Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 11: Powerful Lessons In A Crisis (With Ed Mylett)

Episode Date: March 24, 2020

What can we do when crisis hits? How should we change our goals, our routines, our emotional response when our lives get shaken by unpredictable problems? As we face the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Mat...t had a powerful conversation with renowned entrepreneur, speaker and author Ed Mylett (@EdMylett) to talk about what this means for us and how we can be a for for good in this crisis. In this episode we cover: What health routines Ed is using to keep fit while remaining indoors Better questions you can ask yourself to reframe moments of crisis How to do good when others are panicking (even if it's just for one person) What lessons we can learn from losing our usual comforts How to use this moment to set yourself up for a better future Follow Ed's podcast "The Ed Mylett Show" on iTunes.  Download Matt's free training at Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is not a time for me to be hard on myself. This is not a time for me to doing a ton of evaluation about what I'm not doing well or where I'm not living up. There are times for that. I'm a big believer. It's why I've grown. It's why you're so successful. This is not that time.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Right now, I need to give myself all the love, all the care, all the belief, all the faith, all the confidence I possibly can. And so do all of you. Hi there, lovely listeners of the Love Life Podcast. I am Stephen Hussey, of course, your host, and I have arrived back in England to a rather stranger country than I left. I have of course been in Tokyo living fairly normally for the past few weeks albeit with more
Starting point is 00:00:56 face mask wearing and hand washing but arriving back in England was a surreal experience. I mean, Heathrow Airport has been a ghost town. We are now on full lockdown in the UK. And obviously the crisis is very bad here in Europe at the moment with accelerating COVID-19, the infection rate growing. And obviously there's a lot of uncertainty and worry about the need to contain things so we are in an unusual moment and everything is okay with me and my family. I am self-isolating in an apartment on my own at the moment having just returned from Asia and and uh you know um day to day it's unusual uh but all is fine and i feel very grateful to be in a situation where i do have a creative outlet i'm able to do these podcasts i'm able to write and obviously uh the work matt and i do is primarily online but um uh you know i know for many people uh that's not true and their work
Starting point is 00:02:08 or their business has been completely uh halted because of this and if that's you my heart goes out to you and i hope that in spite of these really testing circumstances that you're managing to hold up okay that you're taking care of the people you love and yourself and your own health and that you're managing to work through this moment. So speaking of which, today's episode is going to feature a conversation between Matthew and Ed Milet talking about the current crisis and responses we can have to it as individuals and lessons we can take from it. And just for context, Ed is a super successful entrepreneur. He's an author. He's a speaker. He has his own podcast, The Ed Mylett Show, which is incredibly popular and he has wonderful guests. He's the co-founder of Arete Syndicate.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And more than that, Ed is an incredible, warm, big-hearted, confidence-inspiring person. And he's just a life force that you want around you in a moment like this and I know you're going to get a huge amount from hearing what he has to say on the current crisis and how we can actually reframe the situation to even in this dark difficult scenario to be able to come out better for it and get the best out of it and look after ourselves and yeah ed is ed is a presence you want around you he's someone who doesn't curl up in a crisis he the last thing he does is freezes he finds a way how can i be useful how can i be constructive how can i do good even if it's the smallest amount of good in this moment
Starting point is 00:04:06 and he's the definition of proactivity and that's what we need around us in moments like this we need people who are willing to lace up their boots so to speak and get to work and figure out what they can do to help and so it's an honor and i am very very happy to be able to share this with you over now to matt and ed and by the way the audio quality in this may be a little um raw at times because this was filmed this was uh recorded by our friend michael uh who happened to record this for Matt. It's a conversation just talking on the phone between Matt and Ed. So you can hear in the background some noise where I think he's playing PlayStation
