Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 260: He Seemed Attracted...Then Pulled Away. Why?

Episode Date: September 4, 2024

Ever felt like you had chemistry and were falling for someone, and then they seem to start texting less, stop scheduling dates, and seem to be fading out? What does this mean? And more importantly, sh...ould you have "the conversation" to see where you stand? In this episode, Matthew, Stephen and Audrey talk to a caller who felt the guy she was seeing wasn't interested anymore after he went on vacation. They discuss how to respond and what some the reasons might be behind this behavior. ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . →

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome everyone to the Love Life Podcast. I am joined by the whole gang today, Audrey and Stephen. Super excited about today's episode. Before we get into it, have you asked Matthew AI your dating question yet? If you haven't, go to You can either text your question or speak your question and you will get a literal voice answer from my brain because Matthew AI has been trained on 17 years of my content. So what you're getting is not some generic internet answer. You are getting a highly specific, highly contextual to your situation answer from me. In other words, it's only something I would have said because it's the only tool in the world that is trained exclusively on my content. So go check it out. It is really, really crazy. It is mind blowingblowing. is the link.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Literally think of the question you would ask me if I was sitting next to you right now and go ask it to Matthew AI. I promise you the answer will be more elaborate, more detailed, and more specific than you could ever imagine of this technology. I look forward to hearing your feedback. Let's get on with the episode. Today, we are talking about people who go cold when they go on a trip. of the Love Life podcast. And that is what happens when it seems to all be going well with someone, but then that person takes a trip, whether it's a work trip or a vacation, and they go kind of cold on the trip. And when they get home, it's like the dynamic has shifted. Something has changed. It feels like they've pulled away. It doesn't feel how it felt when they left. One of you asked a question of this very nature
Starting point is 00:02:06 in the last couple of weeks as we were going through the Love Life emails. And for anyone who wants to email Love Life, podcast at is the email address. But we got an email just like this that Audrey is going to read today. And then we're going to go into what to do if you find yourself in this situation and are there any ways that you can avoid finding yourself in this situation in the first place. So if anyone has gone cold on you recently, especially if they went cold after taking a trip, this episode is for you. welcome back everybody it's so good to all be together you know we've got the whole gang back hey friends steven hussey in the house i'm so looking forward to this episode we actually got this question in from a reader we're going to
Starting point is 00:03:10 keep her anonymous so i'm going to call her scarlet because i like that name i didn't expect you to pull a scarlet out of the bag no i always my go-to is sarah mine's susan really yeah what's susan or jane i thought it was wes Wesley Snipes was your usual no I haven't pulled out Wesley Snipes in quite a while so Scarlett sent in her question and uh you know it stood out to us didn't it we started talking about it and we thought this would be an amazing podcast episode so here we go so Scarlett says I've recently faced a situation where things ended unexpectedly with a guy I was seeing we met one night and though I didn't expect anything serious, he asked for my number. Over five weeks, we hung out about 10 times.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We're texting daily, cooking dinner and sharing my favorite wine. Despite my reservations, as he just came out of a 10-year relationship and I'm busy with university and being a single mom, I enjoyed his company. However, after he went to Bali we communicated less which I was completely fine with but since coming home he's now pulled back significantly I reached out twice and he responded with enthusiasm I suggested a call so I could hear about his holiday, which he said yes to once he put, which he said yes to once he put the kids down, but never followed up. I'm giving
