Living The Red Life - Falling Forward: The Key to Long-Term Success
Episode Date: February 23, 2023Are you ready to master failure? It sounds like a contradiction if you are hellbent on success. But it’s just a paradox, as the Man in Red Rudy Mawer so eloquently explains in this red hot, super in...spirational episode of Living The Red Life. Of course you are going to fail — probably more times than you will succeed in business, especially when you are just starting out. But it’s HOW you adapt to that failure, the failure mindset you adopt, that will determine your success. Success lies on just the other side of your failure, and you need to see things from a wider perspective and put what you are going through right now into context.Is your health still okay? Did anyone die? No? Great! Imagine how you’ll be laughing at the staff or legal issues you’re having now in a few years’ time — when you’re going through the same stuff, most probably still — but now you have a resilient failure mindset that allows you to cope with setbacks and see them as obstacles to overcome on your journey to success. You’ve taken the red pill. You’re all in with Rudy now. He’s opening up and sharing the setbacks that have made him a stronger businessman for it. Download, share, like, and review — do what you have to do to get on board the red life jet ski (Rudy has two!), luxury yacht, or ship of success that is YOUR destiny. “If you push through what you’re going through today, I guarantee you that in five or ten years, you’ll have this problem every single day — and you’ll laugh about it.” ~ Rudy MawerThe first 1000 to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE! - In This Episode:- Dealing with business failures in the right way to set yourself up for long-term success- Pushing through with the right mindset — why context is key- What situations did you have in the last few years that you laugh about now? - Using failure as a training rep — the similarities between muscle growth and business- Shouldering responsibility — why building a dream isn’t easy- Having a better relationship with the wins and losses of life to become a better person all roundAnd more!Connect with Rudy Mawer:LinkedInInstagramFacebookTwitter
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My name's Rudy Moore, host of Living the Red Life podcast,
and I'm here to change the way you see your life
in your earpiece every single week.
If you're ready to start living the red life,
ditch the blue pill, take the red pill,
join me in Wonderland, and change your life.
Guys, welcome back to another episode
of Living the Red Life.
Great that you're here, and I'm excited to dive in today.
Today, I've got a personal episode,
and I'm gonna talk to you about the failures of business
and how to push through success curves and failure curves in business.
Now, what you don't realize in business, right, is there's a lot of ups and downs.
It's very similar. I use pro sport analogies all the time.
And I think pro sport and business is very, very similar.
And the biggest thing that you'll find in your success of business is actually working through
the failures and accommodating around the business and the failures because that will dictate success
most people see success as like oh i need this new funnel this new product this new website this new
launch and of course you need the wins right but warren buffett says it pretty well and he says
something like you're gonna have a lot of failures, right? And a lot of losses, right? With the stock market. And what you've
really got to do is make sure all your losses and failures are small. And then you have a few big
wins along the way. Now, what you'll realize is you'll never get to those big wins along the way
if you don't handle the failures and the problems and the barriers. And the reason I wanted to shoot
this episode today, I was having a good conversation
with some friends of mine. They run B Shred, done $750 million in revenue. We were talking offline,
you know, we were hanging out at a bar chatting about, you know, sharp talking business. And we
were all chatting and joking about how, you know, we've been able to handle our failures along the way and how a problem or a barrier or
an issue seven, eight, nine, 10 years ago, we thought it was the end of the world. The world
was ending. We were going to, you know, our businesses were going to shut down. And now we
get those problems every week and we don't even handle them. Someone on our team does, or we go,
whatever. Right. And I wanted to share this because I want you to take away from today
that exact point, right?
The exact point that everything
you're maybe going through right now in life, right?
A failure in business, a failure in life,
something's not going as successful as you want,
you've got a problem,
how it seems today, right?
It seems like it's the end of the world.
You're never gonna get through it. The business is gonna to shut down or you're going to have to go get a job again,
or you're going to have to forget about your idea. I want you to understand and realize,
and I can truly say this from experience, and so can lots of people that have built, you know,
50, 100, 200, $500 million companies, because they've got that experience, that the failure
and problems you have today are going to seem so small in five or 10 years if you just continue and progress through
it. Okay. Now the problem is if you don't, that'll be the end of your journey. That'll be the end of
your story, right? And that'll be the thing that you'll tell people in five years for why you're
not where you want to be in life, for why you have that job you don't love or that business that
never really took off. That's only going to be your reality is if you don't push through what
you're going through today. If you push through what you're going through today, I guarantee you
in five or 10 years, you'll be having this problem every single day and you'll laugh about it. Okay.