Starting point is 00:04:54 or has his PlayStation on playing FIFA football in the background. So excuse that background noise. You don't hear it too much. You can hear Matt and Ed clearly. But yeah, this is the raw stuff we're bringing you on the podcast today. All right, over to Matt and Ed. Enjoy. And I do believe this is going to pass.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I don't have a crystal ball. I'm not one of these people that's going to predict on social media that I know what's really happening. I have doctors telling me contradictory things about their opinions about what are half what's happening. But one of the ways that you can, you can get through this time and by the way, and thrive during this time is to main what maintain what I call emotional control. And because I can't, you can't keep all of your normal routines. Some of them are going to change and we'll talk about that in a second, but you know, your emotions and your thoughts are interesting.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I've had several guests on my show. Dr. Daniel Amen was on my show a few weeks ago. And one of the things that he's taught me is that you don't have to believe all of your thoughts. You know, just because you think something doesn't mean it's true. And not all of your emotions need to be acted upon. So it's very normal in a time like this where there's all these what ifs and there's fear to have thoughts that don't serve us. And oftentimes what causes us the most amount of pain or anxiety or paralyzes us is we believe everything we think. And if you could just intentionally begin to question your own thoughts when you have them, you'll see a comfort that will come over you that's very different.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I don't know that enough people are saying that right now, but I remind myself of that regularly. You know, there's parts of me that's thinking, well, what if this goes 90 or 120 days in my businesses? What about people who may not be able to eat? You know, I begin to have these, those thoughts don't serve me right now. And not all of them are true. And the emotions those thoughts create in us, we don't have to act on those either. And so there are things we could be doing, I'd be glad to talk about some of them,, that can override those thoughts that can help us with those emotions. And, um, and I'm doing those things because my, my routine isn't the same. I'm not at the gym, my gym's closed. So now my gym is now the beach, but ironically out of every adversity,
Starting point is 00:06:59 there is a seat of opportunity and as hard as it is to accept right now. And it is really difficult to accept this. Can you imagine if this is actually happening for us and not to us? Like these things we always say on social media or on our podcasts are most tested now. I'm not suggesting that this is a good time. It's not a good time, but there are elements of this that are happening for us and not to us and i want to just suggest a few things everybody that before we get into routines the quality of the questions you ask yourself are directly connected to the quality of the experience you're going to have and right now what is rampant around the globe is i I believe, the wrong framing of questions.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And the media is helping with this. We're doing it with one another. We're texting each other. I just got this update from a nurse I know. I know somebody high up in the White House. You know, all these things that are going around, they're causing these questions that don't serve us. I'm not suggesting you shouldn't be vigilant, paying attention, knowing what's going on, staying informed, all of those things. But what I'm asking myself, and this is not foofy stuff, so I want you to stay with me on this, guys.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I'm asking myself right now, what is this current circumstance trying to teach me? What's it teaching me? The most powerful question I can ask myself right now is, what is this trying to teach me? For all of us, the positive lesson or the growth lesson or the change lesson will be different. Perhaps it's teaching you right now how important your family is. Maybe it's breaking this routine or stress of you chasing things too dramatically. Maybe it's a lesson of never again will you not have money saved in your life. Maybe it's teaching you to change your routines.