Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 4 Quick Tips to Meet More Men Tonight

Episode Date: December 5, 2015

The key to finding a great guy to date is first creating opportunities with lots of men.  So how exactly do you meet them – especially if you’re shy or you don’t like the bar scene?  I’ve go...t 4 foolproof strategies to instantly increase your interactions – and create attraction – with more men in one night than you’re used to meeting in a month!  I’m sharing them all with you in this episode of LOVE Life…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 this is love life with Matthew Hussey I'm glad you're here now if you're new to the show don't be fooled by the name love life yes we talk all about love and relationships but we also go deeper into every other area to give you advice to explode your career get the most out of all of your relationships, create amazing opportunities in your life, and so much more. If you've been following me for a while, or if you're new and you like what you hear today, please go to iTunes and give this show a five-star review and leave a comment. It'll help more women like you find and enjoy the show. Hi everyone, this is Love Life with Matthew Hussey. We're talking today about how to meet more men and I have four tips to help you do that today. So here goes. Number one,
Starting point is 00:00:56 go out to a place where there's a high volume of guys. All right, don't go out. Sometimes people think, well, I have to go to the coffee shop where there's just one lone guy sitting there and there's no one else around and I have to, you know, talk to him and it needs to be this romantic scenario. No, that's a recipe for disaster because what happens is when you only have one person to speak to, what do you do if it goes wrong? You feel awful, you get inside your own head and you sit there and you feel embarrassed and you overthink it. Instead, go to a place where there's a high volume of guys. Now, naturally, bars and places like that are a good place to go for that. It doesn't have to be, for all of you who are saying, oh, I don't like bars. It doesn't have to be at 11 o'clock at night where everyone's drunk.
Starting point is 00:01:38 It could be straight after work. You could go to some nice place where people are sitting outside in the garden, just talking and having a good time. It doesn't have to be this nighttime environment that a lot of people associate. What we're really saying is in the same way that people say, oh, people hang out over coffee, we're saying people often hang out over a drink at six o'clock. It's the same thing. So go to places where there are high volumes of guys. If it's not a bar, then fine. Do a daytime thing. Go to a sports match. If you've got a guy friend who plays a sport, soccer or American football or whatever, go to that event and actually play a part in it. Be on the sidelines. Meet guys while you're there. Secondly, leave short spaces of time between your interactions. Don't go and speak to one guy and then an hour later go speak
Starting point is 00:02:26 to another one. Make sure that there's short spaces of time. If you get rejected or if something happens where it doesn't go well, go straight up to another one. Go talk to another guy immediately. Do not wait and get inside your head and overthink it and go, oh my God, I can't believe I said that. That was so dumb. I know I shouldn't be talking to guys like this. It's just not going to work for me. And then sit there trying to find the perfect guy to go up to. Just get to the next one. Leave short spaces of time between the interactions. Three, be sociable with everybody. Be sociable with everybody. The reason for this is because if you stand there waiting for the one guy you're going to be attracted to, and then you go up to him, what are your nerves going to be like? By the time you get to him, you're going to be freaking
Starting point is 00:03:08 out. You're going to be inside your own head. You're going to be going, oh my God, he's so hot. How am I going to speak to him? What am I going to say? It's going to go wrong. Instead, talk to everybody. If you can talk to everybody, you can talk to anybody, right? So go talk to people you're not attracted to. Talk to men, talk to women, all shapes and sizes. Don't worry about it. The more you go and talk to people, even if they're people you're not attracted to, you'll find that you'll get warmed up socially. You'll get into a good social mode. And then, of course, if you see someone beside you who you think is hot, who you think is attractive, you can suddenly turn around to them and start speaking. And it's going to be so much easier because you just spoke to five people before him. Compare that with not speaking to anyone before him and thinking that somehow you're now going to pull it out of your ass and make something amazing happen. It's not going to happen. Number four, move your body and change your state. Here's what happens to people on a social evening. They go out and because they're nervous, they stand still. And the more they stand still, the more they constrict their movement.
Starting point is 00:04:06 They get more and more insulin, more and more in their head. They move less and less. And how you move affects your mindset. It affects your emotions. I'm standing up right now as I'm talking to you because I want more energy as I talk to you. As I talk to you, I know you can't see me, but I still gesture as if you could see me. I still move in big ways because I know that if I move, I can communicate more and I can have more emotion. I'll also feel
Starting point is 00:04:30 more confident because I'm taking up more space. There's a certain energy to movement which affects your emotions. So when you're out, don't constrict yourself to one spot where you stand there all night and don't do that thing people do where they go, oh, let's find the nearest table where we can all sit and just talk for the next three hours. Stand up, move around. If you can dance a little, I don't care if there's a dance floor or not. If you hear music, dance on the spot a little bit, move your body, click your fingers, do something. Because if you move, you start to open up those pathways in your brain to be more sociable too. So that was it for today, my friends. That's four tips to go out there and meet more men. I know it's something you want to do.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So go out there, make it happen, and I'll see you in the next episode of Love Life. Thank you for listening to Love Life. I'll be back soon with another show packed with advice you can use right away. To make sure you don't miss a thing, go right now and click the subscribe button in iTunes and I'll deliver you a fresh new episode very soon.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Talk to you soon.

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