Starting point is 00:04:32 him space, but I'm unsure what's happening. Why am I feeling this way when I was fine with whatever this turned out to be at the beginning of it all? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks a million. Oh, that's from scarlet of course i want to kick things off with this idea that you know if she's been seeing him for five weeks and she's met up with him 10 times is that a long enough period to have any kind of conversation before going away well i think 10 dates is actually quite a lot. Yeah, I agree. That's a lot of time, quality time together to at least be able to talk about
Starting point is 00:05:10 what you're looking for from the situation. That's 10 hours essentially, right? You can assume safely that's at least 10 hours of conversation with someone. Yeah. Maybe a lot more. But then, because I understand the feeling of not feeling like you want to put pressure and so what if you don't feel comfortable to have that conversation
Starting point is 00:05:32 even though you've met up that many times like how can you how can you because okay the reason we chose this question is because it's such a common phenomenon that you're seeing someone it's going really well and you're texting all the time and then they go away on holiday and something shifts and it's never the same again after that like I think that's such a common thing that happens so I'm just yeah I'm curious like how is there a way that you can kind of even mitigate for that if you don't feel comfortable enough to have a conversation after 10 days well I think you have to ask yourself in that case why am i not having why what's going on either in me or with this particular dynamic that is making me feel like i can't have that
Starting point is 00:06:17 conversation within that many hours spent with someone yeah and and the answer almost always comes down to some version of i'm afraid to scare them away i'm afraid to push them away i'm afraid to be the one to hasten the end of this thing that i'm really enjoying and that gives you some kind of answer anyway doesn't it it either means that you are constantly thinking something's going to end when that's not necessarily true and not having an abundance mindset when it comes to your relationships you're coming very much from a scarcity mindset or it means that there is really something in this relationship that is telling you it's a bad bet. There's something about how much they're avoiding the conversation that has already put you on edge and made you feel like you can't have the
Starting point is 00:07:13 conversation. But a lack of intentionality on someone else's part, and the reason I use that phrase is because what someone who's willing to continue seeing you even though they don't want a relationship is a lack of intentionality and someone who knows they want a relationship and is actually being purposeful about that is being intentional. Intentionality or a lack of intentionality can show up in different ways that actually seem like opposites so if someone starts dating you and they're dating five other people at the same time and hooking up with different people and barely texting or calling you back that's a lack of intentionality but in some ways a more subtle form of a lack of intentionality. But in some ways, a more subtle form of a lack of intentionality is someone who actually does keep seeing you, isn't seeing anyone else,
Starting point is 00:08:13 gets swept up in the momentum of just enjoying dating you, but almost it's like a kind of, they've just gotten into the orbit without ever really being honest with themselves about the fact that where this the destination of this isn't somewhere they want to be and that happens to a lot of people right she said he's come out of a how long was he in a relationship for he was in a 10-year relationship and obviously has kids i just want to highlight this idea that there is a very instinctive kind of mistake that we often make it's like a misguided assumption
Starting point is 00:08:58 that if someone is spending all this time with us if someone is and it actually links to what i know you're about to say but if someone is seeing us regularly if we've been on 10 dates with them then there must be intentionality on their part otherwise why would they bother but when someone is doing that it really can just be a reflection of the fact that it's the it's they've just like hopped in the river it's like the path of least resistance it's literally like you got on a tube in the river and let the river take you downstream but at some point you realize like i don't actually want to go where this is going and maybe you see what you think is like a waterfall ahead and you're frightened by the actual commitment of it all.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Lazy river dating. Lazy river dating. That's good. That is good. Coined. Officially coined. I knew they brought me on for a reason today. If you want to email a response to this episode, the subject line is lazy river dating.