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Maybe it's teaching you to innovate in your business if you're an entrepreneur and to have strategies that aren't just all the same, maybe you were getting a little bit comfortable there. Maybe it's teaching you who your real friends are. Maybe it's teaching you how strong you are. Maybe it's teaching you that you forgot to rely on your faith like you used to. So I would just ask you to be asking yourself quality questions. And one, one of them is like, literally, what is this trying to teach me? How could this possibly be serving me and helping me? And that is a powerful question in a time. And you'll be very unique because the 99.9% of the world that's not of the 2000 people with you and I right now, um, aren't, aren't getting that kind of information. And that doesn't mean I don't think you're going to have a measure of stress and that you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:09:24 have concern. That's not what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting, are you going to let that dominate your existence? Or are you going to find the lesson in this? Are you going to find what's happening for you in this? And that's what I've been asking myself. And candidly, brother, there have been several lessons already for me, several lessons. I mean, small things like, you know, uh know friends of mine who I thought knew everything don't know everything I mean I mean like you know I mean I can't print you like I rely on this everything they've been wrong like nine times in the last week about what's gonna happen you know and yeah and and for me it's
Starting point is 00:10:00 I'll give you one thing it's gonna sound super sound super personal, but we're laughing right now. And one of the things, this is going to seem dramatic, but you're the relationship expert, so I'll have you comment on this. But one of the things that dawned on me the other night, my family was, in fact, we were all home, yet we were all in separate rooms. My daughter was in one room. My son was in the other. My wife was upstairs. I was down in this room here working. And someone says I laughed out loud and i i asked myself when's the last time someone laughed in
Starting point is 00:10:31 this house and one of the lessons for this time for me right now is there should be more joy and more laughter in my home and us being here sort of in an isolated environment longer than we normally are i'm the father in this family there's not enough laughter in this there's a lot of love and joy and faith and we laugh but you know what i mean there could be more laughter in our home there could be more joy in our home that's what i mean it's one little tiny millimeter of a thing that i've taken from this of how it's happening for me and what i can learn from it and what it's teaching me and amongst many things in my business,
Starting point is 00:11:05 my business, all kinds of things that I'm learning, but that's just one thing personally. What about in your case? I, what are you, what are you taking from this? I'm curious for you, man,
Starting point is 00:11:14 so much, you know, I was saying to my audience, we did a kind of mass focus session where we all just got together for an hour and worked this morning. And I said this, I said to them, one of the challenges I've been facing is with my eating,
Starting point is 00:11:30 is that I'm eating so poorly. Me too. And, you know, I said like, and I'm someone who, you know, I train religiously. You know, on a normal routine, I'm going to the gym four times a week. I'm doing jujitsu three times a week. I'm eating pretty clean apart from the weekends where I tend to let things go. But I find that in my life, I had all these ways that I rigged the game to win. And those things have been taken away. Those normal structures, whereas I go and there's a train, he's going to push me. I run to the gym. So I already have a workout on the way to the gym.
Starting point is 00:12:07 When I go to the gym, I get home and I want to eat clean because I'm like, I just did a hard hour. I don't want to ruin that hour. Right now, I'm not getting any of those things. I'm not doing a hard hour at the gym that's making me go, I don't want to wreck that hour. You know, so I'm not being held accountable for that thing by the normal people that hold me accountable. So, you know, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:31 that's what I'm working on right now is, ah, there's going to have to be new ways that I rig the game because the old ways I don't have right now. And if this goes on for the 10, let's say it goes on for months, then I've got to figure this out because it's not going to be a two week cheat period. Otherwise, it's going to be a three month cheat period. Brother, I'm with you. It was it's funny how the same thing occurred to both of us.
Starting point is 00:12:54 My eating the last three or four days has been horrendous. And last night I went to bed and I said, OK, here's what's not going to be negotiable. I'm going to begin to eat cleaner again and I must begin to move my body more often. Everybody listen to me. My biggest concern is number one is making sure everybody can eat and that there's food and there is enough food in the world, right? And so once we slip into this mode, I know a lot of people are even DMing or messaging here saying there's not food on the shelves. I live in Southern California, believe me. And a lot of places there's no food on the shelves right now. That will come.
