Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Do Something Right NOW

Episode Date: January 30, 2017

Stop everything and listen to this episode right now. In it, I’m going to give you a quick tip that will get you immediate results with that nagging “to-do” you’ve been putting off forever. (Y...ou know which one I’m talking about.) Overwhelm has stood in your way of accomplishing something important for way too long, and today we’re going to “break the seal” and just start the damn thing. OK? OK! Hit “play” and let’s go…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I want to come back to this at the end of the show. But first, let's get into today's episode. I'm going to keep this short and sweet today. I wanted to do a show that was about procrastination and then I thought, you know what, I don't want to do some long-winded thing about how to get over procrastination. This time around, I'd rather just do a show about getting you to do something right now and making that the concept. This show, this episode that you're listening to right now is the wake up call. I'm not going to labor the point. I'm not going to go into a ton of theory. I know that there are a bunch of things that you're putting off right now that you're not doing. Some of them might be social related. Some of them might be work related. They might be family related. Whatever it is, I know it's bugging you. I know it's stressing you out. It might be that thing
Starting point is 00:01:07 on the to-do list that is there every day. We all have those things that are there every day on the to-do list. No matter how much the to-do list shapeshifts and evolves and you cross things off, this one thing carries over every single day because you're not starting it. Maybe it's overwhelmed. Maybe you don't know how to start it. Maybe you're afraid of what other people will think if you start it. Maybe it's not knowing how to start it exactly. Maybe it's blaming it on not having the right resources. Whatever it is, I want you to put all of those excuses to side right now. Put them to the side, look at this task and say, I'm going to start this today no matter what. In fact, I'm not going to even start it today. I'm going to start it right now. Anytime you say I'll start tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:01:48 that's a problem. Anytime you say I'll do it this evening, that's a problem. Don't even diarize it. Just take the moment to start it right now. Unless there is something crazy urgent that you have to do in the next 20 minutes, use the next 20 minutes for this. I don't need you to do it for the next four hours. I need you to just start right now. So ask this question. Firstly, what do you need? Do you need a pen? Do you need your paper? Do you need your laptop? Do you need to get in the car? Do you need to go somewhere? Fine. You're going to do that straight after you finish listening to my voice. What's the quickest starting point? I always talk about thin slicing it. What's the thinnest way you can slice it so that you know how to attack it. You don't have to think about doing it all right now. You don't have to think about the parts that you don't know how to do.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Just think about what you can do in this task. It's amazing when you get started on something, the flow state that it produces that creates more proactivity and more action because it begins to give you confidence. Procrastination is more about lack of confidence than anything else. When you have the confidence to get through a task, you will do it. You will not worry about it. You won't fear the hard work or not understanding the task or the complexity. You'll just do it. So right now, think of what do you need and what's the quickest entry point to this task and then do that. Forget what you can't do. Focus on what you can do. And then lastly, don't make it perfect. Just go for it. I don't care that you do it the exact right way. I don't even care if you write a plan for it and then tear it up. Just the act of starting it will begin to give
Starting point is 00:03:09 you the confidence and it will break that seal where anything that's been on our to-do list for too long begins to have an almost mystical sense of difficulty that we overemphasize how difficult it is to start that task. I want you to get into it and stop giving it so much bloody respect. Just start that task and see what happens as you get into that flow state. That's it. I'm not talking anymore. Go get your pen, go get your paper, go get your laptop, go get in your car, go drive somewhere, do whatever you need to do, but do it now.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Leave me a comment on Facebook and let me know what you did and how you got on with it and whether it produced that flow state for you. I will see you on Facebook. It is Coach Matthew Hussey. Go find me there after the next 20 minutes of your task. I'll see you there. At the beginning of today's show, I brought up the question, how can we open ourselves up to love again when we've been hurt? In one of my live seminars, I actually coached a woman through this in a Q&A session, and I want to give you free access to it today. I call this video, The Three Female Mindsets That Drive Men Wild, and it's filled with empowering and practical advice that you can use today. To get your free access, just go to forward slash mindsets.

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