Living The Red Life - Is Money Good?
Episode Date: January 26, 2023Is money good? That’s the question our man in red, Rudy Mawer, is asking and answering today on Living The Red Life. Rudy is preaching from the pulpit that is his personal cash pile, using sound log...ic and reasoning to explain how money can create freedom for YOU. With 30% of marriages ending in divorce because of financial stress, wouldn’t life be simpler if you had the means to ease that stress? What are the emotional triggers holding you back and preventing you from really cashing in on a future that is well-paid and financially secure? It all starts with severing the preconceived ideas we have around money being used for bad, and just seeing it as a tool. A tool that can collapse time, pay our bills, see us flying in first class, creating greatness, and adding value to the world. How we look at money defines how we engage with it. And how we engage with it defines our life. This is Living The Red Life. And it’s the gospel truth when it comes to sharpening YOUR laser focus on the things you can do to earn that financial freedom. Check it out now, and thank Rudy later. “Money provides freedom, right? It’s a super important part of freedom. Money also provides speed, and it helps you collapse time.” - Rudy MawerThe first 1000 to click here and send the promo code from the podcast can claim one of my courses for FREE! In This Episode:- Stat: 30% of marriages end because of money- How money can help you collapse time- What can money give YOU? - How to detach from your emotional triggers around money- What is your money-making vehicle?- Knowing WHEN to pivot and change vehicles- Seeing money as a tool for your freedom- Using money to create greatness.Connect with Rudy Mawer:LinkedInInstagramFacebookTwitter
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money gives you time. Whether it's getting somewhere faster, whether it's achieving a
goal quicker, whether it's hiring a mentor to coach you through something at a faster rate,
whether it's buying you more access to achieve your goal, right, in business or in a sport,
or if you want to meet a celebrity, whatever it is, right, it's going to provide that collapsing
of time, which is your most precious asset. My name's Rudy Moore, host of Living the Red Life podcast, and I'm here to change the way
you see your life in your earpiece every single week.
If you're ready to start living the red life, ditch the blue pill, take the red pill, join
me in Wonderland and change your life.
What's up?
Welcome back to another episode of Living the Red Life with Rudy Moore.
Today, I'm going to talk to you about the power of money and is money good, is money evil, and how to leverage money to make your life
and your family's life better. Now, let's begin. Before we start, let's talk about is money good
or bad. A lot of people say money's bad. You've got the whole eat the rich and you have this kind
of attack towards capitalism and attack towards money.
Now, what you need to understand, there's a few things going on here.
Everything and the way I teach it is you've got to understand anything can be good and bad, right?
So my background is in sports science and fitness and many people don't know you can actually die from drinking too much water.
If you drink about 8 to 10 liters of water, which is about, you know,
three big gallons, you can actually die. So that's like saying, well, water is now bad.
We shouldn't ever drink water again. Right. You can also die. I talk a lot about money is to me
like energy. It's like power. Right. So you have power in your house to fuel your fridge,
your electrics, everything. Right. So imagine if you didn't have that. It's like saying, well,
we shouldn't have electricity anymore because if a toddler sticks his fingers in it,
he could die. So electricity is bad, right? So there's many things in life that can be good and
bad, right? There's a big argument about guns, right? Good or bad, right? In some cases, they
could save your life. In other cases, they can take your life, right? So like all of these things, it's dependent on context and the usage, right? So it's a very stupid comment to say money
is bad because it's like saying water is bad or electricity is bad, right? And just like guns,
there's two sides to an argument with everything, right? So any bold kind of one singular frame of
focus and saying is generally wrong because you're not looking at it from a big picture view.
And generally what that means is people's own opinions and emotion is giving that statement versus something that's well thought out and unbiased.
Most of the time it's a biased comment.
