LINUX Unplugged - Episode 24: FUD for Thought | LUP 24
Episode Date: January 22, 2014The battle lines have been drawn and the assault against upstart is in full force. We’ll discuss the heat being put on Canonical, the CLA, and upstart with our virtual LUG.Then we’ll bust some Lin...ux switching FUD that’s been popping up with more and more Windows users fleeing the sinking ship.
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This is Linux Unplugged, your weekly Linux talk show that's reporting from the trenches of the init system wars.
My name is Chris.
And my name is Mattris and my name is matt
hey there mac you know what this is right here what is episode 24 and that's a special that's
a special number because it does one of two things for me number 24 always reminds me that we are
really just getting started right we've got a long ways to go still but it also always makes me think
of jack power who uh was uh well I spent some time loving on Jack Bauer
for a while. Now I'm over 24
but in this episode it's a little bit like 24
this TV series because
there is a war against Upstart
there is a full fledged assault
against Upstart as Debian is nearing
their vote. Now in the Linux Action Show
we said it looked like it was maybe going towards
System D for Debian's choice
however it is now 4 to 4 4 for it was maybe going towards System D for Debian's choice. However, it is now 4-4.
4 for Upstart
and 4 for System D.
It's head-to-head match
and so commentators
are taking to the web, opinion makers
as it were, are going
to the web and posting their for's
or against's for Upstart. It's been actually
a fascinating conversation, but on top of that,
if we still have enough time after that,
and we might not,
because there's a lot to cover there,
if we have enough time,
I want to talk also about,
I want to respond,
might be a better way to put it,
I want to respond to some of this FUD
that you're seeing crop up
as new Linux users come over to Linux
to try out Steam.
And there has been a lot of jabs
thrown at Microsoft.
Paul Theriot, among others,
reported last week that internally at Microsoft, they consider Windows 8 the new Vista.
That's what they call it, the new Vista.
And that has got some Windows users in a tiff.
And so they are responding to the people switching to Linux with a lot of FUD.
So here we are in episode 24 of Unplugged.
We'll get into some of that.
But Matt, you know what we should start with?
What's that?
Probably our feedback.
That'd be a good place to start, don't you think?
I think it's an excellent place to start.
I know.
And you know what?
I think it's wasted effort.
Who let him in here?
Oh my goodness.
I thought we kept him in a cage somewhere, like in the back room or whatever, right?
Oh man.
He's kind of like a, you know, we bring him out when things get really serious and we
need some backup, we unleash Richard.
That's right.
Get it out of here.
As he always says.
All right, well, first I want to just cover a little bit of feedback.
So Jimmy wrote in to the Linux Unplugged show.
He says, I've been a JV viewer for a little over a year,
and I love the show.
I look forward to seeing it weekly and enjoy participating when time permits.
I recently bought a hobby laptop that I'm using to experiment
with different distros and desktops.
I've been a KDE fanboy for some time
and really love the interface,
customization, and capabilities of the built-in
widgets and apps that get the job done.
However, I've become bored and frustrated
so I took the Arch challenge via
Antegoros. I'm sorry,
it just ain't for me. I won't
dig into the topic here and I'm not banging on the
distro or Arch concept, I just didn't like it.
And I was missing a couple of odd packages I needed for work stuff. So I moved to another
distro with no fewer than 12 on this laptop in succession. He says, I want to give a quick plug
for solid K. It's well put together. So I've landed on the right distro based Debian, but now
it's the desktop's turn. I've tried out several, which include elementary, cinnamon, KD, XFC. What
the heck's going on in our community honestly i don't
feel compelled and i hate having to use that word by any of them i know how to tweak kd to make it
look awesome but dang i just want something different and nice to look at i think elementary
is close but it lacks some innate features that i like e.g a trash can and minimizing customization
cinnamon's looking pretty good and i thought i had found a new home, but I kept freezing up. So adios. I don't like Mate and I just don't like the Windows, the window managers, WMs. So I thought,
what do I have left? Unity. Honestly, if I had more customization and Konamika would decide to
make Ubuntu a rolling release, it might do it. But then for now, I'll have to pass. So what have
I got left? There isn't anything in the community. If there's anything that the community should
focus on for 2014, I'd vote for improving
the desktop environment.
Think about it.
What's the first thing
a new user sees
when he installs Linux
besides Grub?
The entire experience
can be tied down
to how well
a desktop environment
handles a user's input
right now,
and they suck.
So I might be being
a little harsh,
but I feel kind of jaded.
If only there were a way
to tie together
the awesomeness of KDE
and the simplicity of GNOME,
make it fast,
and fully customizable, and put a stinking trash can on the taskbar.
And minimize.
Make it different and modern, and no more cartoony icons.
I wish I knew how to do it because I can see it plainly in my mind.
Anyways, he says thanks for letting me rant.
Thanks again.
You know, I honestly would say probably what he's going to want to do is revisit XFCE.
Not because out of the box it's butt ugly.
I'm not going to argue that.
But actually spend a good 30 minutes or so really hunting down a good level of customization
that really meets his needs.
I think he might be surprised and actually get that sweet spot he's looking for.
It's not an automatic fix, but I think it's definitely something to consider until Gnome
and KDE are able to do what he needs.
Yeah, I agree. something to consider until gnome and katie are able to do what he needs yeah i i agree and also
sometimes um it's a really hard thing because sometimes you cannot like something because
it's just so different and it's hard to recognize that's what's actually going on
because it might be interfering with this workflow too and i mean that's why you won't like it right
because if something's different and it interrupts your workflow it slows you down it makes you less
efficient it makes you have to constantly rethink what you're supposed to do.
However, I was just talking about this on the pre-show, but one of the things I've done
since our In Defense of GNOME episode that we did on Lass a few weeks ago is I forced
myself to just keep using GNOME because a lot of times I jump around and I become an
expert in all but a master in none when I do that.
And so I said, okay, no, Chris,
you're going to use gnome for at least a month, if not more. And every day, you have to teach
yourself a new gnome way of doing things. You know, whatever the gnome philosophy is,
I've been reading like, a lot of like the gnome tricks and shortcuts and how to's and watching
some YouTube videos on the way people use gnome, sort of retraining my brain. And now I'm kind of
getting to the point where I'm not just kind of liking it, but I'm loving it. Like, I want to become
like a gnome advocate. I'm like, this is great. Like, if you just, if you spend the time to
relearn how to ride the bike and then ride the bike in the right way, it is incredibly rewarding.
But the process of getting there requires like that level of dedication, which nobody really
has the time to do in the real world. I mean, people aren't podcasters who actually need to like have perspectives on these kind of things.
And so have the luxury of forcing themselves to do this. People have work to get done.
So I totally understand where he's coming from here.
But it is one of these hard things where sometimes you're never going to be happy until you train yourself to live in the way that desktop operates.
And I think you can do that with anything. You can do it with XFCE, you can do it with KDE,
you can do it with GNOME.
Those I think require it the most.
And then of course, you have your tiling window managers
and things like that.
And I think what sometimes people want
is they want really sane defaults that look new
and have new ideas around them,
but aren't really all that different.
Sort of what elementary OS tries to do.
And I also think they're coming from a way of doing things to where they were
trapped in a user experience to where if it doesn't
come out of the box that way, you're kind of stuck.
Not really taking the time to say,
oh, hey, I can theme this. Or, oh, hey, I can maybe
take a dock, slide it up this
direction, move this bar over there, tweak
these icons. You know, actually look at the way
things are flowing as far as, you know, there's so much
customization that can be done.
