Lifeline - 147. Disney's Anaduralia

Episode Date: February 9, 2025

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Starting point is 00:01:26 Runk. Ha ha ha ha! Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Please. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Hello. Hello. You can sign up for Lifeline Luxury, slash Lifeline Luxury. That's where you get the live episodes and all of the luxury episodes, which are, we have, we do a few a month and they're all extra. So that's for you there. It's episode 147, February 19th.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh, it's the Superbowl. So there you go. Did you say the link? slash Lifeline Luxury. slash Lifelineeline luxury. slash lifeline luxury. There it is. Tour tickets at I'll be in Tacoma.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I'll be in a bunch of different places. I'll be in, where else? Denver, New York, Rhode Island, Appleton, Wisconsin, Lubbock, Texas, I'm a Rio, I'm Amarillo, Portland, Casper, Wyoming,, go get tickets. And that's that. You know what?
Starting point is 00:02:31 They keep ripping your boy down from YouTube. So thank God. Why? I got my Patreon. You asked a couple of- No, I know, I know why, I know why. No, no, something else. You asked where I go live. And I was like, and I was like YouTube kick twitch all the shit. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:02:49 Also go live on page. It's on patreon. You can watch it live on patreon But it gets booted from YouTube because they're little Calvinists and every little Bad thing you say they're like no and they okay so but it lives forever on patreon so that's pimping pimping okay and you gotta sign up slash Matt D'Elia it's only gonna be free for a little bit longer because the show's about to go live VVV soon so get up in there okay and you know what I haven't said it in a while but you guys have been booking sessions quite a bit lately, so I might as well plug it.
Starting point is 00:03:28 The one-on-one advice sessions with me, your boy, are still available at Come get advice from me. It will save your life. You could be on the brink of you know what, and I will be there for you to pull you out from the depths and save your life for a very small price. Wow, that's great.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Lifeline merch, you want it? Go and get it, So, yeah. So, it's all good. Yeah, I was late today, I felt bad. No, that's okay. I, you know, it's fine. I, you know, I had to get my pool cover.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I got rain all on it and it almost broke it and I'm like upset about it. What does that mean broke it? Like it got too heavy? Yeah. It was that much rain? Well, it just, you know, after a while. You'd think it would withstand like a couple inches
Starting point is 00:04:22 or not even. Yeah, yeah, it does. It doesn't, it didn't't break but it like kind of got bent so I'm pissed. It's all good. But um. You gotta get a new one or can you fix the one? No, no, no. I'm just gonna, I gotta make sure it doesn't happen again otherwise it really breaks. I see. It just gets bent dude. And you know it's like having the, dude it's stressful because like I got little kids. Are they, I was just gonna ask,
Starting point is 00:04:46 are they light enough to walk on it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really? Well, well, well, no, Billy is, I don't, maybe Calvin is, but Calvin is also, what do you call it? Not a daredevil. He won't do it because I can talk to him about it.
Starting point is 00:05:00 You know, I can just be like, don't do that. But Billy, I'll be like, don't do that. And he'll be like, ah, and smack me in the face. Right. Dude, he's been smacking me in the face a lot lately. Because you have the camera or just because he likes to do it? No, when I take cameras, when I take pictures, and also when he just slaps me in the face.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He'll just do it. Willi nilli. Yeah. That's hilarious. Because the funny stuff is when you are, it looks like Russell Crowe in the paparazzi. Chris will be taking a video of Billy. And Billy will notice.
Starting point is 00:05:28 He'll be doing something cute, funny, and then he'll notice Chris is taking a video. And then he'll just literally make a beeline for Chris and just go, like he's Russell Crowe in 2004. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Or Alec Baldwin in any year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:43 So, but you know. I wonder why that's so funny. Dude, it just started all of a sudden. I don't know why. It's so weird. Kids will just like, dude, all of a sudden be like, you know what, this is how I am. They're like, you know what they're like?
Starting point is 00:05:57 An annoying actor. Where they're just like, oh, I'm actually heavily into yoga right now. I play poker now. And yeah, and you're like, what? You start, since when? And they're just like, oh, I'm actually heavily into yoga right now. I play poker now. And yeah, and you're like, what? You start, since when? And they're just like, you know, I always kind of liked it, but like now it's just kind of like what I do.
Starting point is 00:06:13 And it's been like since Tuesday. And now that's what you're, so really what we're getting at is actors are four years old. You know what we should do right now? We should do what? Okay, if a family was playing, if somebody was on Family Feud and they had to guess the top five things actors do that aren't acting, that they get into, that they act like they've been doing their whole lives.
Starting point is 00:06:39 When they start doing it. The things? Oh, okay, okay. So one is obviously yoga. Yoga, yeah. Obviously another one is poker or a hundred and thousand. Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah, especially for, yeah, okay. Okay. So one is obviously yoga yoga. Yeah, obviously another one's poker or hunter sure Yeah, especially for yeah, that's true Going on retreats Or like what kind of it doesn't matter. Just to find themselves retreats. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:58 getting collecting like old cameras or having a hobby like a fucked up hobby like You know something that they can find their personality in but crystals Yeah, but I mean I got what your says would do I wouldn't limit it to a thing though I would just say you know I just said cameras, but like you know Hobby would be too vague for Steve Harvey though or Richard Kahnarn, whoever does it now, you know what I'm saying? Hobby's too vague. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Uh, we got three yoga. Well, anything fitness like, you know, jujitsu, martial one, martial arts, dude. So yoga, martial arts, uh, uh, um, dude, yes. Okay. Wow. That is such a good one. Yeah. And they'll just be like, oh man, I really find myself when I do. martial arts, poker. Wow, that is such a good one. Yeah, and they'll just be like, oh man, I really find myself when I do.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Dude, going to a ranch, any running, running, dude, running away. What about, what was I going to say? I forgot what I was going to say. Acting is easy, and they make it. I mean, look, there are parts that are very hard obviously, but for the most part it's so easy. And there's, well the thing about actors,
Starting point is 00:08:10 the reason they get into this shit, bleep that out, is because they have, even the busiest actors, they have time on their hands. Oh yeah. They have too much time on their hands. 100%, yeah. But I was thinking AA, some kind of recovery program. Yeah, yeah, but I mean like, you know, if they need it, they need it. Sometimes they don't need it. But I was thinking AA, some kind of recovery program.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah, yeah, but I mean like, you know, if they need it, they need it. Sometimes they don't need it. Sometimes they don't need it, yeah. You're right. It's a social thing. Yeah. It's like I drink three nights a week
Starting point is 00:08:34 and it's bad for my body. I gotta go to AA. And people are there talking about rock bottom, like how they like fucked their cousin and stole from their grandma. And they're like, right, right. Well, I drank three nights last year like I have a headache. Yeah, dude. I feel like um actors though they they yeah, this is what it is it's it's It's not that hard for the most part, okay
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm not talking about you're doing a role and you're Adrian Brody and you're in the brutalist or whatever, right? I haven't seen that movie, I don't know. There's probably a lot of easy parts on that too. But like, you know, for the most part, you're just on NCIS, right? And you're just serving the script to move forward. And you just gotta say things in a not fucked up way. And so these actors, because their job is so easy,
