Lifeline - 150. Matt's Sick
Episode Date: March 2, 2025TODAY we're discussing an imbalance in sex drives in couples, colorblindness, if it's ever to late to say "when I grow up", changing your birthday, and Matt's list of hack Hollywood directors. Learn... more about your ad choices. Visit
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RUNK! It's an episode. It's an episode. It's another episode Episode 150 it's Sunday March 2nd. Check it out
It's method man's birthday not crazy and Daniel Craig and dr. Seuss. It's their birthdays. How old is Daniel Craig?
35 no really come on
He is James Bond and I don't know he he's gotta be 60. Even remotely an answer.
58's a good guess.
He looks cool. Somebody look it up
so we can know the answer. He still looks cool though.
Matt is sick.
Yeah. Okay.
So we're doing the episode anyway, he doesn't feel well.
I suggested doing it, you know, myself.
He was like, nope, I'm going to come do it anyway.
So he's here and he's under the weather.
So understand that and please
respect it. OK, so you know, people might be like,
oh, it sucks. Matt was sick on this episode.
But check it out.
What what what what it is is free episode.
OK, and, you know, I'll try to do the heavy
lifting and Matt will come in with his stuff but he's sick and me I'm not dude okay I get I get
eight hours of sleep I try to not get sick sometimes only get seven hours of sleep and it's
all good if I get less than seven hours of sleep though. Absolutely a shell of a man all good. Now here's the deal, it's Sunday, April, not April, March 2nd.
Right now, I am in Wisconsin, I am in Appleton.
That's so crazy.
They're sold out.
It's fucking March right now.
I know, I know, and it happens every year, right?
Now what's, you know, I wanna know,
so let me give you a little behind the scenes
before we even start with the run through.
So I said, and I want you to,
so who's manning the television right now?
Is it Anthony?
Okay, so I said, right now, Sunday, I am in,
and it clicked out of my website.
It literally, okay, but that's fine.
But so it clicked out of my website when I said,
I'm in Wisconsin tonight, which, which, you know, damn well,
I'm going to be running through some dates. Right?
So Ontario has already sold out.
Torrance, I think it's sold out.
Amarillo, Texas, Lubbock, Texas, Portland, Oregon,
Cranston, Rhode Island, Portland, Maine, Casper,
Look at all these.
New York, Atlanta, Denver,
Go to to get tickets.
You clicked out of it now, Anthony.
Now here's the deal.
You clicked out of it.
That's fine to make a mistake like that
and then you heard the rest of my sentence and he stayed clicked out of it. What were you thinking
exactly? I wasn't. Oh no, not having it today, it's just zero fun. Really honest, I was really honest. I wasn't. I wasn't thinking.
Like acting, like in a movie with Tobey Maguire saying it.
Anthony, would you be a good actor?
No, I'll answer that.
No, but for real, Anthony,
do you think you would be a good actor?
I think I could win a few Oscars, yeah.
A few, dude.
Win a few Oscars?
Let me ask you a question.
Now, if we had more space on camera,
I'd ask you to be like, do some scenes,
like pulling up a gun on like someone,
like a bad guy with a hooker in an alley or something.
That'd be so funny.
And be like, just shoot.
She'd be like, just shoot, just shoot.
And you'd be like, silent and still.
And then you'd just go, kuh.
And you'd fucking get him right between the eyeballs.
And she'd be like, thank you.
He's like, you know, and then the guys got her like this.
There's like no way to get the bullet through his head,
but he does it.
Yeah, but he does it anyway.
He bounces it off the wall like RoboCop.
Who's seen RoboCop recently?
Oh, dude.
Well, years ago ago but yeah.
Not crazy long ago but yeah.
People act like it's like some goofy thing.
Oh no, it's great.
It's fantastic.
Those people are dum-dums.
That's one of the best movies ever made.
Yeah, I agree, I agree, I agree.
That director is by far one of the greatest directors
of all time.
Know what I watched last night?
The Ring.
That's not by him.
No, it's by Gore Verbinski.
Who I'm talking about is Paul Verhoeven if anybody's interested.
But Gore Verbinski, you watched the remake.
Well I watched, well I would have said Ring-Goo, The Ring, yeah.
But I did watch that too, a few days ago.
You know how I do it, right? Like I watched Ringu, then I watched the sequel,
then I watched the sequel they remade, and then I watched The Ring.
I think it's such a good idea, and I think it spawned a lot of like
tapes and books and like things, literature, whatever,
are evil or possessed or whatever.
But what I don't like is like the twist in Ringu.
But it's not really a twist.
Yeah, but the flashbacks, it's just like so,
we don't care, dude.
Yeah, I would agree with that.
Everybody who like wants to care about the lore of like what happened in the movie.
Hey, guess what? Who cares?
Well, they even made the third installment of it was literally that.
They went back in time and did a prequel on what happened to the girl,
Sudoka or Sudoku, whatever her name was.
Just explained everything?
I actually think there's too much,
my one gripe with Ringu is there's too much explanation.
There's just way too much explanation.
The ring is way better.
I don't care.
I actually think Gore Verbinski is one of the better,
there's like tears or directors. There's like the let the living legends
All-time dead legends are above them
Obviously, huh?
Then there's like the true class acts who like get really good stuff like Tom Hooper
Yeah, yeah, who sucks fucking dick and balls, okay, but he's still considered one of the better ones
Yeah, and then there's then there's like hacks.
But there's subgroups in hacks.
There's hacks that suck.
Interestingly enough, Taylor Hackford just sucks.
Curtis Hanson's kind of was a hack.
RIP, you're a fucking worthy man, you cared a lot about movies
and I greatly respect you, I met you once
and you were a very cool guy.
I'm bragging.
You're kind of a hack.
Oh bragging, man.
But you're like upper echelon hack.
I mean, okay, yeah, keep going.
You're like a very good director, but you're like
just a guy who got into movies
and loved them and got to direct them.
But you're really good at it.
Grover Binsky is the least understood,
like tippy top hack.
Oh, interesting.
He's so good.
And he's considered like, not a joke,
but he's considered like,
like he's a guy that everyone would groan if you were like,
he might win an Oscar one day.
Everyone would be like, there's no way.
Got it, got it, got it.
Go over Binsky, he did like a mouse hunt or whatever.
Right, well Rango I know could have,
I think it was up for a few wars.
And he did the Lone Ranger.
