Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 178: What It REALLY Takes To Start Over In Love

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

One of the unchanging truths about love is that even though it's beautiful when we find it, there's always a chance we can lose it. But how do we move on from an old chapter when it's over? How do you... develop the right mindset to get back in the game when you've faced a major setback? Matt and the team sit down to discuss starting over and why it can be both a painful and beautiful experience. --- Join our next Virtual Retreat (November 11th - 13th)! - Claim Your Spot Today at --- Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at --- Follow Matt on Insta @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen on Insta @stephenhhussey --- ►► Download our brand new guide on "How To Define The Relationship" - Go to and get your FREE copy now. ►► Dowload our guide to get back in the dating game at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is just a reality of living that if I found love, I can lose love, either because someone decides they want something else or because life happens. welcome everybody to the love life podcast oh we've got all of us here today we've got jameson steven we got audrey we got me hello hello we be jamming ah we be jamming. Nice Jay. Strong start. Strong start which to what will undeniably be one of the greatest episodes of podcasting ever made. Love it. Love the confidence. I think this is the high now. This is the high moment of this episode. We've peaked already in the first 20 seconds. Today we are talking about starting again. This is something that we're all going to have to do at some point in our lives. How do we move on from a past chapter and fully embrace the next chapter of our lives? That could be true if you
Starting point is 00:01:21 find yourself coming to the end of a dating situation that you hoped would be promising but turned out to be a dead end. It could also be the case if you're in a later stage of life and you find yourself coming out of a decades-long marriage. In this episode, we give practical advice about how to develop a bulletproof mindset for embarking on a new chapter of your life, no matter how scary that is, and no matter how long you feel like you've been out of the game. I think you're really going to love this one. Let's get started. Now, we have a review, Audrey, that you wanted to read. Before we get into that review, I just want to ask everyone out there if they have someone that they find attractive right now. Do you have someone you find attractive in your life? Someone that you might want a little more with?
Starting point is 00:02:20 Someone that you want to be even more attracted to you than they already are. Now, when you think about this person, do you know what to text them right now? Are you thinking, hmm, I would like to text them, but what? What shall I send? Well, we have nine answers to that question in our free guide, the nine texts. These are nine specifically crafted texts to create attraction. And we thought that this would be a very practical way for you to have something to say to that person right now. So go over to to download that free guide right now and choose one of those nine messages to send to someone you like. If you want to flirt, create attraction, move it along, these nine texts will help. Find the one that suits you and send it to the person you like.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We'll also put the link to that in the description of today's episode. Well, Audrey, what did the review say? What have the people been saying? And I just want to say, I've noticed we have had quite a lot of reviews recently. Did you notice that, Stephen? I did notice an uptick, Matt. I wonder what could have spurred that spurred that on no i know you're gonna say that i was the one who asked for it but that was weeks ago now i think that now it's just you know people are just coming in thick and fast i think you were quite heavy-handed to be fair oh some people mentioned the word some people mentioned the word begging you all you all make fun of me but you're enjoying the reviews are you not there i am i'm personally enjoying the reviews so much i'm also really really enjoying the emails that have been
Starting point is 00:04:12 coming in because we've been getting so many emails with people's amazing stories and just feedback and it's just been so beautiful to read actually i just i wanted to read one of these lovely iTunes reviews. It says, this is from SGL28, who I can only imagine is some sort of droid from Star Wars. Thank you for this soft space to land. I just want to say thank you for creating such a nurturing and informative space to learn about relationships and how to better understand not only ourselves, but our partners. I've been navigating the end of a long-term relationship and your podcast has been so good for this tender heart of mine. Thank you for what you do. It has been infinitely helpful in my life. Thank you so much, SGL28. If you would like to leave us a review, head on over to iTunes and pop us a little review in there.