Starting point is 00:13:28 That will be replaced. But I have that concern. And my second one is that there becomes a chronic consciousness, almost depression in the world. Not because of the events, but because we're not moving our bodies. Because we're not working out. Because we're not moving. There is a, Tony Robbins teaches this so well. You talk about it.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I talk about it. But there is oftentimes depression, anxiety, fear is physical. It's lack of movement. It's hunched over. It's shallow breathing. And joy, ecstasy, passion, happiness is also a body thing. And it's deeper breathing. It's chest back.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It's moving our bodies. We must all double and triple our efforts to be moving our bodies. I'm not exaggerating. If you've got to run around your house, if you've got to do jumping jacks, if you can get outside and do, you know, I'm what I've been doing, which is kind of cool this today. I just did it. I'll recommend this to everybody. I'm not getting in my normal one hour crushed workouts. And I also have a million meetings I'm doing. Here's what I am doing that's been pretty cool. Today I've had like five 10-minute workouts in between my meetings.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And I've got to be honest with you. My attitude level, my energy level is actually better right now than it is when I just do my normal one-a-day workout. And so give yourself the gift of a 10-minute sprint, a 10-minute walk, 10 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of pushups, 10 minutes of sit ups, 10 minutes of jumping jack, walking around the house, dancing. I mean, I know that sounds nuts, but give yourself the gift every few hours of moving your body. Make sure you're hydrating like you normally do. These are these things may seem trivial. They are not trivial right now if you're not moving your body if you're not working out if you're not hydrated you don't watch your diet
Starting point is 00:15:10 those are things that no mindset will overcome someone not in movement and so make sure you're moving your body totally totally agree with you what else i need to i i need to take that one but you know that advice right now man man, because I'm literally there. And I've had, you know, like I said, I train every day. I haven't trained for like five days now, and I got to get back in the rhythm now. So that's super helpful for me personally. I won't give everybody a word. I didn't mean to interrupt you, brother, but I want everybody to have a word.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Write the word. So we've talked a lot. We've already covered a lot of things here. Number one is your emotional control. Don't believe everything you think. Don't act on all your emotions. Ask quality questions. How is this happening for you, not to you?
Starting point is 00:15:51 What is this trying to teach you? Just you in your personal way. And then I want you to write the word resourcefulness down or resourceful. And that's exactly what you're referring to. We all need to be more resourceful right now. I refuse to not be moving my body. And so, yeah, I'd rather be at the gym where the weights are and there's other people and energy and all that other stuff, but there isn't. And I can't waste energy. I can't waste
Starting point is 00:16:14 mindset on what could be, what was. I have a gentleman on my show this week and I'm not promoting my show. Everyone can watch it or not watch it. Please promote your show. Everyone should go and watch that show show they should watch ours for sure the one you and I but but I have a man on my show this week named Steven Kotler and he's the expert on the flow state and we need two things in the show when we talked about the future and that's at the end of the show cover the future in technology and autonomous cars and space travel and VR and all this other cool stuff but we also talk in the show about CRISPR technology,
Starting point is 00:16:48 the cutting edge things that exist now in medicine that we're this close to having, where things like we're experiencing now may not have to always happen to us. But in the beginning of the show, we talk about flow state. Flow state is like when you're in the zone. We've all been there. Everything you say comes out right, you're just laser focused.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And he said, the irony is that what we've been believing for 100 years is that we only use 10% of our brain. We've all heard this. If we could just use 15%, we'd all function better, right? We'd use more of our brain. And he said, we actually shrink our focus and less of our brain is utilizing itself to put us into this flow state. Meaning we don't waste energy on ancillary thoughts that we can't control and don't serve us. And I have been pretty technical about this week, focusing on what I can control and not ancillary things that are out of my control that steal my energy. I love that, man. I love that. Because how much time are we, you know, all of us, I've fallen into the trap this week. How many time are we spending constantly giving a voice to the things we can't do
Starting point is 00:17:53 and burning so many calories talking and discussing those things? Oh, my God, I can't believe I can't do this. I can't do that. I can't do that. I, you know, I remember being in the trainer, in the gym with my trainer, and I had injured my shoulder. I have a kind of chronic shoulder issue that bothers me. And this one time it was getting so frustrating that I like, I went to do something she tried to get me to do, and I couldn't do it. And I got angry.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And I was like, you know, stomping my feet. And I'm like, so frustrated. She looked at me and she goes, listen, stop, like, don't waste energy on that. She said, there's way too much we can do to worry about what we can't do. Like, there's too much we can do. Like, there are literally more exercises right now
Starting point is 00:18:39 that we can do than you have time for, so why are you worried about the ones you can't do? And I think about it the same way, whether it's running on the beach or anything in our businesses, in our lives right now. You and I have faced all sorts of changes in our businesses right now to deal with this.