Right, well that's terrible.
With like the two most canceled people.
Oh yeah, wait, who's the other one?
I know.
It's Armie and Johnny. I know him,
but who's the other one?
Johnny, Johnny's late, Dante.
All right.
And like, it's just,
it's weird how people think of directors so wrong.
Like Rob Marshall, he directed the,
I think the last two Pirates of the Caribbean. Yeah. Yeah
He's like genuinely the worst director on the on the floor or we're been oh the pretty he did pretty okay Rob Marshall
She directed a bunch of musicals. Okay, he could my butthole. Yeah could direct a better movie than rather instead of
action it would just go
My butthole could direct Daniel Day Lewis better in
nine than Rob Marshall directed. You know. I have a funny story about that.
Okay. Rob but not about my butt directing. I have a funny story. So this guy was
fucking at once. I have a fucking hilarious story about this. My butthole
could direct better than that and go in Rob Marshall. I have a funny story about
that. Dude I was shitting my brains out of my anus the other day. So My butthole could direct better than that and go in Rob Marshall. I have funny story about that
Dude, I was shitting my brains out of my anus the other day
So Rob Marshall was making nine which for anybody that doesn't know
Just the this alone makes you know, it's a piece of a homeless person's anus so
Fucking and a half is a classic movie. What is it eight and a half?
Federico Fellini
Marcello Mastroianno Right one of the most legendary one of the most legendary movies is an Italian cinema. Yeah in in all cinema
It's like no no is a tiny cinema, but yo, yeah, yes
It's felinis like tippy top. It's his most classic classic and he's like a top five tight
movie making Rob Marshall clearly the master filmmaker Rob Marshall uh-huh was
tapped to direct nine nine is a play on eight and a half.
As in, it's the completion of eight and a half.
Yeah, so nine was.
Talk about a movie that doesn't need a sequel.
I know, I know.
I can't think of a movie that doesn't need a sequel
more than that one.
I know, it's impossible actually.
It doesn't even make, yeah it's like.
There's no second part.
It's over.
Right. And he directed it and it's like there's no second part, right? It's over right and
He directed it and it's about the same director making another movie and having a hard time doing it Wow
and Jack Nicholson he
Utterly fucked it up, but he did this thing that I find very impressive
he found out where Daniel Day-Lewis lives.
And he went to go kill him.
And he obviously knocked on his door
and was welcomed warmly,
because Daniel Day-Lewis is obviously
the nicest guy in the world.
You don't need to know anything to know that.
And Rob Marshall said,
I apologize for how annoying this will be, And Rob Marshall said,
I apologize for how annoying this will be,
but I'm not leaving your house
until you agree to be the lead in nine.
And it worked.
It did?
And I would imagine it's one of
Dennis A. Lewis's greatest regrets.
Oh my God.
Isn't that weird?
Isn't that crazy?
Oh no, if someone led with that, I'd fight them.
To get through that.
You're trespassing, you're trespassing!
I can't, that is, the whole,
that whole art idea of, you know,
live and die by my art and like,
I will do what I have to do for one stroke,
one paint stroke.
Uh-uh, no.
Just get an actor.
Get, instead of him, get Emilio Estevez.
Are you a good enough director?
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter who you get.
Right, right, right.
Unless you get a piece of shit actor like Anthony,
but like, even Anthony,
dude, imagine Anthony in the lead of nine.
No, Anthony in the lead of, oh man.
I would be- Can we do clips on this or no?
We're gonna get demonetized.
No, that's fine.
But we should get into submissions.
Will it be demonetized?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, so on luxury, the next luxury,
we're gonna do clips and we're gonna imagine Anthony
as the lead actor in all of the clips.
We might not do that.
Matt's a little delirious, but we might.
We're gonna do that.
Okay, so let's do submissions though.
How you feeling, you feeling okay?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Oh man, it sucks.
You know, that guy looks regular. How do you see him? Hello, Matthew. looks regular I'm Matthew, okay. Hello Christopher
Why does he think you're taking my call the Joker I?
Assume you're wondering why is he wearing this mask well pause it just pause it don't start it over a movie
Anthony would literally think oh, yeah, it Is as good as the Godfather.
That's true.
Even just so far, he'd be like, this is crazy.
I don't know, I just like it.
He'd say.
I don't know, it's just for me.
Why do you think it's so good?
I don't know, I just like it.
All right, Ken Exa.
Oh God.
That happened, didn't it?
We'll watch it again.
Hello, Matthew. Hello didn't it? Yeah. We'll watch it again. Hello, Matthew.
Hello, Christopher.
A villain.
Thank you for taking my call.
A villain, no pants.
I assume you're wondering, why is he wearing this mask?
Well, as you know, everyone in the world
watches this podcast and I can't have them recognizing me
as I ask this very personal question.
That's true.
Hard-hitting issues.
Yeah, I get it.
I've been married a long time, very happy,
everything's great.
However, there's this one continual issue.
My sex drive is much bigger than my wife's.
Oh, wow, I see.
Much bigger.
You don't say.
To the point that it's caused a lot of problems,
but in recent years, long story short, my wife has realized my needs and just puts out
a lot more, plain and simple.
But the truth is, as you may know, Wifely Duty sex doesn't really satisfy the soul.
You don't like it.
It sucks. Why would you like it?
Yeah, yeah.
You're a good guy.
I would never.
It feels, you can feel that it's forced.
It's just not that wonderful.
The pussy still squeezes the dick.
And it causes a soul crass.
And the dick comes, but it's not, I know what he means.
Esteem issues.
Spiritually it's not the same.
And my question now becomes,
is this a thing I should continue to complain about and try
to fix?
That's a good question.
Or should I just recognize that we are different and that my wife is doing a kind, sweet thing?
That's a good question.
Even if she's not that interested, should I keep complaining Or should I appreciate it?
Um, that's a great question.
What if he didn't mention-
Why is that red fucking square on his hat? That's so stupid.
What if he didn't mention the fact that he wore that when he had sex with her?
And he was like, honey, it's just like the thing I like to do. What's the problem?
Honey, come on. I know the pussy still grips it, now come.
But I know it's hard to kiss me but
can't we get past that uh i don't i don't you i know you're just doing your ghoulish duties
dude i don't know why uh that's a good question because i i'll tell you what i
I mean, my wife is always into it because of how I move and how does the lead up, how fucking just dashing I am, you know?