Starting point is 00:09:33 they think, oh, yeah, they gotta wake up early, they gotta drive, they gotta do all this shit. But because their actual job is so easy, that they're like, oh man, I have it's guilt dude You do like I have to make shit harder for myself so I'm gonna work on it extra hard and Really just say the fucking lines and then also you get to busy yourself up with like think you know I think it's in big part boredom. I think giving them too much credit is saying it's too easy
Starting point is 00:10:03 They want to challenge. I think they're just straight bored. Humans need things to do during the days that are long. Days are long. If all you're doing is acting for two and a half hours of the day trailer for so much time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It is what it is, dude, but it's good. It's, you know, I don't know. I think about all the things that I've done and it's like, you know, to be in a sitcom is like kind of work
Starting point is 00:10:29 because like you're, you gotta be, you know, it's kind of, but it's easy. You gotta regimented schedule. But if you're in a movie or something, it's just like. Yeah, I mean, I'm in some movies every once in a while, but dude, I should be in more. It's crazy how I act. Oh, it's all right. Yeah. Like, look, Chris is over there, the producer. I'm in some movies every once in a while, but dude, I should be in more. It's crazy how I act. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:48 Like look Chris is over there the producer I'm like imagining a scenario where like He fucked my wife. I know he thinks I know he's not sure and it's and watch this See that I did you were kind of at a bad angle but but I I mean I saw it sure I mean, I guess if I saw someone do that, I wouldn't think that that was what was happening, but I guess if it was in a movie, that happened. Well, yeah, you wouldn't think, oh, that guy fucked his, but you'd be like, something's going on. On a deeper level, he's got something going on because he's a deep guy. Yeah, okay, sure. A lot of acting is being like, oh, he's a deep guy. Yeah, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:11:25 A lot of acting is being like, oh, that's a deep guy with a rich undercurrent of conflict. Also, everybody is in real life doing something, they think they're not being a certain way, always, actively. Like in real life, people are like, oh, I hope nobody thinks I'm this, I'm not this, so I gotta be like this.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And that's, just don't do things as an actor. Don't do things and then you win. That you be good, you're saying. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but at the same time, acting isn't being real, it's emotive. I know, no, no, no, yes, of course, yeah. I get that.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I mean, obviously if you're in a fucking David Lynch thing, it's way different. Oh, dude, you know what we gotta do Yeah, I get that. I mean, obviously if you're in a fucking David Lynch thing, it's way different. Oh, dude, you know what we gotta do on, yeah, Rez and Peace. Great guy, great human, great artist, all time great. I don't know if we've done this. Have we watched the Michael Caine acting, less acting coach thing?
Starting point is 00:12:20 Oh God, okay. Well, there's too much for this. We'll do it on- Yeah, let's get into a submission and then we'll- Anthony, make note of that though. We can't forget that, okay. Well, there's too much for this. We'll do it. Oh, yeah, let's get into a submission and we'll that we can't Anthony make note of that though. We can't forget that. Okay Thank you. All right. Yeah, let's get into it. So boys. I'm gonna make this really quick for you I just want to know your thoughts on apparently if you guys heard about this new study that came out
Starting point is 00:12:38 Saying that up to 40% of the population does not have an internal dialogue oh, yeah, and that they can't imagine like objects or scenarios like actually see them in their minds eye. And how is that even possible? Do you believe it? My friend said that he didn't have the internal dialogue or the capability of the imagination and I didn't want to be his friend anymore so thoughts.
Starting point is 00:13:04 What's the thing, what's it called though? Like there's people that can't talk. and I didn't want to be his friend anymore, so thoughts. What's the thing, what's it called though? Like there's people that can't talk. I guess they don't talk, you haven't heard of this? I've heard of people can't picture things in their minds that aren't in front of them, but this is not that, what's he saying? Like in my head when somebody says something stupid
Starting point is 00:13:23 and I think it's stupid, I go, ah, in my head I talk, oh, what a moron. But people don't do that. People can't do that. And when somebody says something stupid, they just go like this in their head. Aw, or something. Or they just like feel a certain way about it.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And they don't, they don't, and then when they go to talk, they can say it, but they don't go, wow. Like, I'll be like, oh, in my head, I'm like, oh, there's my coffee, and I go to grab it. But people are just like lizards. A lot of people, 40% of the population, what you're saying, they just look at it and go. Dude, that makes, life makes so much more sense to me.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Well, yeah, it's called. Everybody's so dumb, see me. Anadarilla, anadarilla, anadarilla. Well, yeah. Because everybody's so dumb-seeming. Anadurilia. Anadurilia. Anadurilia. Oh, here we go. When someone doesn't have an inner monologue, it's often referred to as anaduralia, which describes the absence of auditory imagery,
Starting point is 00:14:18 essentially meaning that they don't, quote, hear their thoughts in their head. This can sometimes be associated with the condition called aphantasia. I mean, just Disney movies. Where someone can't visualize mental images either. That's what I've heard of. Disney movies.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Andaralia and aphantasia are Disney movies. Yeah. Anna D'Aurelia sounds like a really, really, really beautiful actress that got married and then quit the business. Wow, that's crazy. What? I did not hear about that.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's weird. And I don't know what that is. But you know what I have? And I'm serious. I have the thing where I don't like music. That's not one of these things. I know, but it's like that. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It's a thing. Anyway, dude, I didn't listen to music on the way here. It's fine. But we've done this before. It's not true. You love dude, I didn't listen to music on the way here. It's fine. But we've done this before. And it's not true. You love hip hop. So that's music. Why does that not count as music?
Starting point is 00:15:10 I don't love it. I like it. Here's why I love hip hop, though, is because they're talking. They say the things. And I go, fuck yeah, dude. Do you like spoken word? Yeah, I would listen to it more than music. The thing about spoken word is it's always
Starting point is 00:15:25 so frilly and shit, you know? If it was just a guy talking, but then again, podcasts are so boring. So I'm just going to drive in silence. You know what? I'm going to imagine everything, because I don't have Aphantasia or Jason Deriglia, that I'm just going to think about what I'm thinking about.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Okay. I get what you're saying. People don't do that, but you do that, right? We talk in our heads. I do? You talk in your head? Dude, I got like four people in me. I don't even know if I have friends that don't talk in their head.
Starting point is 00:15:59 All my friends seem like they have to do that. I hate being like this, but I don't believe that that's 40%. Well, maybe it's not 40, yeah. How could that be? How could that be? That's like, again, lizards. Those are lizards.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Like, you see people like this? Like, what are they doing if they're not imagining words? They're just going, and they're thinking, they're not thinking anything. I guess, dude. That actually is really weird. I don't know if I believe that. Well, I believe that it's something.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I have a hard time believing it's 40%. They're saying that's a thing. But yeah, if your friend, if you discovered your friend had that, yeah, kick him out, dude. Get him out of there. He doesn't belong. Tell him to hang out with a bunch of lizards, they'll get along perfectly.
