Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 223: How to Feel Confident: Self-Image Advice (With Cassandra Sethi)

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

How often do you look at yourself and feel great in what you wear? Does your wardrobe fill you with dread or make you feel joy? In this episode, my wife Audrey and I had an amazing conversation with expert Cassandra Sethi. We talked about how to find clothing that makes you feel confident in your own skin, which items are worth spending money on (and which aren't), and how to put together a wardrobe with outfits that best suit your own personal style. --- Connect with Cassandra Blog → Insta → --- ►► Pre-Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► Get Commitment Without Games or Ultimatums Reserve Your Spot to my Virtual Event for FREE... →

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, welcome back to the Love Life Podcast. Before we get started, just a quick bit of housekeeping. If you haven't already, make sure you get signed up to the event that I'm doing on the 23rd of this month. This is called the First Principles for Getting to Commitment. It's a virtual event. You could do it from anywhere in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:18 And if you are someone who is sick and tired of people not being ready, of people only wanting casual, if you're starting to question whether real relationships actually exist, but you also deeply, deeply want to find one for yourself, then this is an event that should be a non-negotiable for you. I'm going to be giving tons of advice in this event, lots of practical wisdom on how to get into a committed relationship. And I've learned so much about this area, not just from teaching it, but also from my own life and my psychological process that I went through to commit. And I've poured my heart and soul into this event to benefit you so that you can go out there and get the commitment you want. So check it out. It's at
Starting point is 00:01:01 It's completely free. It's going to be an amazing event. And by the way, I'm going to be doing something very special on this event that I've never done before. It's a little bit of a Oprah, you get a car, you get a car, you get a car moment. It's not a car, but it's the same sort of ballpark of exciting. There is going to be a huge benefit to the people that actually show up to this event. So I look forward to seeing you there. Love Life Training is the link. Go sign up now before Hussey. We are here with Audrey Hussey. Woo, my God. It still sounds weird every time I say it. We've added a Hussey. And Cassandra Satie is here with us today to have a conversation about style and our own personal wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:02:12 We have known each other for years now. Yes. And I have always known you as the personal stylist in my life that I have never once benefited from until very recently. I know you style people across the world. I know you've been featured on lots of media and both online media and TV, and you're one of the best at what you do, but I have never actually worked with you until about a month and a half ago when Audrey and I both had the pleasure of getting styled by you for both our wedding and our honeymoon. Yes, it was great. It was the most fun. Yeah. We had such a good time and it's been like a massive it's genuinely been a big shift
Starting point is 00:03:08 for us in the way that we present ourselves the way that we enjoy dressing and choosing what to wear and it's like you know how Marie Kondo used that phrase, spark joy, you know, and what, what sparks joy for you in your home. I would say that, that style has begun to spark joy for me in my life. And I think it's the same for you, Audrey. Yeah, for sure. It's been just a really fun process. And I, I, I feel like a couple of years ago, I wouldn't have had a lot of things to ask in this department because I wasn't focused on this department. And now that I've gotten more focused, I thought this has had a profound effect on us. It would be great to take as many different learnings and insights from this experience
Starting point is 00:04:02 and from you in the years of doing this that people at home can apply to themselves whether or not they ever have a stylist everyone is like very few people in this life are above vanity and in a, vanity is a superficial way of describing why we care. Because there is something fundamental that can change in our mindset when we decide to upgrade our wardrobe. Whether it's the quality of things we have, whether it's just the consciousness that we go into our style with, or just the pride that we take in ourselves. To me, it's, it's very similar to the pride we take in our body when we decide to take care of our body. It's just an extension of that. So I guess my first question to you is what do you see at a kind of, at a more meta level as being the big benefit to people of upgrading their wardrobe and their sense of style? Yeah, great question. So in my work with clients, I have seen so many
Starting point is 00:05:16 incredible transformations throughout my six years of owning Next Level Wardrobe and it has been so heartwarming to see. And I would say the biggest thing that stands out to me is the confidence level. And you have someone in your corner rooting for you when it comes to your style and how you present yourself to the world, saying, yes, that looks good. And yes, like you look amazing and kind of cheering you on. And when you get that, and when you get the education behind great style, it's a winning combination and people's confidence just goes like that. It's incredible to see. What does that education look like for, for the everyday person who is just waking up today going, I have really let this part of my life go. I, you know, we obviously talk to an enormous number of people who want to find love. Part of going out there and finding love is bringing our best to the table, not just in terms of
Starting point is 00:06:18 our mindset or our energy, but in terms of the way we present ourselves. So if I'm a person that is going out there today going, I want to upgrade my, my mindset in this area and the way I do it, but I really lack confidence, not just in myself, but in my choices, you know, we've dressed the same way for so long. I got used to, you know, back when I left London over 10 years ago, I was wearing waistcoats and, you know, nice trousers and button down shirts on every interview and everything I was doing. And then I came to Los Angeles and had no more opportunities to get dressed because I was working from home most of the time. It was sunny outside. It's not like walking through a chilly London where you put on layers and you can dress up easily. And everybody walks around in their tracksuits every single day.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah, everyone's in sweatpants. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You go for like dinner at a Michelin star restaurant in your sweatpants. I mean, I don't know that that's true, but maybe I'm exaggerating. But you know what I'm getting at. I think it was kind of summed up by a friend of ours who we just came back from a month in Japan and he lives in L.A. And he said, you know, some restaurants wouldn't let me in in Japan because I was wearing sneakers all the time. And I thought and he said I was like very dressed down and wearing a cap and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And I was like, oh, yeah, you've been in L.A LA so long that you that for you this is just your uniform at this stage yeah and I I really enjoyed that because I enjoy being really comfortable but it then got to a point where I was like oh my god I've now probably been doing this for years right and I think in that time I lost a little confidence in like, well, what do I even, I don't even know what to go and choose. And I know Audrey had a similar experience of, you know, we would try to go shopping and you'd be like, I don't know what I like, or I don't know what, if I'm going to step outside my comfort zone, I don't know what to buy.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So what do you think about that? When people feel like, I don't even know what good style is there's a so much information out there I'm drowning in it I don't you know I read these I look at these magazines and it's all like high fashion nonsense that I'm not going to do for myself because I just it wouldn't feel right for me yep where do people even start with getting better style? Yeah, good question. And when I think back to all the hundreds of conversations that I've had with people, I would say that's one of the top three challenges that people have is the feeling of overwhelm. They just don't know where to start, who to trust, where to buy from, what to buy,
Starting point is 00:09:02 and then it's inaction at the end of the day. So I would say the first thing is to view clothing as a tool in your toolbox. And, you know, some people will say, oh, it's just a pair of jeans or, oh, it's just like how you dress. It doesn't matter. Well, if that's true, then why are there so many negative emotions around clothing right why do you feel overwhelmed and don't do anything why do you buy the wrong things why do you feel frustrated when you can't get the right fit and so I think if you start to reframe a little and say hey clothing and style is a tool that I have in my toolbox so I can feel confident every day. It's really powerful. And then you combine the tactics, right? A lot of style is actually mindset.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Can you explain that to me? Yeah. So in my work with clients, I, yes, we focus on the tactics and stuff and doing the closet edit and shopping. But I have noticed that a lot of people have a lot of style rules for themselves. And style is kind of like a language that you that you learn growing up. Right. And then you form these rules and then you're like, oh, it has to be this way. So if you approach it as, OK, it's a it's a skill I have to learn, it's a language and it's going to evolve and change as I do as an individual too. Like you should not be wearing the same things that you were wearing when you were 20. You're in a different phase of life. You're married now. And so your style should evolve as you do. And I think once
Starting point is 00:10:35 you get those reframes, then it's really powerful, super powerful. While you're here, I wanted to share something with you. I am going to be working with an exclusive group of people in 2024 in person for six days on my live retreat. It's going to be in September. It's going to be in Florida. It's going to be an incredible event for anyone who wants to do the deeper work of what's holding them back in love and in their life. Come join us by going to and I'll tell you all about it. I think one of the things I've been like, what's been interesting to me is I, firstly, I had ideas in my head from growing up about what goes with what. Like I always remember growing up being told you don't wear brown and black together. I was told that all dark blue and black.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yes. Really? Yeah. Yeah. It was like a thing that you didn't do. That's false and false. Right. So I grew up with that.
