Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 118: What's 1 ESSENTIAL quality you look for in a partner? (w/ Matt and Steve)

Episode Date: June 21, 2021

Matt and Steve sit down to talk about ONE quality we've come to find essential in relationships. We look at your answers to the question as well and give our responses! --- If you haven't locked in y...our place for the next Virtual Retreat this September 24-26, then now is the time.   Claiming your place this month will enter you into an exclusive drawing for the chance to receive one of three free tickets to the Virtual Retreat OR the grand prize of an exclusive 1:1 coaching session with me!   Go to to secure your spot.   --- Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey --- We also love to hear from you! You can email the show at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're live for the love life podcast the famous Love Life podcast, with me and my brother, Mathieu Hasse. It's not my name. It is when you say it in French, with a little French accent. And we've got Instagram here, so hello everyone. Rinky says, how are we? How are you, Steve? Honestly, not podcast, how are you? Not podcast, how are you? Real are we how are you steve uh honestly not podcast how are you not podcast how are you real life how are you well um i've had a i've had a day where lots of things that that could have gone wrong did go wrong with equipment and tech and just general riffraff so it's it was
Starting point is 00:01:00 a frustrating day but we have managed to get this together and the boys in a room with a camera on doing this. So I consider it's turning around, Matt. It's turning around. All right. Very good. How about you? Love in life. Love in life.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Just like the title. I feel. Would you want to listen? I do. Please. Should we do an episode on listening? Another time. I am, I'd say I'm pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Okay. I'm pretty good. I'm, it's been a bit of a long day. It was quite a taxing day yesterday with the webinar and everything that I had to do there. It was two hours we were live, me and Charlotte Tilbury. Charlotte Tilbury and me. She's a force of nature, I would say. She's got a lot of energy, Steve.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Charlotte Tilbury. She's got a lot of energy. She was lovely. She's great. I loved her passion for what she makes and her products. I'm using her lip gloss right now. There you go. Do you want some?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, I'll have a little bit. Come on then, just put a little on there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I'll have a little bit. Come on then, just put a little on there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I just thought it was amazing the way she was so passionate about her work and her products. And I'm a passionate product guy. I love beautiful products. So when people really care about what they're making, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Why is someone saying, don't be harsh with your bro, Matthew? What have I done? Because people say this a lot what have i done in the last couple of minutes that were that is remotely harsh with you i think people feel they feel you're demanding energy coming off you so unfair right now i'm like chilled here to hang out see everyone and you're all i asked you how you're all pent up and i literally said how are you. You're all pent up. I literally said, how are you? How is that? That is such an unfair assessment.
Starting point is 00:02:51 All right. Well, thanks for joining us. Thanks for joining us, everyone. I'm actually wearing Matthew Hussey merch today. You can see my T-shirt. My sweater has Matthew Hussey on it. So I'm really company man here. Company guy. So we'm really company man here, company guy.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So we gave you a question asking, what's one quality you now look for in a partner that over time you've come to realise is essential to you? Some good answers, Matt. Some, I expected. You know, lots I expected. But i do want to run through them and kind of unpack them a bit because i think even with ones that seem like an obvious answer i want to kind of unpack a little bit what that would mean to you and how you do it well okay um so this was one of the top voted answers uh sab. It might have been the top voted answer.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And I'm making a conscious effort not to look at your phone. Like I'm not trying to cheat on an exam. So you've got the phone in front of you. I'm trying to avert my gaze. Okay. Oh, we've got some people already answering in the chat here. So she said, Sabrina said, emotional intelligence combined with maturity, by which she said groundedness. I want to be able to share my love language and know that once known, it won't be used against me as a form of punishment.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Guys who are still figuring themselves out will see that knowledge as power over you. What do you think of that? That was top voted on YouTube. That was the top voted? Yeah. I mean, emotional intelligence for sure, combined with groundedness. I totally get that. The love language thing. I thought that was interesting. So a lot of people know this concept of love languages. It's the idea that people receive and give love in different ways.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You might receive love through spending quality time together through touch through kind words of affirmation uh all those things and what she's saying is someone knowing that can be used use that against you so does she mean maybe someone can like withhold it yeah as a form of punishment i think so i'm not gonna give you that because i know that's what you want yeah you really you really like touch and since you've upset me or i'm i'm gonna deny you that thing that you really like touch and since you've upset me, I'm going to deny you that thing that you really want. I'm going to weaponize it against you. Which I have to say, I would not have predicted that would be such a popular response. response no but i can see weaponizing things against you is definitely a sign a thing that people have probably learned from in bad relationships when that's happened to them
