have one hit of alcohol, boom, my dopamine skyrockets. And it doesn't do it with nicotine. It didn't do it with anything except alcohol. And then when I put the alcohol down, this is when carbohydrates came in, but in a much more subtle way. And I think it's the ultra-processed food carbohydrates because they mix these ultra-processed foods with these chemicals
Starting point is 00:19:32 that work in a similar way that alcohol does it's highly addictive right and the bonkers thing is that our government and the whole world puts these foods out there as treats. And we are, like I said, I was raised on one bars, you know? So I've always had that mechanism in my head to seek out these high dopamine activating foods. This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities
Starting point is 00:20:16 so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P dot com. I remember sitting in my bedroom when I was eight or nine and my mum coming up with a plate of chicken and stuffing and mayonnaise sandwiches, about six white bread thick, but you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Big sandwiches. White folding bread. A load of crisps and then the biscuit barrel filled with custard creams. The love was always the treats and the food. Yeah. And I don't think you get rid of that either. No, you don't. And it's an absolute comfort food.
Starting point is 00:21:03 White folding bread. I used to have chicken noodle soup. you know, the luminous one. Yeah. When I was ill. It was meant to be chicken soup. So, you know, like Jewish penicillin, like that proper bone broth chicken soup. No, my mum did not. And it was like as luminous as this top of this bright yellow top. It was like, there wasn't a bit of chicken. I think it's actually vegan and it's chicken noodle soup.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I've never seen a chicken. Nevermind one that's been like reared outside. We've been raised on bliss point foods, right? Now these bliss point foods, and there's no conspiracy here. They are developed by mathematicians, not dieticians, right? So when you've got your big Unilevers, Mars Company, Nestle, Pepsi Cola, all these big hitters like Procter & Gamble, all these big hitters, which, by the way, also produce our fairy liquid. These guys are chemists and mathematicians who work on the most addictive ingredients known to man in our food chain. So you cannot resist the sensation of table salt, which is different to regular salt, by the way. So sea salt is totally different because it's been demineralized. So you've got table salt, refined sugar and refined vegetable oil.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And that synergy, and then you throw in, of course, a bit of multidextrin and all this sort of stuff that synergy as soon as it hits your mouth like me with a bloody glass of white wine boom instantly because remember the gut starts in the mouth it doesn't start in the tummy it starts in the mouth instantly you get a satisfaction a hit of dopamine that goes straight up to your brain to say have a bit more And they actually advertise it on Pringles. It actually says, once you pop, you can't stop. Can't stop, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I'm on an easy jet flight yesterday, right? And the woman comes around. I dropped freaking 40 quid on junk food. Oh, don't. No, I've written two books about it. And even I'm like, because I'm sat there. No, it was Ryanair, actually. Ryanair. And I'm like because I'm sat there no it was Ryanair actually Ryanair and I'm like bored
Starting point is 00:23:06 killer for me stress and boredom killer for me yeah yeah and I'm like I'm like I didn't download the bloody Netflix because I didn't have time and I didn't have any freaking wi-fi so stressed about that stressed I've not got an uber waiting oh just just shit and so what do i do yes do you know what i'll have a water um and you know what salt and vinegar pringles boom and then i'm like lux there's my other son lux who i know is always on it lux um he's just turned 13 do you want a twix for your birthday as if he was gonna i mean of course i was gonna have one of the twixes yeah so once again you're in the salt savory and i think twix and pringles are all owned by the same people anyway. So either way, they're getting the profit out of me and I dropped 40 quid.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So I'm pissed off at myself. I've already kicked off a credit. I was that far away from ordering a Chinese takeaway last night. So because we had something in the freezer, because I'd kicked off the mechanism, I was feeling depressed by the time I was sat in the car is that why when people say if you're bad in the morning and you go oh do you know what fuck it i'll start again tomorrow yeah instead of going no that's why for me the morning is the most important thing you can do is just load yourself up with fat even if it's like um we call it up north a chucky egg even if it's an egg chopped up in a cup loads of salt loads of butter get that down you forget these overnight oats if you're trying to lose weight forget these overnight oats which is again it is just gonna boost up your insulin it's not