Starting point is 00:10:03 But I think that the point is with the lazy river is you're not being intentional you're just hopping on something that feels good right now and what the the reason this is what i'm saying is very relevant to what she has said is that scarlet said that when he came back from the when he went away from the trip for the trip that's when it changed and i think that for people who are being very unintentional in the way that they're dating the trip gives them this forced circuit breaker that they get to take advantage of it might be that the trip makes him realize, oh, what have I been doing here? I kind of got swept along there and I never really wanted that.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I've just come out of a 10 year relationship and, you know, I'm enjoying my freedom on this trip right now. And wait a minute, maybe I don't want this. It might make him very consciously reevaluate this thing that he's been very unconscious in so far or it might be that he was conscious of the fact that he didn't want any more and he was very much looking forward to the fact that he had a trip coming up that would be a natural circuit breaker because he knew that by going away on this trip it would kind of naturally create some it would be an opportunity to create some distance right and then he enforces that distance
Starting point is 00:11:26 by not reaching out by going kind of very sporadic with his communication on the trip he's in a sense relying on her unwillingness to speak any intentionality into the relationship to be too nervous to have that conversation which we'll come on to is what that could look like from her part but he's relying on the fact that she's unwilling to say any of that and instead to be quote empathetic to the fact that he's on a trip and he's enjoying himself and i don't want to bother him too much and i don't want to come across as the needy clingy high maintenance person while he's away on his trip yeah that's exactly how you feel i think in that situation well it sounds a bit from
Starting point is 00:12:17 her words at the beginning she was a bit more chill because she talked about how i'm a single mom i've been busy at university and then she said i'm feeling this way when at the beginning i was fine with whatever it's gonna be and it almost sounds like the momentum though has created a lot more like oh i actually have fallen for this person we're close i feel like so it maybe sounds at the beginning like maybe she was more happy to be laissez-faire and let it just play out but but in doing so has like felt oh actually we've not defined this at all and i actually we're close now and i wonder what this is going to be do you reading between the
Starting point is 00:12:58 lines do you think that she was more chill at the beginning because she was telling herself he's just out of a 10 year relationship he's not looking for anything serious right now and therefore I shouldn't take this too seriously but then she got caught off guard by the fact that they actually had 10 really amazing dates and she started to like him I think maybe but I think it's easy to feel chilled when you have someone's attention because if someone's messaging you all the time they want to see you all the time it's okay like you're like oh I could be relaxed about this because like I'm getting what I want and I can bury my head in the sand because it's only been five weeks when someone takes their attention away then you go like what the hell and that's when you actually feel it so I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:41 to me that's more the likelihood of what like what happened is probably more that. Do you think a lot of people don't realize how much they like someone until they see the attention taken away? Yeah. And I think when you are getting someone's attention and, you know, she mentions like she mentions the whole like sharing my favorite wine and cooking dinner and these are like details that we hold on to as almost a token of how close we were and how you know serious it was yeah exactly to that point okay i want you to make your point that you had mentioned when we were talking about this question earlier because you said something really interesting about the mindset of someone who has just left a long-term relationship. Stephen, you just said that the details she described, there's an intimacy to those things, which is
Starting point is 00:14:31 what she was registering as, oh, wow, this is actually something really great and something meaningful that kind of crept up on her. Can you tell everyone what you said earlier about people who are fresh out of long term relationships? Yeah, you know, I think I think that when you when you date someone who's been in a long term relationship, you're meeting someone who's in a certain mode. You know, they're used to having a teammate. They're used to sharing their lives with someone. They're used to being thoughtful. They're used to kind of thinking of another person almost as much as they're thinking about themselves, because that's, you know, if you're a good partner, that's the kind of mode
Starting point is 00:15:09 that you're in in any relationship. And so someone who was in a 10-year relationship and probably by the looks of it has kids with this person, the likelihood of him being able to switch that off for the next person he meets is quite small, and I think sometimes that can feign intimacy and you almost feel like you are all of that intimacy and all of that kind of you know intensity I guess and closeness is directed at you because they see you in that
