Love Life with Matthew Hussey - 69: 3 Texts That Boost Attraction And Move Things Forward (+ Special Announcement!)

Episode Date: November 19, 2020

Get your copy of Matt's brand new program, out TODAY!  "The Momentum Texts: 67 Counter-Intuitive Texts That Lead To REAL Relationships" Click here to download > > > (Grab your copy ...before midnight on Saturday November 21st PT and you'll also get our free audio coaching bonus!) --- In this episode, I'm going to give you a sneak peek behind the curtain of our new program and share 3 key text messages for different stages of a relationships to create intrigue, sexual tension, assert your standards, and keep the conversation going!  --- Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey Follow Matt @thematthewhussey        

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, hello, my friends. This is Stephen Hussey here, host of the Love Life podcast. And oh my lord, it is a special day today because it is the official launch day of the brand new Matthew Hussey Momentum Texts program. So for those of you who are yet to hear this news, what this is is a brand new program that Matthew himself has been writing, slaving over, and finally is releasing to the world today. And it is a program all about the questions he's received over the years about texting, how to do it well, how to keep attraction, questions like how to keep someone interested enough for a first or a second date, how to escape limbo, the endless casual phase that never seems to lead to an actual committed relationship, and how to keep the fire alive with someone you see every day or with someone you're
Starting point is 00:01:26 in a long distance relationship with. And the official title for the program is the Momentum Texts, 67 counterintuitive texts that lead to real relationships and the surprising psychology behind why they work. So momentum, because that's what we're always looking for in attraction, is keeping things moving forward. Momentum, actually feeling like you're going somewhere so you're not constantly standing still, stop and start, what's going on, I'm sitting here waiting to know if something's going to happen or not going to happen? How do you actually get things moving and keep that train moving forward? And what I would like to do in this episode, since this is mine to play with, I want to give you a little sneak peek into the program and talk about three of my favorite texts from the program and what they're designed to communicate and why I
Starting point is 00:02:27 think they're great little tools to have in your arsenal. Because, you know, when it comes to this sort of thing, people, you know, they wonder about, well, is it too prescriptive for me, you know, to be told these are great texts to say to someone? Well, what if I wouldn't say that to someone? Or that's not me? Or, you know, isn't it going to be different for everyone? And the thing we tell people about these is these are just tools for you to use as you see fit. Sometimes you'll love the exact message and it'll be appropriate for the right scenario. And many of the messages in here are for all different parts of a relationship. So you're going to be able to adapt those however you want.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And the program actually gives you specific advice for, you know, here's a little tweak you can make on this if you've only been on one date with this guy or if you're in a relationship with him or if you've been sleeping together. So there's all these tweaks you can make depending on where you actually are in the relationship. So they're context driven. And also, you know, so many people ask us, well, I do actually want to know specific, you know, when you say this
Starting point is 00:03:36 principle, what's the actual specific action I can take behind it? What is something I can say that shows high value? What would a good example be of flirting? How do I show I'm irreplaceable or show vulnerability in an attractive way? How do I amp up sexual tension in a way that doesn't make him think that suddenly it's just going to be all sex, sex, sex, but I want to create that chemistry with him. So there's all these things that these are just your tools to give you ideas, to spark your creativity, to show you the kind of things that work and why other things don't, because language is very specific. And so the specific words you say can change someone's psychology very drastically if we use the wrong ones. So they can always be adapted for your context.
Starting point is 00:04:25 But the point is, these are to actually show you the how to, because, you know, you've seen lots of dating advice stuff and it's always fluff and it's always generic and it's like, be playful, be yourself, show confidence. But you think, okay, what do I do that's different than I would have done yesterday? What's an example of that? This is the nuts and bolts. This is how you do it. This is the playbook. And it's something you can have a lot of fun with. I love seeing different examples of communication. I'm nerdy about communication. I love seeing how different words, different things we can convey with our thoughts,
Starting point is 00:05:06 how we can be creative, how we can be different because so much of texting is generic and boring and flat. And so it's like, okay, how do you differentiate yourself? I want to see that. What can you actually do? So this program's the price of, I think Matt said it on the other episode, it's like the price of two cups of coffee. It's like seven bucks. And you get this whole book of these 67 texts. And if you grab your copy before the end of Saturday, before midnight on Saturday Pacific time,
Starting point is 00:05:39 you get a free bonus, which is a little gift from Matt. And it's four mindset reset audio coaching sessions. So this is for when you're in those moments driven by anxiety, insecurity, fear, loneliness, and you're tempted to send a text that you probably know you shouldn't, and your emotions make you, they override your reason, they make you weak-willed, they make you want to act on impulse. So these mindset reset audio sessions are Matt literally talking you through when you're worried you've said the wrong thing in a text that you wish you could take back, or if you're sitting there waiting, desperately playing the waiting game for someone to reply instead of getting out and enjoying your life,
Starting point is 00:06:21 or if you're thinking of going back to someone who hurt you, who isn't investing in the way you deserve, this is your companion where Matt is actually going to talk you off the ledge, so to speak, and bring you back to reality, bring you back to somewhere you're empowered. It's him rewiring your brain through his coaching and getting you to a better place so that you don't send those dumb texts that you're tempted to send. So yes, you can go and grab that at where you can actually grab the program and the free bonuses if you grab it before the end of Saturday. So with all that said, let me give you a little peek behind the curtain and talk about a few of my favorite texts from the program. So let's have a little scan through. By the way, the table of contents is really cool. escaping the texting trap, getting closer, moving things forward, being irreplaceable,