Now, I think money is great and I think money can be great. And of course, I do understand that, you know, some people can use money for bad. Right. But obviously, in the context of what we're discussing here, it's like dieting. Right. If we say, hey, you should go on a diet and live a healthier lifestyle. That's good. But you people can get anorexia and people can die from it, right? And people can commit suicide
because of body image dysmorphia. So again, it's not that diets are bad, it's about correct usage
within a sensible realm of reason. So within a sensible realm of reason, I assume you're
listening to this today because you're sensible and have logic, right? And you're not biased,
okay? If that's the case, then money is good, right? And money can improve your
life in ways you can't imagine. If you've never had a lot of money, then it's harder to visualize,
right? It's just like why it's harder to visualize if you've never been super healthy, right? Or it's
harder to visualize what it feels like to fly on a private jet, or it's harder to visualize what
it's like to live in America if you don't live in America, right? So you've got to understand that you might not have seen how it can leverage and benefit your
life. If you're listening to this day and you think money is bad, it's probably because you
have a biased way of looking at it, right? Or you've been brainwashed by the media or certain
people in the media, right? So money can change your life. Money is good if used correctly,
like most things, right? And money is going to give you more freedom. And if you look at,
you know, just looking at like relationships, right? Marriage, okay? It's about 30% or a third
of marriages and breakups and divorces end because of money, okay? So if you look at that factually,
a third of relationships or marriages actually end
because of money problems. So it's very hard to say, well, money isn't important, right? Because
you've literally got, you know, marriages, like a third of all marriages are getting, you know,
causing problems because of money problems. Now that third of divorces doesn't account for the
other 66% of marriages that probably have problems
because of money, right? So they don't get to the extreme level of a divorce maybe,
but there's problems still because of money. So having money, A, removes all the financial stress
of not having money, which is one of the biggest benefits and one of the biggest causes of divorce
and one of the biggest things that will make you unhappy in life,
not having enough money, okay?
It'll cause you stress.
It'll cause you worry.
It'll limit your life.
It will reduce your freedom.
And it's very hard to argue freedom doesn't equal happiness.
If you go and ask someone that spent 20 years in jail,
I think they will all tell you freedom is a key part of happiness.
It's built into our DNA to be free.
Money provides freedom.
It's a super important part of freedom.
Money also provides speed and it helps you collapse time.
If you look at anyone that's successful in life, they will all tell you time is one of your most precious assets.
It's a very famous saying.
And they will all look back when they're 60, 70 years old and what will they want more than anything?
Time, right?
Money gives you time.
Whether it's getting somewhere faster, whether it's achieving a goal quicker, whether it's hiring a mentor to coach you through something at a faster rate, whether it's buying you more
access to achieve your goal, right, in business or in a sport, or if you want to meet a celebrity,
whatever it is, right, it's going to provide that collapsing of time, which is your most precious
asset. Money also can provide better health, okay? Like, think about it this way. If you have more
money, you can do what?
Hire a personal trainer. You have less stress, right? Because you're not financially worried
all the time. You can buy better food. You can buy supplements. You could buy private chef or
pre-built meals, right? So you can provide a better bed, better mattress, better night's sleep.
You can provide better healthcare,. Okay. So there's lots
of reasons that money is important. Okay. So I've talked big picture, right? I know a lot of that
might seem common sense to a lot of people, but as the saying goes, sadly, common sense isn't so
common these days, right? So you got to realize firstly, detach from any emotional stigma you have
around money. If you're listening to this and you're triggered right now, you've got to attach
from any emotional trigger, right? Because if you ever want to make money and have
freedom in your life and create a good business, it will be impossible while you still have that
emotional bias towards money being a problem or money being bad, okay? Next, you've got to realize
every single one of you listening to this today or watching this today can achieve
great amount, large amounts of money, large amounts of financial freedom. Every single one of you.
And a lot of you have this limiting belief that you can't because of where you were born,
what you look like, what you're doing right now, where you failed in the past. You've created your
own limiting beliefs in your head,
and that's probably at least 50% of the battle that's stopping you earning more money in your
life. So if you believe money is good, if not, you're working through that. Second thing is
understanding that every single one of you can create massive amounts of money. Money is everywhere.
There's trillions of dollars, trillions. Money's everywhere.
It's so easy to create. There's millions of ways to create wealth these days. There's millions of side hustles, businesses, even high paying jobs. There's a lot of opportunity. The biggest thing
stopping you is your own limiting beliefs. And you have to work through that. That is phase two.