Starting point is 00:15:39 way but actually it's just directed at you because they have all of that in themselves and they're trying to give it to someone and it's just that's how they are with the opposite sex or you know the person they're attracted to yeah and there is this this relationship sized hole in their life now this vacuum yeah that if you're not careful you get sucked into but it doesn't mean they actually want a relationship which i think that's where it's a little bit of a head fuck because I think when someone is showing you through their actions they're showing you everything that you want to see and everything pointing at the fact that they are looking for a relationship and you know they're taking you seriously it can be so confusing when they turn around and actually end up treating you in a very casual
Starting point is 00:16:25 dismissive way because you go like well hang on that's not congruent with how you've been behaving with me what the hell's going on yeah yeah so then let's talk about what she might have done differently in this scenario either before the fact before the trip or during or when he got back that could have in some way either protected her more or changed the result so let's talk about those 10 dates we talked we alluded to the fact that hey 10 dates. We alluded to the fact that, hey, 10 dates is actually enough to have been having those conversations about how he sees things or where it might be leading towards. And that there is from her side, something a little bit avoidant about going 10 dates without ever having brought any of that up
Starting point is 00:17:27 especially if she's being intentional i don't mean i don't believe that's true if someone else is just going with the flow right but i think at a certain point we have to be honest with ourselves first because we can't communicate to somebody else what we haven't been honest with ourselves about. If we are seven dates in with someone and we're having a great time and we feel ourselves getting closer and we know that it would be strange for us to continue getting closer if we knew this was a dead end. That's the point at which we have to be honest with ourselves about that it's like at what point would it now be at what point would i stop if i knew this wasn't going anywhere and look you can trace that question all the way back to the first date right so there's obviously a time you could trace it all the way back to the first message on a dating app and so we there clearly is a time at which it's too early to be really aggressive about demanding answers from someone
Starting point is 00:18:36 but once you've spent enough time with someone that you're like we are starting to get to know each other and we are having a great time together and at the very least i would want to know right now that this is monogamous even if we don't know even if we're not willing to tell everyone that you know we're together or post pictures exclusive right yeah it's exclusive right we don't have to be posting pictures about each other online yet but is it exclusive at a certain point you have to be honest with yourself around when do i know that i wouldn't be continuing if it wasn't and then it comes down to well what what would i be saying at that point especially knowing someone is going on a trip it makes it makes me wonder like if he was going on a trip for a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:19:31 if she hasn't had the conversation yet that actually to me is a nice catalyst for having that conversation yeah for sure you're going hey and you're going away on this trip. So happy for you. I'm so excited. I know you're going to have the best time. Um, and I also realized, you know, we've been seeing each other for a couple of months now. I assume it's been a couple of months if they've seen each other that many times. She says five weeks to me at that point, if someone's going away and you're like, oof, God, it would hurt my feelings if they went away and hooked up with someone or if them going away suddenly meant that I just didn't hear from them. You know, even if they didn't hook up with
Starting point is 00:20:17 someone, if I barely heard from them while they were away, that would really suck. If you know that, then that's a good catalyst for you to say it's been going great i really like you i want you to have a great time but i also know that you know um i'm going to miss you while you're gone and you know i think audrey you were saying earlier even just saying something like you know i hope we can text and call each other while you're gone even I don't want to interrupt your good time when you're having it but it would be great to still stay connected yeah I actually want to know Stephen do you have like something that you think because I actually I find it to be a tricky one to like I agree with you that conversation can be had and there is an elegant way to do it
Starting point is 00:21:05 but I also understand the instinct to not want to come across too intense to not want to come across like you're trying to kind of you know dominate their holiday or you know make demands on their time and and whatnot so I'm curious Stephen as especially as like you know someone who might have in the past been on the receiving end of such conversations what in your opinion would be an elegant way to have that conversation I think you can in a fun way you can just say like um you know you just when you get there send me some pics of where you are or let's you know are we going to keep in touch when you're on your trip and that's a good way to at least gauge because if they're saying negatively to that or they're like i'm going to be off the grid that's that's
Starting point is 00:21:56 kind of red flag right if they're going away for two weeks and going to kind of like oh i'm not going to be around you're going to learn a lot right in that moment so I think alluding to like are we going to communicate when you're gone but you can't even straight up I think you can't even straight up then talk it's if it's been intense in a way it's easier to have a conversation than if you've just had sporadic dates over like two months randomly seeing each other now and then but if you've had like five weeks of seeing each other twice a week and then you're going, it is quite a natural catalyst to be like,