Starting point is 00:24:35 gonna spike it it's just gonna keep it steady so you're never gonna enter fat burning what would you say if i said to you i was going out the door and I said, oh, I've got an Activia cherry gut health yogurt. Are they all full? Yeah, I think they've got sucralose in it, which actually wreck your gut and cause bloating. So I'm like, there's a bit of a, and I think sucralose actually kicks off the craving mechanism anyway. That's why I only have Stevia.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Because Stevia is, and it's had a bit of bad press recently saying, oh, it'll make you infertile. I'm like, it's not going to make you infertile. It made rats infertile after they gave it like kilograms of it in a lab condition. But anyway, it was probably big sugar getting a bit nervous about stevia. Right. I digress.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I mean, it's all conspiracy and mad and tin up, but I know what works for me. And me with my sort of like proper Wigan High Street palette, I need a little bit of stevia in the morning in my tea and my coffee. And I make it as creamy as hell. I put a load. And I also put collagen in my coffee as well. This is another cool thing,
Starting point is 00:25:34 actually. Yeah. When you're trying to get out, just think of yourself trying to get ahead of the craving. Because once the craving hits, little to none of us can actually maintain that. You know, a lot of us are going are just going to go,
Starting point is 00:25:46 fuck it. Right, go on. So listen, Monday morning, Monday morning, what am I having in the morning? Okay, so get up. What am I going to have?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Right, there's something horrible. I mean, I sell some of the stuff here, but these two things I do not sell, right? Right. So you have to get them on Amazon. And this is the only thing
Starting point is 00:26:01 that has helped me with bloating because I used to always look six months pregnant. As soon as I I used to always look six months pregnant. As soon as I ate something, I looked six months pregnant. So do I. I do. Right, okay. So there's the most horrific concoction. But I got it off this Indian doctor.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Because I've done tons of research. I mean, I'm like an N of 1 study. And I think, listen, I'm not that different to everyone else. So surely it'll work for most people. So I did do a reset in my first book, It's Not A Diet, before I set up my company, Will Powders. So it's all in there.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But I really think this one has lasted and it's very quick as well. So what you do is, it's on Amazon and it's called Molkasan. Now it tastes like vomit. Oh, lovely. But, oh, it's awful. I look forward to it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 It's awful. But it's like it's it's like this fermented sort of way with the lactose taken out but it's only a capful you have a couple of capfuls of that and then you mix it with some aloe vera now make sure it's not the aloe vera that's sweet and with sugar and everything just get it on amazon pure and if you yeah and just mix it with water neck it neck that and to be honest i think give it a week and your bloating will go really yeah and just stick with it and when you feel it coming back that's the first thing that i need to have as soon as i open my eyeballs yeah yeah well i mean
Starting point is 00:27:17 you could have electrolytes i mean i do i i have i have electrolytes actually because i didn't realize how important those minerals were for your brain health, but they really are. Because electrolytes, I know it sounds a bit gym buddy-ish, but they actually create electricity. So you've got your calcium, your magnesium, your potassium, and those three elements will make an electrical stimulation throughout your whole body. All your cells work on electricity, right? So just think of it. Do you remember in casualty when someone died and boom, boom, the defibrillator?
Starting point is 00:27:50 That's all the science I need is that. Fine, there's electricity. It brings them back to life. Very good. What do I need to feel a little bit more alive than he does? So yeah, so electrolytes are great, but be very, very careful with the electrolytes you buy because so many of them are sweetened with sucralose again, which is going to cause bloating.