Starting point is 00:16:49 And that's that. Or eat each other, okay, next one. What up Chris and Matt? So I have a question for you guys, and I know I'm being lazy, but I just was curious what you guys thought. So I'm mopping the floor. That's not lazy.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I'm getting the bathroom, and there's a scale, a little footstep for our little kids and a little garbage can, just a little one. And what I do is I'm moving them out of the way, mopping underneath it. Mind you, it's light water, it's light, it's wrung out so it's super light and it's just kind of wet. And then I move it back over it and mop the area where it was. So essentially I'm mopping the whole area.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Now I think it's just great that I'm at least getting it done. But as I'm doing it, my wife is telling me to take all those objects out of the bathroom, then mop it and then put it back. I get that, but I feel like just because I'm at least doing it, it's getting done. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:17:44 Should I stop being a lazy fuck or should I just be a lazy fuck. I always do it What do you guys think? No, I love you guys. That's the way she won't creation Matt So back on the mopping the floor thing. I just also had to add I got divorced She doesn't even mop the floor. I'm always the floor mopper. So I feel like there's a big part there where it's like hey I'm up on the floors, and it's getting done Maybe it's not getting done the way you want it to be done But it's better better than not getting mopped at all right or might as being a lazy fuck No, you're not being lazy. Let me with the truth do not kiss me with a lie dude. She's all I got
Starting point is 00:18:21 She's just all I got so micromanage. That's micromanage. Oh you guys are amazing Thanks, man Chris you need to go back on the kill Tony show. I feel like it's been a while. It's you've been on there Yep, that's all. That's right Yeah, I dude you just have to keep you can't Dude hey, you're welcome. I'm mopping the floor dude. She's got it. She's got you all turned upside down Yeah, yeah, you're not lazy. You're mopping also. It doesn't also it doesn't matter what he's doing is not worse It might be a little bit
Starting point is 00:18:56 Harder weirder the way he's doing it, but it's the way he wants to do it He's not the thing is is that he's not lazy. He's asking if he's lazy. You're not lazy at all. No, he's mopping the floor. Anyone who mops the floor isn't lazy. That's not the word for the person mopping the floor. Also, what's lazy? Like just like laying the whole time all day is lazily. If you're doing things, you're not lazy.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Even if you're doing just a few things. I don't, yeah, I don't, I don't, hey, why don't you just, okay, I don't, I don't, hey, or why don't you just, okay, I'll do it your way and then just don't. Oh, floor's clean, right? All good. Yeah. She's not like watching over your shoulder.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah, I mean, maybe she could tell if you're not taking all the things out of the bathroom and then putting them back in, but you're still moving them and getting under it and all that shit. Hey, dude, I'm mopping. How about- When she calls you lazy, say, I mopped. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Well, does she call him lazy, he said? That's what he said. Oh yeah. I think. That's what he implied. Well, whatever. It's just, nah. Nah.
Starting point is 00:20:01 No, no. No. If, I'm trying to think, if I was mopping, first of all, no if I'm trying to think if I was mopping first of all, it's crazy if I was mopping and then my wife said Hey You're doing it wrong Yeah, uh
Starting point is 00:20:19 That's the last time I do it yeah, that's the last time I do it hey That's the last time I do it. Yeah, that's the last time I do it. Hey. Piss all over the floor. Yeah. Take it down. Take it from the corner. I think she's being a little disrespectful, honestly.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, should you do it? What? Oh, should you do it? Dude, I put the dishes in the dishwasher. That's my job. I do that. And when I do that, every now and then, Kristen might be like, look at how you do this.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And I laugh and I don't change it. Yes! Because I'm doing it. I'll do it. You don't do it right? I don't do it right? I'm still doing it. It's getting done. I put the dishes in there and I'll, maybe I'll do two loads You don't do it right? I don't do it right? I'm still doing it. It's getting done.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I put the dishes in there and I'll maybe I'll do two loads instead of one load sometimes because I'm not good at doing the Tetris stuff. But you know what? It's getting done. All good. I mean if it's getting done, it's it's getting done. Right. What else is there? I mean there's been one knife in there for oh man months and it's not getting clean and I just keep it there and it will get clean eventually, I guess. Wait, why do you keep the knife in? Somebody like, I don't know what they did with it
Starting point is 00:21:31 but it's got like sticky shit on it. And it's just in the top part of the thing and like it just won't get clean, dude. I'm gonna throw it away. I'm gonna throw it away. The house is fucking sucked? They got the little things Fuck this thing. Mm-hmm thing. What's going on? Yeah, so whatever but yeah I think that you're not lazy and also you got to do what you got a you got you're doing the thing, dude
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, don't get it twisted. Don't let her get it twisted and don't let her twist you up like this And I'm not saying she's a bad guy. You know, she's not. But like, you know, sometimes when relationships are too fine, there's shit. Be happy that this is the shit that you're talking about. You know what I mean? Like, you're probably in a happy ass marriage.
Starting point is 00:22:18 That's true. This is like an actor with too much time on his hands. Yeah. You're just like, honestly, you shouldn't lie to your wife, but be like, OK, and do it the way you want. Does it look good? Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Right. Correct. Yeah. OK. All right. Thanks a lot. Hey, guys. Let's take a break.
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Starting point is 00:24:38 Hey Chris, hey Matt. Charlie here in snowy British Columbia. What's up? I've uh, need some advice. I had to buy this new pickup truck for work and It came with this Coverage it's got like the plastic coverage shit. Oh, yeah on there Even on the doors. Yeah, and Reluctant to take it off
Starting point is 00:25:01 My kids are desperate to peel it off but like I said to them you don't pay the damn bills so leave it alone. Yeah, it's not your fucking car. Is that so bitch to leave it on or is that cool because it's new and try to keep it nice? Anyways, Matt you are a very funny guy. Thank you. Absolutely love you and Chris we saw you in Kelowna last year. You're my fave. Come back, please. Cheers. Thank you. I love Kelowna.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I would say this. This is what I do. I get the car and I take those things off as quickly as I possibly can, because if I don't, then I have to think about it. He's using, he's, if he takes them off, he frees his mind. He, it's, it's first of all there kids fuck it up yeah I understand but it's a car though yeah
Starting point is 00:25:56 like even if it's a Lamborghini it's still for driving yeah unless it's not going anywhere well he's in it now, driving. So, you know, you unwrap it. If I'm wearing a dope button-down, I don't keep the fucking hanger in it. Hands off, kids. Dude, it's like, I think you need to peel this shit off immediately,
Starting point is 00:26:22 because then you're not thinking about it. Or maybe then you're worrying about, oh no, then the kids are gonna fuck it up but then that's another thing that you have to free your mind from keep freeing your mind free your mind and the rest will follow take the things off the fucking cars uh do you know what i mean? Give up. I can't remember the rest of the thing. But it is a... I think I can either, fuck. It is absolutely... I remember I had a car and I took them off. And then when I turned the car in,
Starting point is 00:26:58 like a few weeks beforehand, it depends also if you own the car or you lease the car. beforehand, you know, it depends also if you own the car or you lease the car. I had no idea that I didn't take off certain ones. And I was like, oh, I never took this one off. And I took it off immediately. And that's a bad story. But I did that and I was upset that I didn't realize that.