Starting point is 00:22:31 um, you know, it's been going really well or I have so much fun. Are we still going to be seeing, you know, we still going to see each other when you get back. Do you want to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:42 make this something more or where, where do you see this right now? Like when you get back or do you see to like you know make this something more or where where do you see this right now like when you get back or do you see us going somewhere i don't think i don't think it is that tricky because i think you've got in a way you do have a reason to speak about it and you know they might give you an answer like i need to think or etc okay fine and you can like give some space and see what comes back but i don't think it has to be so much of like like give me the hard answer this is going to happen i think it's natural otherwise what what's the difference that five more weeks of doing it is going to make like what's the thing that will
Starting point is 00:23:24 make it easier in five more weeks of seeing each other 10 to make like what's the thing that will make it easier in five more weeks of seeing each other 10 times i agree i don't think there's a difference i think at some point you have to be like i'm seeing you every weekend now and in a week so like you're kind of like you know um i just want to know what you're what you're looking for out of this. And I think it is just pointing out, like I don't want us to, you know, obviously we won't get to see each other over the next couple of weeks. I just want us to know, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:59 if we're actually seeing where this goes, then I wouldn't want us to do anything in that time or you know whatever it would be that could do any harm to that so while you're away i just wanted to know if we're operating under the same assumption like are you interested in continuing this when we get back or when you get back as you said steven and therefore you know maybe it's worth us agreeing to like actually give this you know give this a try just with each other for now um but if you don't feel like you're in that place that's also fine i just you know it's probably a good if you're there, if you're not in that place, then you going away for a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:24:49 might also be a good moment for me to step back. Yeah. Because I've been, you know, we've been seeing each other quite a lot and I've become, for better or worse, I've become quite invested. And you being away is either a good time for us to kind of cement this or it's a good time for me to take a step back if you feel you're not in that place
Starting point is 00:25:11 I agree and and so I'm curious Audrey what would you prefer to do in that situation if if a conversation like that would give you butterflies what what do you think you would do and what would you prefer to do so my my technique do you guys want to hear it this is what i would do so if i felt like i couldn't have that conversation because i was too afraid i would i would make peace with the fact that this holiday becomes a test a test to see whether or not they will or won't reach out and whether or not they will stay consistent and show that they like me if after a few days I feel like their communication is dropping or you know I'm just not hearing from as much or something has changed or whatever it might be I would call it out in a way that's not needy or
Starting point is 00:26:09 whatever I would say something like um next time they message me something like hey I haven't heard from you um in a couple of days is everything okay um I'm sure you're just having a lot of fun, but I just wanted to check, call it out, shine a light on it. And that way you get an answer. You're not agonizing and kind of like analyzing the situation, but you can do it retroactively dependent on their behavior towards you. And if they're like, you know, which is probably the likelihood of that scenario, if somebody is pulling away, they'll be like, yeah, yeah, everything's fine, no problem. But then still continue to pull away. I would take that as my cue to be like, this was a test.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You failed the test. So now when you come home, if you reach back out to me, I'm going to let you know that you failed the test. And so you have to then kind of prove yourself back to me all over again that, you know, I should reinvest my energy into you. And that's a really important point. Yeah. And if they don't reach out, I've already done my grieving for the last couple of weeks because they've already showed me they failed the test. So I've already started the process of getting over them. And I sure as hell not reaching out to them first and in a way in a way you're then in a way you're kind of also prompting that conversation around a different route in that if he tries to
Starting point is 00:27:30 come back you're then almost putting on the table of kind of like I expected this and I expected we were closer than that and you kind of have shown that you don't see it that way so in a way you're getting to the conversation through yeah and the way. So in a way, you're getting to the conversation through the back door. And in a moment where you actually almost, because you're speaking when they reach back out, when they get home, or you talk about. Yeah, if they eventually do reach back out, you're going to be like, well, you haven't contacted me in two weeks. And that made me feel like you're not very serious exactly and and like and that at that point which i think is really important you're doing it at a time where you actually have the leverage to do so because if you do it before they go away they might be like