Starting point is 00:05:32 i think it's a well look a lot of guys and people in general it's a power play right when you know it's an insecure power play but it's when you know that something is important to someone and you're feeling in any way threatened you know that you're most likely to get a rise out of someone by denying them the very thing that they want the most. Right. Weirdly, denying them the thing that they want the most is the thing that has the potential to give you the most attention because now even if that person if they argue with you it's attention right if they get upset it's attention if they cry it's attention if they show how hurt they are it's attention and anyone who hasn't got their stuff figured out instead of looking to resolve problems they go into some kind of, you know, like protest behavior.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Right. I'm going to find a way now to make you tick. And since I know you, I know how to make you tick. And it is one of the most, you know, I do understand what this person is saying, that it's one of the most. It's one of the nastiest things you can do in a relationship is use people. When people tell us what's important to them, it's a kind of vulnerability, isn't it? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And then it's, we have the potential to use that vulnerability against them. Uh, still giving someone what they need in times when we're upset with them or in times when you know we're not feeling as loved as we want is a massive sign of maturity there's a great moment in the crown steve okay a lot of people have seen the crown is between a young diana and prince charles and she says to him... Nothing wrong with that relationship. Carry on. She says to him... That's not a hot take, I mean... Go on.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Sorry, you might... No, it was a turbulent relationship, but go on. Well, she says to him... If either of us are ever feeling unloved or insecure, let's make a pact right now to give the other person what we ourselves are craving. So if you're feeling like you need love right now, giving love. But that takes a mature relationship. One I suppose you would have, you argue, Charles wasn't ready for. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'm not getting into specifics. Well, it sounds like you were. I'm not taking sides. I'm not taking sides 20 years after it. Well, you had an opinion two seconds ago. You certainly wouldn't let me finish the anecdote and got involved in it then. Now all of a sudden you're all diplomatic about the relationship. My point was that what she was getting across in The Crown
Starting point is 00:08:39 was that when you're in need or feeling insecure, it takes a big person to give what they would like to get yeah and in an emotionally immature relationship when we're feeling weak or scared or vulnerable we look to inflict damage not to build bridges. Yes. What's next? Well, we got some on the following lines, authenticity in every way, honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, responsibility. Why are you going so fast? This was just one person's comment.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Okay, got it. Laura said, someone that feels like home. Someone who I'm safe with. Someone who my kids feel safe around. That's a lovely feeling, isn't it? When someone feels like home. When it's like going back to that person is like going home. And I think that that's both a feeling of safety and comfort and also a feeling of being seen. That the person I'm with sees me. Because that's what home is, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:59 If you think about it, it's a place where we feel safe and comfortable, but it's also a place where we go because their people know us they know who we are so i think that i agree i think i think one of a lot of when we're younger a bit more naive a bit more immature maybe or looking for the wrong things i think we seek out people who we're impressed by. Right. But hopefully as we get older and we get a little more attuned to what's important in life, we start gravitating more towards people who make us feel seen. Right. Yeah. And feeling like, yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You don't want to feel like you're an alien to them. Yeah. If they feel like, I don't understand you at all you're you know and i've been with people like that you like you do when you're younger right and you just feel like god we do not we have a complete different view on the entire world um what's important and it it does doesn't feel like home at all it feels like family are one thing and this person's an alien, essentially. Yeah. Feeling seen is the best feeling in the world.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah. See, I see you. Do you? Yeah. People think I have a go at you or whatever, but I see you. You know, when you're quiet or whatever, I'm like, oh, I know why he's being quiet.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Oh, I know what he's thinking about right now. He's, you know, got in his head about this thing or he's a bit stressed about that. Yeah, but I mean... You know, mum comes along and she's like, wow, Stephen, he's so quiet today. You know, I want to, well, I can't get a word out of him. And I'm like, mum, trust me, he's fine. He's just a bit, he's a bit tense. He's got some stuff on his mind he's trying to achieve this and well you and i were quite similar well we literally grew up i mean i was born 15 months after you i essentially have spent my whole life with you since the day i was born
Starting point is 00:11:58 so you probably know me better than anyone apart apart from Harry, obviously, our brother. Right. And, you know, big guy, I see you as well. I could literally... I see behind all this. Steve, I could sit a woman down, I could tell her everything she needs to know about you. Don't do that. Don't do that. Let her find it out on her own.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Okay. Okay. Erica says, conversation. Meaning he is a good listener, but also someone who shares and he's willing to talk things through with me. And who also tells me his opinion on things. Well, you know the way to make that easier? Definitely, Erica, that last part. And I talked about this recently, actually, in the video.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Is make it feel really safe for someone to talk about their opinions with you how does what there's lots of where did that come from because what's the what's the common mistake you people think people make in not making someone feel safe to share their opinion lots of people think they want someone to open up to them but they create either an environment where someone knows if they say the wrong thing take the wrong path in the conversation their opinion doesn't cohere correctly and you think oh my god i don't agree with that why would you say that why do you think that then they're going to be like i am not talking about my opinions with this person because if i don't get the get over all the laser beams
Starting point is 00:13:25 then I'm screwed or if the person creates more panic when you share a worry or a problem and they're like
Starting point is 00:13:32 oh that's so bad oh no what are you going to do and then you think oh no you're making me feel worse now like you're supposed to make it feel okay
Starting point is 00:13:40 you're supposed to say that's normal that's okay you're alright not oh my god what's going on? Steve. This reminds me of an episode of The Sopranos I saw last night.