Starting point is 00:28:08 So I sell electrolytes that have also got diuretics in. So you can buy it separately, which is horsetail tea and dandelion leaf, and it'll get rid of the toxic water. So because I've just got off a plane, my feet normally swell up. So because I've had electrolytes with this stuff in, I've just got off a plane, my feet normally swell up. So because I've had electrolytes with this stuffing, I've not got my puffy face. And if you drink as well, you know, that hangover face you get, you know, the puffy under eyes and PMT, all that water retention, it'll just flush it out really quickly. You'll probably have a wee once or twice more, but it's better than having those fat ankles and, you know, just feeling bloated.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So I would start with electrolytes, then the god-awful vomit-tasting Molka Sam with aloe vera. Awful, but just that'll do it for a week. And then you'll really watch your stomach deflate and not react, which is great if you're on a bikini, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:03 And you might have to take this away with you. I know. I know. I know it's just hassle, but we are up against some of the most addicting, inflammatory food and substances when we go on holiday. I mean, I'd argue that the summer holiday is more inflammatory than Christmas. If you think about it,
Starting point is 00:29:21 because people have that two-week build-up to Christmas, and then they have New Year, New Me and all that. Yes. But that six-week break is filled with barbecues, beer gardens. I mean, you know, it's like the British, isn't it? If you're at a barbecue, you don't have 15 burgers. What's up with you? What's up with you?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Having a burger, having a sausage. Having a sausage, yeah. Absolutely. And then you're like like I'm trying to look lean in my shift dress I look like they've been teeping
Starting point is 00:29:50 you know but your sausage and your burger now you'd be alright with the meat of that or not yeah
Starting point is 00:29:58 yeah big time big time just lose the bun I'm yeah just trying to lose the bun or I mean I'm not
Starting point is 00:30:04 completely carb free at night time I mean, I'm not completely carb-free. At nighttime, I have my carbs. Carbs cause a carb coma. They make you sleepy. They induce serotonin, which is your calming hormone. That's why when we're stressed, we reach for carbs. You reach for biscuits at work because you're nervous about something. You could take an amino acid called L-theanine,
Starting point is 00:30:24 which is epic for reducing cortisol within 15 minutes and it doesn't make you drowsy it's really really instantaneous and you can still drive you can still read it's not like diazepam it's not like that at all it takes the edge off the list making so people who have got who go to bed at night and start making lists take some l-theanine beforehand it'll cut that out completely i mean it's i think every teenager should have it because i've just gone through exam season again yes number one number one did his exams um dcs's uh last year and to be honest i was taking more l-theanine than he was because I'm like stressed out yeah he's like shut up mum it'll be fine shut up oh my god it's in the bag and I'm like it's
Starting point is 00:31:10 clearly not in the bag my love I'm sorry to stress you out but you know but actually when it came to doing this they said because obviously he said can I have some of that some of the calms yeah I sell them the the name calms and he talked to them he said actually uh i didn't need that because i actually was really nervous so you're okay to give those to my eliza then because she's 14 in september yeah so she gets stressed and it's that age where they're all bitches do you know what i mean no one likes each other and they're all she's i couldn't imagine having i couldn't imagine having daughters you know it's a very simple life here. There's a lot of headlocks.
Starting point is 00:31:48 There's a lot of punching. A lot of, oh, you melt. And then that's the end of it. Oh, you're a virgin. I mean, this is all we have in the house. It's just awful. But that's the end of it. And then you have a game of football. But my mates who've got girls are like,
Starting point is 00:32:00 the head fuck with girls is joke level. So yeah, so let me tell you what L-theanine is. It is an amino acid, which is like, so imagine protein, the building blocks for life. Protein, which makes your muscles, which makes your hair, which makes everything, is made out of amino acids. So it's even smaller. Yeah. Now, it's an amino acid that's found in green and black tea so when you have a cuppa and you go that's that's l-theanine in action so i've isolated it
Starting point is 00:32:33 and put it into a capsule form and if you can't take capsules just empty it into a glass of water or whatever you're drinking and just take the edge off and they've done studies on it for for ages and kids as young as 12 and there's there's no ill effects at all you know it's a food-based amino acid and actually circling back onto your morning routine so after you've had that um awful sickly um shot of reduces shot of vomit called mulcasan i think it's a swiss that make it. They're dead nice, actually, A. Vogel. And they're like, oh, thank you so much for talking about us. And I'm like, yeah, but it works. But can we work on the flavor?