Starting point is 00:18:57 You can focus on all of the things we can't now do, but there's already so much we can do that there's still not even enough time for that. 100%. It's funny time for that. 100%. It's funny you say that. Why worry about it? And so many people this week have been saying to me, I'm tired. I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And I'm thinking, well, you're working less. That's interesting, right? Why are we tired? We're tired because we're not eating as well. We're not moving our bodies. And we're expending so much energy onto thoughts that don't serve us. That's why we're tired because we're obviously not working
Starting point is 00:19:26 as much as we were at one time. So you made a great point. For those of you that are entrepreneurs, this is a time to innovate. This is a time to quadruple your efforts for the entrepreneurs that are listening. There's a hidden, even for me in my business, this is forcing me to innovate
Starting point is 00:19:39 in a way I should have before this. And so I'm gonna come out of this, I'm gonna come out of this a better businessman. I'm gonna come out of this. I'm going to come out of this a better businessman. I'm going to come out of this with better businesses, better practices, better efficiencies. And for those of you that are not entrepreneurs and, you know, you're waiting to get back to work and you're at your home, I want to just ask you to consider something that would serve you and make such a huge difference. Who could you help right now? Who could you help? Who could you help right now? Who could you help?
Starting point is 00:20:05 Who could you reach out to? Who needs to hear from you? The special people in my life, man, my phone this last few days has been very revealing and you were one of them. And I'm not surprised you were one of them. How are you? Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Checking in on you. Who could you reach out to? Who could you help? Who needs a kind word? Who needs some belief? Who just needs to talk to you? Who needs to hear from you? And I can tell you the number to? Who could you help? Who needs a kind word? Who needs some belief? Who just needs to talk to you? Who needs to hear from you? And I can tell you the number one thing you could do, ironically, for yourself is to begin to over-serve other people, to help people.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I was telling friends of mine that you and I were going to do the same thing. And I've got, like, no joke, Matthew, 47 different Zoom calls today, 47 of them. And those are all their business calls and different meetings and, you know, attorneys and all this stuff. And I'm like, well, no, at two 30, all that stopping and I'm getting out and I want to just talk to people that need to be heard from. I want to be able to help people. I want to make a difference, but also I know how it fills me up. It gives me purpose. One of the things when you're not working, when you're at home, when you're, you know, not being able to execute on your business like you want to, you guys, you begin to think you don't
Starting point is 00:21:09 have as big a purpose. And that's the kicker on top of all of it. You have a huge purpose right now. We need leaders. We need people to step up and care and love on people, offer assistance. One of my great friends right now, one of my best friends, Andy Frisella, who's my business partner. He's a big, strong, crazy dude, you know, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country. And he's probably my best friend. And just now before we got on the call, he's like, hey, bro, the grocery stores are closed down. Man, if you need me to go get you stuff at our local grocery store, I'll buy it and ship it to you. And I'm like, we're good, brother.