Starting point is 00:11:39 So when I saw you putting colors like that together, I was like, does that go? Yeah. Right. Is it? saw you putting colors like that together I was like does that go yeah right is it and you know it it one of the things that was clear to me is you it's kind of like anything else where there are certain basic tenets that are quite valuable to know and one of the things that helped me was just even like going on the websites of the places we went to and just seeing how they style their stuff because I would I would be like oh those colors can go together I would never have put those colors together and I'd realize like my whole life has been a lie it's like when your parents tell you that um did your parents tell you this my parents told me that
Starting point is 00:12:26 it was illegal to turn on the lights in the back while they're driving in the car oh i i got that my parents told me that they they said yeah they said you're not allowed to do that i still feel like it's illegal yeah it's illegal isn't it it's not illegal no it's a lie it's, it's a lie. It's a lie that our parents told us. Jamie, is that illegal? Did they really? Really? I've never heard of that before. Well, Cass, you have irresponsible parents. But it's a bit like that, right?
Starting point is 00:12:56 You're told something. Were you given any rules, Cass? You were allowed to wear brown with black. You were allowed to put the light on in the middle of the car while it was driving. Oh, my God. You were just raised in the wild. Anyway, sorry to distract, the car while it was driving oh my god just raised in the wild anyway sorry to distract but i i thought it was you know similar when i start to think about i i watched you in action when you were styling us and you were like oh that actually looks pretty good with that and i almost thought like sometimes you were surprised yourself to be like oh that's interesting
Starting point is 00:13:19 yeah i would maybe go with that and i realized it's kind of like anything else once you know certain rules you can then improvise and break certain rules because you have a confidence in what you're doing. And I see that with celebrities all the time where I'm like, they're wearing things and doing things that, and a magazine will be like, this is really cool because, and I can guarantee there would be somewhere else or some other time where they would be like, this is terrible because like, there's a sense in which there are rules. and there's also a lot of making it up as you go along. Yes. Which could make it all sound like a farce. And in some ways I feel like fashion is because it's like, it's people with a lot of confidence telling the rest of us what looks good. And then
Starting point is 00:14:00 the rest of us, and then that we go okay and that becomes style yeah right it has to come from somewhere it starts from a few confident people or a few thought leaders in that area going no no this is the thing now and then we all go okay this is the thing now so i feel like there is a kind of it's not even a criticism i think it's just an observation that there is a kind of farcical element to it in a way but at the same time it's a little bit like i don't know i don't want to get too heady but it's like jazz right you you need to know how to play certain chords and you need but once you've got that you then can improvise because you know the basics you can freestyle analogy yeah absolutely and I would say that yes style is a skill it's a language and when I so I always do closet edits
Starting point is 00:14:44 and when I work with clients and they're very important because great style begins and ends with what is in a closet. And a closet tells me a lot about the person. What have your buying patterns been? What do you like to wear? What don't you like to wear? And in the closet, I can tell, you know, have they been putting effort towards this skill? Do they really want to develop it? Because if not, the closet is bursting at the seams. There's stuff with tags on
Starting point is 00:15:11 it still. And so great style always begins with the closet. And it's really important to remember that because the fashion magazines will say you need to buy this and you need to do this and wear this. But actually, if you get down to the basics, the basics is great style begins and ends with what is in your closet. When you say someone's closet is bursting at the seams, what are like the top mindsets or tips that someone should go into editing their closet with when they're trying to like dump half their closet
Starting point is 00:15:45 yeah what are the rules for what to dump and what not to dump yes so there's a lot of rules you can follow I would say the top one though is you have to think of your closet as a special place right a lot of people kind of dismiss the closet they'll have wire hangers or plastic from dry cleaning old stuff just hanging out in there and i really believe that if you treat your closet with respect then it can help you in this transformation so for example if you have plastic bags from dry cleaning take it off if you have tags take it off When you do an edit, if anything is old or worn or you you are kind of showing the universe that you are ready for the transformation. And it's really hard to have that if you have all this baggage in your closet. What if people are coming at it from a kind of frugal place where they're like,
Starting point is 00:16:57 oh, I don't want to get rid of that because I might need it or I might not have the money to get new stuff. So, you know So how do I balance that out? What do you say to people who have stuffed closets but feel like they haven't got much disposable income or any and are therefore afraid to throw things out or to donate them? Yeah, I would say that you can still get strategic about your closet no matter the price point that you're working with. So if you go into your closet, everyone kind of knows point that you're working with. So if you go into your
Starting point is 00:17:25 closet, everyone kind of knows those items that you were not wearing, that you don't really like, that don't fit. So even if you put them to the side or put them in another place in your home, so they're not in your day-to-day closet, that's a very powerful move, right? You don't have to donate them right away, but maybe in six months time or three months time you revisit and you're like do i like it is it me does it fit and if do i miss it yeah do i miss it yeah did i even notice yeah that it wasn't there for the last six months yeah and most of the time i instruct my clients to do this especially if they're going through body changes and stuff and most of the time they do not remember that one piece that they were agonizing over it's kind
Starting point is 00:18:07 of like a safety blanket in a way so when you just put it to the side it's powerful if something is perfectly good like it's a it's not a bad piece of clothing it's not unstylish but you just never seem to put it on yeah like I've got things still in my wardrobe that I realize, you know, you kept them because you were like, well, they've been, this is fine. There's nothing wrong with this and it could fit with your style.