And it's only because of the context of your current situation in life that it seems so big.
And what I want you to ask yourself, and I use this kind of tip a lot with my mindset, whenever I think I have a big business problem or something I don't want to tackle or something I don't want to do, I go, how would Elon Musk handle this?
Like, would this phase him? Would he be up at night thinking about it? And then I like remind myself like Elon Musk, you know, or Jeff Bezos or one of the big
billionaires, right?
Like, you know, we might have a bad month and lose $200,000.
And he probably loses that in like an hour of a day at Twitter when he takes over it
and the stocks plummet and there's a bunch of problems, right?
And then it's like, you know, he might, you know,
we might be talking about closing departments or firing people.
And, you know, these big billion dollar brands are laying off 5, 10, 20% of their workforce.
And if they have, say, 10,000 employees, that's maybe 1,000 people, right?
So you've got to look again, oh, 1,000 people.
And we're worried about firing this one
person that in our guts we know needs to go, but we feel bad about doing it, right? So like, try and
always look at where you're at on the problem versus how big it is really on the grand scale,
right? And I've used this a lot throughout my life. I'm like, hey, as long as I'm not like,
you know, me or a family member isn't super sick or like going to jail or anything crazy like that, then really this problem isn't that bad,
okay? And I've been through my fair share of legal stuff, like I've not done anything illegal or
anything crazy, but just part of business, right? Legal conflicts, staff members, stuff like that.
I've been through a decent amount of that, you know, and all the general business stuff that would freak most people out.
And at the time they freaked me out. Right. But again, my mindset and the ability to push through it got me to where I am today.
And now when it happens the second time we had a big, you know, legal thing a year ago, which I can't go into.
But again, it wasn't my fault. It's just part of business. We had a conflict there, right? And
for about two weeks, it absorbed me, it became a big thing. And then in the end, it was like,
not even that bad. It was like actually super small. But for two weeks, it absorbed me and I
lost sleep over it. And I was freaked out. And I had to call all my attorneys and work through it.
And we have a similar problem, right? A year later.
And it was so, it was actually like an enjoyable problem because I looked back a year past
and I didn't even think about it. I laughed about it and go, we'll, we'll sort it out because I had
already been through it. Right. And like from going from a year ago, two weeks losing sleep
and stressing me out to like laughing about it and saying, okay, good luck, you know, because I'd been through it and figured it out was really good
for me from my own personal development and my own growth as a CEO. So I want you to think about
this for you now, right? Like what situations did you have in the last two or three years
that if they happen now, you would laugh about them, right? Like, and I spoke to one of my
mastermind members the other week, they were like freaked out,
super upset, annoyed,
because one of the freelancers they hired on Upwork
had overbilled them by like $1,000.
And I'm like, oh, I wish I had those types of problems, right?
But seven, eight, nine years ago,
that would have upset me and disturbed me
for a couple of weeks, right?
And I said, you know, look,
that's a small problem in business. In reality, it's okay, Work for it. Move on. Don't let it absorb your energy.
And I, you know, coached her through that. But at the time, it was like, oh my god, I don't ever
want to hire anyone again. I got scammed. My first person I hired took advantage of me, blah, blah.
And I'm like, hey, what can you learn, right? You've got to, you know, review hours now. You've
got to get weekly reports from people. You've got to, you know, review hours now. You've got to get weekly reports from people.
You've got to, you know, look at their screen recordings,
which is on Upwork, it records what they're doing, right?
And logs their tasks.
So there's a lot of things you can learn here
and that you can put in place.
And then when it happens in a year's time, right?
Well, A, you'll probably catch it sooner
and you'll laugh about it because it's whatever, right?
So I want you to think back,
like what have you had in life and business and around money where it was a big problem at the
time, now it's small, because I want you to remember whatever you're going through right
now, which is a problem and seems scary and seems hard and seems crazy. In 10 years, you'll look
back if you even remember it, which you most likely won't, but you'll look back and laugh
about it, right? And it's a really good exercise to remember that is your future and that is how life works and
that is what experience is. And that'll help you get through it right now because we all have
problems, right? Like me, you, and again, when I was speaking to my friends that, you know,
built this company that's done 750 million in revenue. And I've been friends
with them for many years. We've watched each other grow. We were joking about all these things that
seem small. And they, you know, they told me about a lawsuit they got. And they rang one of their
mentors that had built a billion dollar company. And he laughed about it. He said, I get letters
like that every day. I, you know, I rip it up and burn it. Right. And it's a joke. And again, it's like that context.