But I wonder if there are times where obviously one of the people don't want to do it, not really me, but, uh, and we, we don't do it because I
don't want, I wouldn't want, it's just, if you don't, the biggest aphrodisiac is
if someone likes me.
Let me put it this way.
I, for me, I don't know if that's how it is for that witch.
I'm different than you.
And I have a very different sex drive than you do.
I often get into relationships or even like, that witch. I'm different than you, and I have a very different sex drive than you do.
I often get into relationships,
or even like early on, if I'm starting to date someone,
I'm often like, I don't need to fuck.
Yeah, that, yeah.
Don't need to fuck can like really, really, really get
like off on like chilling and like cuddling.
Off on chilling, dude.
And like macking it out on the mouse.
Let's watch 8 1 2 1 2.
Oh yeah!
Fuck, God.
Wanna watch 9?
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
And then.
Oh shit, let's watch Wayne's World.
And then it's just like, there's a bunch of shit that matters more to me than sex. I'm not one of those guys. That's like yeah
Yeah, matter. Yeah, of course. It's a fucking asshole especially when you're railing it
You know, I mean, but like you really put in work. I
I'm imagining if I was in a relationship
Where the woman was like, let's fuck all the time.
And I wouldn't like that either.
Which I've been in that situation.
That's often what it is for me.
And I go, Kristen.
I'm like, I don't wanna.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And shouldn't that matter to you?
So what you would be doing is doing your duty
as a husband sexually, even though, you know,
that would be, that would be, yeah, I don't know, man.
It comes into question, like, what is sex?
I mean, Jordan Peterson.
What are we doing?
What is sex?
What is what?
When we're banging an orang-an,
so slanging a tang-an.
Drank so much Daquil.
Jang-ing a chang-an.
Dub C.
West side, kina-king, kina-king, ping-ping-ping.
Pang-ing a bang-an.
All right.
What are we doing?
Just when we're doing that.
Absolutely on so much Nyquil word our day cool
We're generally, you know, we're generally
Trying to either get off which is common and that's normal it's normal
Let's face it. You're not a fucking pig if you want get fucking the splurt on. You're just a human being.
You're not a fucking piglet female
if you wanna fucking get the cock inside of the fucking hole
and just go, hee-yah!
It's not, nothing's wrong with anybody.
The issue starts to become when one of the partners constantly or at least frequently
feels like they're only doing it to satisfy their partner and they're not getting enjoyment
out of themselves.
Out of it themselves.
When that happens long enough, that partner...
That's where I come in that that partner ding-dong who's not as into
it and will do something that is not good for anybody I don't mean she's
gonna cheat on you I don't mean he's gonna cheat on you I don't mean he's
gonna blow up the relationship I mean something bad's gonna happen and it's not gonna be necessarily
on purpose. It's not gonna lead to coming. It's not gonna be happy times. It's just gonna be bad.
So I guess uh and you can think of all you want it won't matter. What you could do is honestly
out what are your deepest kinks?
Cause maybe you set up a whole apparatus,
like a, you know,
chair with handles and stuff. And it, maybe you like to, or maybe she likes to, you put her in the chair and you
hit a button, you know, and then it, it just, you know, it either drills her or, you know, like sloshy wet pillows, bzzz, jirr, on your,
your penis, right? Mirrior, and maybe looking into your wife's eyes,
maybe that would friggin' honestly get you off so much.
And then she won't have to do shit except for press a button.
Or, take it the other way,
you take the hydraulics and,
skk, awk, skk, awk, right?
And it's just railing her, right? Like you'd'd see like it's sometimes on those when you're watching porn
But then you look at those weird ones on the side. You're like
Who the fuck watches those and you go? Maybe I'll see what it's all about click and you go
And then and that might be
And then maybe she likes that and maybe then that leads to her wanting to have sex, right?
You know, maybe you're you got to maybe then that leads to her wanting to have sex, right?
You know, maybe you're you got to do more intimate things with her or something.
I don't know. Maybe you have to.
Maybe you also need to need to stop constantly badgering her about doing
bangering. Like, I'm not saying you are, but like, it sounds like you are.
Well, maybe not. We don't know.
He may sound like he is, but you're right.
Maybe I'm just saying. I mean, it's up to her. You know, women,. We don't know. He may sound like he is, but you're right, maybe not.
I'm just saying.
I mean, if it's up to her, you know, women, some women, they don't have sex.
They're like, I haven't had sex since April.
You're like, what?
It's fucking...
It's January, you know?
Yeah, but that's not that crazy, though.
No, it's not. It's what I'm saying.
By a woman.
By a man. In a relationship it is.
Yeah, sure. With their partner.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway.
Alright, so yeah. Do everything you can on your side.
Do everything you can. You know?
But be careful, dude. Don't make her have sex with you so many times that she's gonna start.
Right, I agree with that, yeah.
Looking at doorways longingly, you know?
Looking at windows, seeing how they pop open.
What does that even mean?
Get out of the house.
Wow, looking at doorways longingly.
Looking at doorways longingly,
looking at open, seeing how they open.
Windows, seeing how they open.
Looking at the car keys,
seeing how she can take car keys
off the car key plate without going clang, clang, clang, clang, clang.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. Next one.
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Hey, Matt and Chris.
And I say those names in order because of who I like more.
I'm an older brother, so I think me and Matt would get along really well. And
you know, pal around and shit and Chris, you and I would
probably butt heads. So that probably wouldn't be good. But
yeah, we will question today is bad for us sitting here watching
TV. And I find myself saying things in my head, like, when I
get older, I'm going to do this. So like when I get older I'm gonna do this so like when I grow up I'm gonna do this and I'm 32 years old so my question is when do you
guys think that it's time to stop saying when I grow up or when I get older you
guys are a bit older than I am so drunk drunk. But yeah, I just had this thought.
Let me know what you guys think of you guys.
That might have been the best and most timely placed
that we ever got from a submission.
Specifically, so drunk.
So drunk is great.
Should we go back and watch it or should we go back 17 minutes?
Nah, he'll fuck it up.
So I think that, you know, never lose that,
yo, but you never lose that want to do things.
So you can kind of always say it,
but make sure you're not saying it
and not ever putting it into action.
Yes, because if you did, that's death, right?