Starting point is 00:18:33 But I never reach for it. Is that something that ultimately should go or should it be kept for a time where I might start to revisit it? So my question is, why haven't you worn it? I don't know. It doesn't give me a good feeling. It doesn't make, it doesn't like make me,
Starting point is 00:18:53 like the stuff we bought together, I like now get excited about. I look forward to wearing it. He gets so excited, by the way, that the other day we like, we cleaned everything and before basically like hung it up in the wardrobe and because he didn't have time before an interview to pick out the perfect outfit he ended up wearing what he was wearing the day before because he was like I just I just need to make the right choice and I just I feel rushed and making that decision because he likes it so much I want to enjoy it yeah exactly and you didn't want to rush making
Starting point is 00:19:23 that decision I'm the same way with food I'm like I don't want to eat now if i'm not going to like really order the best thing and enjoy it i want to save it for another i'll go hungry for another three hours so that i can really enjoy my meal it was this it was kind of the same mindset it was so i yeah there's stuff that i just you know how like certain objects like there objects, like there's like a, there's like a, I don't mean this literally, but there's like a smell that just wears off. Yeah, there's a pull to them. They don't know, they're like, it's faded. There's some attraction to them that's faded.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You don't feel it anymore. It's like they've lost their glow and you don't know if they'll ever get it back again. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like the things we got together have a glow to me okay and they're like they ask to be worn and then there's these other things that I know are perfectly they're I they're perfectly fine they're probably some version of something
Starting point is 00:20:16 I would end up buying a year from now but I just don't feel it anymore it doesn't spark joy what do you do with those things well I think first of, I think it's awesome that you did, you were open to the transformation. You did welcome these new things into your closet, right? Now the fun part is for you that you get to have fun with your style and explore what you like to wear, what you don't like to wear, what colors are you into etc so if anything in your closet does not spark joy make you excited i would donate it it's time to move on because again going back your closet is a very special place and we're treating it with respect now it is and life's too short yes to wear this you know t-shirt it's perfectly fine t-shirt that I've never worn that's too short one of the things that I got from you was the importance of fit and
Starting point is 00:21:15 actually having things taken in or having things hemmed like trousers I don't think I ever got a pair of trousers hemmed in my life yeah because I just was so instant gratification because if I buy something I want to take it home now and enjoy it the idea of like I just got something I'm excited about and now I'm gonna get it hemmed because the trouser doesn't necessarily the length doesn't fit as well and did you feel like it had to fit you off the rack too I felt like yes oh for sure i felt like it's if it doesn't fit me off the rack then what's the point that was a big kind of paradigm shift for me the idea of actually getting things um fitted yep properly i suppose firstly i'd love for you to talk a little
Starting point is 00:22:01 bit about that yeah and then i have a follow-up question okay great well as we saw with your experience and even your experience fit is so important it literally can take a garment that looks 25 good to 110 good it's that important and so i think there's this um there's this rule out there that clothing should fit you off the rack, right? I believed it for a long, and I worked in the fashion industry. And what I like to educate people on is that it's actually not meant to fit you. We all have different shapes and sizes and body types and that's okay. But that's when we hire a very talented tailor to easily take up the hem or take up a
Starting point is 00:22:46 sleeve and it looks so much better I mean you saw it with your suiting especially for the wedding yeah huge yeah huge and actually that doesn't cost that much money because when when I when I discovered through you you know hemming things and kind of having things taken in I went on a bit of like a crazy rampage and kind of went through my wardrobe and just basically like took up all my jeans and did all these different things and actually you can find a really reasonable tailor that just transforms a pair of trousers you never wear because they're too long and they just don't look good into something you wear all the time so it's a a really good tip, I think, for sprucing up your wardrobe, like we were talking about earlier.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Like, instead of going out and buying that new pair of jeans, you know, can you try and have things kind of taken in so that they fit you again? And it's, like, new, right? So there may be something in the closet that may be oversized or the hem is too long, but the simple act of taking it to a tailor and getting a very simple alteration of getting the hem um shortening the hem super easy
Starting point is 00:23:51 and it looks so much better and then you keep it for a long time and you wear it for years too when you're doing that how do you decide what but what shape of your body are you gonna have it fitted to because before our wedding i was very i was the slimmest i've been in a long time and well i had a whole bunch of trousers fitted to that matthew fit into that Matthew and we then went to Italy for a week for our wedding and there was a lot of pizza and pasta and then we went to Japan and there was just a lot of everything yes and we were there for a month so we ate badly for a whole month and I've come back and I told you I was on stage with Nicola Pera for her book event and I I remember I put on the suit and I thought there's a possibility that when I sit down in this suit that my waist like my pants explode did it no but i like it like distracted me a little bit yeah because i was
Starting point is 00:25:08 like this is this button could take out someone's eye in the audience like i really thought this is i don't know i'm really having to like suck in here and it was because i tailored them for myself like a month and a bit before now that was good motivation to be like okay let's get back to the gym yes but i suppose what you should you get stuff fitted for should you get it fitted for the average you or for the best body you or should you have things of different sizes so that you can ride up and down the scales when you need to? Yeah. Different times of year. Yeah. Like what should you do? I think, so I, listen, bodies change. It's very normal. And I wish people were a bit more gentle
Starting point is 00:25:57 with themselves when it comes to their style, because style is a reflection of your confidence of your body and body changes are normal. I would say like 90, of your body. And body changes are normal. I would say like 90% of my clients have had body changes. Super normal. But it's important to have your style work with you, not against you. So if you are fluctuating in weights and sizes, like I've gained 20 pounds this year, I have different sizes in my wardrobe. And so some are in my day-to-. I have different sizes in my wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And so some are in my day-to-day wardrobe. Some are in another wardrobe. And I cycle them in and out. And it just kind of makes it more normal versus trying to squeeze into a pair of pants that's too tight or a jacket that's too tight. You want to feel comfortable in your clothing. Is that an argument for not going out? Like when you hit like, because a lot of people have this mindset,
Starting point is 00:26:48 I'm going to hit my ideal shape, my ideal weight, and then I'm going to go and get a new wardrobe. Would you be a proponent for maybe spreading your purchases out a little bit more so that you don't have an entire new wardrobe that you've spent a fortune on that suits you only in one body shape that you have. Yeah, absolutely. So what I see a lot is people will go shopping, but they won't have a plan. So they'll get distracted by sales or promotions, and they'll buy, buy, buy in hopes that it will fix that they don't have outfits to wear, they don't feel good. when if they had a plan
Starting point is 00:27:25 from the beginning like I'm an I need a new black pair of trousers that's what I'm gonna buy today they're focused on that and they do it that makes your purchasing so much more confident versus like being distracted and stuff um and ending up with a closet that you don't even really like either so if you write down your list i need trousers i need tops i need knits then you have that list and you're you're so much more focused about what to buy what colors you need and you get more strategic and therefore more confident and it also prevents you from because those shop uh those retail assistants they are are good at what they do. Oh, they are good. So you get in there and they...