But I think you're right. I think they are victims of default far as you know there's so much customization that can be done um but i think you're right i think they are victims of uh default mentality you know so fryer tuck wrote in
how about that one how do you like this this is a new one uh and check this out so this is why you
never every now and then as the as the music's playing us off the show i'm like hey could you
please go over to itunes and give us a rating and a comment it helps people find us and that helps
them switch to linux it actually is true here's's Friar Tucky writes in. He says, first off, thanks for all the great shows. I discovered
Jupyter Broadcasting and iTunes Store when I was searching for Linux podcast. I was curious and I
wanted to learn more about Linux. Linux Unplugged was the first show I found. Now, see, the timing
works out because that was back when the show was new. And we were asking people to go comment and
rate a lot back then. And so for a while, we were staying very high in the iTunes charts. Thing is, is it requires kind of continuous maintenance from the audience to leave comments
and, and rate. So if you are an iTunes user, please consider doing that because it does help
people find the show and then they switch to Linux. He says, in this week's Linux Unplugged,
you spent a fair bit of time talking about Google's purchase of Nest Labs. I think this
article touches on a very real reason why Google purchased Nest, and he links it, and I'll talk about that in a second. The article talks about Nest Labs'
robotics divisions. Google is already heavy into robotics research. They may have purchased Nest
as an investment in futuristic business models rather than a thin attempt to break into Nest's
current business model. Thanks for all you do, and good luck with the new space, and keep up
the good work. So this article that he linked us to, and I'll have the full article in the show notes, they talk about, I didn't even know this about
Nest because I didn't really follow him that closely, but Nest has always thought of itself,
according to this piece that was written, Nest has always considered itself a robotics company.
They say the robot is just hidden inside a sleek, apple-ish case. They said, look who the company brought in as its VP of technology.
Volky Muskoka, I'm probably saying that wrong, but she is a roboticist and an artificial intelligence expert from the University of Washington.
They hired to bring her in as the VP of technology, and in this article, they have a shot of her right here working with a robot arm at Nest.
Oh, wow.
So apparently, Nest also was very heavily into robotics.
And we also know that Google just bought the guys that – shoot, I'm totally forgetting the name of that company.
That's a crazy-looking arm.
Hey, Mumble, what was the name of that robotics company that Google just bought that has all the Pentagon contracts?
What was that?
Wasn't it Boston Robotics or something?
Boston Dynamics, right?
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, okay, thanks.
Yeah, so Boston Dynamics, they just recently – plus they bought like eight other robotics companies last year.
So Google is getting big time into the Rosie the Robot role here.
They're going to integrate Google now and Rosie the Robot.
Man, if they have somebody that wants to do my dishes, I think I would be perfectly
okay with that, although I could probably do without the maid thing. I think we could
talk about a trade there, Google. But that's an interesting perspective and makes it
even a little creepier, to be honest with you. So thanks, Friar Tuck.
Thanks for writing in. All right, well, so I have the results of our Innovative
Little Guy survey, where last week we asked folks to send in the distribution that is a little small, you know, in terms of distro sizes, doesn't get was innovative and what was innovative about it. And I've got the results from that. I guess you could almost call it a survey.
So first, before we get to that, I want to thank Ting is mobile that makes sense. My
mobile service provider, and you guessed it, also Matt's mobile service provider.
Absolutely. Ting has no early termination fees and no contracts. Because honestly,
Ting is focused on the
customer relationship and on the service for the customer. And so a lot of the things they've set
up are really to that end. And Ting has been the pioneer at this. They've been the first doing it,
and they're doing it the best because it's really their core business focus.
The people behind Ting is 2Cows. Now, if you're familiar with 2Cows, they've done a lot of things
on the web for a long time. And one of their missions has always been going to a market that is ripe for disruption, that needs to be corrected and go in there and
offer the service the way it should be and just gain market share by doing that. Not by dirty
tactics, not by copying your competitors' business strategies, but by actually innovating in that
space. That's what I love about Ting. And that's what you would love about Ting too, if you go over
there and try it out. Not only that, but Ting is an exceedingly transparent company.
And that is a very refreshing thing for a wireless company.
They just had a blog post kind of poking some fun at CEO for trying to copy some of the
Ting mojo.
And of course, falling a little flat on that.
They also have a lot of great things over on the Ting blog, like great apps you can
check out, new service updates, rollouts of their TriBand LTE.
When they had the Nexus 5 coming over the Ting network, they were keeping people posted over
there. So as a longtime Ting customer now, I really appreciate that blog. I also really
appreciate the Ting dashboard. It really strikes a balance between simple and easy to use, but
incredibly powerful. And they combine that with the Ting app, and the two work hand in hand so
brilliantly. And I can have alerts and push notifications sent to my phone if I need to.
And one of the great things about Ting is it's only pay for what you use,
and the Dashboard's UI makes this incredibly easy to monitor and manage.
They have this really simple dials system that tell you exactly where you're at,
sort of like a gas gauge, and it just clicks with you immediately when you see it.
You totally know where you're at.
You don't have to sit there and dig through all these line items, and they're not sneaking
anything in there. A Ting plan includes hotspot. It includes tethering, voicemail, caller ID,
picture messaging. All of that's included. Ting just takes your minutes, your messages,
and your megabytes. They add them up at the end of the month. Whatever bucket you fall into,
that's what you pay. It's $6 a month for the flat line, and then it's just your usage on top of
that. It's extremely straightforward. It's super6 a month for the flat line. And then it's just your usage on top of that. It's extremely straightforward.
It's super simple.
And Ting has a whole bunch of great devices.
Here's how you get started.
Go to
That'll take $25 off your first device.
If you've got a Sprint compatible phone, that'll give you $25 off your first month of service.
If you want to bring that device, they've got a BYOD page you can check out.
Ting is mobile.
It makes sense.
And Ting is my mobile service provider for a reason. Also, Ting will help you get out of
your early termination relief up to 25% per line. You can go to slash ETF to find out more
about that. So go to to get started. Go check them out. Try out their
savings calculator. And a big thank you to Ting for sponsoring Linux Unplugged. Totally love the ting.
So, I have these results from this survey here that we, well, you know, survey, whatever you want to call it.
And Angela calculated these using her Computatron 2000.
And we got a bunch of, we got about 60 individual submissions.
And, which is pretty good for a, you know, a poll that we mentioned at the end of the episode.
Oh, yeah.
And it was spread across a whole bunch of different distros, but there was a few that really stood out in here.
ParoS came in a couple of times.
Bodai Linux came in once.
Got a couple of mentions for Gentoo, but really the number one distro was manjaro interesting now
i feel like i mean manjaro is a small distro i don't you know but i also kind of feel like
it might be too big for what i was thinking uh it's it's it's first of all it's not even
like a main release i mean i definitely agree with you it's kind of on that cusp and i can't really
boy you know when i first started using it I would say it was probably small enough.
But now it's kind of – it's growing so quickly.
It's kind of hard to say.
Paro S got a submission.
Of course, Paro S has shut down now.
It would almost be interesting to look at Paro S and just say – it's like a goodbye.
Like here's what it was.
Here's what it did great.
So long.
Thanks for all the hard work.
I mean maybe Crunchbang.
I mean I don't know.
But then again, Manjaro was rated highest.
So the other one that came in second to Manjaro that I've never looked at,
but actually it was just mentioned in an email, SolidXK.
I don't know how you say it. SolidX?
It is S-O-L-Y-D-X-K.
I believe it's based on Debian, and it has a couple of neat features.
And so I think that might be a solid a solid one to check out s o l y d x k and it's as one that I've heard mentioned by our
audience is not one I've checked out myself and so this so not only was it the second most
submitted but it's one that I personally would like to check out because I haven't yet it's
kind of in my blind spot so I'm kind of thinking we'll do a review of SolidXK.
And these are great.
Netrunner OS got in here, Jolly, DSL.
Oh, wow.
A whole bunch of them got in there.
I'll have a link in the show notes if you guys want to see which ones are submitted.