That's death. When I grew up, I'm gonna do this. Pretty right? That's death. When I grew up I'm
gonna do this. Pretty soon you're 80. When I grew up I do this. You didn't do shit,
right? It's always good to have dangle the carrot in front of you, you know? But
you gotta realize you're wearing a hat. Take it off. Take the carrot off and eat
it. You know what I'm saying? Not really. I don't, I gotta be honest. I don't know what you're saying.
John Malkovich.
I would like to know what you're saying.
John Malkovich.
Dude, there's a fucking scene.
You know, remember that movie, Jennifer Eight?
Vaguely, right?
With Andy Garcia and I think,
I think in that Bening, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was in it?
When Jesus Christ was third billing.
Put that hooker down, I'll shoot you.
Every scene is like like this in a row
Yeah, and I kind of thorns because they fucking killed him with the crucifix and it oh dad for our sins
When you're sick you get really really really into the into the weeds yeah of stuff, okay, it's okay
No, that's good
Yeah of stuff. Okay. It's okay. Yeah. Oh, so mad. No, that's good frankly
I wonder if it's even on youtube we could watch look at it on live what but there's a fucking
John Malkovich is in that movie, which nobody knows
He was a big star by then already and there's no reason for john malcolm to be in this movie. He's in it for about
A total of seven or eight minutes. Okay, plays the detective who comes in to be like grilling Andy Garcia to be like,
I think you did it.
Even though he didn't.
He's the detective on the case.
And he comes in and he made this choice
to have a really bad cold.
In the scene.
Oh my God.
And it's so obvious.
Is that what you're doing for this podcast?
Obviously not in the script.
There's just no universe.
Did he have a cold?
Oh maybe.
Well yeah.
It's certainly possible.
But either way.
That's weird. Whether he incorporated the shit of it Oh, maybe. Well, yeah. It's certainly possible. But either way...
That's weird.
...whether he incorporated the shit of it and then just like hammed it up to make this
cold or made up the fact that he had a cold, it's just the fucking coolest shit ever.
When I get back into Hollywood, I'm going to do that with every one of my characters.
To every director you're gonna say,
have you seen Jennifer Ate?
I want you to watch this too.
So a lot of people don't know this,
but John Malkovich is in it.
They'd all be like, wow, that's actually really cool.
Yeah, so I'm gonna be like that.
And anyway, yes, I will do the Bank Heist movie.
That's the cool thing about watching stupid old movies.
There's always one thing where you're like, oh, whoa, that was fucking awesome
Oh, nobody. No, nobody knows that happened. Why cuz they all forgot
Cuz they were all hating the movie. They stopped paying. Oh, it's fucking just like checked out. No, they want to take a piss
They want to take out their cocks go to your getting into the weeds Getting into the weeds. Go to a urinal, fucking just start pissing
all over the urinal.
In it, yeah.
All their fucking pubic hairs were falling out
all over the fucking thing.
So into the weeds.
Which is disgusting, because then they'd
fall in the little blue circles.
It's like, are you keeping it clean,
or are you collecting pubes?
Which one is it?
A little bit of both.
Let's stick to the fucking cleaning the thing
and not collecting goddamn pubes that are that long
and nobody knows why.
Every man out there knows what I'm talking about.
Every woman out there is literally like,
what are the words Matt is saying?
Isn't that funny?
Sir, trying to thought, yeah.
Fuck dude.
Well, no.
I'm the fucking man.
Okay, you're getting better, you're getting better, huh?
Anthony, agree.
I agree. Oh, fuck. I don't know, I just like it getting better, huh? Anthony, agree. I agree.
Oh, fuck.
I don't know, I just like it.
You said it and I believed him.
I don't know, I just like it.
Um, all right.
All right, I'll have a much more to say that.
That's about the greatest movie he's ever seen, too.
That's what it's about.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't know, I just like it.
Anthony, why do you like Terrifier?
I don't know, I just, I don't know.
It's just really good.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I don't know, I just like it. It's just really good. Ah! Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I don't know, I just like it.
It's just really good.
Worst critic.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I like it.
It's just pretty good.
Dude, if I had a fucking magazine,
like a publication, whatever, I would have a movie review
corner, and I would let Anthony run it.
That's great. And he would just be let Anthony run it. That's great.
And he would just be the worst critic ever.
That's great, dude.
Four or five lines and it would just be like,
what is he saying?
You should make him do it out of-
He fucking loved it?
You should make him do it out of 100 stars.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I give it 82 stars.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's pretty good, right?
I mean, B minus is good.
82 is good, yeah.
All right.
But 82 stars would be like Blue Streak.
With Martin Lawrence.
100 stars would be terrifying, yeah.
I like Owen Wilson.
He's actually, I like Owen Wilson.
I don't know how to say it.
It's Luke Wilson in that movie.
Oh, Luke Wilson, I meant, yeah, yeah, yeah.
See, he loves it, loves it.
It's Luke Wilson, actually.
I love it.
I give it a B minus.
All right.
All right, next one.
Hey Chris and Matt, big fan.
I'm gonna make this as quick as I can.
I just got a message saying my love.
So fucking hot, DM me.
Okay, keep going.
No, no, no, no.
It was too large to upload.
Okay, so my favorite, one of my favorite things ever
is when Matt was on Congratulations
and you guys watched the Tarantino video and kind of like commentated on it while we were watching it.
I was wondering if you guys could either do that or just share your thoughts on the Sean
Connery video where he's being interviewed by Barbara Walters.
I know it's old, but it's just so funny to me and I just would love to hear what you
guys think about it.
That's actually crazy.
Let's do it on luxury. I'm sure you've seen it, but if you haven't, And I just would love to hear what you guys think about it. Let's do it on luxury.
I'm sure you've seen it, but if you haven't,
please watch it and let us know what you think
because it's just so funny.
All right, love you guys.
Thanks so much.
I love you too, we're married.
You're not, but we'll do it on luxury, but also.
Only because we can't, we can't.
Play, well we might be, yeah, we might not be able to.
Also, well we might be able to,
but also that reminded me of the Quentin Tarantino video again.
That's what she's talking?
I know. Oh, oh.
But she's talking about the Sean Connery one.
She said the Quentin Tarantino one.
Yeah. Yeah, she mentioned it.
But I'm saying that reminded me of how funny
the Quentin Tarantino thing is.
The funniest part of the Quentin Tarantino video is
how suddenly far away he heads up 50 yards away.
We know that. Yeah. It's, you know what? Just play it, play a little bit of it.
It just doesn't make sense. No, it's so funny though.