Starting point is 00:28:08 They're like, you look great. Yeah. Even though it doesn't fit you and it's like two sizes, too small, too big. And you're like, doesn't it look good? Yeah, you just really put it off. You look great in this oversized XXL people are trousers that aren't fitting you.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You come out with all these bags and you're like, based on everything you've bought, you're like't fitting in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You come out with all these bags and you're like, based on everything you've bought, you're like four different people. Yeah, exactly. Because they've just somehow managed to get you to buy, you know, half of the things in there.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And you're right because you didn't have a plan. You just had someone telling you you looked amazing in everything that you put on. Yeah, and of course, if you don't have the style skills yet or the language and you go into a store and the retail assistant is like, you look incredible. Who doesn't like to be complimented? Right. And you're like, yeah, I'm going to take that. But if you, that's why I say great style begins and ends with what is in your closet. Right. If you knew what you had, what was in there, if you knew your plan, then you
Starting point is 00:29:04 could confidently walk in there and be like, no, I only need a black pair of trousers today that's what I'm looking for that's so relatable what you just said I really really relate to the feeling of I need new clothes me and my friends always used to have this joke which was you know we would go out and be like let's wear jeans and a nice top a nice top was like the joke because we were like we never have any nice tops we can never find anything to wear with our pair of jeans and so we would go out and try and find nice tops but like how vague is that you know you don't even know what color what style what fit anything and so you end up as you say coming home with something that doesn't even fit the pair of jeans or doesn't go with the pair of jeans that you had planned to wear it with. So you don't wear that outfit. You wear a dress and then you never wear that top again.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah. And it's just that that is so relatable to me. So having a plan, I find that so useful. about it because you see it in your closet has a tag on it you see it in there hanging and maybe once in a while you'll attempt to put an outfit together right but just it doesn't feel right doesn't look good and it's a never-ending cycle and so you end that cycle by basically editing your closet and having a plan too we should talk about when you came in and did a closet edit for us i love closets i could talk about closets all day. I love them. We dumped so much stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I should say we donated it because we did, but it was just the pile of things that, and I think part of what was hard about that was that there were things that I had spent money on that I was like, this is crazy. I can't, this is actually, like, I've got lots and lots of cheap items from over the years. But I was like, some of the things that I'm donating are things that I actually spent money on. That, you know, at the time I thought was a good idea.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Maybe I didn't even wear it that much after I bought it. Someone told me it looked really great in the shop. And to then get rid of those things felt like the most unnatural thing in the world. Because it was like, I can't psychologically part ways with this because I actually spent money on it. But those, again, it was like strangely liberating to be like, yeah, but it doesn't make me feel good. It doesn't excite me. I'm never wearing it. It's just taking up
Starting point is 00:31:26 space and i'm a minimalist at heart so is audrey so we anything that feels kind of minimalist we really enjoy and we feel better and our mind feels clear and it anything that feels cluttered feels like something we just want to avoid and it's kind of like you say your closet's a big part of your life because you go in there multiple times a day every day. If that's something you just feel like avoiding, that's not a good thing. Yeah. It's a problem. Yeah. And usually people go to their closet at the start of their day too. Right. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated and bored and all the negative emotions I typically hear about style and closets, that's how you start out your day. One of the things you said that stuck with me was it's okay to have space in your closet.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yes. Yeah. How do you feel about that now? I want to create more of it. Yeah. All your stuff is on my side. That's because I'm clearing stuff out and I needed somewhere to put it just until the weekend. I told you I need until Saturday. So it's unreasonable for you to be bringing this up right now. It's disingenuous. Because you know, if you were saying to people, pick five, if there were five things that you could have in your closet and nothing else that you know would be like, you can build everything out of these five things. Or these are the five things you're going to need excluding underwear and socks yep like these are things you're going to need over and over and over again what would you let's take women what would you say to women are the five things yes that you should have okay first thing t-shirts great fitting t-shirts
Starting point is 00:33:03 so not gym shirts not sleep shirts like actual nice shirts you can put on if you're going out to dinner or into work so number one colors like what uh so you know i'm big on my system the nlw style system which is a styling framework that focuses on the the layers of a closet so black gray, gray, white, and navy. Because you're going to get the most outfits out of those, okay? So don't go, so if you're rebuilding your wardrobe right now, don't go out and buy a green t-shirt. No, don't buy a green one. Because you basically want the most bang for your buck, right?
Starting point is 00:33:39 And you're going to get that with those four colors. Now, that's not to say, oh, if I like pink or like to wear colors, I can't buy those. You can. You just need to invest in those four colors first. Okay. That should be your foundation. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:53 So t-shirts. T-shirts. Number one. Number one, I would say sweaters. So lightweight sweaters. So here in LA, we can't wear super heavy sweaters. So a nice sweater is really good. I would say uh like
Starting point is 00:34:05 is a sweater the like when you say sweater do you mean like a knit sweater or do you mean you know the kinds of sweaters that we'd buy a concert oh like a sweatshirt merch yeah that's oh so a sweatshirt is what you call that. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So sweater, you mean something above. A little more polished. Right, okay. Yeah, a little more polished. It's like a knitted thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:30 And then the next thing is a great pair. Again, stay within those colors? Yes. Okay. Same colors. All right, great. Number three, a great pair of jeans. What color?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Any of those core colors. Black, gray, white, maybe. Which one if you were only going to get two blue blue and then you want to do one dark and one light so you have maximum versatility one dark blue one light blue yes done okay okay all right that was number three yep four four i would do a great pair of trousers that are not denim so like what audrey has on today those look great because they look a little more elevated from a pair of jeans and so they're appropriate if you're going out to dinner or you're traveling but she can still wear them as she works from home and actually the
Starting point is 00:35:18 reason i bought these is because you inspired me and gave me permission to buy trousers that were not just skinny jeans, which is what I always used to wear. I just used to wear jogging bottoms and skinny jeans. And you kind of said, actually, you can wear real trousers. And because we bought a couple of pairs together, I was like, oh, these look really good on me and I feel really good in them. And then I was able, it was almost the way I see it is like your mind expands and you give yourself permission to try something new. Yes. Whereas I think we get so stuck in the way that we kind of think about our style. And that's what for me, you know, that was one of the huge things. It was just giving me permission to try different styles, which was amazing. Oh, i'm so happy to hear yeah and you look
Starting point is 00:36:05 great in them thank you too really good so trousers was number four yes was it number four yeah i think it was number five is a layering piece so a layering piece could be a cardigan it could be a blazer it could be anything of the sorts where if you have your t-shirt on, you're putting something over it to elevate it. And this is especially good if you work from home because maybe you have a Zoom call you want to be casual for, but then you're meeting someone for lunch. So you want to look a little more formal. You just pop it on, go.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Done. And again, one of those four colors. Yes. What did you say? Black, navy, gray. Or white. Or white. Yes. those four colors yes what did you say black navy gray or white or white yes how because i was really
Starting point is 00:36:47 uncomfortable initially doing like a monochromatic type look where you have different shades of the same color or the same shades of the same color and so on so i always felt safe contrasting colors like i knew i can't go wrong if i put a white with a gray i can't go wrong if i put a uh you know a blue shirt with a dark jean but whenever i i just couldn't wrap my head around being confident enough to layer clothes that had similar colors or the same color. So what are, are there any rules when it comes to that? Like, can you wear all the same color or if it's the same color, do they need to be different textures or do they need to be slightly different shades of the same color? Like, are there any rules when it comes to having different shades of the same thing or a completely monochromatic look?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, I would say, so you can pick one color. Like you're a good example today. So you're wearing Navy today, but you're going light to dark. So that's kind of an easy thing to remember. You also want to play with texture. So like your top is, it has some fine texture to it compared to the pants. So texture is kind of the key to elevate it and make it look interesting because a lot of people will say, I'm going to wear black and they'll wear kind of the same color of black.
