Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Be a Great Gift Giver: Your Secret Action Plan

Episode Date: December 2, 2016

“How thoughtful of you! I love it!” There’s nothing better than hearing those words when you hand a present to someone you care about. But what makes someone a thoughtful gift giver? It’s not innate quality; it’s a skill that can be learned. In today’s episode, I’m going to share my secret action plan to help you gather clues about the memorable (not expensive) things that will delight your loved ones. Listen up and you’ll be ready – at the holidays, and year-round – to gift them something great.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Love Life. I'm Matthew Hussey. And I was thinking, almost every question I get on the show is about communicating better with men. What can I get him to say to ask me out? What should I text him if he disappears? How can I let him know I'm interested without coming on too strong? So I've done something special for you. I've put together a free guide called 9 Magic texts no man can resist that give you the exact scripts to use for all different kinds of situations I'm going to tell you how you can
Starting point is 00:00:31 get your free guide at the end of the show so stay tuned we have an interesting topic today and that is how to become a good gift giver. Now, what do I mean by this? Well, so often we receive gifts from people, and there are some people that we know are fantastic at giving gifts when they buy us presents. We think that it's just wonderful. And what's the greatest compliment we pay someone when they buy us a gift? We say, that was so thoughtful of you.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And then there are many people who buy us gifts where even though we would never openly say it, we don't necessarily think that they're good at getting gifts. Now, aside from let's take the vacuous superficial portion of the population who only want the most expensive gifts, I think the truth is most people don't live there. Most people are not in desire of the most expensive gifts. They're in desire of the gifts that actually touch them, the gifts that actually make them feel like they matter, that make them feel special. Now, what makes a gift that type of gift? Well, let's think about that compliment that people give. That was so thoughtful. People don't say when they get a gift that they love,
Starting point is 00:01:40 they don't generally say that is so expensive. Thank you. They say that was so thoughtful. Now, why do we say that's so thoughtful? Well, if you think about it, being good with gifts, I really believe is synonymous with being a good listener. Because how do you know what to get someone? How do you know what they like? How do you know what they're into or what they want to try or where they want to go, what they're interested in? You listen. And you don't just listen around the time of their birthday or around the time of the holidays. You listen every day because the times when people give you the greatest clues as to what
Starting point is 00:02:18 you could get for them, the ways that you could be generous to them are in the insignificant moments. They're in the everyday moments where you're just walking down the street, talking about stuff, and they express something that they're interested in. And by the way, that could be that they look in a shop window and they're like, oh my God, I've always wanted one of those. Or it could be something like, I've always wanted someone to say that thing to me. I've always wanted someone to do something like that for me. Sometimes it's not even in the form of a physical gift. Sometimes it's in the form of words of beauty, something they'd love to hear or something that they'd love to have done for them
Starting point is 00:02:55 or an experience. We only know these things if we begin listening to people. So how do you become a good gift giver? You become a good listener. Start paying attention to what the people around you actually say. Because I think actually the truth is when someone says that they don't know what to get someone else, it could, if we were being slightly ruthless right now, it could be received as quite the insult because it could be received as, well well i haven't really been paying attention and now that it's come to the point where i need to do something for you i don't know what to do for you because i haven't been paying attention to your needs the rest of the
Starting point is 00:03:34 time if we want to become good gift givers we have to pay attention to the needs of the people we love and by the way you only remember most of the time what you actually write down. So here's what I'm going to get you to do on a practical level right now. Not just listen attentively, not just pay attention to the little things that people say. I want you to, on your iPhone or on your phone, open up a new file and let's call it the G file. All right. This is going to be the gift file. Anytime you hear something that someone wants, a desire, an experience, words they want to hear, something they'd love done for them, or a physical thing, write it down in the G file. You can put at the top of the G file,
Starting point is 00:04:16 you can put a bunch of rap music so that if anyone looks in it, they're just going to assume that it's your hip hop folder. That's fine. But in the G file, you're going to put the gifts that you really want to buy somebody. And then when it comes to a birthday or a celebration or holidays, or just a moment, dare I say it, when you want to do something for someone for no good reason, one of the most beautiful things you can do, you actually can go to this file and you have a ready-made list of all of the things that you could do for that person that actually means something. And by the way, this will also save you some money because guess what? Some of the most thoughtful things you can do save you the trouble of going out there and overcompensating
Starting point is 00:04:54 by buying something expensive because you couldn't think of something special. Thank you, my friends. Keep tuning into Love Life. Keep listening. I'll see you on Facebook. In between, go to Coach Matthew Hussey. I'll see you there on Facebook. Follow me and I'll make sure I get you all the updates for new episodes, new videos I'm doing on YouTube and everything else in my world. Ready for your gift? Okay, I've put together a free guide called the nine magic texts no man can resist. These are copy and paste scripts that you can use on any guide to create intrigue, attraction, and intense feelings of desire. To get your free guide, just go to forward slash texts.

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