Right. But reminding yourself of that, because you might not all have the billionaire mentors
like maybe I do or these guys do. So how can you look at look at that and help yourself realize,
hey, it's going to be OK. And one of the best tips to handle failures is having that
right mindset, because what will happen if you don't is you'll go into this vicious spiral and
go downwards, right? And it'll take a week, two weeks or a month of your life where you're only
focused on that and you're not focused on what matters in business, growing the revenue, growing
the company, making the good hires, keeping the staff happy, all new initiatives, new projects, new networking,
new events, right? All the things you need to really be doing to grow the company, you're going
to get so obsessed with this small thing that in a year or five years you'll laugh about, but at the
time it's going to absorb you and that's when your business can become riskier because you're now not
focused on what got the business here already, what made the business great and got you to where you are today. So try and move through it quick, hire mentors,
ring people, ring friends, you don't have to pay them and talk it out, right? And ideally,
it's someone that's been through issues like this. So you can hear them laugh and go, don't worry,
you know, this is a normal thing. I've been through it 200 times. It's not a problem. It just seems a problem to you because it's really big, right?
And a good way to also remember this is imagine when you're a child, right?
You fell out with a friend, your first girlfriend or boyfriend you broke up with.
You fell over and cut your knee.
You thought you were going to die, right?
Like there's all these situations in childhood where at the time you lose uh you
know a ten dollar no or a you know ten pound no depending where you're listening from right all
these situations where at the time um you think it's the end of the world right you mean it's the
worst thing ever and then as you get more seasoned in business you know you get more problems your
problems are bigger but you become more seasoned and experienced and
have maybe more money, network and infrastructure to handle them. So realizing this is like part of
the game and you've got to understand and have the right mindset that this like this isn't a problem
and don't be a victim about it. Most people become victims when they have problems like no, this is
like a training rep for you to get to that next level, right? And I
truly believe this, like, if you work out, you know, when you say you're doing bicep curls,
right, or squats, you know, when it starts to burn, right, that's the part in exercise that's,
you know, technically the most important, it's going towards what's called failure,
which is when you get the best adaptations from a muscular standpoint, right? And, you know, I used to be a sports scientist,
and there were studies that if you, you know,
if you didn't train towards that boundary zone,
your adaptations and growth wouldn't be good, right?
They wouldn't be as good because the body needs to get pressured to grow.
That's literally the basics of muscle growth,
is you have to, like, break it down a little, you know,
create micro tears in the muscle,
and then the body is an evolutionary machine goes, huh, I need to get stronger and bigger and better.
So this doesn't happen again, because I'm built to survive. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second.
Before we go into the rest of this episode, I'm going to interrupt abruptly and just ask you one
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i appreciate you guys and let's dive back in and that's literally what muscle growth is over a two
year period it's doing that four times a week and eating your protein and calories, right?
And I got a six-year degree
and did 10 years to figure that out.
But what you gotta understand
is business is the same thing, right?
So these failures you're going through,
if you stop because of them or let them affect you,
it's like stopping halfway through a set of bicep curls.
If you're supposed to do 10 reps
and the last four reps suck and you wanna give up,
so you stop at the fifth or sixth rep,
well, you're not gonna go through
that most important part, right?
Those last three or four reps
that are gonna make you grow.
And it's the same in failures in business.
If you stop every time you hit that wall,
then you're actually never gonna go through
that most important part
that's gonna get you out to that next level, right? So what I want to encourage you today, right, is the mindset around
it and then the mindset shift that this is happening for me because I need this to go to
the next level, right? So I went from, you know, 30, 40 staff, mostly remote contractors to over
100 staff and mostly employees and in the office. And I had new challenges
there that I've never had. And a lot of them, right? And they may, you know, but to me, I always
saw it as like, hey, these are they suck at the time, but they're good problems to have because
my goal is a thousand employees and to be a billionaire or maybe more than a thousand.
So I'm like, well, to get to that thousand, I can't expect to look
like the bodybuilder, right? And look like the men's health cover model, which is the thousand
employees and billionaire for me, if I'm not willing to go through those reps that suck,
right? I'm not willing to go through these employee issues that are a bunch of BS that
I don't want to have to deal with that, you know, just distract me, but I know it's part of that
game. And I know if I pursue through it and keep pushing through it and deal with the pain you know, just distracting me, but I know it's part of that game. And I know if I
pursue through it and keep pushing through it and deal with the pain of today, the outcome of
tomorrow is going to get me in a place in my life where I want to be, right? Just like if you push
through the bicep curls and you go to the gym when it's raining and you feel run down and you're
tired and you're busy, you're going to get the cover model body that you really want after a
couple of years. But you've got to do it every day and you've got to see that pain as that permission
slip to go to that next phase in your life, okay? And if you can build this mindset that I'm talking
about today, the mindset of failure that's made me so successful, you're going to grow much faster,
you're going to have, it's going to be much harder for anyone to stop you.
