Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 3 (Risk-Free) Flirting Tips for Your Office Christmas Party

Episode Date: December 7, 2016

You’ve had your eye on Jeff from accounting all year, but you’ve never had the guts to let him know. Now your office Christmas party is here. You’re all dressed up, the cocktails are flowing and..., suddenly, anything is possible. You’re feeling flirty, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing or you risk work being very awkward on Monday morning. Look, there’s Jeff right now! What do you say? Well you’re in luck… In this episode of LOVE Life I’m giving you 3 original, adorable, and completely risk-free flirting tips that will break the ice and transform you – in any guy’s eyes – from work colleague to total catch.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Matthew Hussey here with Love Life. I am super excited about today's show because we have a great topic to discuss. But first, I have a question for you. If I told you there were five things you could say to get a man positively addicted to you, would you try them? If the answer is yes, then be sure to listen until the end of today's show because I'm going to tell you how you can get your hands on those five magic phrases. Now let's get to the episode. One of the big things that I know is going to be coming up is the Christmas office parties.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And I know that one of the things that comes up so often is, how do I flirt with that person at the office Christmas party who I kind of want to flirt with all the time the rest of the time but I don't really do that and I try and stay professional but at the office Christmas party there's kind of an anything goes type attitude so I want to be able to do it there well I've got a few tips for you here a few little master flirting strategies for you to do it and there are some subtleties to doing it here because you don't want to rush in and be like by the way i just i don't know i want to i just wanted to tell you that i really like you and i've kind of been feeling that the rest of the year but i didn't really say it until now that's a tough one to do because if it goes
Starting point is 00:01:20 wrong you know you have to be back in close quarters with that person again and it's going to make life really difficult so there are some more subtle ways to do this, which you can use. Now, the first one is disqualification. Disqualification is really important in the workplace when you want to flirt. And the workplace also creates the perfect opportunity for it. Now, the way you would do this is you would say something like, you know what, if we weren't colleagues, we would be so much trouble for each other. Isn't that amazing? Even as I say that, I'm like, God, that's great. If we weren't colleagues, you and me would be so much trouble for each other. Now, this simultaneously says we're both attractive people, not just he's
Starting point is 00:02:02 attractive, but we're both attractive people. And at the same time says, but, you know, we work together, so it's not possible. And, of course, when a guy hears it's not possible, that's when he starts to really want it. The second one is play the victim. Now, this is a very cute feminine thing to do. Playing the victim would be you saying something like, you know what I realize? You're always so mean to me at work. You're really mean. You have like, you've been mean to me all year. Tonight, you better make up for it. You better be nice to me. It's a nice way of you being a little bit victim, a little bit feminine and allowing him to come out of his
Starting point is 00:02:37 shell more. The third thing that you can do is create a role play. So this is actually kind of my personal favorite. If you've got someone that you see a lot at work that you can do is create a role play. So this is actually kind of my personal favorite. If you've got someone that you see a lot at work that you're, you're kind of close to at work, or he's always around and you know each other, it's not like you don't know each other by name, pretend you've just, you're really just getting to know that person now. So when you see him at the office Christmas party, you go, Oh, hi. Um, what, I'm sorry. What was your name again? Jeff. Jeff. And you work in what department? Even if he works in the same department as you. Oh, you work in my department. Oh, okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:03:10 we really haven't got to know each other, have we? And by the way, as soon as you do this with a guy, he's going to start playing along because guys love a role play too. It gives them something to actually do that's interesting instead of doing small talk. You know, so, oh, how did you get on with that client last week? Who cares? By the way, I never said this around the office, but I, you know, I think you're, you're, you're kind of cute, but we never talked to each other. So I guess I never said it to you. Now you're in this fun role play. The beauty of a role play is that anything goes because you're kind of one step removed from reality. So you can get away with saying things in a role play that you cannot get away with saying if you just walked up to someone and said it. So that's it. Three quick
Starting point is 00:03:49 and easy strategies for flirting at the office party, which by the way, are risk free. Nothing bad can come of these because you're not running in there like a bull in a China shop, just trying to create attraction with someone that you don't know wants you. So share this with the people. Don't share it with the people in your office, by the way, because it'll all be using the same strategy. Share it with people outside of your office. Share it with friends you know need this via Twitter or Facebook and send me a comment. Hashtag love life. I will see you soon, my friends. Enjoy the Christmas party. Well, I made you a promise at the top of the show that I would reveal five things you could say to get a man addicted to you, and it's time to deliver.
Starting point is 00:04:36 These are actually five compliments, and I've put them together in a free guide that you can go download right now. To get your free guide, just go to forward slash compliments. you you you you you you you you you

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