Starting point is 00:07:25 building attraction, stoking desire, asserting your standards, pumping the brakes for when things get too sexual too quickly, and keeping your momentum. Text for when you want to make the relationship official. So there's a lot of stuff to dig into here, but I want to keep it simple. So here's one thing, just as an icebreaker, you know, icebreakers are particularly one where people struggle, especially on Tinder and dating apps and stuff. People don't want to, sometimes they write too much and it seems a bit too much like waffle and there's a whole paragraph here. Or they write barely anything like yo how are you and you think oh this is so boring so i think there's a really nice a beautiful sweet spot text here uh that matt gives early on in the program which is what song are you listening to on repeat right now let's see if ours match. I really like that. And there's
Starting point is 00:08:25 some really cool variations on it in there. But I like that because everyone has this personal emotional attachment to music. It's really simple. Everyone has a song they've been listening to a lot lately. So it's universal as well. And it gives you like a little sneaky look into someone's personality. Like they might be a little embarrassed about it, or, you know, you can trade on the fact that you have exactly the same kind of song you're listening to, or I love that, or I can't stand that. And it can be like this fun way of discovering each other's tastes very quickly. Um, so I really like that one just as a little boom, icebreaker right at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Another one I like, and this is a really cool concept. So there's a concept Matt talks about in the program called gracious impatience. So he says, some people need to see us not waiting or at the very least becoming graciously impatient in order to wake up to our value. Some, of course, will wake up too late, but that's their problem, not ours. It's essentially a wake-up call text. It's like, come on, get a move on. Let's move this thing forward. So one of these texts, he says, is just sending a text saying, so mister, are you going to ask me out or can I expect a how's your week text every week for the rest of my life and again for some people they'll feel
Starting point is 00:09:53 like oh that's but that's going to create a little uh isn't that going to create a little tension in that moment and it's like yes in a tiny bit and that's a good thing it's a good thing for someone to feel oh i should get a move on like i'm sitting on my hands here and this person won't be there forever they'll move forward uh they get they're graciously impatient so it's kind of showing that but in a way that isn't like i'm sick of this texting thing and it's not going anywhere because then someone thinks well that's intense what's up with them um so i really texting thing and it's not going anywhere because then someone thinks, well, that's intense. What's up with them? So I really, really like this. Matt talks a lot about the bliss point in communication, the perfect mix between sweet and salty. It's a key concept of ours. And so many of these texts perfectly represent that, that mix of showing the right blend of being kind, but showing your
Starting point is 00:10:47 standards. And that kind of, when you can demonstrate your value in a gracious way, it's super attractive. It's showing boundaries, but it's showing that you're just matter of fact about them. You're relaxed. You're not emotional, but you're just like, hey, this is where I'm at right now. Take it or leave it. If you don't, I'm moving forward. Very, very attractive energy to have. Last one I'll share with you is a text that creates sexual tension. And the example Matt uses here is when you've already been on a date with a guy and use a text to harken back to a memory on that day and create a moment through that shared memory. So you could just text him even saying,
Starting point is 00:11:29 was thinking about when you opened the car door for me last night. That was so hot. Now, the best thing is you're using the word hot, which turns platonic language to desire language so you're not using platonic language like that was cute teehee or that was so sweet that was so nice you're saying no i found it hot it was attractive it was a turn on and that makes him think oh i want to do that more like she thinks that's sexy what else does she find sexy and the best thing about this example is you don't even have to use the car door either. You can use anything that happened on a date, even if it wasn't a sexual moment. It could be, it could be an intimate moment, like when he held your hand as you walked across the street or something like that. But it could just be, you know, when he took your coat for you, when he
Starting point is 00:12:20 called a car for you, when he offered to walk you back to yours and whatever it would be, you could say, that was so hot. Or, you know, he, yeah, he walked you to the station. I don't know, something like that. You can use this in many, many scenarios and add, instantly create sexual tension out of nowhere, just through that shared memory. And he might offer back, well, he was really sexy when you did blah, blah, blah, or when you laugh, you know, anything. There's tons more in the program. The program itself is the Momentum Text, 67 texts. So there's tons in there for you to dig through. I really, really want you to go and grab a copy of this program. If you've ever just thought, I get stuck when I'm in these moments, all these different scenarios,
Starting point is 00:13:10 or when I feel like maybe they're losing interest a bit, or when I'm not sure what to say early on, or when the conversation's getting too obvious and pedestrian, how do I spice it up? What do I say to him if I want to text him? We haven't spoken for a few days. All those questions in your head, this for $7 answers them for you. It gives you a whole bunch, an encyclopedia of text to use, and it gives you this really handy scale that Matt provides as well as to
Starting point is 00:13:36 when it's actually appropriate to use them. Like if you've only just started seeing each other, if you've been intimate, if you're getting into a relationship with this person. So this is our little texting Bible. And I'd love you to go and get a copy. So if you want to do that, go to And you can grab it right away. And if you want to grab it before Saturday, end of Saturday, you'll get the free audio coaching bonus as well. And Matt's done an amazing job on this. It's super readable. You can dip in and out as to where's appropriate for you. You can get through it all in one sitting if you want. It's really manageable. It's not intimidating at all. And it's fun. It's really fun, cool read. It's really beautifully laid out. It's cool little pictures and examples of where you
Starting point is 00:14:26 might do these things, the kind of pictures you might send, voice messages. It's got everything in there. So check it out,, and let us know what you think. Send us an email to Let us know if you've got your copy. Let us know what you think. And let us know what texting troubles you typically come up with, because I'd love to hear from you. So that is going to be it from me today. I hope you go and wonderful end to your week. We are still in mid-second lockdown here in the UK, but we're going to be out of it by early December. Until then, it's going to be old texting and whatnot for me.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So, and probably for some of you as well, if you're in the same boat. All right. It's been a pleasure hanging with you as ever i will see you very soon that website again momentum you want to grab your copy go there now and stevie boy is out all right bye I'm looking for love.

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