Starting point is 00:38:13 It doesn't have no character to it. It kind of looks flat. And so when you integrate that texture, it really makes it come alive. And so that's why when we went shopping, I was like, okay okay what texture can i bring into the fitting room to kind of elevate the outfits yeah i love that i have a question can i just ask one question quickly about the monochromo no you may not yet just because i
Starting point is 00:38:38 like okay some of the stuff we got for me yeah is torp is that right taupe taupe yeah taupe how do you say it's a french word i think top top so is it french i don't know yeah i think it's the french word for mole is that right top uh i'm gonna look this up I think it might be the French word for mole because the word top comes from the color of a mole I think oh I've never heard this before yeah I think how do I not remember this this is when I read it does doesn't it faded yeah you're right look at that little mole yeah because't that so cute? Yeah, because I think that's the color of a mole. Let's edit this bit out.
Starting point is 00:39:29 No, we will not. It will be known that my French is better than Audrey's, who is French. No, no, no, we're going to edit this out. Definitely we're not. We're going to cut this clip and put it online as just a single clip. If you're going to wear top, can you wear, do you have to wear different shades of it? Or could you literally wear like the same trousers and the same color top? It depends.
Starting point is 00:40:00 See, this is where there's kind of like an art and a science to style. It's a language, right? And so if you were wearing it to a formal event, maybe you could wear it all from head to toe. Maybe you're wearing it to a casual event and maybe you want to spice it up a little and go light to dark. So there's kind of like a nuance to style that you have to keep in mind. And we can talk about it more. I want to see the outfits you have to keep in mind and we can talk about it more i want to see the outfits you're referring to can you wear matching do you can you wear a blazer that doesn't go with those trousers like if you have a suit trouser oh you can wear a different blazer that's not designed
Starting point is 00:40:34 to go with those suit trousers yeah definitely all right oh or do you have a question please i do i have a question i think so this is something that if you'd like me to ask it in french for you but that's not going to make any sense because we edited that um so my question is i think something that's very common for people is you know giving into comparison so you know you go on instagram right and there's like a beautiful probably ai generated woman who's wearing an amazing dress and you're like oh i want to look like that so you order the dress and it comes and you don't feel like you look anything like the person who advertised it and as a result i think it's very difficult for people to almost not get tempted to
Starting point is 00:41:23 try and like recreate and replicate i should say, styles that they see online that aren't necessarily styles that will suit them. And I'm speaking from experience of this. And so how do you kind of not give in and what do you do about this kind of comparison? And how do you know what your style is and stay in your lane of the style that's actually going to make you feel good? Yeah, good question. I get this a lot because I think for women, there's a lot of pressure to define your style. Yes. Like it's something us women talk about. You see it in the magazines, you see it on Instagram. What is your style? Right. And for me personally, I'm like, I want to be who I want to be when I want to be that person.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And so I think, one, you have to be very careful about who you follow on Instagram. So I think at the same time you do a closet edit, you're doing an edit of the Instagram accounts. I love that. That you follow. It's really important, right? Who you're learning from. And if you get ads, you mute them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 That's what I do. I mute ads that don't make me feel get ads you mute them yeah that's what I do I mute ads that don't make me feel good yeah oh that's great I go not interested Instagram thank you yeah yeah yeah and then the second thing I would say is again to get the system in place because with a system you have those routines and we're all going to fall off track we may see an ad or we may see a magazine we're tempted right but when But when you have a system in place, you can fall back on it. Like if you get off track and you're like, okay, here's the goal. Here's what I need to do. Here's what I need to buy. And it makes you that much more confident as well. I like the five things that you gave and the colors to stick within because that in itself is a system. I feel like someone
Starting point is 00:43:04 could leave this episode of the podcast and go, I'm going to see which of those five things I actually have in my wardrobe. Yes. And do I have anything in each of those categories that does bring me joy, that does excite me? Yeah. And if not, those are the first things on my list and I'm going to get them in those colors. And that creates what I know people in your profession call a capsule wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. And so, yeah, when you have the system in place, you can buy confidently. You can wear whatever you want whenever you want to, right? Maybe some days you want to be boho or girly or whatever it is. You have the elements in your closet to put outfits together and you just feel so much more like confident day to day because you know what your style is and you know what you're spending your money on. What if you have the experience that I think Audrey and I quite regularly have in LA, which is the kind of all dressed up and nowhere to go feeling. Like we work from home our outing on a lot of days is just the coffee shop that's a three minute walk from the house and then we come back home 20 minutes later and the rest of the day we're at home. So how, what do you say to, and of course more people will be experiencing this than ever because more people are remote working than ever. So there is
Starting point is 00:44:32 this feel, it feels like there's this tension between if I had somewhere to go, I'd enjoy getting dressed, but I feel like I don't. And therefore it feels like there's never any reason to, and because there's never any reason to, I spend my life in sweatpants just because it feels like that's what's appropriate for me being around the house and just enjoy it and feel good around the house do I just do it for me like what I'm so curious as to what you're going to say about this yeah so with style there's kind of two avenues um in terms of where you are presenting yourself to right there's the external world your co-workers your partner your colleagues whatever that looks like but then there's also the internal and I don't think many people talk about this enough where it's like I want to dress up because I want to dress up because it makes me feel good it makes
Starting point is 00:45:41 me feel confident and maybe that doesn't look like five days a week you're dressing up for work from home, but maybe it's three days out of the week or two days out of the week and taking baby steps into it. I know for myself in the pandemic, I did force myself to kind of dress up. And I did notice that just kind of my productivity throughout the day was better. I felt better if I had to run out and do an errand, I could and I didn't have to change 50 times, right? It was just kind of easy and it's a nice thing to do for yourself. Yeah, there's something ritualistic about it. That feeling of you shower, you groom, you get ready. The act of getting ready.
Starting point is 00:46:26 There's something about that. When you lose that, you lose something from your day. I mean, anyone who's ever been on a night out with friends knows one of the most fun parts is just getting ready, right? For sure. That's the fun part. The R&B play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 The drink in the hand the pictures on the uh on the digital camera that you take out to the club oh my god good times but there's something there's something ritualistic about it yes and i think that when we're not when we're at home a lot especially those of us who work from home we are we're missing that ritual without realizing that we're missing that ritual yes and it's in some subtle way affecting our mindset absolutely you know i've heard um guy richie i think it was said this that for him it really is like he wears a suit a lot and for him he was like my suit it really is like my my armor for the day you know it really is like that's that's what I put on to go and be ready yeah for the day and I I really understand that feeling that it I feel ready for the day in a different way by taking
Starting point is 00:47:42 that time to do that even if it is is, you know, I've, I think one of the hurdles I've had to get over is it might just be for me. I might not see anyone today, but there's still something about it for me. Yes. That makes a difference. And, and I think add into that, if people need a reason, add into that, the fact that probably a lot of us working from home are doing zoom calls and you know i this is an interesting area because for me you know running a company i would i would have nowhere to go but home and you know i i like training and i do jujitsu and so a lot of the time i'm coming from that and throwing something on. And it's very easy just to slip into something comfortable because you're like, I've got 10 minutes till I have to do a meeting and so on.