Starting point is 00:13:56 You've been watching a lot of telly, haven't you, Matt? No. Hang on, I finished The Crown months ago, alright? Sorry. Sue me. I get to the end of the night and I'm a little bit too tired to read sometimes. A lot of the time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:12 All right? I'm knackered. And I get there and I'm just like, oh, just slap on an episode or something because I got no energy. Sabrina the Teenage Witch. No. Who is still watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Spongebob. Sabrina the Teenage Witch. No, who is still watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch? SpongeBob.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I was watching The Sopranos because you know I'm embarrassed I haven't really watched it. Yeah. I'm about 20 years too late. It's the one great show that Matt has missed, I think. The one missing on your essentials list. Yeah. And there was a moment between, you know, soprano and his daughter and she says to him at over dinner they she thinks they're having a you know an open conversation because she's just
Starting point is 00:14:53 learned that you know he's he's in the mafia essentially oh yeah and she says well while we're at it you know i want if since we have this kind of relationship i've been doing some drugs and he just flips out and he's like she's like oh i didn't know you react like this and he's like well what did you think would happen if you told me that and she's like well i wish i hadn't now don't worry it won't happen again it's exactly what you're talking about it's that that feeling when we make someone regret having told us having shared something with us in the first place because it's immediately met with outrage or judgment there's no space for someone to be open with you yeah very true well what else um We've got...
Starting point is 00:15:47 So Anna says consistency. I've had a lot of guys come on strong and then completely lose interest and even ghost. I want someone who continues to put in the effort and, for example, answer my messages as quickly as in the beginning. Someone whose feelings and intentions with my heart I don't have to doubt because his words and actions continue to match. Fair enough. Yeah. I was going to read. I was going to see.
Starting point is 00:16:13 There's a reply, actually, I think, on that one. Go on. The response is basically from someone saying, as a 30-year-old guy, men do this to women they want to hook up with. As a 30-year-old guy, men do this to women they want to hook up with? Men they just want to hook up with. As a 30 year old guy. Men do this to women. They want to hook up with. Men they just want to hook up with. They do what? They give a lot of attention in the beginning. And then just.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah. Yeah. The attention goes away. Yeah. Which is why. You have to be discerning at the beginning. And actually. Give time.