But yeah, it's based on Debian testing, says Art of Music in our IRC room.
So that could be really cool because a lot of people out there are thinking about Debian testing
as a potential desktop.
So if they've conjured that into something
that's quite nice to use,
that could be interesting.
Could be interesting.
So stay tuned on a future Linux Action Show
where we will have that review coming soon.
I got some other stuff in the pipeline,
but that'll be coming fairly soon.
Okay, well, I wanted to talk about something that's, I don't know if you guys have been noticing this, but seems like there's a bit of a war against Upstart these days.
Obviously, this Debian decision is looming, and it's got people coming out of the woodwork talking about Upstart, talking about the CLA, all these kinds of things.
And so I have a couple of, before we jump into this,
I got a couple of recent posts that just happened in the last couple of days.
Linus Torvalds took to Google+, and commented in a thread over there.
He said, and this was a response to a post that I believe Matthew Garrett had started about the CLA.
And Linus said that, to be fair, people just like to hate on canonical.
But in his overall premise, any CLA is fundamentally broken.
The FSF and the Apache Foundation CLA's are pretty much equally broken.
And they may not have been broken because of any...
Oh, he says, but because copyright assignment, paperwork ends up basically killing a community.
Basically, with a CLA, you don't get the kind of long tail that the kernel has of random drive-by patches.
And since that's how a lot of people try the waters, any CLA at all, like changing a license or not, even if it doesn't have a license changing provision, is fundamentally broken.
Matthew Gary went on to say that not all CLAs are created equal.
He said, why do people object so much to canonical when they do it?
He says, I've written about this before in the context of Mirror,
but it's worth expanding upon.
For example, the SFS copyright assignment ensures that contributions
to the GPL software will only be distributed under a GPL-style license,
whereas the Apache CLA permits the ASF to re-license a contribution
under a proprietary license, but the Apache license already allows you to do that anyways.
In contrast, Canonical ships software under the GPL-3 family of licenses, but requires the
contributor sign an agreement that permits Canonical to re-license their contributions
under a proprietary license. This is fundamentally a different situation to almost all widely accepted CLAs
and is disingenuous of Canonical to defend their CLA by pointing out the broad community uptake,
for instance, of the Apache CLA.
So this is sort of an interesting one-two approach.
So you've got some folks that are going after the CLA and trying to expose what they foresee
as problems that the CLA presents.
And then on the other hand, you have folks who are going after Upstart on a technical level, like Lennart Pottering, creator of SystemD.
He took to G+, a couple of times recently.
Last night, he wrote,
Shutting down is hard. I'm sorry for piling on, but there's an interesting aspect of Upstart I'd like to shed some light on.
Not necessarily because it's hard to fix, but simply because it's quite interesting.
As it stands now, Upstart will eat your file system.
And then he goes on to kind of explain how in some use case scenarios, if something is reading a file and it doesn't get shut down properly and your system powers off, it could potentially damage the file system.
doesn't get shut down properly, and your system powers off,
it could potentially damage the file system.
In another post, he says,
it appears the Debian Technical Committee is in discussions right now.
He says, and he goes on to talk about how they're not necessarily talking about technical limitations of Upstart.
He says, for example, Upstart doesn't mount file systems properly at boot.
The existence of mount all on Upstart and the non-integration of Etsy FS tab into the upstart rule set results in a lot of additional shortcomings.
Mount all is a one-time thing for a boot process.
All context of file systems, devices, and mounts is lost.
After it ran and the file system state is henceforth assumed static, which of course is not how systems work these days.
This design flaw is one of the things we noticed when we looked into Upstart in detail before
we decided to start SystemD four years later.
Nothing has changed.
The Upstart design still cannot cover this.
And he goes on to list a lot of other shortcomings with Upstart.
And this is also all linked in further detail, which you can read yourself on G+.
These are very long posts.
I'm not going to read all of them.
And so this to me clearly is happening at this time because of this looming Debian decision. day, I do feel it's kind of disingenuous for them to release it like – it's kind of like voting one way or the other because you're about to get reelected.
Yeah, it's that kind of thing. It's very political, and that's a turnoff for me. So you have this worthwhile information, potentially worthwhile information. I know nothing of it as far as its authenticity. I'm not into that sort of thing.
But I do know that, yeah, the timing kind of rubs me the wrong way.
So it's very probable.
I would actually prefer evidence versus just somebody that makes a claim that I've – again, I would need to see more evidence to that fact or some examples or hell, even a YouTube video showing it happened.
That would be cool.
Just something to kind of push me in that direction.
But, yeah, the timing is a real turnoff for me.
I'm just not cool with it. Yeah, you mean in terms of like it actually eating the file system?
for me. I'm just not cool with it. Yeah, you mean in terms of it actually eating the file system?
Yeah, there's so much FUD on the
internet that there's the truth
and then there's FUD, and trying to
distinguish between the two, honestly, it's convoluted.
And you've got to be very careful of
mob mentality. I think in this particular
case, he's probably correct.
And it's way too elaborate to be
nonsense, and I think he's probably right.
But again, the timing stinks, and I found that to be
a real turn turnoff. like a back and forth trying to, this is obviously how an open community tries to influence each other and
push a new technology forward.
A lot of people have a lot riding on this.
I'm kind of curious in the mumble room,
if anybody has any observations on this situation or kind of any thoughts
if some of this is maybe ill-timed or if it's maybe just the right time,
anybody have any thoughts?
actually just,
I really do like the way Matt said it,
it really does seem like a pissing contest at this point.
Both sides seem to be going and pushing and saying, oh, well, in this situation, this can happen or you're monolithic and I'm not.
And they're both going and just saying these rather silly ideas that, you know, one is so much better than the other.
When I think it really comes down to a few is both.
Both work quite well. The only thing that really comes down to, if you use both, both work quite well.
The only thing that really comes down to is the CLA, unfortunately.
And that's why I think why they're talking about the CLA
and not the other stuff, because the other stuff is really rather simple.
I seem to have missed the back and forth.
I seem to have only seen Leonard and Kay posting on Google+. I haven't seen anyone from Upstart posting, you know,
rebuttals back the other way at all.
Right, there's been a few in the comments, you know, on these threads.
And one of the original Upstart developers did take to his Google+,
and had a couple of comments to say about the CLA and things like that.
But you're right, it has been a lot of campaigning from one side, definitely more so, and then more of a response on the other side.
I think maybe that's maybe because some of the pro conversations for Upstart are all happening on the Debian mailing list itself, whereas the folks where these folks don't really have an in there as much.
So they're kind of using their other avenues to reach out.
It's an open mailing list.
Surely they could, you know, if they wanted to lobby,
that would be the right place to do it rather than on a social network.
You're right.
I can see that it is sort of seen as a pissing contest and whatnot.
But I think if there's any time to do it, it might as well be now.
So I don't see it as necessarily a bad thing.
I actually think it has a lot.
I think there's a lot on the line here and I don't know why,
because honestly then the more rational aspect of me also knows that it
doesn't matter if Debian goes with open RC or upstart or system D it's,
it'll all be normalized out in the end. It'll all work out.
But it does seem like now to me, I agree that it's a little dirty on normalized out in the end it'll all work out uh but it does seem like
now to me i i agree that it's a little dirty on the timing and poppy brings up a good point too
that there are actually other avenues to have this conversation other than the most public of those
avenues uh but i also kind of feel like at the same time the stakes are high enough that it almost
justifies it because um i'll tell you i i have no, you know, Upstart's fine. I've used it for years.
But SystemD is really quite good for a server. It has resource controls that are actually kind of
absolutely essential for a server. And then it also has the capability of capturing daemon
core dumps and providing those to the admin through the logging
system, and also then restarting those daemons after they crash and being very intelligent about
how it does that. And on top of that, it also can auto-resolve dependencies. So if several things
fail, it actually has the intelligence to resolve the dependencies to get everything back up and
running. Oh, and hey, here's your notification of what happened and what we did.