Starting point is 00:28:15 yeah yeah yeah sure like or even just like oh i don't know because i you know like i want to be away i want to be free i want to do this i want to do that but that's a kind of answer huh that's a kind of answer it is a kind of answer i mean to steven's point earlier if that's their if that's their response right before they go it would be surprising if they had a different response the day they got back after two weeks of getting less close to you well they realized that you know but i but i i think both work that's the point i think i think if you if you didn't have that conversation before they go then and by the way i do think to your point audrey earlier in the car if you'd only been seeing them for like four or five great dates and then they were going on a trip you might not have that conversation before they go because it
Starting point is 00:29:05 might feel premature well the exclusivity one might right but you're still seeing them going on a trip as a bit of a test yes you know and by the way there's a difference between they didn't message me for like half a day or a day and they haven't messaged me for the last three days. I think we have to be careful, especially if we're the anxious type, to read too much into like someone went off the radar for half a day or a day, because someone could have just been doing something awesome and they could be the kind of person, God forbid,
Starting point is 00:29:42 that doesn't live on their phone. And that might be a wonderful thing but where that argument falls down to me is if after having that kind of very present day with the people they're with if at the end of it or if the next morning or the morning after that they can't reach out to you and say hey so sorry i've off the radar. I've had the most amazing two days. I was doing this and that. And like that to me, that's far less of an issue than someone who doesn't message you for days on end. The argument of any, like, cause some people will say with texting, anyone can find a minute when they go to the bathroom to send a text. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I agree with that. But also, you kind of, in some cases, have to be in the right frame of mind to send a text. And you've got to be like, then I'm going to have to text back to their text back. And I'm going to start off a whole conversation. And especially if this is the first text I'm sending in the last 24 hours, I might want to put a little more thought into it than firing off a one-liner because i happen to be in the bathroom and so on so i do think that we have to manage our anxiety around times where someone might be present in what they're doing and we should not create a culture in our dating life where there's an expectation that someone should be
Starting point is 00:31:07 looking at their phone every minute of the day but at the same time if someone goes on a trip and you're not hearing from them for days on end that to me is where you have to go well if they did care more about maintaining the connection they would actually be reaching out with some level of consistency and then not doing that my question to you guys is what should scarlet do now you know all of this is well and good but with where she is at today with everything that's happened and everything she's done so far from reaching out to him when he came home to you know the way he behaved while he was away and everything else how should what should she do next given where she's at with this person i want to ask
Starting point is 00:31:50 matthew ai this question go on let me see if i can paraphrase her question appropriately it's matthew ai how can i help hi matthew so um basically i was seeing this guy for five weeks twice a week it was going great we get we were getting close and now that he's well he basically he went away on vacation for two weeks and during that time he kind of went cold and now that he's back I can feel that he's pulled away significantly I reached out twice and he responded with enthusiasm. I suggested a call so that I could hear about his holiday, which he said yes to once he put his kids down, but then he never actually followed through. I'm giving him space, but I'm unsure what is happening. And I just, I don't know. I don't, I want to have standards
Starting point is 00:32:47 and I don't want to chase him, but I also don't really know what to do because I feel like he's giving me mixed signals. And I also feel like he has pulled away since he got home. What do you think I should do? I understand how confusing and frustrating this situation must be for you. When someone pulls away after a period of closeness, it can leave you feeling uncertain and questioning what went wrong. It's important to remember that his actions are not a reflection of your worth or what you deserve. First, it's good that you're giving him space. Sometimes people need time to process their own feelings and situations, especially after a vacation where
Starting point is 00:33:31 they might have had time to reflect. However, it's also crucial to maintain your own standards and not fall into the trap of waiting indefinitely for someone who isn't showing consistent interest. You might consider addressing the mixed signals directly, but in a calm and non-confrontational way. You could say something like, I've noticed a change in our communication since you got back, and it's left me feeling a bit confused. I really enjoyed the time we spent together
Starting point is 00:33:57 and would love to continue getting to know you, but I also need to feel that the interest is mutual. If you're not in the same place, that's okay, but I need to know where we stand. This approach shows that you value clarity and mutual interest without coming across as desperate or chasing. It also gives him the opportunity to express what's going on from his side, which might provide you with the clarity you need.
Starting point is 00:34:21 How does that sound to you? It's really good. Great. What do you think audrey do you like that one yeah i i think it's that's it's perfect was is there anything you would add to it i don't think so is there anything you'd add to it steven no i think i like that covers the ground because it's like i was having a great time with you i feel your communication is different i'm confused.