And we've done this on my podcast, but let, let's actually revisit that part.
Thank you for reminding us. What is it? Couldn't turn to coffee. What would it be?
Yeah. Coffee, Sundance, whatever. Yes. Okay., yes, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What does he say?
Oh, you're doing, what does he say?
Yeah, what's the thing he says right away?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Something like that?
What's going on here?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, hell yeah.
Anthony, you seen this?
Hell yeah, dude.
Oh, hell yeah, yeah.
I don't know, I just like it.
What's going on here?
What's going on here?
How's it going, how are you?
What's going on here?
I'm gonna say, what's going on here? What's going on here? Put that down, what's going on here? What's going on here? What's going on here? What's going on here?
Put that down. What's going on here? Wow. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Do you need to talk to me? Just for the... He's got such a good point.
Don't do that again.
Go. What? Teach me. Go. Go. Go for it. Go for it.
I'm starting it.
Are you?
Oh, so you're not just a guy from around here.
You're a paparazzi guy.
No, I can do it.
Oh, dude.
It's a trap.
But if that was off, I'd be whipping. Ah! Dude! Ace Ventura. Yeah.
But if that was off, I'd be whipping your ass up and down
this tree.
That is the fucking coolest way to end a conversation
that ever was.
What if, for real, Quentin Tarantino's life ended
after this video because a truck hit him.
And he was so heated, he wasn't paying close enough attention
to where the trucks were.
And then saw him get hit by a truck
and you'd be like, I can't believe
I saw his life ended.
What if the driver hit him?
What if the driver hit him?
Quentin Tarantino booted off of it, died.
The driver screeched on his brake,
got out of the car and said what's going on here?
The guy was still recording it and he comes over
Hey, what's going on? No, what's good? Why are you filming and then the same thing happened again?
And it just kept happening and kept happening fucking other car came by ran over the guy truck driver checking on Tarantino
Noticed all the filmmaking going on and said,
what's going on here?
Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying.
The loop, the inception of it.
And you just described it again.
You're getting into the weeds.
I know 100% exactly what I did.
I don't know why you're explaining what I did. I don't know why you're explaining what I did.
All right, fair enough.
You're, that's fair enough, okay.
Okay, I think that,
that video's incredible,
I haven't seen it since we watched it.
It's so funny.
Oh God god this is
why this is why YouTube no matter how much crap is on you know what let me say
something about YouTube just real quick YouTube it won't be quick for sure has
it will be a promise has turned into the largest, reddest,
like pulsating, sopping vagina on the internet.
It is so scared and...
You on stage.
Present, Mr. President!
It is so scared and its rules are made by scared people and everyone is...
I asked about Gaza.
Everyone is...
Everyone is so fucking scared over there.
It's just like...
You're talking about fracking.
Let it all be online.
Let all the videos go online.
You're gonna get more traffic.
You're gonna get more people liking it.
And the eight people that are like,
oh my God, did you hear the thing
that fucking Norman Finkelstein said?
Remember when you said it was gonna be short?
Do you remember the thing Norman Finkel of Fuckenstein said about Israel?
Oh my God, it's hell.
I mean, I think it has to do with brands and shit.
I don't know.
It has to do with the advertisers.
Yeah, I guess so.
But are advertisers really complaining about that shit?
I don't know.
They don't care about anything, honestly.
They honestly don't care about anything. Honestly. They honestly don't care about anything
because BMW will be like
Hey it's gay pride month, everything's rainbow
and in Saudi Arabia they're like just drive BMWs
What month is it?
They don't promote it over there so
They just care about fucking business
Of course, of course, of course. Anyway, but
whatever, that's neither here nor there. They're pretending
of the caring. All good my baby
She's so stupid. All good, my baby.
So why eventually YouTube is going to hit a tipping point,
become the less cool place.
Well, yeah, definitely.
And it's going to be a cooler place.
What will it be?
It's going to be called
And it's going to just fucking have amazing shit.
There's a really good ring to it.
Anthony is right now.
But it's 35 minutes in.
35 minutes in, not even, just about 36 minutes in.
Somehow thought we would notice.
The way he was walking was as if he was like
on his twinkle toes.
He's taking a grump.
He's taking a huge shit.
And it's less than 10 minutes in, which is nice,
but it's still right in the middle.
More than 10 minutes in, but yes, okay.
All right, so let's go to the next one.
Less than 10 minutes. You said less than 10 minutes, because you're, okay. All right, so let's go to the next. You're still less than 10 minutes,
because you're delirious, because you're
too much black, well, take one.
It's a boy.
Matt, Chris, Chris Matt, whichever.
What's up, boys?
This is James from South Carolina.
All right, here's my question, man.
I'm colorblind, I have been that way my whole life.
I'm pretty severely colorblind. Wow. It that way my whole life. I'm pretty severely colorblind
It inevitably comes up the conversation sure hand me that greenness or show me that red whatever
And so it always comes up and for whatever reason maybe y'all could tell me people don't believe you when you tell them
It's the weirdest thing in the world to me. Yeah
But more importantly
The next thing that comes is oh, what color is this or what color is that?
right and
After long enough time man, I'm almost 40
It's like come on, dude.
I like this kind of dude.
I don't know.
Or maybe I know because there's a different way to tell.
Point at a stop sign, I know it's red.
I have an idea.
You know?
Spin move, spin kick move, whatever, man, help me out.
I don't know what it's like to be colorblind,
but is your green purple?
You know what I mean? Then you can stop it by knowing what green looks like to you. Do You know what I mean?
Then you can stop it by knowing what green looks like to you.
Do you know what I'm saying?
But here's how I think you'll save yourself a lot of time.
I think the term colorblind is fucking stupid and has to go.
I think what you say is, as a person,
not in the medical field, just as a person, you say,
it's really hard for me to distinguish colors.
I bet that limits that situation a lot
because it's not a thing then.
And you're like, sometimes I can't tell
red between red and green.
They won't be like, oh, what's this?
What's up? What's this?
I'm a little interested.
The worst therapist of all time. I'm a little interested. The worst therapist of all time.
I'm a little interested.
No, I just say it's really hard for me to tell colors I can't.
Here's what I think.
Ah, fuck, that was such good, solid, practical advice.
This is my advice.
Like bring me over that wallet and be like,
what color is this?
Like you testing, I'm colorblind, you just found out.
That's like green teal, tealish kind of.