Starting point is 00:33:12 But anyway, they're ignoring me. But after you have that, what I really would recommend is you have your tea or your coffee. You put my creamer in it, which has got the MCT in it. The MCT is a powder form, so you don't have to blend it up. If you get the oil, you it which has got the mct in it yeah the mct is a powder form so you don't have to blend it up if you get the oil you do have to get the big blender out so we're talking instant gratification here so without even having to get the blender out you put the creamer in that's like coffee mate that's it but i'd also recommend you put a teaspoon of
Starting point is 00:33:39 my collagen in yeah and the reason why i say mine is it's bovine collagen. So it's beef, but it's from Switzerland. So it's not from like some weird, horrible factory farm beef. This is like the Swiss Alps and it's got the best soil quality. So again, it's trickling down the food chain to the amino acids being the highest quality. And what your body is always seeking, your brain is always seeking without question is amino acids, the building blocks for protein so it can repair, regenerate and function because your body wants to survive at optimal, right? So when you have a sneaky subconscious craving, it's not necessarily for junk food that we were all raised on. It's seeking amino acids. So as soon as you give your
Starting point is 00:34:23 body a teaspoon of amino acids, it's a tiny amount of protein, which again, under two grams, or actually probably under four grams, won't kick off the digestive system. But remember I said earlier, your gut begins in the mouth. Starts in the mouth and then goes to the brain before it goes to the belly. So as soon as your body registers we've got amino acids, it's going to calm down. And actually a great thing about bovine collagen in particular, it does calm the nervous system down.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So if you're anxious, just have more collagen. It contains something called glycine, which is a very calming amino acid that actually increases, I know I'm getting dead technical here, something called GABA. GABA will compete with cortisol. So it'll bring panic down. So the more collagen you have, and don't bother with marine collagen,
Starting point is 00:35:18 it's expensive, it stinks of fish. It's obviously, there's no borders in the sea. You don't know what sewage it's had. You don't know what testing it's had. They catch dolphins. They catch sharks. You don't know what batch you're getting. Swerve marine collagen and always go for land collagen.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Okay. It's cheaper and you can literally pinpoint the blade of grass the cows eat. And, of course, it supports the meat industry, meat industry which is I mean don't get me started on meat-free Mondays my boys need meat to survive to thrive so I am like the opposite of vegan but I am mad on regenerative farming yes and you know away from the factory farming so that's what I want for people who've never met me before one of the biggest things one of the biggest things I actually got out the book was I really came away going I want to buy I really want to try and buy organic meat I've always been very funny about meat I've always tried to go to the butchers buy organic meat know where it's from me I also you know just when you spoke about the antibiotics that are pumped into our cows and
Starting point is 00:36:27 what have you or chickens well this is it so but what you've got to remember is the uk right is not america so when you see stuff coming from the usa that we're talking about factory farming over there and they don't have our grass right i mean today is beautiful i guarantee tomorrow i'll have my dry robe on again because i'm in pigging lancashire it pisses down every single day but the benefit of that is we have the best grass in the world i think only probably the alps and new zealand can compete with our grass. Now get this, we export so much of our beef overseas, yet we import like monocrop soy to boost this, I don't know, this plant-based agenda, which is actually just more UPF
Starting point is 00:37:22 because to make soy into a bloody burger can you imagine the amount of chemicals you've got to put in that instead of just ground beef but we're exporting that to China but we're importing soy and corn from China and you're like hang on what is my kid eating worse when I'm just looking at the cows around me in Lancashire and you only have to go a couple of miles out of London and you've got some of the best most of our livestock is grass-fed because it's cheaper yeah look at the lambs look at the sheep look at even the chickens a lot of them are outside now you know so we are really unique in the world and if we local nine times out of ten you're gonna be all right you know because we're not allowed to use hormones we're not allowed to use antibiotics by law in the UK in the USA and other parts of other parts
Starting point is 00:38:12 of the world obviously I mean I don't think we can even import um beef from China actually because of that but we can import their plant-based because plants don't get tested for glyphosate which is like pesticides and everything it just comes through assuming it's safe and that's where I'm like what the fuck what the fuck are we doing this is our god-given right as and this is why we should and that's why I love Clarkson's farm you're like yes yes that this is why you know that this is what we should be giving our kids this major nutrition I mean kids shouldn't be brought up on rice cakes. They should be having red meat.
Starting point is 00:38:48 You know, we shouldn't be forcing veg down them all the times. It tastes nasty to them for a reason. They should be having meat. And like, I mean, I'm not far from Bloody Blackpool here and you've got Fleetwood Docks there. And it's full of like great fish. And I had oysters from the Isle of Man the other day for next to nothing. None of that is ever pushed. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Eat your five a day. Do this, do that. We're talking absolute. What do you think to the people listening then? Because, you know, people struggle, don't they, with money? People have got no money. They say it's really expensive to eat healthy. It is.