Phase three is building the vehicle to generate massive amount
of money and wealth. So that could be a business, it could be side hustles, it could be investments,
it could be real estate, it could be figuring out how to get in a commission-based job if you work
in a nine-to-five and you don't want to start your own business. It could figure out how to get
promotion after promotion after promotion to earn more and more and more. There's so many ways to earn money. You've got to just figure out what is my vehicle. Problem with a lot of you is
you don't have a vehicle, or if you do, you jump between vehicles. So it's like you're trying to
drive from destination A to destination B, 20 miles away. But every time you start, what you
do is you get in a car for a mile, then you park it, get out and go, I want to change my car.
And you walk back to the start, find a new car, rest for a little bit.
And then you then you pick a new car and the car is broken down.
So now you have to go get it fixed and work on it.
And then you go, you know, then you start driving again and then you go to McDonald's
and then you like get out of McDonald's.
I'm going to go have a sleep.
And then you wake up and you're like, actually, I'm going to get another car now. And then you start all over again. So it's kind of
like Monopoly, but you go bankrupt every time you get near go, right? Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second.
Before we go into the rest of this episode, I'm going to interrupt abruptly and just ask you one
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So let's get back into the episode.
I appreciate you guys and let's dive back in.
So a lot of you,
when you're trying to build wealth and build money
and you've decided on the vehicle, right?
You actually got to obviously pick the right vehicle to start
and that's where coaches and mentors and doing your research comes in. But after that,
you've got to just stick with the vehicle for long enough to at least get to the first destination.
You might not have to drive that vehicle for the rest of your life, but you need to drive it to
get to the first hundred K or maybe the first half a million or the first million, right?
And don't get me wrong. I've changed vehicles a lot.
I started in real estate and then fitness.
I built a multi-million dollar fitness company.
Then I built a couple more fitness companies,
million dollar fitness companies
with business partners and celebs.
And then I went into an agency,
built a multi-million dollar advertising agency.
And then I went with, partnered know, partnered with Tai Lopez.
We built an agency.
Then we did the US brands.
Now I have multiple businesses,
about eight companies,
many, you know, seven, eight figure companies, right?
And over a hundred employees.
But what you'll see is,
yes, I've changed vehicles
and there's nothing wrong with that.
But they all, I got at least all of them to a destination,
which in this case was seven figures, i. dollars or more. Right. Which I think is a long enough at least life cycle
to get an ROI from it, get good experience from it and then make a pivot if it's not the right
thing for you and it doesn't match your vision. Right. Or COVID happens or something changed in
the economy and you have to pivot. We've talked about three things. Right. It's about my you know,
how you see money, good and evil. Right. And until you see money as a tool and it's like just energy,
right? That can be good or bad. And, you know, most of you will say, yeah, I want electricity
in my house, right? I want a fridge and a freezer to store my food. I want to be able to then cook
my food. I then want to light up my house and I want, you know, I want to watch TV and I want
Wi-Fi, right? So most of you see that and that's how you got to see money. house and I want, you know, I want to watch TV and I want Wi-Fi, right? So
unless you see that and that's how you got to see money. Once you see money is like, hey, I really,
really need it and I really have to focus on it. It's like if your electric bill wasn't paid and
then it went out tonight, what would you do? Would you like sit there for a couple of years thinking
about it? Would you sit there for a month thinking about it? Would you
even sit there for a week going, yeah, I really need to earn some more electricity? No, right?
Well, you take action right away. So you've got to take action right away is what I'm trying to say
here. You wouldn't sit in a house with no electricity. If the electricity went out because
your card bounced, you'd ring them up right away. Hey, my electricity's out. They're like, yeah,
you didn't pay your bill and we've been sending you mail that no one opens, right? And you go,
oh, well, can you run my credit card? And they go, yeah, sure. Okay. And then electricity's back on.
