Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 64: He Won’t Commit, But He Won’t Let You Go Either?
Episode Date: October 28, 2020Are you seeing someone who won’t commit but who doesn’t let you move on either? You’re about to hear a phone call between me and a young lady who had this issue and wanted to know what was going... on in his mind. If you check out the video on my YouTube Channel also get to see me portrayed as a detective getting to the bottom of the case… In this episode, you’ll learn about the psychology of someone who won’t commit, and what you should be doing about it if you find yourself in this situation. Stay safe out there, my pickles. --- ►► Is He Ready to Commit to You? This Conversation Will Help You Know for Sure. Tap Below for Your FREE Training… →
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Hello there friends, it stephen hussey here your host of the love life podcast and today
we are talking about commitment and why some people have one foot in the door and one foot
out where they give you some hope they give you some affection they give you physical attention
and yet their actions show that they are not ready to commit so i'm going to hand over to
matthew and i'm going to say a few words afterwards but right now over to the big guy
julia why don't you tell us your question okay well it's a little complicated but I'll try to make it short.
I've been with this guy for about two years.
We broke up eight months ago.
For the past eight months I've been in competition with this girl online, a girl he never met,
most likely a girl he's never going to meet.
And I also recently found out he slept with his ex a couple months ago.
So my question is he
keeps telling me i don't want to commit i don't want to commit to a relationship but i feel like
he's committed to her because he's always going back to her and me so why is it like so hard for
him to commit or is it just like he wants her because he knows she's temporary and he sees the
future with me and that scares him.
I don't know.
Why is it so hard for him to commit from a guy's perspective?
Okay, so he slept with his ex after he was with you.
And he's also been talking to this woman online.
Right, and me all at the same time.
How old is this guy?
He's 17.
I'm 18.
Okay. Okay.
So what do you think might be going on for him right now as a 17-year-old young man?
I don't know. I feel like he's starting to mature,
but why doesn't he just let me go if it's so hard for him to commit?
And yet I told him just let me go.
Because he's selfish.
That's what I thought.
That's exactly what I thought.
Because he's selfish. And because 17-year-olds are selfish. That's what I thought. Exactly what I thought. Because he's selfish. And because 17
year olds are selfish. That doesn't mean all 17 year olds are bad people. But if you want to,
if you want to come up with a bit of a stereotype, teenagers are selfish. And by the way,
he may be selfish for another 10 years. But he's not essentially looking out for your feelings. He's right now
enjoying validation from every direction.
It may be he likes you so much, he doesn't want to let go. But
caring about you would be to let you go. And he doesn't care
about you enough to do that. And I think it's good for you to experience selfish men at this age
because meeting a guy like this and feeling attraction for him is good.
The pain is good.
The rejection is good.
It's all very important, and I wouldn't wish for anything else for you.
If you called me today and said,
if I had a magic wand that could take away all of this
and make him right for you and make him commit
and not have you have to experience being in competition for anybody,
I still wouldn't waive it.
I would still want you to go through all of this and have this experience
because it's really important for making you an interesting and developed person.
Wow, you're amazing.
Oh my God.
Everything you just said was like on point.
So have fun out there, Julia.
Enjoy it.
Don't waste any more time here.
You know, you don't have to be mean about it.
You don't have to cut yourself off from him completely
if you don't want to.
But he's not denying himself other experiences
and you shouldn't either.
Okay, got it all right
so now i think there are some really important takeaways crystal clear takeaways from those
words matt just said that i want to highlight from that q a so the first one the really really
crucial one is not to overrate someone liking you someone can be attracted to you, they can be into you, they can show affection for you,
but it doesn't mean that in their actions they care about your feelings. If that guy,
from that example there, from the woman Matt spoke to, if he's willing to show that he can
also be interested in another woman and he can string this other person along and say, well, I'm not quite ready to commit.
He might even in his head, he might think, I do care about this person.
I like her, but his actions aren't showing that his actions are those of a selfish person who's trying to get everything he wants.
He's trying to he knows this woman would like to commit to him, but he's saying, yeah, but I want to keep
her in my life, but I'm still going to tell her I'm not ready yet. That's not kind behavior. That's
not thoughtful behavior. That's self-centered. That's looking out, trying to have your cake and
eat it, have your own pleasure and string someone along. So don't overrate the fact that someone likes you or you
have a connection. Also dealing with the reality in front of us, not living on hope. There's so
many people who they always come up with a if only scenario for like it. I want to keep this
person around in my life because if only this one quality
about them were different it would all totally work i've heard that so many times and we can do
that about anything in life we can just say if that one variable changed then i would love that
job if that environment wasn't so toxic i would that. If my brother didn't act this way, if my mother didn't act this way, we'd get along great.
The fact is, these are the facts.
We have to see the reality in front of us and make some decisions.
And sometimes in life, we see the reality and say,
okay, I'm going to love this person anyway, despite them being flawed.
But what we cannot do is live on hope.
Hope that this will change. change with no evidence before us that
this person is even interested in changing or that capable of changing and so if someone's
showing you through order actions that they're immature they're not ready yet maybe for their
own reasons that's fine right they might have their own reasons they don't have to be ready
to commit but we have to be ready to act on that information and say,
this is the reality. So I am going to be sensible now, rational and act accordingly. I'm going to
take care of myself in this scenario. I'm not going to, you know, I'm not going to con myself
on this and live on hope and just imagine that maybe one day things will magically work out take care of
yourself now you save yourself years of pain um and then just being able you know being able to
step back from a situation and take care of yourself as if you were looking at them subjectively
and you were saying well you know if this was my best friend or someone i really cared about and they said well hey i really want to be with this guy or this person but they
like someone else and they're telling me they're not ready and i'm so confused you would say what
the hell are you doing this person is showing you that they don't prioritize you get out of there
go find someone who really cares that's what you would be saying so you need to talk to yourself in this way you need to be able to it takes a lot because when you get sucked
into something it's very easy to uh rationalize to yourself and and and it doesn't seem so clear but
just being able to take that space you know get that space you need even take physical space away
from that person so you can get perspective
and be like hang on would i would i choose this scenario if i was outside of it like if someone
offered this to me without me having any information would i choose to be in this
situation i'd say hell no i'm gonna look for something much more simple with someone who
actually reciprocates my feelings and wants what i want this isn't the scenario you would choose so don't choose to stay in it now um really really important
it's so important to get that perspective in whatever way you can get space from the scenario
take a beat realize what it means to take care of yourself in that situation all right my prunes pickles peaches
pears and puddings i'm gonna sign out for today wish you all the best have a lovely
middle of the week or whenever you're listening to this i realize people listen to this at
different times so it doesn't make sense if i say the day um and uh if you want to email us you can at podcast at matthew we love to
receive your emails thoughts on the show any positive changes you've made in response to this
any questions you have and uh that's all from me kids so have a lovely day wherever you are whatever time zone whatever
place you're in right now and i will see you very soon all right have a week
i see the blog sites got a new wife shorty got a little boo. Yeah, love beautiful. I'm looking for love. you you you you you you you Thank you. I'm looking for love.