Starting point is 00:39:23 It is. It is. But if you eat nutrient dense, you're not going to be as peckish. And I understand that because I don't have cravings now and I don't snack in the morning because I have this stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And it's like a couple of coffees with these ingredients in stop me from going to bloody the pastry shop at 11. Stop me from going to Sainsbury's to get a meal deal. I don't need it because my brain
Starting point is 00:39:45 is satisfied yeah I'm cracking on with my day and I'm not and I'm not having a bag of crisps here and there before you know I'm not having a Chinese on a Friday night because my brain is just it just got rid of the craving the noise isn't there so I mean I I'm up in Lancashire right and um we do have local farms that you can go to but mate I go to lidl i mean you want to see the grass-fed stuff on offer there yeah and by the way if you have got um the fattier cuts of meat and it's grass-fed go for that because the nutrition is in the fat the flavor is in the fat this lean i'll always have a ribeye because i love a ribeye and people go why are you having a ribeye it's very fatty you should have a sirloin i said but it's not as flavorsome
Starting point is 00:40:30 no exactly i feel like i'm wrong forgetting that because of the fat content yes exactly and that's where we go back to ansel keys and his bloody i mean he single-handedly messed up the whole system and then the diabetes people got i mean i could go into. And then the diabetes people got, I mean, I could go into details about it, but diabetes people got paid off by the American Heart Association, which was paid off by Procter & Gamble, who all of a sudden give you veg oil. I mean, and it is there. It's no conspiracy. The money trail is there. And, you know, I understand it's big business. People want to make money. You know, people are in a position of, they are CEOs. They are on private jets. They are on super yachts.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I guarantee they're not eating frigging Pringles and bottles of water on an easy jet flight like I was last night. They're having frigging lobster with beautiful grass-fed butter and probably a ribeye steak on their jet home. Just remember that. Just remember that. You know, these are big conglomerates here. If your great-grandmother wouldn't have recognized it, don't have it. It's like meat and two veg, and it's the fattier cuts that are the tastier. Keep the skin on, because remember, the skin on chicken, the chicken thighs are cheaper, but they are tastier. And you just you know put a nice bit of rub on it whatever it is
Starting point is 00:41:46 just be careful of what's in that rub um there's some great people who do really lovely spices and everything and you can make them a little bit like kfc if you use a bit of arrowroot a little bit of curry uh curry powder mix dip it into an egg whack it in the air fryer and what oil am i using to cook with what oil should I use? Coconut oil? No, no, no, because that tastes dodgy. Everything will have that Thai taste to it, won't it? Yeah, go on. What would you, so what am I using to heat?
Starting point is 00:42:12 So if I'm doing roast potatoes, it's goose fat. Goose fat. Goose fat. If I'm doing chips, it's beef tallow. You know, McDonald's used to use beef tallow before they introduced veg oil. And that's when all the ingredients started coming in to try and make it taste like beef tallow right i think it was the 80s they swapped it out to make it
Starting point is 00:42:29 heart healthy and it's not heart healthy look at us all we've never been less heart healthy you know but so you're going back to like i said it's like what are you going back to rationing we're going back to lard well yeah that sort of thing But I think it's what we've had for the past millennia. My dad had a triple heart bypass when I was 10. Everything was absolutely finished. And he had this massive life-saving major operation. And as soon as he'd finished that, and he used to have his fry-up, butter, l cooked like that steak you know steak and kidneys liver and bacon that's
Starting point is 00:43:10 what we you know off for we grew up and all that and that went like you said frightened the life out of him that all of that went out the window and in came margarine you know vitalite vitalite half a grapefruit it was mad you know what i mean and you know what i wonder if they ever looked at his stress levels because uh my dad's my dad's like oh he's a right stress head and the doctor said to him he said um alan you know you eat well and all this and like here's your cholesterol panels. But he said, I think you're getting calcification because of your stress levels. Now, my dad is a stress head.
