Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Burning Question: Do Guys Stalk Your Social Media Profiles?
Episode Date: January 13, 2016In today’s episode of LOVE Life I take a great modern-day dating question from a caller named Sarah: Do men spend hours looking through the social media profiles of women they like? You may be surpr...ised by my answer, and why it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I also explain why it’s important to get offline and meet in person, so your real personality can shine through.
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I'm Matthew Hussey. Welcome to Love Life, which is now, by popular demand, a podcast on iTunes.
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and to reach a whole new audience of women who want to live their best lives,
whether that means an amazing relationship, a satisfying social life, the career of their dreams, or all of these things and more. Now, before I give you some helpful
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a lot of questions here. People wanting to ask their personal stuff on the phone. So we have
one of them right now. Hello. Who do we have on the line? Hi, my name is Sarah. I'm a huge fan.
What's happening? What's your question for today?
When girls like a guy, we tend to spend hours looking at their social media.
Do guys look at ours, and how much do they stalk our social profiles?
They stalk you, but in different ways.
You're probably looking at what school he went to, what he's doing for work.
Does his life look good?
Are his friends cool?
You're looking at his lifestyle and, you know, unconsciously or consciously looking at it and saying, is this a guy I could spend time with?
Is this a guy that I'd want to meet up with and be around?
He's looking at how hot you are in each picture.
And that's fine, by the way, because it's that, you know,
people say, oh, men are such pigs. But the truth is he's just not motivated right now by the idea of,
let's say, having a relationship with someone that he doesn't really know.
What he's looking at is, am I attracted to this woman?
And how attracted am I in the pictures that I'm seeing?
That doesn't mean, by the way, that he's not going to want a relationship.
It just means that his initial motivation is how attractive do I find her?
That's actually one of the big reasons I think it's important to meet people in
person because then you're not relying on your looks.
You're relying on actually making a great impression.
And the truth is when you make a great impression,
it can completely override those physical surface level and sometimes shallow qualities that guys
make a priority when they're only looking at pictures. So he's looking, but perhaps not in
quite the same way as you are. Okay. And they probably don't spend hours
stalking our profile. We'll take a quick look and move on.
Yeah, they'll go through. Men are not detail-oriented when it comes to that stuff.
So he's not reading all of the information about you.
He's just taking it in by scrolling through your pictures
until he gets bored.
Oh, my gosh.
That's amazing.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, it's been so great having you.
Thank you so much.
And come back again and ask us another question.
I would love to.
Have a great day.
Thank you.
Take care.
Okay, you too.
This is Matthew Hussey from Love Life.
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All right, take care. I will see you soon.
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