And then you combine that with C groups.
You combine that with it is honestly also a lot better at managing file system mounts.
You know, and when you live in a world of Wi-Fi and USB thumb drives, having a much more dynamic methodology of handling your file system mounts and something that's intelligent
about that, and also something that's also dependency aware again.
So like before it tries to mount NFS, you know, it starts up the networking stack.
Those kinds of features, it almost would seem, and I know we can solve those problems with
other tools, but it seems a little silly.
Like it seems like we should, all Linuxes should be able to do those things.
Well, and I think a really nice collaborative effort that both parties could do is to simply work together on a flowchart on what each of their individual camps offer.
No politics.
Just keep it simple.
I think that would be awesome.
What's interesting there is Scott James Remnant, who was the original maintainer of Upstart, the creator of Upstart, some years back commented on,
I think on Matt Garrett's post and talked about how he did have conversations
with Kay and Leonard about SystemD.
And what surprised me was most recently in the last week or so
that Kay and Leonard talked all about the CLA
and how that was a big sticking
point for SystemD. Yet none of that was mentioned years ago when everyone told us that, you know,
Canonical were kings of not invented here and kings of fork it, when in fact,
they were, Kay and Leonard were talking to Scott about helping maintain Upstart, and then they went away and instead made something else.
Yeah, well, they also discussed forking Upstart.
So I guess you're saying that you're thinking maybe the CLA is a little bit more of a ruse now.
It wasn't as big of an issue back then.
I think it's a good bandwagon to jump on this week, yeah.
Yeah, and I think what you point out is interesting
because it definitely points out that the timing,
like you said, it's really recent,
the timing with all the deviant stuff,
it does seem like they're kind of pulling that out
of their bag of dirty tricks, which, you know.
I kind of feel like the community as a whole,
now that Linus has jumped in on the whole CLA thing too,
that ship, I think it's sailed, right? I mean, now
Linus has come out against CLAs, and
of course, I mean, not that surprising, but
that seems like a battle that
just seems like something
canonical that's not going to be able to change public
opinion on that. I don't necessarily
think canonical CLA, I'm not going to say whether
canonical CLA is either good or bad,
but I think in the case of Debian,
it might be a hurdle for them
even adopting something like Upstart.
They would have to do a fork.
And I think that is, it is a problem.
Go ahead, Popey.
They even said that the reason why they wrote
Upstart, sorry, SystemD
is because of CLA
on Upstart. That's what they're saying, but Popey's kind of
I'm sure
Sorry, I don't know whether there's satellite delay here to the uk or what but i i i can see
how there are technical arguments for why systemd is better and i can see how there are arguments
for why upstart is better but what what surprises me that it's been left this late to come up with
oh yeah and what about the cla i mean yeah this stuff is
all well documented on the the debian wiki of uh right you know rationale pro and con for both
products right um and i would just like the the debian technical committee to get on and
you know make a decision i'd rather this this was resolved somewhat. I agree, too.
You don't go to Debian and start preaching to them about licenses and agreements.
I mean, these guys, before they even got this far,
are well aware of the CLA, what it means, and all of that.
So it is a little odd to bring it up at this stage
because to me it kind of feels like, all right, all cards out.
Matt, you focus on the CLA.
Lenart, you focus on the technical stuff.
Now, I'm not saying there's even collusion or anything like that,
but it just really seems like, all right, everybody's going to put it all out there.
Get as much noise about this as we can right now while we can.
It sounds kind of like the upstart side is more like a dog that's just kind of chilling out, sleeping.
And then the system D side is like the Jack Russell that just never shuts up.
But it's really different.
We have been talking about this.
Like if you go back to the episode, we discussed this a while ago.
We discussed the CLA then and how it was a big deal.
I don't think it just happened overnight.
It's just this isn't – it's popped up again.
Just different aspects of it are popping up again and again. And and the cla just seems to be a very strong sticking point and everyone's kind
of sticking to it and whether they like it or not right and this time and i can see why it is you
know it's i can see the rationale why a developer might might say or they're more more accurately
their employer might not want them to contribute to a product where there is an asymmetrical relationship with them and the maintainer.
I can understand that.
And Debian have got to figure that one out.
That's for them to figure out.
I think, too, part of it is we are – there are a lot of engineers and technical people in the community, obviously.
people in the community, obviously. And when something is potentially technically superior,
there's like this extra urgency to become an advocate of it, right? Because, but this is technically the right thing to do. And of course, it's never always black and white like that. But
that's just how people are like, well, how could you not implement this? This is the better,
obvious way to go. So and I think partially to the debate has flared back up around the CLA because there's been a pivot in the conversation. There was a bit of a, well, but look, even the FSF has a CLA and also Apache, they have a CLA. So look, it's not that bad. And so then there was this wave of response to that claim saying, well, those don't try to relicense or they already permit
So the CLA allowing relicensing isn't a big deal.
And people are also coming out and calling it a community limiting agreement.
The CLA is a community limiting agreement saying that it doesn't allow, Linus saying
that it doesn't allow for drive-by community growth.
It's an interesting time and it's an interesting spot.
And I think there's a lot of people out there right now that are honestly
just kind of like,
Bobby says like,
just hurry up and vote.
Let's just make a decision here because a lot of these things,
once they blow over are not that big of a deal.
So I completely agree.
It's almost like an incident foot the corner or something to get it
over with.
No kidding.
and you know,
the Debian has been floating like a lot of different proposals.
Like one is all right.
Default on Linux is systemd,
but if you go with
herd or something like that, we'll use openrc, or
kfreebsd, we'll use openrc, or whatever.
There's all these different ideas they're proposing right now
or different scenarios.
I don't know. It's one of these things where
we're about to shift gears into the FUD busting
and I'll just leave it at this
and then we can move on. I personally would like
to see on the
versus base installer
maybe an option
somewhere along the lines like do you want to use
systemd or openrc
or something like that. That's what they need to do.
Yeah, maybe. Well, that would be
kind of hard to do as
packages would have to be all
to use either or.
And generally that makes
building for that
building packages for that
distro a lot more complex.
See, that's my question.
Debian went with SystemD,
wouldn't Ubuntu have to repackage everything for SystemD,
even though they use Upstart?
I don't think they would have to,
because Ubuntu already does all their own configuration for Upstart,
because they use different to Debian at the moment anyway.
Debian uses it, and they use Upstart.
And given we're less than three months away from an LTS release,
I can't see us switching between now and then.
No, of course not.
We're almost certainly going to have Upstart for the long term.
For five years from now, there will still be machines,
millions of machines around the world, running Upstart,
as there are right now.
Yeah. And even more so because more people will deploy the new LTS.
And there's Chromebooks selling like like bazingas right now.
So they're pumping those things out like nuts and those are all running Upstart.
That's why it's not a huge, huge deal.
I'll just leave it at this before we get to the FUD busting aspect of it.
And that is there are elements of diversity
in Linux. We always say choice is great. And I would hate to ever see those go away. There's also,
you know, this loud mantra that Linux is fractured, it's fragmented, it's too hard to develop for
because it's all over the place. And the more we can kind of standardize on areas that make sense,
the less we are, the more I should say more we nullify those arguments.
So there is some rationale there, but that's all down the road.
That's all down the road, sir.
And the great thing is, like we always say, you do have choice.
Hell, you could even run SystemD on Debian right now if you wanted to.
It is actually possible.
OpenRCEEK taking kind of a beating in some of these discussions.
I'll just put that out there.
Yeah, it really is.