Starting point is 00:16:42 To see if you can trust someone. Over. You know. More than like. A date or two. You do have to see that see that because anyone can be charming for one date two dates when they just want to hook up consistency baby consistency over time even even like you know superficial guys or guys who just want to hook up they're not going to put in that consistency over time they're going to get bored i just think that you shouldn't if you're plateauing that's a that's a sign you shouldn't you shouldn't ever really be plateauing it should either be growing or dying yeah do you know what
Starting point is 00:17:18 i mean yeah i dying because you feel it plateauing and then you get honest about the fact that you really like this person, but it doesn't seem to be progressing or you're not really feeling it back. And that's making you wary of continuing to invest. And that person either steps up or they don't. And if they don't, you start to decrease your investment. You make a decision. It's not he hasn't made a decision. You make the decision. It's not, he hasn't made a decision. You make the decision. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Because you realize it's not going anywhere. When you do that, by the way, it might start growing again, right? Because someone does suddenly decides, oh, wait, I miss you in my life. And now this time they realize in order to keep you, they've actually got to grow this thing. Yeah. They've got to progress it. In a way, you shouldn't ever really be plateauing for too
Starting point is 00:18:05 long. And by the way, progressing doesn't mean that today we met and next week we're exclusive, but it does mean that you feel a deepening over time of what the relationship is. You feel a deepening of the connection. You feel like you're getting more vulnerable with each other. You feel like you're really getting to know each other better. You're asking each other more questions. You know more about each other. You see each other better. You're asking each other more questions. You know more about each other. You see each other more. You're getting to know perhaps some people in their network. You know, you're starting to meet their friends.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Things are starting to happen. There's a sense of forward momentum. It should either be growing or it should be dying because plateauing is not really an option. Right? Time's too precious. time's too precious time's too precious so if you feel like after you know over months something's just plateaued it's not going anywhere then that it's you don't even need an attention decrease like oh he used to message me this much and now it's this much if you feel like it hit a level and now it's just kind of stopped and you guys aren't you don't feel like there's a sense
Starting point is 00:19:11 of progression in the relationship progression isn't always something as literal as and now we're moving in together progression can just be man i feel like we're so much closer than a month ago or two months ago i feel like we really know each other better i feel like we're so much closer than a month ago or two months ago I feel like we really know each other better I feel like we have each other's backs more I feel like you know me better I know you better I know your quirks I know little things about you that I didn't before you know it's those things it's the subtle things but if you feel like man this isn't growing then you want to by choice start start sucking some of the life out of that relationship because otherwise what message are you sending you're saying you're sending a message that i'm good on this level i don't need more than
Starting point is 00:19:58 this and that's a dangerous message to send someone. And so there's a comment here. Rachel says, what about if they're busy? Well, someone can be, firstly, if someone's busy over the long haul, then maybe they're not ready for a relationship. Like if they're not willing to invest in a relationship, maybe they don't really want a relationship or it's not important to them. So busy might be a valid excuse, but it still tells you what their priorities are. invest in a relationship, maybe they don't really want a relationship or it's not important to them. So busy might be a valid excuse, but it still tells you what their priorities are.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Because even successful people, super successful people make time for what's important. They still get to the gym, don't they? They still find a way to do their hobbies that are important to them. So why wouldn't they find time for you and if in the short term someone's busy that doesn't stop you connecting in other ways it doesn't stop you hey i know you like and by the way it doesn't stop you in a in a kind and compassionate way saying i know you're super busy this month with this project that you've got going on but you know i feel like we haven't had much time to really connect can we get on the phone and and connect and catch up because I feel like we haven't had much time to really connect. Can we get on the phone and connect and catch up? Because I feel like, you know, I know you're busy, but I don't feel very connected to you right now. And that would mean a lot to me.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You know, and see, if someone at that point is like, I don't really have time. It's like, well, okay, then you have more of an answer. But if you come to someone compassionately and you say, listen, I know that this week, it could be a week thing. I know that this week you're insanely busy. So I want to give you your space because I know this thing is really important to you. But how about this weekend we do this and we get together and we have some fun together? Or how about, you know, can you at least give me a call tomorrow night so that we can have a catch up? Because I miss you. There's ways to do it, but it's about still not allowing things to just plateau. Even there, you're growing the relationship
Starting point is 00:21:55 because you're having an honest conversation with someone. Even there, you're showing support for their goals and for what they're trying to do. You're showing a willingness and a generosity to give them space when they need it, but you're also showing what you need. I'd love us to just catch up, even if it's by phone and FaceTime. Can you call me later just so that we can say hi? Because I know you're busy, but we haven't spoken in a couple of days I want to see how you are let's let's catch up um that that's growing the relationship because someone also feels now oh you're a mature person on the other end of this relationship too I don't have to hide from you I don't have to be in the corners being like oh I'm gonna just I'm really busy but I don't want to let that person
Starting point is 00:22:43 down so I'm just not going to call them I'm not going to have that conversation with them and hope it doesn't get noticed or whatever. Now you realize, ah, I'm with a grownup. I'm with an adult. This is someone who can tell me what they want and you can either take it or leave it. But now you realize you're with an adult yeah and that's powerful that's another way to grow the relationship such sasha sons says that sounds so simple yes moracle says 700 million people should be watching this we'll invite them over that's what i say um if we all just add one person hey what do you think max says has to be able to make me laugh i need that in my life and as a nurse my job can be very stressful what do you think about i think sense of humor sense of humor