Starting point is 00:27:22 So great. And how long did you not notice for? Four years. Four years? Oh my God. Yeah, I think you take those off. Free your mind, bro. Free your fucking mind, honestly.
Starting point is 00:27:33 All right, that's Chris's advice. I'm a little more torn, but go with the strong opinion. Let's get another one in. Hi guys, huge, huge fan. Chris, I've been following you since your days on Vine. And Matt, I have the biggest secret crush on you. Oh no. That I guess is no longer secret anymore,
Starting point is 00:27:51 but I think you rock. Anyway, I'm gonna try to make this quick, but I wanted your opinion on this. My boyfriend and I have been together for about three years and honestly, it's been one of the most healthiest relationships I've been in. We communicate well, very trusting, and we're just great.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I love him to death. But the last couple of weeks, he has been starting to show huge interest in who I'm texting and what I'm saying to people, which I find odd, because it's never really happened before. Like if I get a text message, he'll blatantly like look over and be like, oh, so-and-so
Starting point is 00:28:25 texted you or so-and-so said this. Like, he's very interested in who I'm communicating with. And then the other day, we were sitting around with a bunch of friends in the living room and my phone was on the coffee table and he just picked up my phone, put in my passcode, started going through all of my text messages, opening conversations that I've had with people and just reading them. And when I asked him what he was doing, he was like, oh, I'm just looking. What?
Starting point is 00:28:49 And so I don't have anything to hide. It's one of the reasons he has my passcode and I have his passcode as well, although I've never used it. I've never looked through his phone because I just don't feel a need for it. Because it's called trust, yes. And once that starts, it's a slippery slope, I know, because I've done it a hundred times before. There you go. But I don't understand why all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:29:07 he's showing this huge interest in my communication with people. Is it because he's not trusting me? Is he feeling insecure? Have you guys ever felt this or done this? I just found it really odd. Like it's good that he was doing it in front of me and not behind my back, but to pick up my phone
Starting point is 00:29:21 and just like start reading all of my personal conversations I felt was just super out of character from him. And I was a little bit shocked. So let me know your opinions. Have you ever done this with a partner? Um, what are the parameters around that? Has anybody ever done that to you? Is there anything maybe I can say, like, how do I even approach that?
Starting point is 00:29:41 I don't want him to feel like I've got anything to hide, but it just was a little bit weird Yeah So looking forward to hearing your responses and happy new year. Thanks guys. Love you. Yeah, it's weird that he all of a sudden does it makes me think that either he heard something or he's starting to Crack in some kind of trust way. I mean, I think that I hate I to crack in some kind of trust way. I mean, I think that I hate, I actually hate this kind of like armchair psychology shit, but it sounds to me like he might be dilly dallying.
Starting point is 00:30:15 You think? And dipping his toe in a little bit of other shit. You think so? Yeah, I mean, dude, people tend to get jealous when they're up to no good. Really, is that right? Because they know what it's like to be up to no good. And sometimes, weird psychology, but sometimes people want to catch their partner in something
Starting point is 00:30:35 so that they don't have to fucking feel bad. Also, if they catch them, they get to be the one that pushes the attention on them. It makes them feel less bad. What are you doing? That doesn't make sense here. Why are you doing this? You know, and it's really them doing it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's weird though that like, to suddenly do that is very, very weird. The sudden thing is weird. Like usually there's somebody that does it or doesn't do it. The weirdest part is the sudden thing. Because I mean, I've looked through my partner's phone, I guess, not like in any sort of, what?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Never done it. Yeah, not in any sort of like what's going on here way, but... Dude, one time I did it and I saw just, her phone was out and I swear I wasn't snooping, but it was open. That actor Justin Long was trying to fuck my girlfriend. Oh wow, that's hilarious. So bad, he was trying to fuck her so bad.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Nice. Yeah. I responded, I was like, dude, come over, let's fuck. Oh. For her. Oh wow. And I videotaped it. Put her in a bind. Oh wow, okay. Yeah, I don't know, I think that, I guess it is a slippery slope. I mean, look, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:54 sometimes people go through my phone and I, I'm, I don't have really anything to hide. However, there's the thing where it's like, you know, like Valentine's Day is coming up. What if? That's mine. You know what I'm saying? Like, well yeah, no, that's mine, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But like, what if like I'm setting something up or, or honestly, what if I'm venting about you to the guys? That's okay. Like if Kristin has shit in her phone about like, man he's being so fucking annoying. I don't give a shit at all. I don't wanna read it. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:32:33 But I don't. Which is why you don't look. Yeah, that is why I don't look. You don't look because you don't wanna see some shit. Yeah. You don't wanna see. I mean, if I was gonna go through somebody's phone, I would do it literally not as something to be like,
Starting point is 00:32:47 let's see what they're up to in a bad way. I would just be like, oh, I wonder how funny this is. Like, what kind of, you know what I'm saying? Like, do they say anything that's like, oh shit, this is hilarious. But even that's so asking for it. No, it is, it is. You're never, as a significant other,
Starting point is 00:33:03 you're never going to significant other you're never gonna find You know, uh, oh hey, I love my I love my wife. Fuck you You're not people aren't taking people text shit like that. Yeah. Yeah. Ah, fuck you, bro. I love my husband Women don't even do that and they love my wife's the fucking best over and over. Yeah, so it's like you're only gonna find you're only gonna find Shit like, you know, women hitting on me and my DMs or whatever. Or dudes. To me especially, it's crazy. Or dudes, or nudes, you know what I mean? Or dudes that are like,
Starting point is 00:33:35 sup to my wife. I don't even see that shit, I don't care. Also, they don't get to have me see that, those dudes. Fuck, fucking do that, dude. See ya. Hey. Wait, what are you saying? You don't get to have me see your message to my wife. See ya. Enjoy. Yeah. Yeah. Like Tom Hanks in the uh
Starting point is 00:33:56 Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump on the Lieutenant Den's boat. Yeah. His boat. His boat? That's me. Mother fucker knows everything about Forrest Gump. Dude, just a Forrest Gump enthusiast. A purist. A purist forest gum enthusiast and a pure C and auto dude knows beat by beat every every Hanks project So yeah, I can I don't yeah, I don't have time, you know also, how about this dude? Hey if you're cheating And I don't know I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. I fucked up. Yeah. Yeah, that's-
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'm not gonna lie. That's not giving me cancer. I got big rules about looking through other people's shit, dude. I was once dating a woman who I was crazy about. And I mean, she was crazy about me. It was an amazing relationship. Well, she suddenly fucking just decided one day, I was out, she went through an old phone of mine.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Oh, I've had that. Not even my current phone. Yeah. Saw the way that I was with whoever I was texting when I had that phone. Right, right. And she was like, I saw texting when I had that phone. Right, right. And she was like, I saw the way you talked to women. And I was like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:35:10 When I didn't know you? She was like, yeah. Yeah. You're like that? And I'm like, trying to fuck girls? Yeah. Yeah, I'm like that. I'm like that when I'm single, for sure.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. She got so mad, and she never trusted me again since then. It was absolutely mental, dude. I had that happen once. It was the beginning of the end of our relationship for real, for real, yeah. I had that once. I was in Florida doing shows
Starting point is 00:35:38 and my ex texts me after a show once, I'm sick. And I was like, what? She was like, I saw your old phone and- I saw. No, no, but check this out. She said, I saw your old phone and I saw how you basically were, you know, sex talk. Sure.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And I was like, oh, it's an old phone. And I said, well, so you found the phone and- Yeah, how'd that happen? You turned it on by accident? You charged it by accident? So you found the phone and then... Yeah, how'd that happen? You turned it on by accident? You charged it by accident? No, no, no, that's the thing. I said, well, it's so old. You found it and then charged it?