So before we move to the FUD busting, I want to thank DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean is simple cloud hosting dedicated to
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where right now we are collecting photos of folks who are sporting their Jupiter Broadcasting shirts.
A lot of good-looking individuals there, some with copious amounts of facial hair.
Or is that that facial hair? You know, I let things grow out a little bit. And, you know, just kind
of I thought I would try the whole beard thing. And yeah, that happened. Well, hey, it's good.
It's a good look for you. It's a good look for you. Oh, my God. Yeah, right. Yeah, totally took
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There's a lot of really cool ones.
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I love it.
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everyone's pictures over at
slash Jupiter Broadcasting.
Woo! Alright. It's really cool
seeing everybody's face in there.
And some of the images are just
fantastic. Super funny.
Super, super funny. Okay,
so we gotta bust some FUD
bit by bit here.
Now, I'm gonna pick on this guy, but he totally deserves it.
His name is FM 87.
You might have saw his comment on Reddit recently when when the link to Microsoft employees reportedly calling Windows 8 the new Vista hit Reddit.
A lot of Windows fanboys got pretty upset by this post.
And of course, the conversation quickly turned to bashing Linux and pushing on a bunch of old buttons.
This guy got gold five times over for this post.
He got 1,800 karma points for it.
And the reason why I'm picking on this one is because it's a great summary of a lot of the different ones.
First, a lot of different FUD points, talking points I've seen. First, he likes to pick on the fragmentation
and with a lot of profanity,
he links to the GNU Linux distribution timeline
and says, what the actual F,
look at this and points to this
and points how this is a serious sign
of absolutely horrible fragmentation.
Look at all of these distros
that are all branched off each other.
This is a developer's nightmare, he goes on to say, right?
And he says, near 95% of games will not run under Linux, and wine is garbage.
Try running anything that requires DirectX 10 or 11.
It makes extensive use of things such as hardware cursors,
and you'll find that they simply do not run, save for very rare occurrences. Even if they do run, it usually runs with a multitude of graphical or audio glitches
and bugs, and even interfering with gameplay. Okay, so this is one of my favorite Linux FUD
things, where you take an application, any kind, could be a game, could be a desktop office
application, written for another operating system, and then you run it on Linux, and it doesn't run perfectly, and you blame Linux.
In no other operating system would this ever happen.
You would not take an application only written for Linux or only written for the Mac and use some sort of API translation layer on Windows 7, and when it doesn't work correctly, blame Windows.
That wouldn't happen.
Never happens.
Never happens. The biggest issue is the fact they tried it under wine
because it's adding an extra layer
that eats up resources that the game could be using.
And the developers who make stuff work on,
like Sigwin, for example, that makes it work on Windows,
they actually made it work correctly,
so you don't have to worry about that.
A lot of times in games, too,
if you're using DirectX 9,
it needs DirectX 10 or 11.
DirectX is terrible,
so that's why.
A better example would be like,
what if I were to blame Microsoft
for Apple's terrible port of Safari?
Or iTunes, right?
Here's the simplest way to look at it in the universe
and completely nukes this entire first point.
Is it designed to run natively? No? Then go home.
End of discussion.
That brings us to another point, which is a lot of people think that they can just switch to Linux,
and it's just an operating system designed for them to run their Windows software.
And a lot of people have that opinion for some reason,
just because there are ways to do it available.
Or there are people who think this is an operating system
where they can do everything the same as they did in Windows,
which is simply not true.
And some of your old habits will have to change
if you are going to change operating systems.
Well, that's when I point out and say,
oh, that's fantastic. Okay, so let's take a copy of
let's say Publisher for Made for Windows,
and we're going to go ahead and drop that in the Mac,
and we're just going to go ahead and get started with that. Oh, that's right,
it doesn't work. Why? Because it didn't run native.
You can nullify his argument
really quickly just by pointing it out.
Alright, so what do you think of this one?
Oh, go ahead.
If I could just butt in, I was just reading through that
comment you made about wine being garbage.
I have a personal experience relating
to that where a friend of mine, the guy I was
talking about before the show, plays World of Warcraft.
He uses Linux to play
World of Warcraft on wine
because wine now has a patch
that you can compile into it, which makes
World of Warcraft run about 40% to 50% faster on Linux
than what it does on Windows,
because they've managed to multi-thread a whole bunch of stuff
that Windows can't do, because Windows' CPU scheduler is garbage,
and Linux is one.
And I think Wine is a lot like a VM,
is that what you see is what you get.
It may or may not work.
I mean, obviously, there's databases and whatnot to make sure.
And in a lot of games cases, that's actually the case.
I've actually seen other games that have run actually quicker.
But I think that, you know, at the end of the day,
it is not a guarantee that it's going to run.
And people going into wine need to understand that.
That's not even an argument.
If someone actually is able to run an application under wine,
it's like complaining that your engine or diesel engine can actually run on corn oil.
Right, yeah.
Or water.
There's a reason why I run a different operating system on my different machines.
My laptop is purely Linux, but my desktop, I'm going to run Windows on it because I want access to those DirectX games or I want to use multimedia services like Netflix because
it's my main entertainment.
And I think the other fallacy he has here is he starts out his thread, and I'm going
to get to another point here.
He says Linux is not a replacement for 99.999% of users.
And then he mentions this 95% of games won't work under Wine.
And it's like, hold on.
Not all users need that.
So here you're making an argument that it won't work for 99% of people.
Then you're assuming 99% of people need to play wine games.
He also goes on to say, despite what most Linux users would lead everyone to believe, most users just want to start up and set up and go OS.
Linux is not this.
Yes, Windows needs to push updates and restart, but so does Linux.
But so does Linux. The difference is Linux will not tell you it needs to restart to update kernel files, leaving those vulnerable until you do so or simply causing a kernel panic or lockup. The amount of setup required and tinkering needed to get things like sound and network drivers working properly after initial setup is as you install updates, if it does require a reboot in Ubuntu, wait for it.
It does tell you.
Secondly, as far as coming out of the box, my mom who collects social security and is like old as dirt, she installed her own Ubuntu installation.
So boom, there it is.
It was really tough.
She put the disk in, went and made lunch, came back, clicked next a few times, and she was done.
It wasn't real hard.
So his entire point is just completely flawed.
It's not accurate.
My first point is 105 percent of statistics are made up on the spot.
Yeah, no kidding.
It's worth noting that we've – on Ubuntu, we've actually re-implemented the Windows dialog that prevents you from dismissing it.
And you have to shut down.
You know, what do you want?
You must restart.
Ubuntu is way easier to set up than Windows 8 is
because you don't have to make a million Microsoft accounts for a thing.
And as soon as you log in, it'll say,
and that's the upstart right and you know
what users real users hate is when you go to shut down your computer and then it installs the
updates like yeah real users actually hate that yeah it sucks right and especially when you're
on a laptop so when you just flick your machine on because you need to use it for two minutes and
all of a sudden you've got to wait half an hour for it to turn on
because it decided to do some updates.
I hate that.
Popey, somebody brought up the point of Microsoft accounts.
They're not going to require canonical accounts, are they?
You can already sign into Ubuntu 1 during your install.
No, it's a convenience.
Yeah, it's a total choice.
It's not mandatory by any stretch. Okay, I got a couple of points where he is right. Yeah, it's a total choice. It's not mandatory by any stretch.
Okay, I got a couple of points where he is right.
Yeah, I got that.
So synergy with other devices such as network file sharing has always been an issue with Linux, where Windows as a small office can simply turn on file sharing.
The procedure for doing this with Linux is long and tedious.
Now, I think this is a fair point.
New users that want to share files between two Linux desktops have no idea where to do that.
And they always just end up emailing each other an attachment or use Dropbox.
Yeah, but so do Windows users.
I mean, honestly.
Actually, that's a good point.