Starting point is 00:21:41 But that's the kind of thing I mean that we could be doing for another. I love you. Are you OK? I'm checking in on you. Anything I can get that's the kind of thing I mean that we could be doing for another. I love you. Are you okay? I'm checking in on you. Anything I can get you. Let's do that for one another, okay? That more than anything would change the world. And get information from the media, but limit your time.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Once you've got this, you know what you're doing, everybody. You're overindulging. You've got the story. You watch the press conference, and now you're watching the same exact next commentator on the same topic, and you're here. Let's stop that. Get the info. Get out of there. I'm not saying don't be informed.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Get it and get out. It's not a healthy place. That TV pounding at you four, five, six, seven hours a day is not growing you. It's not evolving you. It's not news if you've heard it 10 times already today yes and i i want to respect your time because i know you're so busy and i'll let you jump off but i i had one final question for you because you know you asked me what i deal on what i'm dealing with in this time and what i'm learning one of the things that reoccurs for me is how hard i am on
Starting point is 00:22:43 myself um you know and i've kind of been that way my whole life and I've had to really condition myself to know where the limit is on being hard on myself. And I'm curious as to how you handle this for yourself, because you clearly have extremely high standards for yourself and the way you live your life. Where do you, especially in a time like this, where it is extremely difficult for people, where they're dealing with a lot of chaos and a lot of mess and figuring their way through that. Routines have been stripped away. They're reassessing everything. What's the balance between pushing yourself to get the most out of yourself and being too hard on yourself and not giving yourself the grace to actually deal with what's going on in life and how you might be being affected. Yes, I love you, brother. It's the best possible question. And you asked it because we know each other pretty well.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And it's something I struggle with, too. I'm very hard on myself. um here's something I've learned because I'm an old dude now one of the things I've learned is that when times are the most difficult like this this is the time where I need to care for me the most I need to take the most care of me meaning let me tell you what I mean by that I already told you we should be caring for other people. These are not times where I'm measuring me with any harsh words or harsh terms. These are times where I need to be feeding myself the most love, faith, belief, rest, and care I can so that I can perform to my optimum level. This is not a time for me to be hard on myself. This is not a time for me to doing a ton of evaluation about what I'm not doing well or where I'm not living up. There are times for that. I'm a big believer. It's why I've grown.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It's why you're so successful. This is not that time right now. I need to give myself all the love, all the care, all the belief, all the faith, all the confidence I possibly can. And so do all of you. That doesn't mean you're not evaluating different decisions you need to make and strategies. But the more you come from a position of strength, faith, and confidence, you'll make the best strategic decisions. The last thing you need right now is to be making those decisions from a place of low self-esteem, low self-worth, self-loathing, fear, anxiety,
Starting point is 00:25:06 that is not the time for this right now. And so all of you give yourself a break. There'll be a time where you can get back on you again. There'll be a time where you can start really pushing you hard and living up to those standards. This time right now is about execution. This time's about giving. This time's about finding the lessons in this and learning and giving yourself to use your perfect word. In my opinion, as much grace as you can possibly reserve for yourself right now, you're worthy of. And I just want to remind everybody of something. We're going to get through this. We're going to get through this. And you were born to do something great with your life. All of you were. Matthew was, I was, and so were born to do something great with your life all of you were Matthew was
Starting point is 00:25:46 I was and so were all of you you were born to do something great with your life and sometimes those things are going to show up in big ways like what Matthew does is at events or what I do or worldwide level and sometimes that greatness in you is going to show up in very quiet, small places that most people will never see. That's the greatness you were born to have. And that might be that phone call, that text, that I love you, that reaching out. Right now, you're called to do something great. You were born to do something great. And you are uniquely qualified right now.
Starting point is 00:26:21 You are to do something great with your life in this moment. And someday when your big life is over and you go wherever you believe you go, for me it's heaven, but wherever you believe you go, it'll be the things you do in times like these that matter the most. That someday you're a Christian person, well done, good and faithful servant, whatever your faith might be, there's a chance, there's an opening right now for you to share your greatness. And maybe you haven't even been doing it the last two months, six months, two years, ten years. And there's a chance there's an opening right now for you to share your greatness. And maybe you haven't even been doing it the last two months, six months, two years, ten years. And there's a time now where you're being called to do something great. And many people will never even know it.
Starting point is 00:26:53 But that person you help, that person you reach out to, they'll know it. And the universe knows it. And so you're supposed to do something great with your life. All of us are. And this is where we uncover that. So you've got to give yourself all the grace, all the belief, all the confidence right now. And if you've got a business that can help somebody reach out and help them right now, this is the time they're, they're at home. They'd love a phone call. They'd love to hear from you, right? Do it right now.
