Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 33: Not Enough People Say This on A First Date...

Episode Date: June 26, 2020

Has this ever happened to you? You’re on a first date... and... He’s charming, handsome, and you feel like you have chemistry… But at the end of the night… he doesn’t ask for a second date (...nevermind a third or fourth). If this has happened to you (or keeps happening), you’re likely missing one of the two essential things that makes him reach across the table and say: “I’d really like to see you again.” In this podcast, I tell you EXACTLY what to say so that he’ll ask you out again (and again, and again)... You might be surprised at how simple this is AND how often you’re skipping this step when you’re interacting with a guy you like, especially in the early stages of dating... It’s genuinely crazy to me how obvious the phrase in this podcast is, how simple it would be for people to say, how many more second dates it would get them… and yet, they still aren’t doing it.  >>> Follow Matt @thematthewhussey >>> Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey Download the flirting sample of How To Talk To Men at  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh lordy loo how the devil are you? It is Stephen Hussey here, host of the Love Life podcast, featuring of course my wonderful brother Mr Matthew Hussey. So, today we are going to talk about some very underappreciated words to say on a date because wouldn't you know it a lot of us love to play it very very cool when we're dating and as a result we kind of miss out a lot because we kind of end up not giving people the signal that we want to give them we try very hard to put on a front and sort of be a little too cool for school, be too guarded with our feelings because we're taught, hey, you got to play the game and all that crap.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So let me hand over to my brother, Matthew Hussey, now to set the record straight on this. Check it out. We can go on a date and have a great chat with someone, have a great connection, feel like, oh wow, this was fun, we got on really well. But that doesn't secure the next date. Simply having good conversation on a date isn't necessarily enough to create a second date or a third date. Because when we see someone romantically, there are two things
Starting point is 00:01:47 that are really necessary. One is the connection that we often feel when we have great conversation with someone, when we feel like time just flew by. And the other one is the sense that we actually feel desired by that person. And I really believe one of the things that people do wrong in the early stages of dating is that they don't actually show any desire for the other person they have great conversation they can talk and talk and talk oh my god three hours passed and we're still talking but I still don't know if you find me attractive on that level. So how do you do this? Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:02:27 It's revolutionary. Tell them. Tell them that you find them desirable. There's an indirect way to do this. Let's say there was someone that you were particularly attracted to because of their passion about what they do. You could say to someone,
Starting point is 00:02:43 when I first met you, I thought your passion was really endearing. Like I really enjoyed that about you. I mean, of course, I also sent you a message because I thought you were really handsome, but your passion for what you do, I just found really intriguing. I'm slipping it in there as if it's a side note, but what I'm really telling you is I am sexually attracted to you. And thereby I'm slipping it in there as if it's a side note, but what I'm really telling you is I am sexually attracted to you and thereby I'm communicating that I am a sexual being Understated in its importance by the way and B it shows that I have it towards you. I Really believe that so often things don't progress because people might have a kind of connection
Starting point is 00:03:24 But they don't have chemistry and even a tiny thing like this can fuel chemistry where before there was only connection. By the way if you like this kind of content where I give you very specific things that you can say to a person to create attraction I have a program called How To Talk To Men which literally gives you 59 different things you can say to create massive attraction with the person that you like go check that out at this link and otherwise i will see you next week those of you who want to grab that program i recommend you go start with the free chapter so that's at and you'll get a slice of the program for yourself to have a check out. And if you really want the full scripts of conversations you can have in flirting, attraction, getting a date, commitment, having difficult conversations in a relationship, get the whole How To Talk To Men program.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And you can find that at Just go straight over to the products page and search for how to talk to men well i'm glad we put this episode out as uh you know i've been a man who's gone on many a date in my time and uh matt and i have spoken about this before where i think there there is such a sense of people trying to scope each other out and not really open up or be vulnerable at all. And you never want to be so vulnerable as to be needy and overly persistent of someone, especially if you're not getting the signs back.
Starting point is 00:05:02 But just someone knowing there's a reason you're actually on a date with them feeling that sense that they think you're attractive even if they say it in an offhand way like matt said in a video it just makes such a huge difference uh to get that little spark from someone you know it's like when this when you're at school even and maybe you hear that you hear that someone kind of likes you it instantly makes you take a bit of a shine to them just because you think oh okay like they like me okay cool um and especially hearing the specifics if someone just says one hobby you do that they admire or the fact you, I don't know, started your own business or what you work. You work for a non-profit and they, you know, they really admire that. Like even just saying I
Starting point is 00:05:51 was drawn to you because of X or there was something I was drawn to in this photo or when you said blah blah blah. It just opens up some avenue for connection, for a spark of attraction, and it shows confidence. It shows that you're willing to express admiration for someone else. And again, I think there's such a weird thing where people have this competitive nature now and they're scared to show that they are impressed by something by someone else or admire something. I think that's all a fool's game it's really really important that you know even on the smallest level someone gets that there's something you're interested in about them and uh hopefully they'll show it back as well um yeah so go and
Starting point is 00:06:41 try that on your next date uh try a bit of openness and see where it gets you. And you can email us, how that goes, at And you can email us any thoughts or questions you happen to have or comments on the podcast on your mind. We'd love to hear from you, And as always, you can subscribe or leave a lovely review on itunes if you're feeling very generous or spotify all those podcast platforms and that's it from your old pal stevie today it's friday night and uh you know what? I have plans for tomorrow for a barbecue.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But today I am taking it easy. Maybe I'll read a little bit of my book. Maybe I'll play a bit of Nintendo Switch. Who knows? But Matthew and I are going to be reunited very soon in the same room. So maybe, maybe we'll be back with a special podcast with us together in the same vicinity so stay tuned for that for now i'm heading out you have a lovely weekend i will see you on the next one bye I see the blog sites. Got a new wife. Shorty got a new boo.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, love beautiful. I'm looking for love.

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