Starting point is 00:05:07 We are absolutely loving them. Audrey, what are they saying in the emails? Well, there is a really beautiful email that got sent in from Krista. And Krista said, so I made some giant mistakes in dating this last year. Not holding up my standards because I like the guy too much, him losing interest after sex, getting heartbroken, not being myself, blah blah blah. I'm 45, divorced, early last year after being married for 20 years. I've joined the Love Life Club this month and have been absorbing everything and learning so much. Anyway, I met a new guy last week. I really like him a lot. He's got that
Starting point is 00:05:47 typical bad boy vibe, which I can't resist. Hot, confident, outgoing, knows he's got it all going on, successful, etc. This type hasn't worked out for me in the past because I've just been too gaga over them and clearly haven't given them any challenge whatsoever. Well, I decided to change my MO with this one and tap into my newfound edge that I discovered from listening to so much great content here. We are having great forward-moving conversations with me being able to set my standards in a witty, confident, high-value way. It's early on and who knows if anything will pan out, but I'm still super proud of myself and it feels fucking great having and communicating standards. Big, big thank you, Matthew and team.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I am hooked. Also loved your real world text example with the masterclass last week. So I thought I would share a few successful standard communicating high value text messages I had with him. Some fun examples below attached if you would like to navigate that. Much love, Krista. And the reason I really enjoyed it is because I read those messages that she speaks of. And one of the things she said, which I thought, do you know what? Good for you, Krista. I loved it. He said to her, good morning. In the excitement to get you in front of me, I got over my skis a little. Can we push back to 8.30?
Starting point is 00:07:07 She responded, good morning. Sure, you'll just get 30 minutes less of me. And I thought, brilliant. I love that. It's a nice message. It's a really nice message. So yeah, amazing, Krista. Thank you so much for sending us an email
Starting point is 00:07:22 and really, really love that you're enjoying the love life club and it's just such an amazing amazing email to write although be careful because if he's a bad boy then just you know be careful don't be too encouraging yeah don't be too encouraging of the bad behavior no wait a second i i can i understand that because as a as a sexy bad boy myself those texts would work on me so i can i can relate right well thank you steven for speaking on behalf of all sexy bad boys no sure we're a rare breed now wait a second matt shouldn't shouldn't this shouldn't krista just be herself to me to me this email this epitomizes the uh well i guess it debunks the myth that you just
Starting point is 00:08:08 need to be yourself because i mean look at what she she says here she says that she was able to take all of the advice you you gave her and set standards set her standards those are her standards but if she was just being herself she wouldn't have had the in she wouldn't have had the ability the witty banter the confidence in that moment to phrase it just right so that she could actually be herself and set the standards that are her standards well you you you make an interesting point jameson because who who really is ourself who we are is is an iterative process and it is sort of insulting if you started being wittier jameson and i said jameson just be yourself the implication would be that who you are isn't witty or couldn't be witty. Just because we are behaving in a different way,
Starting point is 00:09:06 it doesn't mean it's less us necessarily. It might just mean that we're flexing a muscle we haven't flexed in a long time. When we go to the gym and we develop a bigger bicep or a stronger core, does anyone say, hey, just be yourself? Like that big bicep, that's not you, man. No, you're just, you're building a muscle. The muscle was there. You had a bicep. You're just, you're just learning how to build it. The same is true of humor. The same is true of sexiness, of flirtatiousness. The same is true of deep conversation and conversational ability. These are muscles we all have. It's just about being confident enough to actually bring them out and work those muscles. And it might be even more subtle than that because you've said this before where you're
Starting point is 00:09:57 only as strong as your weakest muscle. So maybe she had a really strong tricep this entire time, but you gave her the ability to work on her core or her bicep. And now her tricep is finally able to do what it needed to do. Very good. And I think most importantly, she's having fun with it. And I think that is actually the thing I'm getting from this. Because, you know, what we're going to be talking about today in this episode is starting over and starting again. And, you know, she's in a position where she was married for 20 years but she's obviously somehow finding a way of enjoying the process of dating again which