Starting point is 00:23:41 full stop is really important doesn't mean someone has to be funny but i mean funny is a bonus funny is always the sauce on top it's the gin in the campari it's the cream in the coffee but you know i think not everyone has to be you know jerry seinfeld it would be unbearable if everyone was jerry seinfeld but a sense of humor, I think, is essential. I think it's really hard. If you don't have matching levels of humor, very tough. One I would throw in there, I find it very... You know there's that piece of relationship research that says that relationships need at least like a 5 or a 6 to 1, or it might be even more, positive to negative interactions.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Explain that real quick. You need at least 5 or 6 positive interactions for every 1 that might be even more positive to negative interactions explain that real quick you need like at least like five or six positive interactions for every like one that might be negative um because if you have too many negatives decks stacked and you just all you're feeling is like uh annoyance frustration pain what i find related to that is if there is a bad moment if there is someone is in a bad mood someone is having a bad day someone had a stressful day you know they're not feeling great I'm all down with being supportive on that
Starting point is 00:24:52 and that's great but the recovery to me is very important that we can recover out of it in a good amount of time and that this isn't now the weekend that we had a little bit of a disagreement on friday and now the weekend is the fallout i've got a new concept for a video oh go on let's make this video okay maybe that well this could be the video so are you going
Starting point is 00:25:20 to respond to that point or are you just hand waving it? No, it's I'm listening. I'm listening to you. Okay. And it's giving me an idea. Right. All right. Here's a great relationship tip.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Everyone want to know whether you're seeing someone right now or you're in a relationship. The same way that when we're trying to get fit for something, how do we measure cardiovascular fitness? One of the ways is recovery time, right? We want to improve our recovery time. Improve your recovery time after arguments in a relationship. Work on your recovery time. You know, we always talk about how do you stop arguments from happening? And that's great.
Starting point is 00:26:12 But you can also improve your recovery time. How quickly could we snap out of this? Right. After we've had it. Because like you said, a form of protest behavior is the silent treatment. You've upset me, now I'm going to go quiet. Yeah quiet yeah and if it's like that's the whole weekend now we've now had three days fall out from one little disagreement or you know a little bit of an
Starting point is 00:26:34 argument and now it's three days gone that's a three-day recovery time right it's too much so how all right we normally have a three-day recovery time let's get it down to a day we have a day-long recovery time let's get it recovery time. Let's get it down to a day. We have a day-long recovery time. Let's get it down. What if we could get it down to an hour? What if we could get our recovery time down to five minutes? And someone just said, how do you improve your recovery time? You break the normal pattern.
Starting point is 00:26:59 What's the normal pattern of the aftermath of your arguments? Are you in bed together and you both roll over and turn the other way? Right, you know that one. Oh, yeah. You both just roll over in the opposite direction. I mean, by the way, not that I'm always in relationships with arguments, just that if you've been in relationships, you know what that is. But in that moment, you could say, what do I normally do?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Well, I normally roll over, so do they. And there's now distance between us in bed. Well, what's a modest? Think of recovery time in terms of, yes, you want to break the pattern, do something different than what you normally do. But make it a micro thing. Because here's the thing, rolling over and putting your arm around that person and saying, I love you. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Let's not argue. You can do that. That's a great pattern break. But it could feel like a lot. So maybe create a micro pattern break. In that moment, you reach over and you just put your hand on their shoulder and give them a little stroke or just stroke their hair and then and then they go what no i'm i'm thinking back to a relationship where i've actually like it like we're just like i'll touch the back of each other's hand yeah just like that that was
Starting point is 00:28:17 like the mildest form of making up but we just like a white flag oh we touched back a little bit and it's like that's what we're gonna get get tonight. But we're going to be okay. It could be someone's little finger that they don't normally put that out there. And it's just a little finger stroke. And you go, could this be a peace offering? Right. But if we can be the one to offer that little peace offering,
Starting point is 00:28:39 just a tiny thing, because here's the thing that millimeter shift can prompt a millimeter shift from them right they might may not all of a sudden roll over and and say oh my god i'm so glad that you're you're back with no but they might just squeeze your hand back and then you have a moment a moment and you keep building on those that's how you increase your recovery time. Don't focus on making up. Focus on a micro pattern break that gives one millimeter shift that gives them permission to make a one millimeter shift. Because if you get 10 of those, you're back in business again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 All right. All right. Well, I think we did it, didn't we? Yeah, I think we've got them all there. Well, there's many others, but thank you for sending them all in. I feel like we've got the big ones there. Improve your recovery time with everybody. If you're having a fight with your mum right now or in general improve your recovery time if you're
Starting point is 00:29:45 having a fight with your sister your brother a colleague improve your recovery time how how many hours or days or minutes could you shave off of your recovery time yeah wouldn't we all live better lives if we could do that it's like that you know the old man in home alone steve you know he spent years not talking to his son that's right all right the old man shoveling the snow spent years not talking to his son and then macaulay colkin comes along and says what did he say in the movie what's that quote he said improve your recovery time and say what you want about joe pesci and the other robber but those two forgave each other very frequently and quickly that is actually big mistakes they had a they had a blinded they were a highly dysfunctional pair together enough to
Starting point is 00:30:40 have them back on the saddle and robbing again in New York, trying to murder a child. So great recovery time. It can come. Anyone can be good at this, I think is the lesson there. Yeah. Anyone can be good at this. Well, I think we're done. All right. Hey, podcast is called Love Life with Matthew Hussey.