Every office I've ever worked in, the ability to turn on file sharing has been an excellent vector for installing viruses on every other machine on the network.
It's brilliant.
What about locking down the OS?
He says in an enterprise environment, you can never be done that.
Check out this.
It can never be done due to how the FOSS community behaves
and thinks everything should be out in the open.
This is a huge problem, he says.
Well, that's utter bullcrap.
That's like saying, I don't want to see how this thing works so that no one else can see how it works, even though it might be just like a feather holding the safe closed.
That's just silly.
You don't know if it's a feather holding the safe closed.
You don't know if it's a steel bar.
You don't know how it's built.
How can you rely on it at all?
I think he's talking like group policy and stuff like that.
But, okay, all right, here's a soft spot.
All right, now, come on, be honest with this one, you guys.
He says, despite what most Linux users say,
the command line is still required to use for a lot of common tasks.
This is a huge problem, in all caps.
No one gives an S about memorizing 100 different commands to do simple things.
The average user needs a simple GUI
with everything laid out for them, and Linux
simply does not offer that.
The average person will have to use a command line.
Eventually. But that's not true.
Again, going back
to my mom, who maintains her own computer,
believe it or not,
with the exception of router issues, that's not
related to Ubuntu, but factually speaking,
I would challenge most common users will use the command line like maybe never unless they know what to do with it.
The entire argument kind of kills itself right off the bat just because it's like, okay, so you're relying on the command line, yet you're new to Linux and you don't know what commands you're going to be using anyway.
So then you're going to go Google for it.
I mean that doesn't really hold water. Here's a perfect example. Back in 2006
when I first ran Ubuntu,
I had to use a terminal to get things like
my wireless working.
Oh yeah, back then.
In 2014,
for me to use a terminal,
that's my choice because I prefer
to use some of those tools over the
GUI tools.
And I would like to add to what Matt said, but
I actually like helping people
who use Linux over the phone or over Skype
because I don't care where they move their icons
or where their start menu is.
I don't have to wait until they click on something.
Whether they themselves use terminal commands or not is irrelevant.
But if I need to help them fix something,
I can just tell them, open the terminal, type this in,
and it makes helping others so much easier.
I think one of the misconceptions that Windows advocates have when they throw mud at Linux
is they set it to a different standard and they say, well, on Linux, you need the command
And part of the reason for that is the perception that someone who uses Linux has to be an expert.
My mom's been using Linux for three years and she's never, ever opened a command line
because she knows someone who can do it for her. And that's been using Linux for three years and she's never, ever opened a command line because she knows
someone who can do it for her.
And that's exactly the same on Windows. If my mom
ran Windows, she'd phone me.
I think you've nailed it.
To bring up a point about even this Linux kernel
being used in different places, I just
throw out that, okay, do you use the
terminal on your phone, on your Android device?
I want to point out, too, I think that it is just about as difficult for a new Linux
user to use the command line.
I know this is going to sound crazy, but think about it.
I think it's true.
It's just as hard for a new Linux user to use the command line as it is an absolute
noob to go hunt down a printer driver, download it from the, you know, select the right mod
type, download it from the manufacturer the right type, download it from the
manufacturer's website, install that printer
driver. Linux users
don't have to worry about any of that kind of thing
whereas on Windows, when you get a new device
or a new machine, that is a very common task
that they immediately get stuck at.
Installing printers is
surprisingly difficult or installing new devices
when you have to go get the driver, it doesn't install
from Windows Update.
That might as well just not work at all for a lot of new users.
And that's, of course, never criticized.
If I can give a recent example of that,
just recently I got a new computer, it was just a cheap one,
just to throw in the living room just to run Netflix.
That's all it does because flatmates watch Netflix.
And I had a Wi-Fi dongle that I was going to plug into it
just exact so I couldn't be bothered with running the cable and I had the the wi-fi dongle and the
cd that the drivers came on and I installed windows I plugged in the wi-fi dongle popped the cd and
it didn't work I went into the cd I went through I mean I've been using windows for 15 years now
I know how to install a driver. And eventually after about an hour of
messing around with the driver, I popped an Ubuntu USB stick in, plugged the Wi-Fi in,
it worked instantly, downloaded Pipelight, and she's now watching Netflix on Ubuntu. I meant
to put Windows on because she knows how to use Windows. She doesn't know how to use Linux.
And I just thought it'd be easier and smoother and everything. And honestly, it took me an hour
and I gave up and I used Linux because it worked. So in terms of installing drivers and smoother and everything. And honestly, it took me an hour and I gave up and I used Linux because it worked.
So in terms of installing drivers and such
and having to use the command line like you save,
I mean, I'm not even a new Windows user,
but having to dig around in the Windows driver options
and reboot into insecure mode and all that stuff
just to get a driver installed,
and with Linux there wasn't that problem.
Well, Linux is very weird and different when it comes to Windows,
and a lot of people don't actually understand this.
The kernel is all hardware abstraction,
and the user land is all user-facing tools.
When you upgrade your kernel, that upgrades all hardware support.
That's why all of our hardware plug-and-play is so instant and beautiful and modern.
Okay, Chris, could I have one question about
your pipeline setup on that? How well
does hardware acceleration for HD video
I don't have hardware acceleration
work. My driver doesn't support it.
Yeah, that is...
I was curious about that, too.
That would be for our GPU.
One last thing I wanted to bring up as far as, like, we were talking about
Wi-Fi earlier, because that's one thing that Linux users kind of skate over and always point to various tools to kind of work around Windows drivers and whatnot.
At the end of the day, if you look at your laptop, you open up the clamshell and you look really closely at the sticker on it, what does it say it's made for?
It says it's made for Windows.
And so going into it, you understand that the chipset and the sound and all those things are potentially designed for the Windows
operating system. That usually means you're probably
working with a Broadcom chipset when it comes
to wireless. Sometimes that works. Sometimes
you're looking at going and
having to connect to a hard line and get it the otherwise.
The simplest approach is either buy it
Linux pre-installed or accept
the fact that if you want to have a good time, get
yourself an integrated Intel
wireless setup. Or if you need to go dongle
wise, you can kind of crap roll it and
go with Atheros or
Relink. There are methods to avoid some of
these problems too. And you know, BlueG
in the chat room says
if you log into Windows Server 2012
and it decides to shut down your entire
company in 10 minutes for updates, trust me,
you'll be using the command line. This is an interesting
thing is Microsoft is actually very heavily pushing PowerShell and a lot of the new ways hire a company in 10 minutes for updates. Trust me, you'll be using the command line. This is an interesting thing.
Microsoft is actually very heavily pushing PowerShell.
And a lot of the new ways to administer Active Directory,
everything you can do through the GUI, you can do at the command line.
And a lot of it's around scripting in PowerShell for managing updates and things like that.
So, in fact, look at Windows Server Core.
That's also sort of addressing this, you know,
a server doesn't necessarily need this GUI aspect.
So I think it's a little funny
to push the command line thing because really
a lot of times I've had to drop to CMD
on Windows 7.
Oh yeah, that's what I do.
P. Grigdo would like to share a story about
his friend with GUI versus Terminal.
Alright. Okay.
I had a friend who got fed up with windows he got a virus and said i'm done
and so i pointed him towards linux mint just as a user as a new user and he actually prefers the
terminal over the gui at least with installing software because he says it's a lot easier
oh it definitely is if you're on pac-man or something
or even apt it's so much faster than having to go through the software center yeah that sounds
pretty geeky though but i mean i agree and i also you know maybe it's funny because users used to
use dos right so it's not like it's not like they can't be taught to use the command line um all
right here's the soft spot that he goes for this is the one i've been talking about he says distros
are largely fragmented and the popular ones will come with random issues depending on what you are using and what you are installing on it.
Fedora always has issues with newer audio devices.