Starting point is 00:36:14 And she was like, no. And I was like, so it was on? Yeah, liar. And she was like, yeah, it had a charge. And I was like, there's no way, dude. I didn't have it for over like two years. Not a chance. So I'm like, if you do all that,
Starting point is 00:36:26 look, here's the thing that sucks, I still feel bad because this sucks, but like, you did this. You did it. You created it out of nothing. You did it for no reason, dude. I said this on the podcast the other day, I think I'm gonna do it on stage,
Starting point is 00:36:40 but like, women are, sometimes women, or men, dude, it doesn't matter, in a relationship, but they go, go. Oh, yeah I got it. Yeah, I put lettuce on the thing put Parmesan on there put croutons and I get tomatoes. Let me give Nice garbanzo beans. Let me get some Italian dressing there we go This tastes like salad yeah, like dude, this is what you did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like dude, this is what you did.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you did it. You created it. You made it out of nothing, dude. Yeah. You sought out a thing that was not a problem in any way. And you made it a fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah. It is funny though though once you get in a relationship like the shit that like, dude my friend said this to me it was so funny but, because I identify with this because like Kristen is like this but like he was like dude my wife, he was like one of the reasons why I married her is because when I first met her, what separated her from all the other women
Starting point is 00:37:49 was like she was over once and she just like organized my bookshelf. And I was like, that's awesome. And he's like, that's annoying as shit right now with her. Because you know what I'm saying? It's like the thing that you're like, oh, that's cool. Then that's what she's doing all the time. Oh, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And then you're like, it's really funny. It was really funny. Yeah. But I don't know what that had to do with that. But anyway, I don't know. I just, yeah, that's a slippery slope, dude. That'll fuck up your relationship. What exactly was the submission?
Starting point is 00:38:21 I know the gist of it, but what was he saying? Like, what was his question? This guy. No. There was a check. Sorry know the gist of it, but what was he saying? Like, what was his question? This guy. No, there was a check. Sorry, this girl, yeah. She said that she was, what do you call it? The guy was looking through the phone. The guy just picked up the phone and looking through the phone.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Oh, suddenly, after a long time. Yeah, yeah, suddenly, and like, what do we think of him? Something's up, dude. Something, something's... I don't know if that's necessarily true, but I mean, I get what you're saying. You don't think he suddenly is up to something and wants to see about if she is too?
Starting point is 00:38:50 I'm so not like that, that I can't tell, I don't know. Like I'm not the kind of, I can't identify with that at all. Like I'm, obviously I've cheated before, but like I cannot identify with starting to do something like that and then think the other person did it. It's like, ah, that's just not... I mean sometimes it absolves people of their fucking guilt. I do understand. People are weird, dude. I guess what it is is like if you're... I guess I feel like... If you're, I guess I feel like,
Starting point is 00:39:29 yeah, maybe if he doesn't wanna be doing that bad shit and then he looks at her stuff, if she's doing it, it's gonna make him feel a little bit better about himself. What do you, he would bring it up though. He'd be like, what the fuck? Yeah, I don't know. Just, yeah, don't go through your partner's fucking phones. It's just always a bad idea. Yeah, don't go through your partner's fucking phones.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's just always a bad idea. It's always a bad idea. Catch them another way if you're gonna catch them. Don't try to catch them, because that's fucked up too. But the phone thing, dude, it's so easy. To make, to misunderstand, dude. This is the thing, if you're gonna fucking go through somebody's phone, don't also be the kind of person
Starting point is 00:40:07 that dresses up in a different outfit, in a different uniform, pretending you're someone else, and tail that person. Tail? The person you love to see if they're out there doing it with someone else. Because you don't get to be so chill in the nervousness. Ah, let me just pick up your phone and look. No, dude, put on an outfit,
Starting point is 00:40:28 put on a fake mustache. Follow me to round table pizza to see if I'm actually with Tom. You don't get to be, ah, yeah, there's a man, the technology. Let me look. Oh, DMs. No dude. Hey, come, come to Tacoma. Right? Yes. Come to Dubuque when I'm there. Be on the same flight. Hello.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Hello. What are you going to Dubuque for? Are you? You look so much familiar each other and shit. Just are you my wife? Woman with a mustache. And a fucking, you know? Just don't, here's the thing. It's bitch, it's bitch shit. Don't, just trust your partner
Starting point is 00:41:14 until there is a clear reason not to and then fucking ski-daddle, runeski. Do you think ski-daddle came to be because people said, let's get out of here? I always think about that. And it's close to skedaddle. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Let's get out of skedaddle. I mean, maybe. Did you ever think about that? I never thought about it. I'm smart. But maybe. I'm into linguistics. Yeah, that's a Noam Chomsky linguistic.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Do you think that guys? John McQuarter thing. That's a good theory. Did you ever think that? No. Iomsky linguistic. Do you think that guys? John McQuarrick thing. That's a good theory. Did you ever think that? No. I think about that. Okay. Let's get out of here. Nice.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And Anthony? Did you ever think about that? No, I've never thought about it. Right, I did. Linguistics. Anthony's never thought about anything that isn't right in front of him, no. That's the rudest thing you've ever said about anyone.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Truly, it's the rudest thing you've ever said about anyone. I. It's the rudest thing you've ever said about anyone. I love you, Anthony. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. Anthony, I said I love you. I love you too. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Look through his phone. Alright. Next. Hi Chris and Matt. My name is Courtney. I absolutely love you both. I love you too. Chris, we've met a couple of times, and you might remember me. You might remember that I'm a tattoo artist. Yes, I do remember.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And that is exactly why I need advices today. Got it. So my predicament is that sometimes when I'm doing a larger piece, people beforehand will ask if they can split the payment over sessions, which is absolutely fine usually Um, my problem is is when we don't have a prior agreement for this And they spring it on me right before they get ready to pay and ask if they can split the payment
Starting point is 00:43:00 I don't like that. I'm not trying to be an asshole. No, you know people know you have to pay it all right now Because I have no backbone So I'll let them split the payment which in turn usually Absolutely fucks me really it makes it so I can't pay my bills Payment car payment so on and so forth But I would rather eat that than be the asshole and say hey, no you got to pay now How do I get around this are there any spin-poos I don't know if this is spin move situation But yeah, if you just have any advices on how I can get around this without being a complete nutter
