Lore - A Happy Update
Episode Date: March 18, 2025A special announcement for a special day. Thank you to everyone who has constantly, generously, and joyfully supported this show over the years. Here’s to many more! ——————————...—— ©2025 Aaron Mahnke. All rights reserved.
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Hey folks, Aaron here.
I don't normally drop content on a non-release day, but today's special.
And to explain why, I want to tell you a quick story.
Which after all is sort of what I do, right?
Way back in another era, I was a graphic designer.
I ran my own business and I made logos and marketing material for a bunch of companies.
And in my spare time and evenings, I was writing novels and self-publishing them.
You could think of them as supernatural thrillers with a touch of folklore.
And my favorite thing to do was to find local folklore.
For me that means here in New England, and then weave some of those stories into my books.
I loved writing fiction, but I also discovered that I really loved finding cool true stories
or moments in history when folk traditions and beliefs sort of broke through into the real world and had an impact
on real lives.
Honestly, there's nothing like stumbling upon some event or person from the past and
then basking in the weird and dark material around their story.
And it got me thinking.
You see, even back then, it was really hard to sell self-published novels.
So I hatched this plan where I would give away something really entertaining in order to get
folks to sign up for my email list for future books. And what I decided to do was write up a
few essays about my favorite New England stories with folklore at their heart. Mercy Brown's
Gruesome Exhumation, The Haunted Husuk Tunnel, you get the idea. So I got to work.
It took a few weeks, but in the end I had a document that was about 10,000 words long.
And that's when doubt hit me.
I had spent all this time crafting something that I planned to give to people as a PDF,
but in the process I had made it too long to really enjoy reading on their small little
So I let panic and doubt take control,
and I dragged the file for this collection of essays
to the trash on my computer.
And then I had a thought.
As part of my graphic design work routine,
I often listened to audiobooks while I worked.
And I wondered, what if, instead of giving people
a big PDF of text, I grabbed a microphone
and recorded these
essays and then gave out the audio files.
Could I even do that?
I had no experience narrating stuff and I didn't know how to produce any sort of audio
Could I really do it?
Well, there was only one way to find out.
I printed out one of the stories, sat down in front of a mic, and I read it out loud.
I made mistakes.
I had to start over a number of times.
I felt awkward and out of my depth and honestly really self-conscious.
But I stuck with it, and I figured out how to cut all the pieces together into something
that felt a bit like a really small audiobook.
And then I sent it to a friend and explained the plan with the email list and everything,
and I waited.
And he told me not to do it. Not to quit, mind you,
but not to do the email list giveaway thing. Instead, he told me that the audio sounded more
like a podcast, a kind of media that was really growing and becoming a great space to tell stories.
A show called Serial had premiered just a few months earlier and it had sort of forced the
world to reevaluate our expectations for
what a podcast could do.
What if, he suggested, you did the same thing?
Release this as a podcast.
And so I did the things that I knew how to do.
I came up with a brand, I designed a simple logo and cover art, I even built a website
for the thing.
And then I dug into the more mysterious parts.
How to create the RSS feed that published the podcast episodes.
How to connect it to iTunes, as Apple Podcasts was known back then.
And how to publish an episode.
And then I did.
On March 18th of 2015, 10 years ago today, I clicked publish on the first episode of
I didn't have Expectations I had never released a podcast on my own before and had no prior results to compare it to so
I just sort of held my breath and pushed it out into the world on the first day lore had nine downloads
Nine it didn't even have enough to be double digits
But it slowly built up steam by By mid-April, a month later, it was averaging about 100 downloads a day.
It was a hobby and I was struggling to fit it into my busy work life, but it was growing
and that felt good.
And then the explosion hit.
Mid-April saw exponential growth.
Suddenly my daily average jumped from 100 to 8,000 downloads and then it just skyrocketed
from there.
By July, I had grown the show large enough to take on sponsors, and the income from those
ad spots allowed me to quit the design gig and become a full-time podcast producer.
A month later, TV offers started to come in.
A month after that, book offers.
I went on tour and performed lore live for audiences.
It was incredible, and it was a blessing. Ten
years. I started this show in my late 30s and I'll turn 50 later this year. My kids
have grown from kindergarten to high school. I'm a lot more gray than I used to be. I've
worn out a few keyboards and I've graduated from a blanket fort to an actual professional
recording booth. And I've toured the country with my best bud Chad Lawson telling stories to tens of
thousands of people while Chad gives them chills with his gorgeous music.
And to date, lore has been downloaded over half a billion times, a far cry from those
first nine way back at the beginning.
Ten years.
In that decade, I've gone from doing this as a solo artist, figuring out how to do it
all in the moment, on the fly as I go, to running a production company that employs
a bunch of other wildly talented researchers and writers.
You hear their names in the credits for every episode.
You've maybe met them at a live show or followed their other creative endeavors on social
My lore team is the best podcast team in the world,
and I'm blessed and honored to have worked alongside them
all this time.
10 whole years.
I think the biggest truth that I've held onto all these years
is that it pays to not give up.
I had this dream of being a full-time writer,
and while I'm not a novelist per se,
I do spend my days writing and making fun content
for all
of you, and none of that would have happened if I had let myself delete that file.
Sometimes life can feel like you're enduring the weight of a thousand planets squeezing
out your desire to create, your will to keep going, or your hope and your joy.
And all I can say is that you must hold on.
Don't quit.
Don't falter. And don't delete that file.
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes,
sticking with it can pay off.
10 years ago today, I took a gamble
and I published something that changed my life forever.
And that change was made possible by you.
You've listened along, you've supported what I do,
and you've shared how much you love lore with other people in your life.
That truly and honestly means the world to me.
And don't worry, lore isn't done yet.
My team and I have an amazing list of episodes planned for the next couple of years, we have
advertising partners to fund it all, and our membership communities on Patreon and Apple
podcasts are still there to help you get the best listening experience possible.
I am so grateful that you showed up to listen to my stories.
Thank you for 10 years of multiple dreams come true.
And thanks for being as excited as I am for what's still to come.
Enjoy your day.
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
And as always, stay spooky.