Starting point is 00:43:51 He loves stress. He loves having a row. He's a scouser, and he goes to the match. And honestly, got anyone to think he was Jurgen Klopp? And I'm like, chill out. But that's his natural persona, you know, and that's what's made him who he is and everything. And, you know, he's a warrior. But I was talking to a cardiologist who said that when you have got stress levels, obviously your blood's pumping through faster.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And there's some sort of mechanism there that causes calcification. Okay, yeah. And you're like, and we never look at stress. Oh, yeah, de-stress. But how? classification okay yeah and you're like and we never look at stress oh yeah de-stress but how i mean why isn't everyone on um l-theanine if they've got like why why isn't everyone being taught how to do sort of wim hof and bring that stress level down i mean to be fair i couldn't get my dad to do a breathing exercise even if i bent over backwards no i was gonna say i would have never got my dad come
Starting point is 00:44:45 on dad let's do some meditation even if it's a fuck right you're off your bloody edge you are you on that wacky backy and i'm a fucking hell but i mean it could be something for the next generation to be able to just pull in because i know when i'm stressed i tell you what was really interesting actually you know when a child cries and all right when we do and you go like that that is your body's natural mechanism to lower cortisol that double inhale of breath that's how fast it can be and you can lower cortisol can you imagine not knowing that as a cardiologist and being able to tell your clients that. And I'm like, why is this not on the front page? Because stress is the biggest driver of all disease.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Why don't we all know to just what a child instinctively does? I mean, there's nothing better than having a good cry and then going. Yeah. So what I do is whenever I i'm stressed which i should have done the airport yesterday before but i mean the guy next to me was like he thought i already was a weirdo anyway but i just thought if i start doing some breath work he's gonna press get me off this she's off her head you know but but i literally i get so stressed at airports but i should have just done that and you know
Starting point is 00:46:05 it's hard for me to implement this as well because I'm spinning plates but it's a chemical it's physiology and how fucking cool is that it's free it is cool
Starting point is 00:46:15 so what I need to take away from this what I need to take away from our chat and I hope everyone else can try and take away from it because it is complicated
Starting point is 00:46:23 and you do use really long words about, you know, you do get a bit overwhelmed with it. But I think we should all go away. I'm sorry. No, don't say sorry because I think it's good. It's really good. We've got to look at the reason we eat all this food
Starting point is 00:46:39 and why we're eating it. And what you're doing is stripping it right back and we've got a look at all of the chemical side of things and i think that for me i can go away today and think right i'm gonna buy that thing that vomit stuff and i'm really gonna think about what i'm putting in my mouth basically that's what this is about isn't it i tell you what's really interesting as well it's like a mood diary and i know it sounds a bit journal but if you just got it on your phone yeah and if you have something 15 minutes later just only do it for a week right because no one can do anything more than a week just check in with yourself 15 minutes later do
Starting point is 00:47:20 you feel flatline i guarantee if it's got veg in, it's crossed the blood brain barrier and you'll feel flatline and you'll be looking for more. It's highly addictive. For me, especially, I know when I've had vegetable oil because straight away, I'm seeking that sweet finish or I'm seeking something else to satisfy me.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Because what, remember veg oil, right? Do you ever use the pink stuff? You know, the stain remover? Oh yeah, the big pot use the pink stuff you know the stain remover oh yeah the big part of the pink stuff yeah yeah yeah well first up i mean that was invented in the 30s the first ingredient in that is vegetable oil it is a detergent it's a detergent think of it as like you know waterproof uh makeup remover yeah it's the same sort of thing. It's like a paint stripper. It's a detergent. Procter & Gamble own this stuff, right? I mean, the way it's extracted
Starting point is 00:48:10 is through using petrol. It's heated to 400 degrees. It's absolutely rancid. Then they use chlorine and then they dye it to make it look like sunflower oil. So veg oil for me is rapeseed oil and sunflower oil.