Starting point is 00:48:33 But I think that there's almost a, like I've started, and maybe I'm just getting older. And so I'm just getting a bit stuffier in certain ways. I don't know but I've started to feel like it's disrespectful to the meeting showing up in something that just isn't that that doesn't feel small that doesn't I'm not saying it has to be formal but that just feels sloppy it feels like I'm I'm even setting the wrong tone for my staff. Right. Because I'm showing up in some like baggy hoodie and with my hair all over the place. And
Starting point is 00:49:12 it feels like I'm now setting that tone for everyone else too. And there's something to me about showing up dressed to even a zoom meeting that makes me feel like I'm actually ready for business. I'm taking this call seriously. Um, so even that I feel like is super, it can be important. I don't want to say it's important for everyone. Cause some days I want to be like, you know, Mark Zuckerberg in the social network where he's just like showing up to the boardroom in a hoodie and sandals. And he's like, I can do this. You know, like I think it's hard to know which person you want to be in life yeah I really think this goes to the heart of what like you do because some you don't always know who you want to be in life sometimes you're like I really want to be that guy who doesn't care and enjoy not caring and then other days I'm I feel like no
Starting point is 00:49:59 wait no I really want to care it's It's professional. It makes me show up differently. And sometimes I think there's a battle between those two guys. What do you say about that battle that goes on internally for a lot of people? Yeah. I think it's very common because if you aren't going into an office or if you don't have a dinner on your calendar, it's like, why, why should I, right? Like, why should I put in the effort and all this stuff? But like I said, I think it's for you. And I think when you kind of reposition it in that way where it's like, it's something nice I'm doing for myself, right?
Starting point is 00:50:37 It's kind of like making your own coffee in the morning or these rituals that we all have in some way in the morning or throughout our day. And getting ready is one of those. And I think when you kind of reframe it in that way, it makes it like, oh, this is something I enjoy to do. And it's great to enjoy stuff. What do you say to that?
Starting point is 00:50:59 I know certain YouTubers who are kind of devoted to the minimalist lifestyle who have like three pairs of the exact same pants and like 10 black t-shirts that they rotate and it's they're like cartoon character that never changes clothes it's like this is my uniform i wear it all the time it means i am reducing my decision-making to essentially zero every single day. And that to them fits with the minimalist idea. I, that some part of that speaks to my heart because I like that reduction of activation energy for getting dressed and just being able to go and put that on every day. What, what do you think of that as someone who it almost seems antithetical to what you do I'm just curious as to what you make of that kind of lifestyle when it comes to clothes you know I
Starting point is 00:51:55 like it because they have developed their own system right and I think great style is about a system. And so if their system is, let me just buy the same pant three times over, great. And it works for them. And so I can see how it cuts down the decision fatigue and all this stuff. And so they've really focused on, this is what I need, and that's it. To me, it doesn't seem like they enjoy style, right? They don't really want to learn about it or anything. And that's okay too. But most of my clients, and I think both of you, like are interested in learning more
Starting point is 00:52:34 like about fits and textures and all this stuff. Yeah. Well, I think I almost see it as equating to the way, you know, some people just aren't that interested in food. Yeah. They will just be, I eat the same thing every day because I just don't care. It's just fuel to me. I can't relate to that person.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Some people don't like music. They're just like, yeah, I just not that. I don't really, I don't feel that much when I listen to music. I don't care. Like there are people that just don't, the flavor of things or the richness of things, it doesn't speak to them in a certain part of life. And so I think that's what you're speaking to is that it just doesn't, for me, I like, I do, I go through whole phases of not caring. And then when someone like you comes along and gets me passionate about it again, I'm like, oh, I really do like the flavor of, of clothes.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And, you know, I like trying different things and it's fun, but it's, I'm wondering if you think those people lose out on something or they, even if they don't enjoy it, do you think there's any outward component of like it, it not hurts them in any way, but do you feel like there's in some way it reduces their impact in life not to have more variety? Yeah yeah I think it's interesting you bring that up because I view all of us whether we own our own business or not like we are selling ourselves at the end of the day right like you are your personal brand you are I am and so I think if you think about it that way it's like okay what do you want your personal brand to
Starting point is 00:54:06 be when people look at you what do you want them to think about if they're going out on dates right that could be important as well and so I don't know if they they think they're necessarily losing out but for myself I can say like I want to style as a tool that I'm using in my toolbox and I want to use it to my advantage. Hey guys, before we continue with the episode, I want us to do something together that I promise is going to help you in your love life massively. Open up a browser right now. I have mine open in front of me. Type in I'm typing it in as I'm saying this. Oh no, I spelled it wrong. Hang on. Here we go. When you get there, you're going to get the chance to sign up for a one hour training that I've put together that is designed to exponentially speed up how fast you
Starting point is 00:55:07 find the love that you're looking for. You can select a time that you want to watch the session. You'll have multiple options and you can be watching it today. It's an amazing training. It's completely free. It talks about the biggest mistakes people make when they're trying to find love, the framework that can take you from being single to a committed relationship, the four stages of importance in a relationship, how to stop ignoring your needs as you obsess over someone who doesn't give you the attention you deserve, why you need to rewrite the narrative around your love life, and how to rewire your brain to stop chasing and start attracting quality people. To save your spot, just go to
Starting point is 00:55:54 You should already be there and put in your information right now. Enjoy the session today. Send me an email, podcast at, and let me know what you think of the training. I can't wait to hear your feedback. And now back to the episode. You know, it's so interesting you mentioned that because that was going to be my next question to you
Starting point is 00:56:20 because there's going to be so many people listening who are dating and they're going on multiple dates a week or you know multiple dates a month and they're going to have the experience that we've all had where you're literally looking at a wardrobe full of clothes with nothing to wear and you look rubbish and everything and you just literally feel despair every time you have to dress for anything so do you have any advice for people in terms of how to, you know, how to feel good and feel sexy and feel confident in clothes that they're wearing for dating? Yeah. Yeah. Great question. I would say it all comes back to a system, right? Because when I was dating, you know, you, you're leading up to this moment and you're, you want to look your best and feel your best too.