Starting point is 00:10:31 i think is really great and that makes a huge difference to the results you end up getting absolutely in your love life if you have written a great message recently that got a great result. Send the exchange in to podcast at We don't have to name anyone, but just take a screenshot and send it in so that we can read it on the podcast because it would just be great to get some more examples of high value texts that people have sent. And I'm not suggesting everyone has to send in some sort of sassy text. It could just be just any kind of high value exchange where you felt like, oh, I really brought out my best in that moment. We would love to read it. I think it would be fun to read some of those messages. And of course, it should be noted that Krista was getting these results because she's now part of the Love Life Club.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And Stephen, there's a lot of people listening to us right now who are not part of the Love Life Club. There I said it. They missed out because I just did a live webinar tonight for our exclusive members answering their Love Life questions. Right, and I'll be doing one in the next couple of weeks. And we've got guests coming up and masterclasses and really incredible things that are going to transform your love life by giving you a plan for how to take control of your love life your confidence and your entire social life steven what are people
Starting point is 00:11:54 thinking by not being part of this well they're not thinking that's that's the real thing and if if they knew what was going to really skyrocket their relationship in 2022, they would join the membership. Well, look, Steve, I'll say this. If they come to their senses, then they should probably head over to where they can get a 14-day free trial just to dip their toe in the water and see what it's all about. That would be very sensible.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That would be very sensible. It's to go and check out that love life club that krista is a part of now matt you know i love geeking out on numbers of our podcast and you know we hit the magic million a month recently which we're very very proud of and very grateful to our audience for um i was looking at different countries and how they track over sort of a one month period, just having a look. And it's like, you know, US like half a million, UK 120,000, and you've got different ones, Russia, 3000, Brazil, few thousand. I was looking, I was like, what's the smallest? And I was like, what's the smallest amount in a month and i really scanned around on our podcast
Starting point is 00:13:06 app and i found a country matt democratic republic of congo in a month yeah last month one person from the congo checked in on our podcast so if that is you and you are listening let me ask you a question steve when we decide to go on tour again does that warrant us doing a tour event in the republic of congo i think a quick start well i think it's actually it's not even fair to that person though because right now they're getting complete comparative advantage to everybody else they don't even want you to go there you know they want all of your advice for themselves so they can just take over oh i see that like person that one person in the republic of congo is just absolutely cleaning up killing it right now yeah wow there's 12 12 people in madagascar who are obviously got a massive edge because they've been
Starting point is 00:14:06 listening to it as well wow i mean that is cool these are some these are some really interesting places are we represented in zanzibar uh zanzibar let's have a look uh looking for places to go if we had uh fans in zanzibar i actually can't see right now, but I will get back. Have a look, Steve. Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Indonesia, 3,000 last month. Stephen, I would like you to dedicate the rest of your week to finding out what our following is in Zanzibar, please. Brilliant. I got my orders.
Starting point is 00:14:42 So we are talking today about starting again. What does it look like? You've left the long-term relationship. Well, maybe you've been single for just a very long time and stuck in a rut and you haven't been dating and you find yourself starting again in the sense that you're actually now finally willing to put yourself out there. What does starting again actually look like? It's a scary time. It's a time when the game may have changed.
Starting point is 00:15:24 You may find yourself in a dating paradigm that you just don't relate to. Maybe the last time you It's a time when the game may have changed. You may find yourself in a dating paradigm that you just don't relate to. Maybe the last time you dated, it was a very different landscape. Maybe it just seems like the wild west to you now. You don't even know how to get started. Maybe your life has become so routine and so you've had a certain kind of life for such a long time that you're now faced with a completely new way of living, a new lifestyle. Maybe your entire social life left with the old relationship. Maybe you moved in the process.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Maybe you're living in a different place now, but you find yourself starting from the ground up. What does it actually look like? What advice would we give to someone in this position? So I think it's worth quoting here john k in his book obliquity where he talks about the idea that the best route to any goal is indirect that he talks you know if you want to make, you don't focus directly on making money. You focus on creating something of immense value to people, making an amazing product, making an amazing service, providing value, providing entertainment, doing something that will attract money to you. And we could talk about our love life as being a good case example of that concept that there are things, if you drew a line down the middle of a page, you could say that on the left,
Starting point is 00:17:18 there are things that are directly related to building a love life. Those might include joining an app, approaching people that you find attractive, going on dates. And then there would be things on the right-hand side that indirectly contribute to having a great love life. And it would be interesting, I think, for us to talk about some of those things today. Because starting again doesn't just have to mean the things that directly and literally relate to dating. It can also involve a lot of things that as a byproduct of doing them will bring you either more opportunity in your love life, either because you meet more people or it will make you more confident by doing