Starting point is 00:48:22 If you see that, just get it out of your system. Right. Because it's a detergent. What it does, as soon as it enters the mouth, it starts doing its stripping away. And in your mouth, you've got tons of receptors all sat in mucus that send messages to your brain, super sophisticated, right? And what it does, as you swallow it, it strips all the mucus
Starting point is 00:48:42 and your brain doesn't get that message that you've had amino acids, so you're not satisfied. So it will kick off the chain reaction to have a bit more in a bit. And that's why I think these foods are so addicting, but the government and the big food companies and the doctors aren't there yet because there is a time lag of 17 years from bench to bedside right and this is a proven fact so what scientists are looking at the negative effects of vegetable oil will only become apparent in your gp surgery in 17 years and i have not got 17 years of craving left in me because I fucking find it such effort to go no yeah no no all right don't have this just have half a bite I just don't have the energy left so if I can stay away from the first bite by having something lovely like butter
Starting point is 00:49:40 I mean I would say enemy 101 is veg oil over sugar i mean sugar's freaking bad but we know it's on our radar we know what we're doing right but this veg oil it's not even tasty so we can swap it i'm like and we can we can make the companies like change with our purses you say we just swap that for some something else please. If you're vegan, use avocado oil. If you're not like me, just put beef tallow back into it, will you? There's a load of
Starting point is 00:50:12 healthy fats in there. There's so much nutrition in beef tallow. It's a joke. Let's utilize our beef. Let's use our farmers how we're meant to. I use beef tallow
Starting point is 00:50:22 all over my bloody body. It's great stuff and and i'm like god is it that simple but maybe it is because we've just we've just forgotten the core ingredients and we've just got pseudo ingredients that you know it's just lying in the pockets of a ceo on a planet yeah that's all i think while While I'm sat there in Ryanair all crunched up with your Pringles. With your freaking salt and vinegar Pringles and a Twix chaser.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I mean, so I'm not infallible. I'm not perfect. But I understand where my trigger points are. And I know I can bring it back today. And I've had my coffee with my keto powder,
Starting point is 00:51:00 with my collagen. I'm having nice kombucha now because it's a sunny day. So it keeps me off the wine and i'll probably do a roast dinner tonight yeah if i can be arsed because it's actually warm but i've got a chicken in there and it's a local chicken and i'll chuck a load of like um roast potatoes in the fat and i'll get dead carby and i'll shove netflix and i'll go to sleep yeah you know so i can pull it back dastardly pring know, so I can pull it back. Dastardly Pringles.
Starting point is 00:51:25 But anyway, I can pull it back and it's about, and I hate everything in moderation because who can frigging moderate something that's designed to be addictive?
Starting point is 00:51:33 And that is a Twix. You know, that is your Whisper Bar. That is your Salt and Vinegar Squares. That is your Monster Munch. That is every,
Starting point is 00:51:42 everything that comes out of a packet. And all the croissants, pastries. The croissants, the croissants. God, that's, you see, that's the killer for me, the croissants. But you know, you can have bacon, eggs, avocado, mix all that up. I mean, try having seven eggs and then see how much of a croissant you want then. You can't overeat on pure nutrition. No. You can't overeat on pure nutrition. Try can't overeat on pure nutrition try having three steaks you just body or just go sack it yeah you're nutrient dense
Starting point is 00:52:11 and that's what that's for me what it's about being as many amino acids in yeah and just like giving yourself a break if you do fall off the wagon pull it back next thing in the morning you've got your mulka sand you've got your aloe vera, you've got your vomit shot and you can pull it back. But it's about, and you know what, another thing is a bit about community. We're all going through it. We've all been raised on this junk food. And we can all share these ideas and go, do you know what I'm finding? I'm enjoying a turmeric latte at four o'clock instead. Or actually I have some L-theanine with my afternoon coffee to get me through the school run at night so I don't end up eating the kid's pizza. It's all that sort of like those ideas. Conversation.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah. And just to take the guilt and the shame out of it because it's not fair. It's not fair to put it on the consumer when these companies have designed these products to be as hyper palatable hyper addictive as humanly possible yeah and just think of the kellogg's family on a private jet next time you're pouring out cereal in the morning yeah they put you right off you bastards oh thank you so much it's so interesting honestly i am gonna buy that stuff i am gonna have See if, you know, the bloating side of things. I just need to stop eating bread. Well, just shift it back to tea time and then have sourdough.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah. And then you've got your tea time bread and then that's fine because it's going to make your carb coma and cosy. And then you can ride and that'll turn into serotonin, which will turn into melatonin. Cosy, cosy. Happy days. Have your carbs at night. Every doctor will tell you not to. And then you can ride and that'll turn into serotonin, which will turn into melatonin. Cozy, cozy. Happy days. Have your carbs at night.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Every doctor will tell you not to. But bullshit, we're talking about the brain here. The brain needs to chill out. Yeah, yeah. All right. I'm going to give it a go. I'm going to buy all the bits and then I'm going to text you and let you know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Good. I'm excited for you. And yeah, I am excited for you. And you know what? Just remember, no one, no one ever loses weight in summer. It's a flipping tie-ella bread. I mean, you're joking. What are you? Oh, anyway. You're so right. I'm going to, I'm going to give it a go though, just to feel a little bit less bloated would be lovely the old all-inclusive breakfast i need to go for the eggs eggs and the bacon eggs bacon avocado and i'll send you some of my protein actually because obviously you you must have a sweet palate as well because it's that it's that pastry thing in it yeah i'll send you some of my protein that's actually made of bone broth