Pick it up and show me and say what color is this?
What color is this?
Are you colorblind?
No, no.
It's teal.
Awesome, give it to me.
You're saying you don't care about that wallet.
It's the color you said that it is. It's that color. Yeah, but that's only one way it might come up though.
No, that's so fucking badass. It's like I'm about to cry. It's so badass. It's not badass and
nothing but badass would make somebody cry honestly.
You're mixing up your emotions, but your emotion blind. But isn't that generally how it works?
What color is this thing?
What color is that thing?
And everybody who's asking knows.
You're testing the guy who's color blind, if he knows.
Okay, yes.
All you have to do is turn it around and say,
tell me, what color is that?
And they say, ah, it's brown.
And you say, what the fuck are you asking me for?
And you know they know, everybody knows why they're asking.
But what you're doing is illustrating
what a fucking life deflating, life negating
fucking tool shed that person is.
Who does that, dude?
God damn.
Who does that?
It's not that bad, you know?
Dude, who finds out somebody's colorblind
and be like, oh, oh, oh, what color is that?
Yeah, I can't.
That's like being like, oh, fuck, dude, you lost your legs?
Oh, oh, run from there to there.
So it's such a bad, you know.
Run from there to there.
Open mic.
You lost your legs, dude?
Oh, that's fucking crazy. Run from there, right there, to right there to there. Open mic. You lost your legs, dude? Oh, that's fucking crazy.
Run from there, right there, to right there on a watch.
Hey, oh, you're blind?
Who am I?
Describe me in.
Describe what's around.
Explicit detail.
All right.
That's stupid.
People have to deal with that shit.
That's the same thing as your comedian telling me a joke. It's like dude yeah yeah it is yeah but that's
I would honestly it's probably hard do my very best to never bring it up.
Bring up color. What? You should never bring up color. Well certainly never bring up your own colorblindedness.
You could say instead of I'm colorblind,
you could say, I don't see color.
This way you get two points.
You're not gonna have to get into the colorblind stuff
and you seem like a very nice, beautiful,
equal woke person.
You know?
What are you talking about?
Asking your penis. What Uh... asking your penis.
Asking your penis.
Ha ha ha ha!
Getting a blowjob!
Asking your penis!
Dude, hey, uh...
What do you think of that?
I like it up here.
What do you think about when people rest their hands on their f-
Mostly it's for fat guys.
It is mostly it's for fat guys.
Imagine if women did that.
On their big fat f fat fucking titties.
Matt, you know.
That'd be so interesting.
Dude, you're gonna watch this show when you're not sick
and you're gonna be like, whoa, dude.
I don't even remember that.
Oh, I'm positive.
What do you think Anthony does?
In the bathroom?
No, do you think he does this?
Uh, yeah, it probably does that. Sleeping like that is gangster though. I do that.
It's so nice. Yeah. Um, okay. Next one, Matt. Your eyes, dude. He's like this under his glasses.
He's like, next one, next one, next one.
Hey guys, I need some real advice
on how to handle this situation.
My boyfriend's sister is in her mid-30s
and she was born in December.
She doesn't like her birthday in December.
Too close to Christmas, too cold.
That's cool.
She wants to celebrate in July.
Also cool. Celebrate whatever you want, whenever you want. Sure. She wants to celebrate in July. What? Also cool. Celebrate whatever
you want, whenever you want. Yeah, yeah. But now, she believes her birthday's in July.
Well, no she doesn't. She doesn't let us wish her happy birthday in December. God forbid
we don't wish her happy birthday in July. Oh wow. She writes that July birthday on paperwork.
She tells everyone she was born in July. Oh, that's gonna get her in trouble.
Her family and friends and boyfriend,
they all play along with it.
There could be a Netflix documentary about her.
I can't do that because we all know
you were born in December.
It's kind of something you can't change.
Well, yeah.
She says she is looking into
legally changing her birthday. Oh, okay, well, this one, relax. Because she no longer identifies with her December birthday.
And that makes me want to slam my head into a wall.
I get that.
I'm not playing along.
I get that.
Not this year, not next year, not any of the years.
Because you're 35.
And you were born in December.
Every time I've said anything though, every time anyone says Next year, not any of the years. Because you're 35 and you were born in December.
Every time I've said anything though,
every time anyone says anything, it's a problem.
She gets very defensive, she doesn't take it well,
she doesn't understand why we don't understand
or why it's such a big deal.
And you know, going to dinner in July is not a big deal.
Making everyone believe your birthday's in July,
yelling at us when we don't remember that your birthday's
in July.
What if she yelled at us and we're like, yell?
Cause it's not.
I think that's great.
It's insane.
So I need to know, what would you guys do
if you were really in this situation
and you didn't want to upset your boyfriend's family
and cause problems,
but you also don't want to spend the rest of her life celebrating her birthday
in July. Okay. Pretending that she was born in July.
She's saying a lot of words, right? Thanks.
This is one of those things. The buck has stopped. Okay.
If you want it, look, my birthday's in March. Okay. If I say, you know what? I don't like it to be in March.
I want to be in November. I'm gonna change it to the November. My birthday's in November.
I tell you that in a sec. If you wish me on a happy birthday in March, I go like this.
Oh, thanks. Cool. We'll celebrate November. I don't go, come on, man.
I said my birthday's in November. Because, no, it's not. And that's where the buck stops. The buck stops here, dude.
You, you, you legally changing your birthday is horseshit. It's,
you're a dick now. Now, Hey, you're a dick.
When you're affecting other people's lives like this, you're a dick. So,
so what I would do if I was this lady, uh, Hey dude, you know what? Now,
we don't play that game anymore. December, I'm getting you a present.
You know what, now we don't play that game anymore. December, I'm getting your present.
December what?
In January, whatever she said, July, whatever she said her birthday is gonna be,
I'm not doing it.
I'm not doing it now.
What the fuck?
I wonder, yeah.
Because you don't get to-
The weird thing is it's like the person believes it now.
Well, she doesn't actually believe it, right?
So that's the thing.
It sounds a little bit like she actually believes it.
It's not OJ like, okay, well, I believe now
that I didn't kill Nicole Brown Simpson because I have to,
and that's what my psyche is telling me.
And it's not that, it's about her fucking birthday,
six months later.
And by the way, let me guess,
you don't turn 35 a year early,
you turn 35 a year late, right?