Starting point is 00:31:01 If you're listening to this, you already know that. But go to iTunes, leave a review for us. We definitely read them. And I really mean that because, you know, it's not like we get 100 a day, is it, Steve? We get just the right amount that we can actually read them all. We get excellent, lovely, generous reviews, though. Leave us a review. It means a lot to us.
Starting point is 00:31:22 You know, give us some stars. Whatever, however many you think we deserve. You really give us some stars. However many you think we deserve. You really can just give us as many as you think we deserve. Sure. And, you know, I'm just saying. I'm not asking for a five-star review. No, we're not asking for what you should say. Obviously, leave a five-star if I'm not deterring you from doing that.
Starting point is 00:31:40 But leave as many as you like. Matthew, what about our wonderful giveaway we're doing? Tell us about it, Steve. Well, as you will see in the description, those of you on Facebook, we're doing a giveaway because we have upcoming our second final retreat, virtual retreat of the year on September 24th to the 26th.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Oh, baby. If you haven't locked in your place for the virtual retreat, now is the time. If you claim your place this month, you'll be entered into an exclusive drawing for the chance to receive one of three totally free tickets to the virtual retreat or the grand prize of an exclusive one-to-one coaching
Starting point is 00:32:27 session with matthew hussey himself that which by the way yeah and it's nice of you steve to say that's a great thing it is i don't really i don't really do them anymore one-to-one no i get all sorts of people come and ask and i just don't really do them. So if you buy a virtual retreat this month, you might get it free because everyone who buys this month gets entered into the free prize draw for a virtual retreat. And there are how many of them available? Three. Three of them we're giving away. But one person is going to get a one-to-one session with me where we can solve whatever problems in your life you'd like to solve. We can spend time on them and work together on them in a fashion that we don't really get to do anymore. So that's
Starting point is 00:33:13 going to happen. And of course, for anyone who does make it onto the virtual retreat, you're going to be doing coaching for three days with me, with Steven, with my dad, with my family, my coaches, with my whole team. And it's been a magical experience. I know many of you in the comments will have already been. Tell everyone for us what your experience was, your honest experience. And you also get a bonus live Q&A. With you and with dad. On August 18th.
Starting point is 00:33:41 So if you join this month, that is, you'll get entered into the chance to get the free ticket to the retreat and the coaching, and you'll get on that live Q&A. Everyone's getting that. So whatever happens, you still get that Q&A with my dad and Stephen. And you go to to go and start the process now and talk to one of our specialists, and hopefully we will see you there. Go do it now before you do anything else. Because you will forget.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'm not having a go, Steve. No, you will forget. You will forget. And if you're gonna do it later, do it now because you get entered in to all this. Oh, come on. I'm just saying do it now. No, come on, Steve, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. Do it now! All right. Sorry, you got me amped up. I'm feeding off of your energy. All right, that's it. All right. Thank you so much, guys.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Go and download the podcast and we'll see you on the next one. Wait. Do you know what I'm doing tonight? No, I don't. I'm going to dine in the dark. You know that movie about... Don Lenoir. Yeah, do you know that movie about time? I know the movie about time.
Starting point is 00:34:49 What's it called? About time. Dun dun. Yes, they go to the dark restaurant, the pitch black restaurant in London. Yeah. I probably shouldn't have said that, should I? Oh, God. Why did I say that?
Starting point is 00:35:04 He's going one night this week. I think, honestly, there's many of them. Isn't there? Should I? Oh god. Why did I say that? He's going one night this week. I think honestly there's many of them. Isn't there? There's a few. There's a few branches. I'm probably going to go to... I'm going to a restaurant tonight. Great.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Brilliant. Okay. Well. Alright. Idiot. I see the blog sites. Got a new wife. Shorty got a new boo. Yeah, love beautiful.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I'm looking for love.

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