Starting point is 00:57:06 But if you go to your closet and you don't have the right pieces, you feel anxious, you don't feel confident. But on the other side, if you had a system, if you invested in the right pieces, had the right colors, you could easily put an outfit together. So in my opinion, 99% of people should be focusing on that because it bleeds into so many areas of your life. And also don't forget accessories too, like makeup, jewelry, bags, shoes. Those are fun ways to kind of elevate a look too. And what about if you feel like your body, you know, we spoke a little bit earlier about your body changing. And I know there's a lot of people who don't feel confident in their bodies you know maybe they are a few kilos more than they wish
Starting point is 00:57:49 they were um you know whatever it might be how do you combat that in terms of if you feel like you want to feel sexy and attractive but you don't feel like clothes really fit you and make you look that way yeah yeah I would say that's very common with the clients that we work with. And so it's just about getting creative around it, right? Because it's not only about the clothes, it's how you carry yourself. It's what you say. There's also accessories and makeup and hairstyles that you can kind of experiment with. So I would say if you have the system in place, that kind of easeses that anxiety but if you wanted to up it a little bit you could play with maybe instead of showing legs you show a collarbone or you show
Starting point is 00:58:32 your arms right there's other ways to kind of be sexy without being traditionally sexy and showing more than maybe you were you wanted to so you can play with that yeah what are the things people should if they're going to spend more money on something what should they what should they be happy to buy cheap and what should you not buy cheap so in my opinion anything that's fashion forward trend driven buy cheap go a lower price point because it's basically going to come in and out of your wardrobe. You're going to probably lose interest in about six months. So buy cheap. Those investment pieces like the white t-shirt or the navy pant, that's where you want to invest more because you can create more outfits out of them and they're going to live with you for longer. Yeah. That idea of cost per wear.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yes. I think of all the time. Yes. Because anytime I'm like, oh, I'm probably going to wear this like a hundred times or 500 times or, you know, over the next five years, I think we can have a tendency to be kind of short-sighted about those things and not go, well, this is worth
Starting point is 00:59:46 it because I am going to be wearing this for a long time, or this is the kind of thing I'm going to be wearing every day. And as long as it's not the kind of thing that will, you'll wear every day and it will wear out in a month. Yeah. In which case I always find those things that bugs me to spend a ton of money on. Yes, of course. Because the stuff that just, you know, naturally just gets beat up and you're like, I can't wear it anymore. But yeah, I think cost per wear has been a game changer for me in terms of deciding what to spend money on. Yeah, absolutely. And it makes it more approachable too, because sometimes it can be really nervous to spend money on clothing, right? You don't want
Starting point is 01:00:22 to ruin it. You want it to last a long time. but when you break it down into okay if i wear this 10 times this year or 20 times then it makes it a little more approachable but also goes back again to the system because you need pieces to wear that piece with so you have to make sure that you have all these pieces working together there's nothing worse than buying like a really expensive item and then realizing it doesn't go with anything that you own. Yeah, I have one of those in my wardrobe. You shouldn't have to buy a whole new wardrobe to cater to some expensive thing you just bought.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Well, that's really interesting you say that because that was actually a question I wanted to ask you, Cassandra, is, you know, what do you do about the fact that when you go shopping, you are drawn to certain pieces? I don't know about you, but this happens to me all the time. I'm like, oh, this sparkling, like boiler suit with Diamante straps. Oh my God. Yes. I want to buy this. It speaks to like a younger me that somehow loved it. I don't know. But you know, you'll, you'll find these pieces and you get very, very drawn to them. It might be like a really bright jacket or I don't know but you know you'll you'll find these pieces and you get very very drawn to them it might be like a really bright jacket or I don't know something like that how do you kind of cut your sort of bias towards these kinds of pieces and start actually gravitating towards
Starting point is 01:01:37 the kinds of pieces you can pair with things in your wardrobe because that happens a lot you go out with the plan but then you see this thing and you're like this thing and then you come home with it and you haven't bought anything in your plan and you feel guilty well the retailers are doing a good job then if they're doing that that's their whole purpose right is to tempt you and stuff but I think having the system in place and also formulating your style values right like no one has ever really thought about that, taking the time to like form them. Like what are they for you? So for example, in January, I don't buy clothes. I don't buy clothes because I'm like, I want to start my new year, like using what I have. And it's actually a really tempting time because there's sales going on.
Starting point is 01:02:24 So that's a value of mine. I don't buy new clothes in January and I use what I have. So I think. Why is that that you. Because I love my closet. Why do I need more? I feel like I have enough. So you feel like it's almost by responding to the marketing in January. It's like you're, you're allowing someone else to tell you what your next move should be when in fact you actually already like what you have. So you don't need to be led by that. I don't like it. I love everything in my closet. So when I'm like, okay, do I need this? Do I want this? Well, I have a no rule no buy rule in january and it makes it very easy so i think formulating some style values and rules can help people keep on track what's your view of black
Starting point is 01:03:12 friday no not good sales are usually not a sale it's kind of padded in already into their margins and their plan so sales happen for a reason because it's what because it's stuff people don't want that and they've basically when they buy the goods they pad in that they're going to have a sale into the retail price so it's already paying the proper price yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just oh yeah from an inflated price they bring it down to a normal price yes and this is where my um fashion industry experience comes into play because i worked in the fashion industry for over 25 years so i know kind of the ins and outs and the behind the scenes of it so i like to educate people on what really goes on behind the scenes
Starting point is 01:04:02 because then they feel more confident when they go shopping and and what they're buying too because now i have some nice things yes i have feel i have to take care of and also i now don't want to wear something wrinkled right which i now distinctly remember a conversation i had with your husband ramit uh we were having, he obviously specializes in finances and I was having a conversation. I don't know what, you know, Ramit will always get onto the conversation about t-shirts and wrinkles and ironing if he can. And in this conversation, he, he absolutely just ripped me to shreds for the idea that I would wear something that I hadn't ironed previously. So I, and I happen to know that Rami is the one who does the ironing.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He is. In your household. He is. Yes. So what, before Rami, what did you do when you had wrinkled clothes and you're not someone who you, again, you care about your presentation. So what did you do? were you ironing your own clothes i would pull out that iron with the biggest sad face on iron so do you iron in advance do you iron like the week's outfits in advance or do you iron per outfit depending you're like oh this is what i'm gonna wear today i'll iron it so i iron per outfit because um i have a system in place so i can put outfits together in 60 seconds or less so it doesn't take me any time and so to do a quick iron doesn't take any time literally no time at all what do you do oh this is such i can't believe 36 year old me is
Starting point is 01:05:42 asking this as a real question that I'm interested in. I can't believe you just asked, what do you do if you really don't want to iron? Well, get a load of this question because I'm about to deliver something really fucking spicy. When you have trousers that have a pleat in them. Okay. And you want them to be nicely ironed i get the impression some of the trousers i've got you're not supposed to iron because of the material but maybe you are i'm not sure do you steam them but there's a pleat in them a pleat a steamer's not going to get a pleat in a
Starting point is 01:06:18 trouser like what do you do like the ones you have on yeah exactly what would you do tuned for some really interesting podcasting content. Well, maybe cut this because it's so boring. Yeah, that and the type comment. It's like the most, this might be in any interview I've ever done. It honestly might be the most boring question I've ever asked in my entire life. This is turning into Matt's Q&A for me about his sex. Correct.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am deeply, I am worried that this is the most boring thing I've ever asked. Anyone, not just you Cassandra anyone no I love it I love it but these trousers are not like I think a hot iron on these would ruin them so and and I don't know if you could steam them because that's not going to keep the pleat in them so what do you do do you have to send them off that's expensive no so what do you do how you iron them go on then so what you want to do go on let's do it we've done a podcast podcast episode about how to iron some bts and it's for matthew it's not it's just for me i think this is a very progressive episode