Fuck yeah, got her. You know what I'm saying? Because turn 35 a year late, right? Fuck yeah, got her.
You know what I'm saying?
Because she wants to be younger, right?
You know, you know what I mean.
So yeah, I don't know.
I just feel like she's done.
You know what I'm saying?
It's like, dude, when somebody,
it's like if somebody wanted to do,
hey dude, I'm gonna start a nickname.
Call me fucking Jet. What? Call me Jet from now on. And you go,
uh, nah. And I go, please. And you say, all right. And then you call me like, hey Chris, so I, and I go, oh, it's Jet. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not jet. I'll play along with you.
But, you know, it's like it's like the it's like the trans thing.
It's like, yo, OK.
Hey, at the grocery store. Yeah.
You know, you're a woman. Yeah.
In water polo.
Ah, you're a guy.
I'll play along with it until.
Do you know what I'm saying?
What's the end of that?
I'm saying it actually affects stuff if you're in female track and field.
And you look like Gerard de Pardue and you're just smashing records.
When you say smashing records, you mean literally?
Yeah. Oh, okay.
Yeah. Smash. Well, not smashing records.
Oh, okay. You're smashing, breaking records.
Right. Right. Yeah. Like, yeah.
Yeah. Like world records.
Yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Now I get. Now I do. You didn't?
You thought I meant smashing records?
I thought you might have been smashing them, breaking them.
Yeah. Why would you be doing that if you were on track and field?
Ah, because I got a lot of Sudafed throw out just see what you would have done in that scenario
So me and my buddy are waiting for some rare whiskey to be released on the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky
Okay, and these people end up skipping us I go to the people and right before open I say hey
We don't know how many rare bottles they have. Can you get back behind us in line and they go sure?
Okay, then the group in front of us also has two random people
join them in line.
These happen to be their wives,
which they claim they were waiting in the car
since 6 a.m. the whole time.
I think that's BS.
Bunch of drunks.
Then I say, all right, well,
I just made those people get back behind me, that skips,
and you saw me do that, so what's going on here?
I don't wanna get burned and miss out on this rare bottle.
And the woman goes to me, listen,
I would shut the F up because I just had a miscarriage
Of course.
And they get all upset.
And they say, listen, she's not going to buy the whiskey bottle.
You're going to be fine.
You're going to get your bottle.
And I go, I don't know.
I've been burned by this before, you know?
And so it kind of goes quiet.
The girl starts crying.
I wasn't supposed to know what happened to her yesterday and she can't use that as proof, as evidence
or as to justify skipping this in line.
Yeah, no, of course not, no.
So, lo and behold, we get to the front of the store
and they have enough whiskey bottles for everyone.
And there goes the woman buying her bottle of whiskey.
And I'm just sitting there smiling with my buddy going.
What if she said, it's lucky it's not two,
my baby died.
I'm gonna say something.
So what would you do in that situation?
Would you say something to her?
Because she lied, she used a miscarriage.
Yeah, that is crazy.
She's the dead baby to lie and guilt trip me
into letting her husband buy a bottle of whiskey
on her behalf.
And so I ended up not saying anything,
but I wanna know what you guys would have
said to this woman or what you would not have said. Thanks, appreciate it.
Let me get some clarifiers out here, dude. This is a great one, dude. This is a great
one because it's so specific and it's a general topic. It's general enough that people are
like, I've been in a situation like that, but it's his specific version. So good job on that. It's a great submission. Hey guy, very well
thought out submission, very well executed, very well. Don't wake up at 5 a.m.
to get a special bottle of whiskey, but barring that, very good execution and idea.
So here's the thing about that.
I have to, I have to, I have, I need clarifiers.
He was in line.
There was somebody else in line in front of him
and they wanted to add somebody to their group?
No, no, no, no.
Do you know?
No, I don't know.
Wow, Anthony was fucking pulling his balls.
They were waiting for a rare whiskey.
And somebody tried to cut in line.
So if somebody tries to-
Is it as simple as that though?
Because if someone tries to cut in line,
then they're just wrong.
But if it's the kind of thing where it was like,
I was holding my place and my buddy was here too,
and I'm making him come here.
Somebody was in front of them,
and then it's one of those situations where
a friend of theirs comes in with them.
That's what I thought.
That makes it a little trickier.
I hate that on both sides.
I hate when people do that, and I hate having to do that.
There's no way around it though. That's a thing though that sometimes you gotta do.
You can't be like, hey buddy, hey best friend, you gotta go to the back of the line.
Right, you can't do that.
What the fuck is that?
I think we should listen to the very beginning again.
What's up man, Chris? Love the podcast, love the work you do.
I got a situation I want to throw out just to see what you would have done in that scenario.
So me and my buddy are waiting for some rare whiskey to be released on the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky
Okay, and these people end up skipping us I go to the people and right before open I say hey
We don't know how many rare bottles they have can you get back behind us in line?
Oh, so people cut in front then the group in front of us also has two random people join them in line
These happen to be their wives. Oh, it's two different things they're waiting in
the car since oh no that's fucked up bro hey guys guys guys guys this is what I
do in that situation guys guys guys guys guys okay look we were here these people
cut us and now this person has all another person adding it this is all
fucked up there's a rare bottle whiskey and we should all wait our turn. So can we figure that out?
And then if the woman says, I would fuck off,
I just had a miscarriage, I go like this,
fuck the wrong guy, babe,
and scooped around and got my bottle.
So rude.
Oh, dude.
Oh, cool.
Then you don't get to get an extra bottle for the baby.
Scoop around and get in front.
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Tuts. You get in my bottle or sup.
That that's that's crazy, bro.
I cannot fucking stand.
You know what that is? And I hate bringing this up.
That's white people behavior, man.
That's like a thing that is just like,
and consequences don't matter. I just.
You remember when a fucking old guy got in front of us at KFC?
No. When? When have I been to KFC?
Imagine being KFC.
Yeah, chicken.
Like what else you get, you know?
I guess I'll just get chicken.
But why do you have that?
Just give me some chicken.
I was in the car.
Oh, I do remember this.
We just being you.
I do remember this would just mean you I do remember this some old
Who's definitely dead now piece of shit fucking bastard deserves to be dead. Shouldn't have done it. He died that he died
Walked in mm-hmm
I do remember please we go to walk up and he walked in front of us
I do remember this and there was no way to be confused about it.
Right, right, right, right.
Well, I've had that happen.