Starting point is 00:43:43 well, just dickhead. You have to. Oh, that would be great. And yeah, stay cute. Oh yeah. Wow. That's cool. You have to just beforehand have a thing,
Starting point is 00:43:57 have a sign up or something. Because I wouldn't know that. I wouldn't know that. You can't be a customer and assume that you can pay how you want when you're done and decide that in the middle of the fucking session. Well, no. Well, I don't know if.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I think what she's saying is if they're doing multiple sessions, you pay for each session. You don't necessarily pay for the whole tattoo up front. And she's saying that she does that. Yeah, OK. That's the case. I don't necessarily pay for the whole tattoo upfront. And she's saying that she does that. Yeah, okay. That's the key. I don't know. I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:44:29 I mean, I've got a lot of tattoos and I've, I don't know if I've, I mean, I've had multiple sessions on stuff and I pay them as I go. But that's understood. That's, you know, because I'm paying for them hourly. So I guess that's,
Starting point is 00:44:42 I wouldn't know that you couldn't do that, honestly. So I would think it would behoove both you and the customer. Like I would appreciate it if there was knowledge about that. And I've gotten tattoos and I didn't know that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, are you saying that? If you're paying for this piece, you're paying $3,000 for this piece. If I work on it four days, you're paying $3,000 for this piece if I work on it four days. You're paying me now
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah, and you you figure out when we can come the next day you come. Yeah, you know, it's not a thousand dollars each time Yeah, which I which I didn't know unless it is with some tattoo artists, but not with her I think obviously it is with some tattoo artists. They pay in full upfront or when they start I mean It makes sense. I think if that's what you need, because your lifestyle warrants it, you can't make your rent, you can't make your fucking car payment, I think you need to have some kind of upfront,
Starting point is 00:45:36 I don't wanna say conversation, but like let them know that payment in full is required once the job starts. We can finish the job whenever you want, my schedule's open, we can figure that out at your convenience, but once the job starts, that's when the payment comes. I guess that's how it is with art, right?
Starting point is 00:46:01 If you're gonna get a painting. But then, it depends if, I guess if you fancy yourself an artist, which you are, right, if you're gonna get a painting. But then, it depends if, I guess if you fancy yourself an artist, which you are, right, you would wanna get paid for the work, the actual piece, right? Yes. If you're, but I know a lot of tattoo artists that get paid per hour, so that's.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Maybe that's the solution then, honestly. Right, right, right, you could say like, I mean, if you take your life and you're like, all right, I'm gonna get paid per hour, how do I pay my bills? You could do that, but that's a lot more work on you to figure that out. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 00:46:32 What if she got paid by the hour and the price of the tattoo suddenly went up because these things take a fucking while. Yeah, true, right. And paying as you go turns into more money for you every time you do a session Yeah, except for no because you can only budget a certain amount of time per day doing tattoos Did you can't tattoo someone for 26 hours a day? Yes fucking got out of that one, dude
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah, that's obvious. You can't so I'm saying that's really obvious. Yeah, all right, but it's all good. All right Yeah, that's kind of a fucked up predicament, honestly. Just figure it out beforehand and you save yourself. This way, if somebody is like, no, I'm not doing it afterwards, they fucked you and you understand that this person is a piece of shit, you don't work with them anymore. Yeah, and you can have handcuffs handcuff them to the chair
Starting point is 00:47:19 until they agree, until they venmo you or pay you in cash and then uncuff them. You'd have to make sure that they could, that their hands were together. No, you couldn't tie their hands behind their back because then they couldn't do the Venmo. No, no, you do like- With your tongue.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Like, there's the, here's the bar of the chair and you just, and the other- They're stuck, they can Venmo with that. Okay, cool. Ah, fuck, all right, I'll Venmo you. Yeah, right. And the other stuck. They can just Venmo with that. Oh, fuck. All right, I'll Venmo you. Yeah, exactly. Okay, yep.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Okay, I get it. Deal. Cool, next one. We did it. What's up, man, Chris? How so bitches it when people use a spoon when they eat spaghetti? Like when they twirl it with the fork
Starting point is 00:48:01 and they have a spoon under it. Like, you know? What is that? You got the wrong guy. I like that. Honestly, you want to know what it is? It's an Italian thing to do. I love it. Americans don't do it.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Italians do it. Is it some bitch? I'm a fucking worldly guy. OK. And in Italy, it is done. OK. OK? I'll tell you this much.
Starting point is 00:48:24 If that guy can't sing, he fucked up, because that voice is crazy. Okay. Okay. I'll tell you this much if that guy can't sing he fucked up because that voice is crazy Do it again play it again What's up, man, Chris house a bitch is it when people? Oh, yeah, she's not a singer. He should be back when they twirled with the fork and they have a pause it He fucked a fucked her life. Are you singer? No, you fucked your life up. Congratulations, dude That is I fucking congratulations. Dude, that is... I just full on disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I do disagree because that fucking makes me hungry too when I see motherfuckers out there really like they're in a sweater. Yeah they're... I mean dude, get the fuck out of here. It's such a clean way to do it. Hey, how's it going Carmine? It's perfectly using silverware in a way that makes it less sloppy. Hey Carmine, we gotta talk, huh?
Starting point is 00:49:09 And it's about something dire. Yeah, it's nuts a bitch. When is the last time either of you guys have done that? Use the spoon, every now and then. It's been a while, but I- No, I do it. Not at home. My dad's done it his whole life.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Mm, no, I've done it at home, yeah. I'm fucking crazy at home. My dad's done it his whole life. No, I've done it at home, yeah. I'm fucking crazy Italian. Hey Carmine, we gotta talk. Yeah. And it's something about, I mean, somebody's life is over. Yeah, he's pretty, yeah. Hey, come over here, Carmine.
Starting point is 00:49:38 He's pretty fucking Italian. Do me a favor. And you can tell by the way he's doing that. Leave Carmine and I alone. We gotta talk some business. And Carmine is as good as dead. Carmine, look up. You see that?
Starting point is 00:49:54 That's the sky. Isn't that interesting? Next time you look up, you're gonna be looking at the ground. Cause you're gonna be under it. Wow, the worst fucking threat ever, dude. Wow. You ever been in a pine box?