Starting point is 00:18:21 that thing. And that will have an impact on your love life because you'll be a different person in conversation because you'll have more to talk about because you'll be able to maintain certain standards because you have this baseline of confidence that comes from other things that you're doing in your life so there are direct ways to attract love again, and there are indirect or as John Kay puts it, oblique ways to start again and improve our love life. What does anyone want to kick off with what they think is one of the big things that people need to think about when starting again the thing that springs to mind for me is a concept we don't have time to probably get into today but the idea that you talk about on your retreat matt of turning your plan b into your plan a i think if you're starting over it's probably not you're probably not in the plan A. I think if you're starting over,
Starting point is 00:19:25 you're probably not in the position that you wish you were. You're probably not... The course that you're sort of going through right now isn't the one you anticipated, and it might not be the one that you wish was happening. So I think it's about almost reframing the reality of your situation now so that as a starting point before anything else so that you can actually go into it without an energy of sort of regret
Starting point is 00:19:53 and melancholy towards how you wish things were or should have been but rather just excitement for what the future has to hold with this new plan b which is now plan a i always look at any stage of my life for a role model or inspiration or emotional reference point that kind of aligns with the stage of life I'm in. I remember when I first watched Guardians of the Galaxy, the first one, this is going to sound so silly, but when I first watched Guardians of the Galaxy, I was single and I had a kind of melancholy at times that I wanted to meet someone but I hadn't met someone that I wanted to really truly be with and I remember watching Guardians of the Galaxy and Star-Lord Chris Pratt's character was this sort of single having fun person who was gallivanting around the galaxy,
Starting point is 00:21:10 just making the best of it. And for whatever, it just stuck with me as like an emotional reference for like, I'm all right. Like life's, life's exciting and it's fun. And, you know, there's Star-Lord and he's just got his ship and he's going around and having fun and making the best of it. And, you know, it like became this weird, silly reference point for me for like, it became what I would call on the retreat, an emotional button for the stage of life that I was in. Now that's no longer like that's for me, a reference point that's no longer the same. So my reference point may change or I might have a new emotional button, but I would, I remember watching the best exotic Marigold Hotel and thinking if I was like in my 50s or 60s right now coming out of a long relationship and I was finding myself starting again, this movie would be like a fun reference point. It would fill me with a sense of adventure for this phase of my life. It would make me feel like anything was still possible. It would excite me. And that would be an emotional button for me. So I feel like whether
Starting point is 00:22:33 it's a real person in your life that you know, or whether it's a movie reference or a book that you've read that gets you excited about something. Like to me, the old man in the sea just by Hemingway just always makes me feel like I want to just be out on a boat doing something difficult, you know, like, like it was whatever is the reference point for you that makes you feel emotionally connected to the excitement of starting again. That that's something to draw on. Look for those
Starting point is 00:23:08 moments where you feel like you're emotionally connected to why this actually is a really exciting new phase, because that's a great place to start from. It's all about our focus. Where does our focus go? If your focus goes to, oh, this is so hard and I never thought I'd be single again at this stage of my life. I never thought I'd have to do this. And you're kind of, it's this backwards look at how your blueprint didn't, the blueprint you had for yourself didn't materialize or got shattered. But if instead you just go, okay, well, that blueprint happened for a while, but now I get to have an entirely new blueprint. And I can either sit there grieving the old blueprint, or I can say, actually, this new blueprint can be really,
Starting point is 00:24:01 this can be a brand new blueprint. What references do I have for that blueprint being really exciting? And then make those things you connect to, make that reference point, that emotional button, something you connect to every day. This gives us such good insight into Matt, I think. Because who watches Guardians of the Galaxy and just thinks like, ah, yes, the everyman finally gallivanting around the galaxy.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Finally, a movie about me. But actually, it's really interesting because Matt's Matt is really creative. Like there's a big part of of just the way, Matt, you look at the world and you just like pick little things and you learn from them and you kind of make them your own. But it's really, it's more than just, you know, making a good little story. You really do get creative about just like, how can I get something from this little bit of life and make it mean something for my life? And there's something really interesting about that example of watching Guardians of the Galaxy and also that range you have between Guardians of the Galaxy and The Old Man and the Sea.