Starting point is 00:34:48 If you don't want to carry this on, okay, but I'd like to know. I think that's like all the bases, right? You're saying it in quite a calm, measured way, but you're just giving the, you know, you're forcing the moment of like, here's what I'm feeling. I'm feeling like you're withdrawing. So, you know, let me know what you want to do carrying on we should have like once an episode something like that we should have a just a random question in addition to whatever the topic is we should have like a random question that the audience gets to ask
Starting point is 00:35:19 matthew ai that's cool so just send us an email and we're going to obviously discuss use questions for topics as well but it would be fun if it was just one like miscellaneous question that didn't have to have anything to do with the subject that we could fire at matthew ai and if you want to ask matthew are your own question and you don't want to wait for us to pick your question on the next episode you can do it at oh yeah if you want if you actually just want to wait for us to pick your question on the next episode you can do it at oh yeah if you want if you actually just want to go straight to the source you can go to and literally ask matthew ai your question right now but we'd all it would also be fun to do some of the on the show so maybe you can do both um but uh this is there anything we need to add to kind of cap this off you know she says why
Starting point is 00:36:09 i'm feeling this way when i was so fine with whatever it was at the start of it all and i think the answer to that is it's just it's normal if if you have had intensity with someone and it's withdrawn suddenly it's you don't have to like wonder like oh why am i so attached or whatever like you will move on from this person if they withdraw but it's all right to feel like that really sucks because i was having a great time and i feel close to them or i really saw potential and we did intimate you know cook dinner together and etc and you know it's it's perfectly not you don't have to wonder like oh it's weird that I'm feeling attached like 10 dates over five weeks is probably quite intense and yeah I so so don't beat yourself up for feeling attached at this point don't shame you on top of the fact that this person has changed their
Starting point is 00:37:06 communication don't shame yourself for actually having feelings that's a good sign not a bad sign i had a friend telling me a guy friend telling me it it sucked and it really bummed him out when someone after one date didn't want to carry stuff on and it was it sometimes it's not like this rational function of this has how much time we spent together it's just i was invested and i thought they were great and i saw potential and we had a date and i thought it went well and they just blew me off and it's like oh that really like bummed me out for like a few days that's it's all right for that to happen yeah you know yeah well said it's matthew ai How can I help? Hi, Matthew.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Is someone traveling to Bali a red flag? Traveling to Bali or anywhere else isn't inherently a red flag. What's more important is understanding the context and the person's intentions. Are they traveling for work, leisure, or perhaps to explore new opportunities? It's crucial to look at the bigger picture and consider their overall behavior and values. For instance, if someone is constantly traveling and it affects their ability to build a stable relationship, that might be a concern. On the other hand, if they are passionate about exploring the world and it aligns with your values, it could be a positive trait.
Starting point is 00:38:23 What do you think is the most important factor in evaluating someone's travel habits? Okay, but would you say that traveling to Bali is more of a red flag than, you know, traveling to, for example, Japan? The destination itself, whether it's Bali or Japanapan isn't what determines if it's a red flag it's more about the context and the person's intentions behind the travel for instance if someone is traveling to bali for a yoga retreat or to explore the culture that could be a positive thing on the other hand if their travel habits seem to be a way to escape responsibilities or avoid commitment, that might be a concern. The same applies to Japan or any other destination.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It's essential to look at the bigger picture and understand their motivations and how it aligns with your values. What do you think is the most important factor in evaluating someone's travel habits? Matthew, I was basically saying, Matthew, stop being so damn judgmental. A valiant defense for Bali, I'll say. I think we should all go. Yeah. You're not invited. He can't be annoyed with me.
Starting point is 00:39:36 He can't be annoyed. He can't be annoyed with me. He's like, look, man, the destination doesn't matter. Oh, man. That was good. that was a good answer i want to hear what you have to think on this subject we all do uh i think we all know the subject line lazy river dating that was so good very good steven very good high five um send us a an email podcast at matthew hussey let us know what you
Starting point is 00:40:07 think and again if you haven't tried matthew ai yet go check it out because you know i mean you've seen the man has an answer for everything just don't whatever you do don't make him angry you wouldn't like him when he's angry uh ask is the link for you to go and ask your question right now and we will see you in the next episode of love life thank you steven thank you audrey thank you thanks everyone be well and love life we will see you all soon Thank you.

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