Ubuntu and Mint tend to go apeshit if the display resolution or gamma is not set properly.
And Arch almost always has had networking device problems.
Soos seems to randomly play nice with USB mice and then ignore them as if they don't exist.
And this is just the list off the top of my head.
Easy answer to that one.
Very, very simple.
He basically installed all these distributions on one set of hardware.
He had bad experiences because of everything he named off very, very clearly tells me that he did not try this on multiple machines.
He tried it on one piece of hardware, had a bad time.
Linux sucks.
Yeah, exactly.
Honestly, I think he's just
straight up lying when he says some of that
stuff because I don't know how he can say Fedora
always has issues with newer
audio. Fedora always has the
newest kernel.
I think more than likely. He's picking
on the pulse audio issue from years ago.
Because if you're trying to connect to a USB situation,
it gets a little funky.
I haven't really tried it myself,
but I've heard Fedora's gotten a lot better lately,
especially since they include
the newer Radeon drivers by default
and those have improved drastically.
Because that was my biggest issue back in 2008.
Well, and remember, we just
talked about... So this fragmentation
thing comes up all the time. This is like sort of
the common... Against all of the FUD talkers, the distro fragmentation thing comes up all the time. This is like sort of the common, you know, against all of the FUD talkers, the distro fragmentation is always brought up all the time.
But we just talked about this presentation at the Valve Steam Dev Days, and in there, Ikyulys said that, hey, look, honestly, this fragmentation issue amongst distros is BS.
And this guy has been porting games from Windows to Linux for 15 years.
And he says, you know, OpenGL and SDL, they essentially normalize things out.
It really doesn't matter.
He called it, I'm looking for the word, I think he called it a myth.
His presentation is linked in this week's episode of Linux Action Show.
A myth busting, yeah, he called it a myth. He said, the truth about
distro fragmentation, I've shipped dozens of games over 15 years, never did anything but
generic Linux builds for any game. It's always worked, SDL handles most
of the differences for you, and the rest is largely avoidable and unimportant
So there you go. That's from somebody who's been converting games for 15 years from Windows.
And just to point
out, it's like he's going and he's saying,
all these Linux distros are just awful.
I would challenge him
that if you go and take Windows
7, Windows 8, whatever you want,
go and put it on multiple different hardware
configurations, you are going to have
an absolutely awful time on certain
hardware configurations
he says, oh this always
has this problem, well I could argue
Windows 8 always has a problem with going
and dealing with Wi-Fi drivers, because at the start
it had an awful time with most Wi-Fi
drivers that I found
my brightness controls
actually don't work on Windows 8
the other thing is that Linux tends to improve that I found. Yeah, my brightness features actually don't work on Windows 8.
Just simple issues.
Linux tends to improve and then improve beyond Windows.
Like, I recall the days
when Wi-Fi was a problem on Linux
and it wasn't on Windows.
And like I just described earlier,
it's now gotten to the point
where Linux is better
with Wi-Fi than Windows.
Printers were another thing.
Do you think maybe that's...
It's terrible with printers. Now it's better. Do you think maybe that's – It's terrible with Princes.
Now it's better.
Do you think maybe that's because there's no big releases?
Like there's big – boom, Windows 8.
Boom, Windows 8.1.
Boom, Windows 9.
And so the public consciously says, okay, this is one better.
They've now improved stuff.
Whereas Linux, there's no like splash, major marketing push, new features in Linux, new hardware support.
It's awesome.
It's just this continual improvement that people don't rock.
I think the biggest advantage Linux has is the kernel is its own team or system D is its own team or Wayland and Xorg are their own teams.
So they can work on improving their stuff.
They can still communicate with each other and get those updates, but they can still work individually
so they
can still help standardize things.
It's too broad. There's too much general
knowledge being spread out among all the
different professions. For us, in Linux,
we have very special ambassadors
of their domain.
And they evolve at different rates, right?
It doesn't look like holistic improvement
where individual components are improving at different time rates.
And so it really takes a multi-year perspective
to see the whole picture of improvement.
And everything gets better as their own little team
in very specific and specialized ways.
The special release thing is covered by distros.
The release parties, you get those.
And I think like like, Fedora,
let's take Fedora, for example.
Fedora has, upon their release,
whenever they did their freeze,
that snapshot of the kernel,
that snapshot of,
let's say, Xorg and Wayland
and SystemD and all that stuff,
Organome, KDE.
Awesome. Look how far
the kernel has gone
in not a very long time.
We have competition between systems too.
We have different systems
actually trying to compete to win.
Unlike the Windows world,
which has one team
which will only have that team dedicated to it
and does not have any competition.
Right, and if there's no general market advantage
to improving a feature that's under the hood,
doesn't make a bullet point on the box,
there's really not a lot of political backing in the company to make it
better it's like the browser wars there's competition so they all get better collectively
thus all our subsystems get better collectively yeah everybody loves to give the mac a hand job
and talk about how great it is but this is a their file system is is literally a disgrace. It is. HFS Plus is the most disgraceful file system that is still shipping on a major operating system.
But Apple can't make a sexy bullet point on a keynote presentation about improving the file system.
So they continue to add new features like bounce scrolling and full screen operations and individual spaces or whatever.
But they don't fix their absolute train wreck of a file system.
And they don't have to because they know marketing.
That's where Linux fails.
But I'm glad it's adorable and grassroots.
Kind of.
They time capsule once because time capsule is EFS,
doesn't it?
it's no,
it's all HFS plus even the,
I believe even the iOS file system is HFS plus.
And I think it is.
And I agree that it's not a sexy feature that they can sell,
and that's why I'm thankful that the Linux system works.
We continue to get things like file systems worked on
even when it's not a sexy feature.
Thank goodness.
Yeah, things like people like Linus can focus on the core,
and people like Aaron Sago and Mark Shuttleworth
can focus on the pretty stuff.
Also, look how far the kernel itself has gone.
Even just a year and a half ago,, when 3.0 was out and everything, of how bad power management
was and overheating and everybody was complaining about that.
Two, three, four months, they fixed that.
And now it's focused on graphics.
Look how far Intel graphics has come.
And now they're working on Radeon graphics.
It's just getting better so fast.
It's actually kind of blowing my mind a little bit.
I know, yeah.
It is really awesome.
This post on Reddit, I don't know if you remember, Chris,
remember there was a blog post a couple of years back
where the guy, he reviewed Linux as a server operating system
and remember he said it was terrible
because he tried to install apps on Fedora or something.
That's what this post reminds me of all the stuff that
this guy's mentioning it's old it's completely like it's completely wrong and it's sort of like
he's googled a bunch of stuff and then read if he had people he would have made a post from and
none of it actually seems like he's experienced he kind of talks a little bit in there like well
i i have to keep up to date and I follow all this for my job.
And I don't know.
He doesn't say what his job is.
And that's kind of a vague explanation.
But yeah, it does.
Or yeah, like I run it in some VMs.
I mean, it sounds like a really loose association with.
And like he obviously has followed some of the issues.
And the only thing is, is like all of these things.
This guy just did a really good job.
And I got this whole thing.
We only read like 40 percent of it.
I got the whole thing linked in the show notes. This guy just did a really good job and i got this whole thing we only read like 40 of it i got the whole thing linked in the show notes uh this guy just did a really good job but
basically taking all the biggest ones you hear maybe one talking point is put into into a response
and this guy just kind of put them all together and i think as steam becomes as steam os starts
to sort of lure people away from windows a little bit you're going to to have – I mean, I think this is already starting to happen.
You have people looking into it.
You've got people that are deploying – we just talked about people that are deploying – it was Ubuntu at that high school because they didn't want to go to XP.
It's going to happen more and more.