Starting point is 00:25:11 To get something from both of those pieces of culture is unbelievable. But they're both really good, and they're both really good. And there's just something really interesting about if you can really set that mindset of creativity to kind of problem solve your own life with anywhere, just any little crevice of life, just to pick a little bit of something and to get a little bit of meaning out of it, that will definitely help on the new journey. Thank you, man. That's really sweet. It means a lot to me. I send us, if you're listening to this and you have an example that, that comes to mind for yourself, either a movie character or a story, a piece of literature
Starting point is 00:25:55 or something, maybe even a person in your life that has become an emotional button for looking positively and excitedly at the phase of life you're in, send us an email podcast at Matthew Cause I actually think it would be fun to read a couple of those or even just leave us a voice note, leave us a voice memo by email and we'll play the voice note out loud on the show. Steven, did you have something you wanted to throw in here before I go into my next
Starting point is 00:26:24 one? I think we make a mistake always looking at life linear in a way like i was this far ahead now this has happened and now i'm backwards and i think that's a very narrow view of what life is is this idea of i was this far up the mountain and now i'm back here I don't really see things like that I don't see my relationships like that or you know having relationships I've gone through in the past I feel like they've enriched me and given me all these added dimensions and wisdom I certainly don't look at it as being back at square one every time I think wow I've I'm now armed with all this different life experience and and knowledge and you know and and something of being a writer and someone who loves processing my own experiences I always I always see everything as that's another chapter I have now
Starting point is 00:27:19 in the memoir book that's another piece I have to talk about and how much more interesting does that make things and and another thing is i have a kind of weird thing where i sort of love the to go to another movie i sort of sometimes love the shawshank redemption-esque demand to have to like rebuild piece by piece sometimes i love it when i'm i'm back against the wall shit's falling down and like okay i'm like i sometimes get excited about like doing the comeback like i'm gonna i'm getting my shit back now i so i completely relate to everything you just said steve and i it reminded me of that line we were talking about it the other day in the the sun screen that that one line sometimes you're ahead sometimes you're behind um but in the end but in the end the race is with yourself i think it's that is
Starting point is 00:28:26 that right is that how it goes sometimes it says the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself yeah sometimes you're ahead sometimes you're behind the race is long but in the end it's beautiful um it's it's it's. And I think Steve, what someone might feel listening to you is I can imagine there might be some people going, yeah, I used to feel like that. I used to feel like, you know, it was fun to have my back against the wall and have to fight my way out. And that was kind of a place that, you know, in my thirties or my forties, I could do that. But there might be some people who find themselves in their fifties or sixties back out there again at the end of a marriage that they thought would last a lifetime and going, I just don't have the energy. I just, I just don't, I can't do this again. And, you know, I,
Starting point is 00:29:29 I may have, you know, yes, there may be something to learn from coming back from something, but I feel like I've already come back from a bunch of things in my life. The reality of my life today is that I'd prefer to have the person in my life than the lesson. I'd prefer companionship over another lesson about how tough I can be. Not to mention it is harder when you're older to meet people. It's harder to, you don't have as much energy to go out and date and gallivant around the galaxy to try and find your person. It's, you know. Though you might have more time. It's possible you might have more time.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Ironically. Possible. Not for everyone. Some people are still working hard at that time and making ends meet. But for some people, you might find you have more time time on your hands which is absolutely an advantage but but yeah there is that there is that thing that at a certain point you go i'm no i don't want any more challenges of this nature i'm not i this isn't fun for me to have to do this all over again. And I really believe that, firstly, what has happened to you if someone left you unexpectedly is something that will still happen to other people in other ways, right? You could be the person whose partner died. And it's not that they intentionally left you, but the result is still
Starting point is 00:31:13 the same. And so I think we almost have to reframe it as what's happened to me is a possibility for anyone at any point in life. This is just a reality of living that if I found love, I can lose love either because someone decides they want something else or because life happens and they're taken from me. And really we only ever have, you know, there's, there's, we have the choice to just decide, I don't want to be here anymore. And we have the choice to keep living. And if our choice is to keep living, then the next logical thing to do is to say, what will allow me to make the best of it? What will allow me to make the best of this time that I have? And I don't think that it always has to start with, well, let me get back out there and date. I think sometimes we think so literally about dating that we, we almost, we end up
Starting point is 00:32:22 overthinking it. There are plenty of relationships that start because we were just in a certain place at a certain time in our lives and we met someone, we hit it off and we decided to have coffee and one thing led to another. And we wouldn't necessarily have even seen or labeled the process as I'm dating.