Starting point is 01:07:21 so go on okay so basically you're gonna pull the bottom of the pant i can actually show you it's easier if i show you you're gonna pull the bottom and then make it crisp yeah and then the pleats are on the side nice that's how you iron it you don't just throw the pant down and then iron it but do i have to put something between the pant and the iron so that the iron doesn't like burn the pant no so that would just be a temperature just turn down the iron yeah turn down the iron these are the hard-hitting questions guys we did it we did it turn down the iron can't finish here can't finish on that tone turn down the iron what if turn down the iron. What if turn down the iron was some kind of grand metaphor for life? I feel like that was all the questions I had. So I'm really nervous now because you seem to worry that that's a bad place. I have one last question.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Okay, let's do it. Is it about ironing? It's not about ironing. Steaming? okay um steaming i always hear of the importance because as you say accessorize yeah and they can you're right they can bring so much confidence to an outfit they can really make you know make everything pop how do you decide what shoes to wear with what oh good question and how many pairs of shoes should you have in your wardrobe how long do we have another three hours no people get really confused around footwear and what bottoms to wear with footwear yes and also you're kind of and i don't
Starting point is 01:08:51 know if you guys agree with this but you can tell a lot about people from the shoes they wear yeah shoes are actually a kind of a gateway into someone's soul in a way i saw jameson look down at his feet when you said that he's not even wearing shoes it still made him self-conscious no but I think I think it's true it is I think it's true so yeah like how do you how do you kind of choose a shoe that really reflects your personality and a shoe that's gonna go with what you're wearing and make you feel confident. Yeah. So there's like clothing in a closet. There's basics that you need to have with shoes, right? So the system is all dependent on your lifestyle and your preferences and stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:35 But for example, like I recommend women to have like a sneaker, right? A daytime sneaker they can run around in. Another sneaker to go to the gym in because those are two separate things um maybe it's a sandal maybe it's a high heel so you kind of identify what those key pieces are and then you invest in them so the combinations of the bottom and the footwear is it's so nuanced and stuff but I think if you think of your shoes, your bags, even your jewelry as, okay, what are the essentials that I need? Invest in those first and then layer on the nice to haves from there. I love that. And actually I have one other question, still not about ironing,
Starting point is 01:10:20 but I have one other question, which about you know you mentioned earlier you said you know you're in a different phase of your life you should be dressing differently and I agree with you right you know I dress very differently now to when I was 15 or 25 but how do you because you know I will say like sometimes my mom for instance as an example she dresses very young and she'll wear like short dresses and you know she'll wear like tight jeans and and she looks amazing I mean she just like looks youthful as a result of that but sometimes you know you it goes the other way right where you kind of wear youthful clothing and you end up just looking like you're not wearing the right clothing for your age
Starting point is 01:11:02 so I think it's a bit of a minefield for women. It's minefield for men too, but especially for women, because you're judged a lot by the way that you're presented. And how do you make those decisions based on, you know, what age you're at? Yeah, I think it's, again, having your style values, right? Even creating a Pinterest board, I think is really powerful, because style is so visual. So you can say, I want to look feminine, but what does that mean? Right? And so it's not until you start assigning visuals where you're like, okay, this is what it could look like. So having the values, having the Pinterest board, maybe reading some bloggers or hiring a stylist like me is really
Starting point is 01:11:40 powerful because then bring it to life for you from there and style evolves just like we do as human beings and so styles that were trendy five years ago are not anymore so that's the language of style coming in so sometimes you need someone to help decode it is there a trend right now that makes you want to throw up this 90s trend what what does what is that like the like plastic yes okay so i was born in the 80s so i am a child of the 90s so i can i can speak about this the choke the plastic chokers maybe do you remember the baby shirts? The BB shirts? Did you guys have those? I do. With the rhinestones? Right? The juicy sweatsuits?
Starting point is 01:12:28 Oh, I remember the juicies. I shouldn't. I mean, everyone remembers the juicy sweatsuits. I think I was in France when that was going on. I remember from the 90s. They had juicy across the butt, right? Yes. And they were in this velour.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hot pink and purple and you remember those oh yeah yeah low rise pants yes as well like the britney pants yes and you don't you're not a fan i'm not into it maybe it's just a phase of life i'm in i'm older now i'm not going to the club anymore are the juicy things coming back I've seen them really yes we can get you some for Christmas babe yeah to be clear I didn't I wasn't wearing them myself just observing right how dare you yeah I was waiting for that one yeah what would be your advice as a sign off to people who are going away from this and thinking what are the what are the next three things i could do if i actually want to make some progress this week if they're still feeling a little overwhelmed, what would be the three things you say they should do this week that could upgrade their style or their closet in a way that would give them greater
Starting point is 01:13:55 confidence in themselves and greater impact in the world? I would say number one is to form a style vision. Like we've talked about, I think style can be a downer for a lot of people and it should not be. Like I truly believe everyone deserves to have great style, no matter your budget, your age, your size, everyone deserves it. But you have to form the vision. So we got to get you back to that place of fun. So the Pinterest board. So that's number one. I would say number two is really look at your closet and start to make baby steps with editing it. So if there's one piece that has a tag on it still, you haven't worn it in a year, it's time to donate it. It had a good life. It's moving on now. Okay. And then the third is change the hangers in your closet. It's a very small thing to do, but it's so impactful because, again, we're treating our closet with respect, right?
Starting point is 01:14:57 And if you have the plastic from dry cleaning and the wire hangers, it just feels messy and chaotic. So I always recommend these velvet hangers on Amazon they're cheap can buy them they look so luxe and nice it's like you're walking into a boutique every day so I would say with those three things you feel confident you feel in charge of your style not the other way around and it becomes fun again too that's's really cool. I love that. And I feel like there's a lot of people that are actually going to go and do that.
Starting point is 01:15:28 In fact, tag us, you know, put a picture on Instagram of your wardrobe edit or the new hangers you've got, something, a shift you've made, or even just a pile of clothes that you're getting rid of. Take a picture of it and tag us and Cass I am at the Matthew Hussey and Cass is at next level wardrobe on Instagram for those of you that are after a much more boutique experience Cass does personal styling at the highest level and it was an
Starting point is 01:16:02 incredible experience for me and Audrey we enjoyed it so much everything from the wardrobe edit that we did that where you came over and dumped half of our wardrobe into a pile to donate yeah no it was it was savage it was but it was amazing and the shopping part of it and going out and trying new things. And it was such an amazing experience. So if you are looking for something much more personalized from Cassandra, she is incredible at what she does. Go check that out. You can find the details at her Instagram account at next level wardrobe.
Starting point is 01:16:40 And also just go and follow Cass on Instagram because if you actually just look at her feed, there's all sorts of suggestions. And I love watching your stuff now because you're literally, you know, for both men and women, you'll show colors that go together. You'll show outfits that go together. You actually show in action what this system looks like and what that capsule wardrobe of having limited colors and certain staple things looks like. So if you're looking for a visual to go with all of the advice from today, go to Cass's Instagram because it's really, really good and practical. But Cassandra, Satie, thank you so much for being here. It's such a pleasure. Is there anything else you want
Starting point is 01:17:22 to tell people about where to find you or do you feel like that covers it? Yeah, definitely follow us at Next Level Wardrobe. And we do have an email list that has a freebie, three pieces to have in your closet. And we include brand suggestions as well. So if they visit, they can get that. Incredible. Thank you so much for joining us. This was much fun we have to do this again and email us questions you know send send an email to podcast at if you want to follow up episode on uh ironing and and just different techniques and more detail obviously now we're gonna have we're inundated with emails let us know listen people can people can vote with their emails and let us know all right i think it's not gonna be as boring as as you're making it out to be when people tell us the feedback cassandra thank you thank you thank you cassandra thank you hey guys thank you so much for
Starting point is 01:18:19 listening i really appreciate you being here on the podcast i'm loving making these before you go don't forget if you haven't signed up already go to for the free event I'm doing on commitment on the 23rd of January. Last chance. I don't want you to miss it. Come join over 15,000 people that are already registered for this event. And like I said, big surprise on the event. So I don't want you to miss out on that and find out afterwards.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I'll see you there. is the link. Thank you as always for listening.

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