Starting point is 00:27:19 If you've got friends, reach out to them and, and, and, and the relationship King on the planet is the dude I'm talking to. Okay? I'm telling you right now, this is a chance for you to do something super great with your life that maybe most of the world will never know, but you'll know when they'll know. So that would be what I would say, brother. What do I add to that, my God? That is, that, I mean, you said it all. My God, I don't even want to i i don't want to
Starting point is 00:27:46 reiterate anything that you just said perfectly that is unbelievable i am so so so happy we did this um and i love that point about greatness doesn't just come in the you know big form of something that's caricatured and you know it comes in those micro moments that you have with somebody else and the way you show character and and how you show up for yourself and other people man that is beautiful thank you so ed thank you man i love you brother what love you too man i'm so so so happy that you came and joined me to do this uh and i'm so the effect that this is going to have on people is profound what's the best best way for people to find you, man? And what's the next thing they should do with you?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Just to help you, what I would do is I would go follow me here on Instagram. And I do have a podcast on problem solving. I just thought about this right now. So if you go to my podcast or YouTube and you search Ed Milet on solving problems or something like that, you'd find it. But if you go through a challenging time and you're trying to figure out how to solve different challenges and problems, I have like a 25-minute video and audio on that that might help you right now. And all my content is free, so it's there to help and serve you and make a difference, and I hope that it does that.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And you, brother, I just want to thank you for who you are in the world the difference you make for people and it's people there's very few people brother who I think have the type of humility that you have that you want to serve people and you're also willing to be vulnerable with the things you're just so unique and it's why I think you and I connected so much
Starting point is 00:29:21 when we met is that there's a strength and vulnerability that's such a really unique special combination and I know people much when we've met is that there's a strength and vulnerability that's such a really unique special combination and I know people are relying on you right now too so and I am and thank you for your message to me bro it meant a lot oh thank you so much Ed this has been a privilege man thank you I love to you and love to your family and um and everyone in your world thank you god bless you everybody max out We'll see you soon. All right. Cheers, brother. That is it from us for today, listeners.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Thank you so much again to Ed for joining us for that conversation. And if you'd like to follow more of Ed's amazing work, you can go to the Max Out podcast, which Ed hosts, and he has wonderful guests on there or you can follow ed at instagram just go to at ed mylet on instagram also there has never been a better time than now to actually do the deep work on yourself that perhaps you've put off for a long time
Starting point is 00:30:25 or you haven't focused on because you've been so inundated with other distractions and busyness and all that day-to-day stuff, now is a moment where you can actually, you might not be out there physically dating, but you can transform your own self-confidence, your self-worth, your relationship
Starting point is 00:30:44 with how you give yourself care and love yourself and feel like the version of yourself you want to be. So if you actually want to get started on that process from wherever you are right now, go to and you'll get a free video from Matt where he actually dives into what it takes to develop core confidence, to transform your relationship with yourself so that when you are ready to get back out there, when that is possible again,
Starting point is 00:31:14 you're gonna actually have the inner tools you need to make the right choices, to do what's best for you, to be able to speak up for yourself, all those things, all those tools you need to create a great relationship, this is where the foundation gets built. So go to, sign up for that free training, and you can start that right away. And finally, I would love to hear from you.
Starting point is 00:31:41 If you have one action you're going to take from listening to today's episode or one new mindset it's inspired in you or one new thing you're going to do to serve yourself and those around you in this moment, let me know at podcast at I read every single email and I would love to read some of these on the show so if you could let me know if you'd like to give me permission to read your email at the end of it um yeah just let me know in the email and if you want to be kept anonymous that's fine you can let me know too but i'd love to create this community of being alone together or a housebound together for those of us who are uh it would be lovely to share what people are thinking how they're facing down different challenges in this time so podcast
Starting point is 00:32:31 at i'd love to read from you there all right thank you so much my friends we will be bringing much more your way and if you'd like to keep up with everything we're doing day to day, follow the Matthew Hussey on Instagram. That's at the Matthew Hussey. And you'll also see we're doing these little work sessions each day at the moment called One Great Hour. So if you want to actually join us and get some productive work done, check that out on Instagram and follow the link to One Great Hour. All right. It's goodbye from me.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Take care of yourselves. Face down whatever challenges you have today. I will see you very soon. Bye, guys.

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