Starting point is 00:32:43 You just happen to be at a certain place in time and meet another amazing human being. And so I think one of the things that can help people start again is to not overload that word dating with so much meaning. Stop thinking of it in terms of I'm going to be dating again. I think that it's better to start from a place of saying I'm going to be dating again, I think that it's better to start from a place of saying, I'm going to be open to anything that life offers me in the way of experiences, in the way of new adventures, in the way of a new season. I am just going to go in as someone who still deep down, even if life is incredibly challenging right now, still deep down believes that there is something worthwhile about life. And even if I can't find it in me to say that there's something magical or exciting about life right now, even if I can't connect to that, I'm going to be humble enough to remain in a place of curiosity
Starting point is 00:33:53 about what possibilities there may be in life, either to meet someone interesting or to do something interesting or to do something interesting or to have an experience that turns out was actually incredibly rewarding. I'm gonna remain open to that possibility. I've talked on previous episodes about dealing with chronic pain and in the worst times, and for anyone who doesn't know,
Starting point is 00:34:24 and maybe I can do kind of an episode on this at some point but when i was in the worst time of my chronic pain i'm not talking about weeks or months i'm talking about years of being in a certain place physically with pain that that had a dramatic impact on my life and my worldview. The thing that got me through those times was not thinking that life is so magical because the truth is when I was in my worst pain, I didn't connect to the magic of life.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I had to just remain open to the possibility that it might actually get better at some point. Or that even if my pain didn't get better, that life might get better. That my emotions around it might get better. And I had to remain open to that possibility. And I think that when we're starting again, we don't have to connect with all of the magic of life and the excitement. And won't it be fun to meet someone again? You might not be there. You might not be in that place, but you have to, at the very least, be humble enough. View it
Starting point is 00:35:31 through the lens of humility. Humility is you do not know how you'll feel in a year. You do not know how you'll feel in three years. You don't know the meaning that will be in your life in five years. So humility is accepting that you don't know and therefore remaining open to what may come. And even being more than open, being proactive about creating possibilities that may lead to different feelings and new people and maybe even new love. We'll do another episode on this part because I think we should dig in in more detail. But I'm a huge believer in the things that we can do socially, the things we can say yes to that we wouldn't normally say yes to, the activities we can experience that we haven't
Starting point is 00:36:27 experienced before and even some of the things we've convinced ourselves we don't like that we that actually come more from a place of fearing those things than actually truly disliking those things that if we start to say yes to some of these things and truly build a new life, that becomes the gateway to everything else. It becomes the gateway to personality changes. It becomes the gateway to growth. It becomes the gateway to meeting new people, new conversation, new love. And that then becomes the catalyst for finding love as a byproduct if we want it. And one of the things I want to just send everybody to while we're on this subject, if you don't want to have to wait till next time to hear some of these things,
Starting point is 00:37:16 is go to There's a free guide there on how to move on strong after heartbreak that will get you started right now so go to to download that guide and that will help you if you're in the process of starting again right now before we wrap up this episode. Is there anything else we want to say about this for now? There's one piece of advice that we talked about years ago matt that's always stuck with me Um that I always tell any of my friends if they're going through a tough time and trying to turn the page a little bit Um, which is just a reminder that the thing that actually makes us happy is making progress in life And so if you can find
Starting point is 00:38:06 something that you care about a little bit, even if it's just like your body and going to the gym, and if you can put a line in the sand and start to make little incremental progress on that thing, on that project, that really does help move on in a healthy way. Because everyone going through a breakup or whatever, they'll often, you know, the stereotype is they'll start drinking, they'll distract themselves, let's go on holiday, let's do whatever, you'll do these big things. And that might help a little bit in the short term. But the thing that's really gonna, you'll get really big gains if you just consistently make progress on something, even something as simple as the gym or a diet or something. If you stick to it, if you make a little bit of progress,
Starting point is 00:38:52 write a little journal, anything that really does help. Very good. Momentum. Momentum is magic. we'll finish with a review this one from yvi415 who says real life guidance matthew you have created something beautiful and extremely valuable for us who are looking for guidance and tools in our relationships and lives recently probably since Audrey came on board, there is another level of vulnerability and depth that I so appreciate. All of you sharing your attachment styles is very personal and not the most comfortable thing. So thank you for leading the authentic way. It's incredibly helpful. And Audrey has added another dimension. Having profound emotional intelligence as well as compassion makes it clear that she has also worked through some stuff herself. How lovely. Well, thank you to you and to anyone
Starting point is 00:39:51 who wants to leave us a review on iTunes. We so appreciate it. We do love reading them. And of course, if you have a story, a question, or just want to tell us about a piece of advice that worked for you from the podcast or any of our programs, send us an email, podcast at And we did put the word out recently for voice memos. If you want to leave us a voice memo that we can play out loud on the podcast, we haven't received any yet, but we've received a lot of emails. So there's, I think some people are being a little shy right now. Send us a voice note because we really do want to hear your lovely voices and we would love to play them out loud on the episode. Send that to podcast at Doesn't that just show like how vulnerable people are about calling or leaving voice notes? When we
Starting point is 00:40:43 tell people they can stand out by instead of texting, just leave a voice note. This is proof in the pudding because it's like there's so many people not leaving the voice note. It's so true. If we even received one Jameson, we couldn't resist playing it. They would have stood out to us. Send it in podcast at Matthew Hussey dot com and we will speak to you on the next episode of Love Life.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Have an amazing day everybody bye everyone bye friends

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