Dude, if I'm the president, that is a law I'm signing.
If you do shit like that, immediate death.
And it has to be the manager of the store
or works there who has to kill him.
Firing squad.
No, it has to be that person who just,
but they can do a firing squad whether they're murder or not whether they know what he's together
you know firing squad the whole thing about which I just found this out that
firing squad is you have ten guys one guy has a bullet and this way you don't
know who killed him well what do you mean? You don't know?
Cuz you don't know who killed him cuz it's yeah.
Well, no, the 10 of you killed him.
If everyone has a bullet.
Well, but you missed.
But one guy has a bullet.
But that's what I found out that that happens.
And that's crazy because you'd still know, I feel like, you know?
You'd be like, it was you.
You know what I mean?
Dude, that's so, like you just hear,
last thing you hear is, you hear this guy say, well, it wasn't me.
I think it's what I think, what I said.
I thought it was that too and somebody corrected me.
Really? I don't know who that person was.
I have no memory of it.
So it could have been a drunk outside of the fucking laugh factor.
You know, well, whatever.
But no, but no.
The thing is, if it's 10 people with 10 bullets, you all killed him.
It doesn't matter where you hit him.
You all had a piece in it.
You didn't miss. you're a fucking firing squad
It's a genius play by generals
So that nobody ever has to suffer you
You need more than ten for that you need more than ten you need
Yeah, but they're all I'm just warning the people. You all have bullets, dude. A lot of you are going to miss because you're far fucking away.
You go further away and I need a thousand guys.
There are times when everyone missed.
You literally had to do it again.
Oh my God.
What happened to Chris Mako?
That happened to Chris Mako?
Would happen to Chris Mako? That happened to Chris Mako? Would happen to Chris Mako. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the one bullet hit Chris,
and it really fucked up his elbow, but it didn't kill him.
And I heard, I mean, there's no way anyone can hear you,
You're so far away from that microphone, it's unbelievable.
I mean, that's unbelievable.
I don't wanna be a fuck.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Being sick sucks.
Cookie Monster. I don't know. I don't know. Dude, being sick sucks. Cookie Monster.
Nom nom nom nom.
Dude, being sick sucks.
That's like so rude, you know?
It's so rude.
Nom nom nom.
Yeah, but also being sick is,
why you get delirious, right?
Yep, you also gotta eat.
No one can hear you.
You gotta eat, you gotta take a pill
and eat something with it,
and it's like, fuck everything, dude. You know what I do? I don't fucking eat take a pill and eat something with it. And it's like, fuck everything.
You know what I do?
I don't fucking eat with a pill.
I do. I eat. I eat.
Oh, you want me to eat something with the pill?
Cool. I'll eat the pill.
There you go. Hey, eight.
That's not what they mean at all.
Yeah, but I'm not I'm not.
Oh, I got to eat a sandwich.
That's what they mean.
No, man, they mean a bite of something.
They don't mean a fucking great person's meal.
Nah, that doesn't matter.
The doc's not gonna trick me with that one.
You want to eat me a bite of granola?
Will that take my...
No, thank you doc.
Fuckin' fluoxetine.
Fluoxetine, it's Prozac.
I mean some of that shit I think.
One of those other things.
It fucking really works,
but it makes me so fucking tired.
Oh, really?
It's crazy.
That sucks.
It sucks so much because it works so well.
Oh, really?
That sucks.
Do you inject it?
Yeah, yeah, it's fucking heroin.
Dude, that sucks.
Ah, that sucks,
because my Prozac is
Awesome. Maybe I'll ask my doctor specifically about it. It doesn't fuck with anything else
No, if anything, I'm
Now be careful when you take this you might get cooler the side effect here it says see side effect cool
I'm gonna take it and shit you take it you just like hey
dude everyone comes in and sit in the fucking office like this
i mean the joke i just made you know what you got for me doc yeah yeah hey
hey there was a cigarette in the office.
When did it come? This is so stupid.
And this is coming from someone who fucking smokes.
Mostly used to smoke, but does still smoke sometimes.
When did it become cool to smoke?
It is the least cool thing that there ever was.
Well, I don't think it's cool anymore.
But you know what I mean.
Yeah, I think up until like 2000 something it was cool,
but like it's not anymore.
Now it's like, you see someone smoking in your,
I used to think like, oh, that's cool, he gets a break,
he looks kind kinda cool.
Now, I think, ew.
Yeah, that's what everyone should have always thought.
But it was just like the other thing we were talking about,
Valentine's Day, was it?
Valentine's Day, yeah.
Making up Valentine's Day, it's the same people.
Oh, right, yeah, well yeah, yeah.
Smoking had good PR.
Yeah, it was just like fucking.
And then it had bad PR.
Smoke Lucky Strike, they'll make you get really soppy p***.
It's just like...
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Smoked Marlboro...
Tired of dry p***s around you?
Lucky Strike.
Smoked Marlboro.
I'll smoke my Newport to the butt like it's the last motherfucker left. You'll be just like every cowboy who rides horses, gets off horses, rips off their shirt,
shows their buff muscles, and fucking pounds the nearest hot bitch.
What if that was the commercial in 1950?
That was the copy.
In 1950. On the writing on the fucking Playboy magazine. What if that was the commercial in 1950? What was the copy?
In 1950?
On the writing on the fucking Playboy magazine.
Take off your chest, take off your shirt, show your chest and pound the nearest hot
Anyway, back to Leave It The Beaver.
Dennis the Manist.
Dude, I had a fucking epiphany.
Leave It The Beaver was the best fucking name for a show ever.
Leave it to Beaver is the best name for a show in history?
You'll never forget.
You hear that shit once, you'll never forget it.
But what about...
I die. What about that fucking one that I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care.
Dennis the menace.
You'll never forget that either.
Leave it to be for Dennis.
Come on.
You can't have two shows like that.
Yeah, but Dennis, the menace was like, you got an idea that it was a piece of shit.
You didn't want that.
You know?
I don't want to watch Dennis the Menace because I knew that kid was a piece of shit.
Worst critic.
Worst critic.
Anthony's Corner.
Anthony's Critic Corner.
All right.
Thanks guys.
Appreciate you.
Let's do luxury.
Let's get into the luxury.
You do
Come watch us. Thank you very much. luxury. Let's get into the luxury. Lifeline. You do slash lifeline luxury.
Come watch us. Thank you very much.