Starting point is 00:50:09 Carmine. Carmine, we got to talk. Come here. Just makes no sense, dude. Leave us alone. We've got some business. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Never putting it in his mouth. Just twisting it. You know, Carmine, I don't use the spoon too often, you know, but when I do, it means we got to talk business. All right. Can you see the sky right now? Wow, that one again, you know, sticking with the sky. Cool.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I like it. I love using the spoon and the, and the, and the. Yeah, I just fucking wholesale disagree wholesale disagree fucking Disagree, I mean you could do it all sorts of ways you could do like this you could do like this and I'll be insane Imagine seeing somebody doing how fucking dope would it be if you was just eating pasta? Hey
Starting point is 00:51:04 Come here. We gotta talk. Hey, can you leave Carmine and I alone for a second? Carmine, you see the clouds? Did that guy have a stroke, you know? What, you see the clouds? Carmine, do me a favor, how many airplanes are in the sky right now? It's the last time you gotta look at that.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Hopefully you get Wi-Fi underground because that's the only way you're gonna be able to know about that later is if you Google it Why you in your pine box? Is an absolute madman boss Carmine would just not come over. I'm leaving Carmine shoots him. I'm gone. Yeah So alright, we'll answer that one for you Next hey man, Chris. I hope you guys are doing super duper incredibly well. It's good I'm I hairs at like a 6.5 today. So I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:51:51 I have a question about me in March of 2024 my relationship of almost four years ended She was 10 years older than me. I don't know if you guys care, but I'm giving you that information What is the next step in my love life? I've never really been on a first date before. Talking to women is scary. I don't want to be one of those pieces of shit that they tell their friends about. I'm not really looking to be in a relationship anytime soon, but I feel like at 23 I should be at least casually dating. Please tell me what to do.
Starting point is 00:52:19 I have no idea what I'm doing. Chris, please download Letterboxd. I'd love to see your movie reviews. I'm also seeing you for the first time in New York and Maine. Dude, are you kidding me? Super excited about that. Matt, thank you so much for our private session. I have benefited greatly from it.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Thank you both so much for what you do. Love you very much. Who calls it, bro? And here is my M. Night Shyamalan's Last Airbender review. Dude, if that guy doesn't say, and, and today we'll be reviewing the last airbender directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Here we go. Then I will sit on a traffic cone. All right. That guy, if he hasn't said,
Starting point is 00:53:03 and today we're going to take a deep dive into Disney's Madagascar, I will line up three traffic cones and sit down thrice. I don't think, Dr. Seuss, I don't think he's done that. Oh dude, he's a movie. You're telling me that he has said. If I didn't have a one-on-one session with him and didn't know, I would agree with you, but I don't think that that is true. Well, today we will be delving into the lighthouse
Starting point is 00:53:29 with Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson. If he hasn't said that in that exact cadence with those words, set up 10 traffic cones, I'll bounce on all 10. Oh, it hurts so bad, dude. Just the sorest asshole. But how about how, the sorest, today we're going to be taking a deep. Just the Sorest asshole. But how about how the Sorest, today we're going to be taking a deep dive
Starting point is 00:53:47 into the Sorest asshole, directed by Steven Soderbergh. A documentary starring Chris D'Elia. Dude, I knew you were gonna say Steven Soderbergh. You did? Whoa, dude. You didn't know, you guys are flirting. I did know, I did know. You guys are flirting.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Okay, well, yeah. You guys are flirting. So, hold on, how about how I knew he like movie crit, dude, I'm fucking, yo. Yeah. You don't wanna tussle with me when it comes to looking at people's faces and knowing kind of what they do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Do we wanna answer his question? But I'm saying if somebody sees, I'm walking down the street and a guy walks by and we're walking and a guy walks by, you wanna tussle with me guessing on what he does? I don't think you do, dude. You wanna tussle with me on like what his plans are for that day?
Starting point is 00:54:37 I'm thinking about you wanna tussle with me on the kind of outfits that he has in his closet? I don't think you do, dude. I really don't think you do because I am basically like, psychic in that way. Well, you said a few different things.
Starting point is 00:54:53 In what way? I have the gift, you know what I have? The gift of fear. I have the gift of fear. I feel fear when necessary. Why? Because of a reason that you can't see, we got to get out of here, right? And it's it's not because I'm psychic is because I have intuition a lot of people say women's intuition
Starting point is 00:55:12 I have regular intuition. Okay So if a person's walking down the street and you want to guess what he had for lunch You better hope I'm not standing next to you and you want to have a because I you don't want to tussle with me in that Area, you don't want to tussle with me in that area. You don't want to tussle with me. Okay. Steak and fries. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I mean, I, he's a movie critic. He's a movie critic. No, he's not. No, he's not. Movie critic. Oh, look online, Google him. Today we're going to be taking a big deep dive into J-horror films.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He's not a fucking movie critic. He is not one. J-Horror, why did it explode in the year 2000? Let's get into it. He should. Why did he have a stack of VHS's behind him then? Is that what that is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 See, that's the thing. I didn't see it, but I felt it. I knew it. My hippopotamus vision caught that and I used it, right? See ya. See how great I am? You know what it is? It's like Sherlock.
Starting point is 00:56:13 I mean, all right, yeah. He's not a movie critic, but that's good. I understand he's not a movie critic, but he sure, like I'm saying the thing I said about the movie critic and the fact that he got into the letterbox thing and how I've been reviewing movies, how crazy is that? That I'm like a little bit
Starting point is 00:56:26 of a Sherlock Holmes type of guy. Plug your letterbox, do you? I don't know, I think it's Chris Lea Live, I don't know what it is, but I review, and I review movies, dude. Yeah, he does, yeah. I used to be on there and I- Oh, you were?
Starting point is 00:56:39 I had the most killer review style. I stopped, because it got a little too much. I watched so many movies, it felt like homework. I've recently begun again and I kill it on there. I just kill it on there. So if you're interested in seeing it being killed on there, go follow me. So I have.
Starting point is 00:56:57 You're crystal-ly alive. Okay, I'm crystal-ly alive on Letterboxd. I have three, I mean you're talking to a guy who has over 320 followers. That's good, yeah. And I review movies. Congrats, dude. Yeah, and I just reviewed In A Violet Nature,
Starting point is 00:57:11 so you're gonna wanna check that out. My favorite movies on here are Husbands, Royal Cop, Speak No Evil, and Swingers. Interesting, eclectic mix, my friend. Yeah, so what the fuck was, oh, dating after 10, he was in a relationship with a woman who was 10 years older than him for a long time, and it finally ended, and he has no idea
Starting point is 00:57:34 how to get back out there. Because he couldn't stop watching movies. He just, you just gotta do it. You know why he hasn't been on a date? A first date before. Why? He just, you just gotta do it. You know why he hasn't been on a date? A first date before. Why? Because he's too busy streaming.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Man. Movies. Netflix, Shutter, Amazon Prime, MG. All right, dude, okay. Crunchyroll. So, you're Crunchyroll, wow. What is Crunchyroll? What the fuck is it?