Starting point is 00:54:41 yeah not whey not freaking hemp or soy soy is an endocrine disruptor and it'll make you estrogen dominant and give you cellulite and give your kids man boobs it's awful stuff soy swerve it we are not we are not built to metabolize that amount of soy um so i will send you our bone broth protein that's like it's from scandinavia so it's grass-fed regenerative farming and all we've done all we've done is simmered it down like for 36 hours it's like a simmer because bone broth is a pain in the freaking ass to do yeah and we've simmered it down so dehydrated it and then the beef taste has come out but you've still got all the amino acids and the proteins in there and then we have put our keto powder in it as well so it's got the butter and the satiety there and the MCT. And then we flavored it with sea salt, a bit of cacao and some stevia. So it tastes like a dairy
Starting point is 00:55:31 milk really. All right. Lovely. If you want it to remain keto, you just have it with water. But if you, if you want to, if you want to keep it keto-ish, use goat's milk. And if you want, if you're not bothered about staying in ketosis in the morning just have it with cow's milk the kids have it every morning by the way my kids yeah I'm baking an egg every morning and then they go to school and have freaking pizza chips and everything and the school say we've got a salad bar I'm like what eight year old's gonna want a salad bar when he's got a burger come on do you know what I mean don't wind me up don't bother with a cellar bar maureen it doesn't matter it's just gonna wilt yeah so yeah anyway i'll send you that that'll help that'll be lovely thank you lovely and hopefully everyone can listen everybody you've got to follow what is your it's
Starting point is 00:56:16 at devinia taylor but my company where like the information is because because at devinia taylor is just generally me like getting stressed and stuff I know but it is good but the company that I developed is called will powders will powders because yeah it's about getting ahead of your willpower you don't once you've got these powders in your body you don't actually need your willpower which is the effort we've got other things to do than freaking white knuckle bloody dairy milks. Yeah. Okay. Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Well, thank you ever so much. I shall keep in touch with you and I think you're amazing. Likewise, sister. Likewise. I think you're bloody brilliant. Thank you, Angel Face.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And yeah, I'm loving the podcast. Congratulations. Thank you very much, darling. I'm going to go. I had about four glasses of rosé last night. How are you feeling? I'm feeling fine, but I could now eat a croissant, of course, but I haven't. I've had my cup of tea and I might go downstairs in a minute and grab... What about a banana? Is that any good? Can I have a banana?
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah, actually, bananas are quite good at night because that actually induces melatonin they're so horrific aren't they bananas a little bit yeah i i think that i think they're all right to be honest there's a lot worse not worse than a banana i'm gonna have a banana it might make me feel dozy why don't you have an ice bath an ice bath yeah or yeah either hot bath and then a cold shower do that i could get a detox yeah i'll do that hot bath hot hot bath 40 minutes put netflix on and then have an ice shower and then get into some daylight yeah i'm gonna go outside it's beautiful out there have a little wonder good girl all right thank you so much you're welcome. not have been for everybody, but everybody's got their own opinions and different beliefs, and that's fine. So hopefully at some point I might talk to someone who's really into veganism, or I might talk to somebody who believes that sugar is okay, which I doubt. But you know what
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm like. I'll talk to everybody about everything. So that's where we are today. On Monday, I'm going to take a deep dive into my weight story and have a really honest chat with you about what I've been through through the years because I think there's a lot of you that message me which is so kind always saying oh how do you keep your weight off you look amazing which is so nice of you but you know it is hard it's hard for all of us men and women so it's a good subject to touch on and I'd love to get your voice notes and messages before Monday and hopefully maybe talk to a couple of you about your weight stories there might be some triggering stuff on there to do with disordered eating so again if that's too much for you just skip Monday
Starting point is 00:59:15 and I'll see you next Thursday but anyway have a lovely lovely weekend and yeah I'll be back on monday you take care bye hi this is chris mccausland and this is diane boswell and we've got a new podcast haven't we die we do what's it called winning isn't everything every week me and diane we're gonna be having a little catch-up on the of Strictly, aren't we, Di? We are. I've missed you, Chris. I've missed you, too. We're going to talk some nonsense, so why not tune in? Available everywhere you get your podcasts.

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