Your risk of failure is going to go way down because you can actually handle situations that would normally lead to failure for most people, right?
And it's one of my superpowers is my mindset that I have.
And I'm not perfect.
Like I said, the situations where for two weeks I'm distracted, I'm freaked out by it.
But I also know I have to keep the rest of the business going
because that's my job
and I have to deal with it and work through it.
And most of the time,
99% of my staff and team and even family
don't even know that it exists
because I don't share it.
And that's a personal choice.
I'm not saying that's right or wrong.
I personally don't
because what happens when I share it
is it leads to discussions
and it leads to how you do it
and what about this? And I'm like, hey, I is it leads to discussions and it leads to how you do it and what about this?
And I'm like, hey, I don't want to think about it.
I can compartmentalize it into a side of my brain so I can focus on what really matters within my business or maybe within my family or within a new marketing initiative, right?
So that's how you handle failure.
That's how you work through it.
And that's the mindset of champions and millionaires that will push you through failure. Okay. You don't get taught this in school.
You don't get taught this in business class. You probably don't get taught this in a mindset
business course either, but it's one of the biggest things because you're going to fail
10 times, right? To find the one or two winners that maybe go on and make you a million dollars.
Right. And we've built, here's an example of this,
we've built thousands and thousands of websites in my life, thousands, okay, through my agency
and for my own products, courses, businesses, and we're one of the best in the world, okay?
We build world-class websites, but out of every 10 websites we do for ourselves or landing pages,
or in my world, we call them funnels, right, Where we sell a single product. Out of 10, we build probably about seven fail and three win, okay? So I'm one of the best
in the world, and I'm friends with all the other best copywriters and stuff, and we all generally
agree five to seven will fail, and three or four, maybe five, if we're lucky, will win, okay? And
when I say win, I mean go on and make six or seven figures, right? 100 grand, 500 grand, maybe five, if we're lucky, we'll win, okay? And when I say win, I mean, go on and make six or seven figures, right?
100 grand, 500 grand, a million, 2 million, right?
That's a win to me.
Not saying that's a win to you, but that's what I classify as.
So the question is, is are you willing to put in the work
and go through the failure of building 10 businesses and products and websites,
knowing that only two or three will work?
Because statistically,
especially if you're new and not as good as me and my team, maybe you're going to build 10 and get
one working. Maybe you're going to build 20 to find that one winner. But are you willing to put
in the work to build the 10 or 20 that's needed for success to find the million dollar thing,
right? And that's the question you've got to ask yourself if you're willing to fail nine times out
of 10 to become a millionaire.
Most people aren't right. They dwell on it. They build one or two. They quit.
They say it doesn't work, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they go back and get a nine to five job. Right.
And a point of living the red life is building your dream life.
But building anything that's a dream in life is an. By definition, becoming a pro basketball player,
a pro football player,
becoming on the cover of Men's Health, right?
Becoming a movie star, an actor, a musician, right?
The reason they are successful
is they've kept going when everyone else has failed.
Plus, obviously, they have some natural ability.
So if you know failure to be a part of it,
how do you turn your mindset around like I have and master it so it
doesn't become a problem anymore? If you can master the mindset of failure, then the mastering the
mindset of success is already given, right? And that's what I want to encourage you guys to do
today is master the mindset behind failure because success lies right behind it, okay?
Right through failure equals success, but you've got to learn to master this
to get the reward on the other side of it, okay?
And if you master success and failure together,
you're going to grow way faster,
you're going to have a better mindset, a better life,
a better relationship with money,
a better relationship with the wins and losses of life,
whether they come at you from a family side,
a money side, a personal side, a friendship side,
a health side, mastering failure and the mindset behind it is going to make you a better human
being, a better CEO, a better family man or woman, okay? And a better support network to all of your
peers, friends, family, okay? I hope you enjoyed the episode. I hope you're going to keep working
to live the red life and understanding failure is a part of that so you can build that dream life and build that red life with us together.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode.
Please give it a review below if you have chance.
That's what keeps these going and gets me the amazing guests on to share all that knowledge with you as well.
And I'm super excited to share this unique episode today.
Keep mastering the mindset of failure to become successful.
Until next time,
I'll see you soon. Take care.