That's how you got to see money, right? And most of you are sat in the dark, right? You sat in the
dark for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, three years of your life, five years of your life, 10 years
of your life. You're not took the red pill yet. You sat in the dark, worried or contemplating or planning or saying one day,
you wouldn't do that with electricity, but you're doing it with money and you're doing it with your
life, right? Because we just talked about money equals freedom. Money equals access. Money equals
better health. Money equals less stress. Money equals more more opportunity money equals a better lifestyle
and ultimately equals more time right you can I have like three or four people that help collapse
my time I have multiple assistants and assistant in my house I haven't filled up my gas in my car
for two years I haven't paid a bill for two years haven't checked email for a year and a half I
haven't opened mail for two years I've made myself a drink in my office for a year and a half. I haven't opened mail for two years. I've
made myself a drink in my office for a year because leaving my desk and, you know, it might
only be a minute, but that minute turns into me having a conversation with a couple of staff,
sitting back down, getting on my phone, and it equals 20 minutes of lost time, right? And that
last example, yes, I guess more extreme. But the point is, is there are ways that money can collapse time,
right? Unless you get a lot of fulfillment out of filling up your car with gas, if you do,
great for you, go do that, right? If you get a lot of fulfillment sitting in economy, right,
waiting for an hour, like stood up trying to get on, right? That's an hour of your life gone,
you're not productive there. Then you sit there and you're like all cramped and you feel like shit and it's all crappy and it's horrible. And you're
like this and all you do is complain. Now you're in a negative energy state, right? And then if
you've got a business, you're trying to work where you like flip your laptop open and the top of it's
up here and you're typing like this, right? And then people are getting up and down and blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, right? That's money. That's a money thing, right? Whereas I'm sat in first class, I get on right away, I sit down, I get a nice
drink, I got nice space, I get my laptop out, I've done 45 minutes, hour of work before you've even
take before while you're still lining up to get on the plane, right? So it's like, why am I ahead
in life and business? Because I think that way and I create the time collapse
and opportunity to stay further ahead than most people,
especially at the age of 31.
Very few people I know in the world that are at my level, right?
Because I'm always looking at how do I collapse that time
and create that opportunity.
So you got to think for me, like I spent crazy money on everything
because I'm like, it's an energy source.
I'm not going to pull in a bunch of energy in my house, but then not turn my lights on and keep my fridge running and just store it.
I'm just going to put it in the little energy storage area, whatever you call that, right?
You know, on the grid, and I'm not going to actually use it in my house. No, I'm going to
use it all day, every day. I don't want to sat there. I want to use it. You got to use money
to create greatness. You got to use money to create greatness. You got to use money to create freedom. You got to use
money to take your family on a private jet to somewhere cool and create an experience that's
once in a lifetime or stay in a nice hotel or not get there and then land in Mexico and you're trying
to bother with a taxi driver and figure out where the taxi is and you got eight different people
shouting at you to get in their taxi and you don't know which one's going to kidnap you and which one's going to take you to your hotel.
You got a guy with a sign that has a nice SUV with air conditioning and alcohol waiting for you and a cocktail that you walk straight out.
You feel secure, safe, excited.
And you go straight to your hotel.
And then you get to your hotel.
And because you got money, you got a five star resort where they take your bags
off, you check you straight in, you're not waiting for 45 minutes in this crappy three star buffet
where you get in the room and the bed isn't made properly and they got the beds messed up
and then the ACs broke. That's the difference of money. That's the difference between normal
and having a lot of money and living an amazing life. And every single one of you listening today can do the amazing part,
can all have the amazing part.
You can live the red life and create that for yourself.
But it starts with a decision.
It starts with a decision today to start thinking that way,
acting that way, and wanting it.
Most of you don't want it.
You're sat in the dark right now still, complaining about your life.
You're sat in the dark hoping the lights will turn on.
No, the lights are going to turn on when you fuel up the electric and you walk over and flip the switch.
That's it. That's all it takes.
And that's money.
And that's why money is good.
And that's why you need to focus.
And you need to know you've got to take control, earn as much money as you can to make your life better,
to make an impact, to grow your business, to support your family, to take control, earn as much money as you can to make your life better, to make an impact, to grow your business,
to support your family, to create freedom,
to collapse time, and to finish this life one day
looking back without regret.
Because you did everything you ever wanted to do
and you enjoyed every single minute
because you had the freedom and money to do so.
And that's what money will do for you
if you're a good person and you utilize it the right way
and that's why money is good.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode.
I hope you're ready to flip on the light switch,
take the red pill
and build the life of your dreams.
Thanks for listening.
Now let's all go and earn a shit ton of money.
Take care. Ladies and gentlemen.