Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 4 Simple Words That Can Make You a “Boring Hero”
Episode Date: July 13, 2016When you think of “heroes,” what comes to mind? Superman leaping tall buildings in a single bound? Well, it’s not always feats of strength that make someone a hero. In fact, there are everyday s...uperstars all around us if we only take the time to notice. That’s why I’ve created a segment I’m calling “Boring Heroes,” and in example #1, I’m sharing with you the 4 words a pool boy – yes, a pool boy at a resort – said to me that changed the way I approach life, and just might do the same for you.
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Matthew Hussey here with Love Life.
Have you ever wondered whether you should date more than one guy at a time?
Every dating expert seems to have a different opinion on this.
But what do guys really think about a woman who keeps her options open?
Well, I'll tell you how to get the answer at the end of the show.
First, let's get into today's episode.
I had a great idea recently. I have many great ideas. This is just one of them.
I was thinking about my everyday life and how every day there are certain people in life who
just do little things that are just cool or interesting or charismatic or outside of the norm and how these things don't
get enough recognition for the little things that they do every day that just show you that life's
pretty great. I don't think we reward those things enough. And those little acts are the ones that
need the most rewarding. And I'll tell you why, because they're the easiest to do when you start
feeling validated for them and when you feel like they're possible. And those small acts lead to big acts. And we
should be encouraging at the granular level, the smallest beautiful things that people do.
So I've created a new segment that I want to talk about on a semi-regular basis. Basically,
whenever I feel like talking about it, there's going to be no exact degree of regularity about it.
But I think it's brilliant.
I'm calling this boring heroes.
That's right.
Boring heroes.
So today, I have a boring hero for you.
I said to you in one of my other episodes that I was recently on my retreat three times a year.
And for five days, we go away and we immerse ourselves
in our own development. And I'm on one of the lunch times I'm by the pool and there's this guy
by the swimming pool that my mom has, my mom has loved this guy the whole week. I bring my mom to
every one of my retreats, but she's outside by the swimming pool. And every day I come out for lunch and she talks about this one guy who is just amazing.
She's like, oh, he's so great and he's so lovely and always takes care of me when I get to the pool.
And he always makes sure everything's okay.
And I get out there and for the first time in the week, I'm actually sitting out laying by the pool relaxing.
And this guy, his name is Dalton.
He comes up to me, forgive the accent. It's going to be
horrible, but I can't do this guy justice unless I speak exactly how he spoke. So he literally
comes up to me and he says, oh, hello, sir. Is there anything I can do for you today? And I,
and I laughed and I go, yeah, I will take a pina colada. And here's what he said. He goes, it shall be so. It shall be so.
When do you ever hear someone say that? And then one of my friends who was sitting next to me,
he said to the other guy, he said, and what would you like, sir? And he goes, I'll take a
strawberry daiquiri, please. And he goes, it shall be so. And I go, oh my God, this is brilliant. I love this guy. Everything we
say, he says, it shall be so. Like this, this is a commandment now for this guy. He will make it
happen. There is nothing that's going to stop him from getting that pina colada and that daiquiri.
Nothing will come in the way of those two drinks. He's going to make it happen. I had complete faith
and I thought, you know what? He's going to be quick as well. Cause that's the type of guy
Dalton is. He's quick. He makes stuff happen. He doesn't
dilly dally around. He just goes for it and makes it happen. He's certain of himself.
And I thought to myself, how often in our everyday lives we lack certainty?
How often we don't have that conviction in what we say. And when we speak to other people,
how often we don't have the conviction in what we know we're about to do.
When we say we're going to take care of something, we don't actually sound like we're going to.
And not only does it make us look uncertain to the other person, it makes us feel uncertain in our ability to get the task done.
Imagine that the next time someone asks you something, you say, it shall be so.
It shall be so.
I will make that happen and how much more attractive that would make you
than the wishy-washy answers that we normally give people and not only that but how much more
confidence you have in your own in yourself and your ability to perform that task so that's it
that's it that's the tiny little heroic act that I saw by the pool. His name is
Dalton. He is one of our boring heroes. By the way, I want to clarify. I don't mean that Dalton
is boring. I mean that in the grand context of our Spider-Mans and Hulks and everybody else,
Dalton seems like one of the boring ones, but he's a normal person who does something really cool
every day by the pool. More boring heroes are coming your way. If you have an example of a
boring hero, send it to us. Leave it on Facebook, Coach Matthew Hussey. It can be the smallest,
most insignificant act. I don't care. The smaller, the better. Give me your boring heroes and I will make them
renowned. I'll see you soon, my friends. Go to Coach Matthew Hussey,
join my Facebook, and I'll see you in the next episode.
Okay, so what do men really think about a woman who dates more than one guy at a time?
I'm going to tell you and
reveal the three female mindsets that drive men absolutely wild in a free video that I've created
for you. You're going to get exclusive access to a Q&A session from a live seminar where I coach
real women on how to deal with hot and cold men, how to find out if a guy is single, how to be strong and confident in a relationship,
and much more. To get your free access to the three female mindsets that drive men
absolutely wild, just go to forward slash mindsets.