Starting point is 00:58:06 It comes with every Apple TV. If that guy doesn't watch anime, set up 20 fucking traffic cones. I bet he doesn't watch anime. I don't think he does actually either. I was just, but I'm saying. You just wanna sit on traffic cones? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:22 I'm saying, if he doesn't at least talk about his favorite trilogies, I would say three times a year, go figure three and three. If he doesn't do that, tape a traffic cone on the wall like that. I'll be standing right here, have a very stern conversation with you. So it's facing this way? Yeah, so have a very stern conversation with me where you're really talking, you know. Uh-huh, and you're backing up.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Do I push you or you just back up? No, just have a very stern conversation with me. You get scared. Yeah. Yeah, all right. Right? Okay. Because he does, he talks about,
Starting point is 00:59:05 he's always like, you know, surprisingly, you know, whatever it is, what trilogy, you know. Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings is a lot, you know, if you go a lot deeper into, so it's delving, right? If you go a lot deeper into Lord of the Rings than Peter Jackson, even what Peter Jackson meant, you find a lot of very interesting things
Starting point is 00:59:23 and parallels from the book. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I don't think Peter Jackson meant, you find a lot of very interesting things and parallels from the book. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I don't think Peter Jackson meant himself. So anyway. So what the fuck does he do? I don't, honestly, that's not my problem. Well, it is. I'd rather talk about his movie critic career.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I do, I'm kidding. So yeah, well, dude, find, what is a first date like now, honestly? What do you do? You go out and stuff? Like my buddy texted me last night and he was like, hey, I'm close to you. And I was like, where?
Starting point is 00:59:55 And he said, I'm at this restaurant. I was like, really? And he said, yeah. He said, I'm on a date. And I'm like, whoa. I guess you just have dinner and you talk and you have drinks and you learn about people. It sounds kind of cool, but it also sounds like a lot of work.
Starting point is 01:00:11 That's what a date's always been. But you don't have to date though. You can just, he can just be like, you know, if you just go, if he's looking to meet someone, just go out sometimes. I don't even mean go out, get dressed up. I just mean like leave your house. That's what I always say. Just go out into the world, be you,
Starting point is 01:00:35 dress like a non-fucking slob, and just like keep your head up, look around. If you see somebody you're interested in, don't force it like a crazy guy, but just like make a conversation happen. And you know what? If it doesn't go your way, guess what? Most of the time it's not gonna go your way.
Starting point is 01:00:57 And most of those times are not gonna be because she thinks you're ugly, she thinks you're fucking stupid, she thinks you're fat, she thinks you're skinny. She's not gonna be because she thinks you're ugly, she thinks you're fucking stupid, she thinks you're fat, she thinks you're skinny. It's not gonna be for any of those reasons. It's gonna be because she's fucking in a rush. It's gonna be because she's got a boyfriend, she's having a bad day,
Starting point is 01:01:15 she just got hit on by some fucking dickhead. Who the fuck knows? Not because I'm not good looking. It's not because of you though. Not because I'm not good looking or charismatic, I am. It's never because of you though. Not because I'm not good looking or charismatic. I am. It's never because of you. Almost never. Sometimes it is if you're a fucking asshole like Chris.
Starting point is 01:01:30 But there's. Walk up to a woman. The problem is is that guys take it personal when a girl rejects them. That is not what you do. That's why so many times women are like, I didn't like him at first and then I did. Cause then their mood changed dude. And they opened up like a flower, I didn't like him at first and then I did because then their mood changed, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:46 And they opened up like a flower and I don't mean that to be sexual, but I'm just saying like, they're just like, okay, the times changed, now they're into maybe having a relationship and you know, it's like, but I, you know, walk up to a woman and just be like, hey, sexualizing video tape fan? And if they say yes, you'll obviously love that movie
Starting point is 01:02:04 because of- Well nowadays, any woman under 30 is gonna have no right fucking well true but he's a ten years old video type that's what you like is yeah maybe a 45 year old yeah okay but a different movie yeah sunshine of the spotless my great something like great one a movie I've never seen which I'm never gonna see and I love Jim Carrey I'm never gonna see it because people talk about it too much. It pisses me off. People love it.
Starting point is 01:02:26 People think it's the best movie ever made. Uh, yeah they do. And? It's not. They're fucking wrong. Right, no I know that. It's fine, I'm not shitting on it. Is it in my top foreign letter box?
Starting point is 01:02:35 It's not. What's my top foreign letter box? Does it automatically do it or do you have to pick it? No, you do it. You have to do it. Oh fuck, I wonder if I picked it. I should put American Animal in there. Let's find out.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I should put American. So you would review movies and stuff? Oh yeah. King of, I'm so good at reviewing movies. Really? I was doing it in the beginning of the pandemic I started. Oh, really? Killing it, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I had no idea. Just fucking on top of shit. Okay. Really. I'll follow you. Anyway. Really, really. Yeah, just go out, it just, I don't know man. Everything's virtual now anyway. Yeah, I'm a good film critic.
Starting point is 01:03:14 You know, boring. I'm just fucking. So boring. You're being boring. I'm just a really good fucking film critic. Congratulations. And there's not that much to it, it just is the case. No, there's not that much to it, you're right. Let's find one at random.
Starting point is 01:03:28 A movie review? Look, a movie called Season of Fear. Yeah, how was it? I wrote, I'm back and it is Season of Fear that brought me. Four stars. That's your review? That's... It had been months since I last saw it.
Starting point is 01:03:43 But that's a good review. It's a great, it's a fucking good review. How many stars? Four stars. And I give a heart on it. Don've been months. But that's a good review. How many stars? Four stars and I give a heart on it. Don't fuck with me. Leave her to heaven. That just means you liked your own post. Leave her to heaven. Four and a half stars. Heart. Third viewing. Always liked. Now love. Never fully grasped the utter genius on display. Not sure why. Also, my dick is huge. No. In summation, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.
Starting point is 01:04:08 No. Yeah. No, not the dick part. Oh, man. That'd be. In summation, hee hee hee hee hee? That's there though, yeah. But not the dick part.
Starting point is 01:04:16 That's really there. Not the dick part. Ha ha! What is that movie? You're gonna make fun of me. It's a Gene Tierney movie from 19... Let me guess, she talks like this in that movie? No, she's kind of scarier than that.
Starting point is 01:04:28 She's like a bad, bad person. Well, I didn't understand the way you, yeah, I'm an, I'm an, I'm an, I'm an. It's kind of like that. Yeah. Well, here's the actual truth. It's kind of like that. Yeah, it's that, that's a fucking, you know, look at her.
Starting point is 01:04:43 She's all hazy and shit, standing near a rock. God. I watched the best darling I'm just reminding myself that I'd watch the very best the worst bragger the worst bragger I just watched the best shit. I have a night about you about the cool shit that that people make We know movies so underrated and I'm gonna throw my phone cuz I'm pissed about it. What? blue chips with Shaquille O'Neal and Nick Nolte that movie is fucking brava bravi bravissimo Bye bravado bye. I gotta go to the bathroom and that made me have to go so that made you have to thank you very much You do what if I said that in Portland? What if I said that and that made people have to go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 01:05:19 We just realized to be important comes to me in Denver Chris Lee calm gotta go potty alright. See you later. We love you all Chris is shitting. Don't forget to sign up for slash Matt Delia while it's still free. Wow, he really did have to go, holy fucking Delia. See you guys next week, love you all. He's making, he's going, oh, like he's in a fucking bad movie. Like he's in Dumb and Dumber.

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