And so I think this is just something maybe we'll just keep an eye on because I grabbed this article here that I think I found in somebody's LinkedIn or subred where it said, you can blame Linux FUD for Microsoft's dominance in schools. And in fact, there was this parent who went in
to talk to the staff and said, look, I don't, your class requirements say that I have to have
Microsoft Office at home for my student to go and enroll in this class. And he said, let me tell you
about LibreOffice. And she starts writing stuff down. And then when she realized he was talking about replacing Microsoft, she stops him and she says, you know, it might even be illegal for us to remove Microsoft Office or Windows from previously purchased computers due to the vendor agreement that the school district has signed with Microsoft.
But it bears repeating, and I'll go into some detail.
I don't think I've ever gotten into as much detail as I will today.
I worked for the school district of Arlington when I was a high school student.
And I remember being in their IT department, and we were deploying wireless links between the schools because we were paying tons and tons of money to have T1 direct connections between each school.
And Arlington is actually one of the larger school districts in our state.
And so this was costing the school district tens and tens of thousands of dollars.
And back then, T1s were just outrageously expensive. They were the fastest connection
you could get, and you paid for it. And so they decided, well, let's do this one-time investment.
They even took out a big loan to pay for it. Let's get these wireless point-to-point links. There's this new protocol called 802.11b, and it'll do two megabits,
and we'll link all of these schools up over this two megabit link.
Now, you've got a bunch of school district employees who are, in this case, his full-time
job was actually a teacher. He wasn't necessarily a network engineer. And this is TCP IP is even
still kind of new-ish. You know, NetBui, IPX, and AppleTalk were still the dominant protocols
on a network. So IP segmentation wasn't really something people knew really to think about.
And so they accidentally deployed across the entire school district one flat 255-255-00 LAN,
just this one massive LAN. And it was all interlinked by these two
megabit wireless connections that were spotty to begin with. And of course, the router,
so if you had a printer that was on a different IP network, the router was back at the school
district head office. And so to send a print job, every time a student printed, so you can imagine
at the end of class, when the three computer labs were all printing out their results,
all of this printer traffic would go down over the wireless network to the router and then send it back up the wireless network to the printer that was sitting right next to us all.
And it absolutely just destroyed the entire network and it made the computer systems unusable.
So we knew immediately that we needed to change this up and put routers in front of each wireless access point and create a local network where everything could talk on its own
local LAN, wouldn't have to go down to the school district office. I was pretty proud of myself for
figuring this out as a high school student. We got it all styled in and we said, okay, well,
NT is this thing, NT5, it wasn't called Windows 2000. NT5 is this thing that's in active development
and they have this proxy server on there. No, no, we're not going to use beta software.
Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
Well, there is a way to do it on NT4.
It's called Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 or something like that,
and it'll do some routing and it'll do some caching
because we also wanted web caching.
And then eventually, it's a school, we wanted to be able to apply filters.
So we put this NT4 box into production on a pretty decent machine,
and it immediately could not handle the traffic.
It was absolutely just not even an option. And again, we didn't necessarily want to go with
beta software. So somebody in one of the computer classes says, well, what about this Red Hat?
What about this? And we looked at it. Oh, that's interesting. But we didn't have the CDs. Well,
okay. Well, we could download this Debian and write it to these floppy disks. And it's like
this whole series of floppy disks. And so we download this Debian thing and we install it on the same computer that we had NT4 on previously.
We put it in there. We find this thing called Squid. We install Squid, right? This is all just
brand new to us. We set up a basic routing table because thankfully one of the teachers there
had experience on a BSD in the past and knew kind of how to do some of this stuff.
And we put that box in and it was a night and day
situation. Like the network came back, performance was back, printing happened instantly. It was
amazing. And we all just kind of sat back and went, wow, and that's free? We just did that for free?
Well, then pretty soon, because we were in a pilot program with Microsoft,
one of the parents who was working at Microsoft found out what we had done because the kid went
home from the computer class and told his dad.
Well, dad worked at Microsoft and dad wasn't very happy about that because the school district had an agreement with Microsoft.
The deal was the school district got free Microsoft training books, Microsoft Office and Windows licenses, and the students even got vouchers to turn in to get Microsoft certified engineer certificates.
vouchers to turn in to get Microsoft certified engineer certificates. So it was like this really sweetheart deal. And they were piloting this program at the school district because the parent
was the one leading it. And he used to be a former student at the school. And so when they came in,
they said, here's the deal. If you don't pull that Linux box out and put a Windows NT five box in its
place, we'll pull our entire program. And this is, I mean, to say it's a value of maybe $200,000 might be a low
ball because it's all of the licenses for all of the Windows boxes in the school district,
thousands and thousands of computers, all of the office licenses, the voucher program for students
to get certified as a Microsoft certified engineer for free. We're going to pull all of that and you
will owe us for these machines. You will have to cut us a check next year for all of these licenses. If you keep this one Linux box as your router, this is a one Linux box at one
school that we had up for a couple of days. Like we put it on a Friday and this is the conversation
we're having on a Tuesday. It was like that fast that it happened. And I, I was, I was so impressed
to see my teacher and the technology director of the school district.
You know, they met with the guy.
They thought about it for about a week, which I totally understand.
And at the end of that week, they said, we're not going to do it.
We're not going to pull this Linux box out.
You can take your funding.
And I was, and you know what?
The school district like had a major problem.
They had some levy funds that they were using to replace equipment.
They had to take those levy funds and essentially reappropriate them somehow to buy licenses.
I mean, it was this massive thing.
And eventually the computer programs died off because of it, because they just could not fund them anymore.
And now they have like one computer program when they used to have three full-time computer labs with three all-day-long computer classes going.
tabs with three, like, all day long computer classes going. And so I watched sort of how this,
first it was, the first approach, the first wave was like, well, look, Linux isn't going to run for a long time. And, you know, we're really working on some great stuff. You're going to
want to have some filtering. At first it was, their first pass, when they first found out about
it, was an email that was sort of, well, here's all the reasons why Linux isn't going to work
for you guys. You don't want to use this. And when we rejected those, they immediately escalated to, we're going to pull everything. That's unbelievable.
Not surprising. I've heard similar stories, not to that severity, but I've heard that that's,
back in those days especially, they could get away with stuff like that. They knew that in
order to maintain their top of the mountain, and indoctrination early was important.
This might have been even before. I don't get how that does not violate antitrust.
Well, I was just going to say this might have been even before the whole antitrust thing happened.
It probably was.
Because Internet Explorer was brand, brand new.
It was like version 4.
It was like Internet Explorer was not bundled with the operating system at this time.
And antitrust laws are adorable if anyone thinks they're really adhered to.
I mean it's all about which lobbyist worked with whomever.
In the US, it's crap.
This Linux FUD goes all the way back to then because that was their first pass.
That was pass number one was we'll throw some bull crap at you about this – like they even took issue with the proxy software we use.
It's called Squid.
Are you kidding me?
Like everything.
They tried everything.
Well, in fairness, Squid is the universal symbol for evil people.
You know, like supervillains.
They always have a Squid thing going on.
That's true.
Good point.
Yeah, that is true.
And maybe they are.
Maybe the Squid Project is taking the long burn approach to their evil plans.
projects is taking the long burn approach to their evil plans.
Anyways, I got a link in the show notes that talks about
Blame the Linux FUD for
Microsoft's dominance in schools if you guys
want to read more about that. Now,
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So there you go. Alright, Matt, well
we got a how-to coming up on this week's episode
of the Linux Action Show.
Yeah, and I got some security stuff in the works, too,
who we'll be talking about very soon.
And then we also have that little guy distro review we'll be doing.
So we got a lot of stuff coming up.
Good stuff.
All right, everybody.
Well, thank you so much for tuning this week's episode of Linux Unplugged.
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And we hope to see you right back here next week.