Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Go Ahead, Make a Mistake…

Episode Date: May 13, 2016

How do you feel about making mistakes? If you’re so afraid of screwing up that you never take action, today’s episode of LOVE Life is for you. I’m going to show you why mistakes actually make yo...u great, and how to reframe your association with failure so that you can learn, grow, and go after the things you want most in life.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Matthew Hussey. Welcome to Love Life. It's a privilege to be able to offer you bite-sized bits of advice on this podcast that you can use every day. But what if you're ready for a big transformation and you want to do it now? You want to reinvent your career or finally find lasting love or break free from the self-doubt that's holding you back from living the abundant life you were meant to live. If you're saying, yes, Matt, that's me, I'm going to tell you exactly how to do just that at the end of today's show. So make sure you stay tuned. First, let's get to today's episode. I want to ask you a question today, and that is, how okay are you with making mistakes? We're going to be talking about this subject is, how can you get okay with mistakes? Because I know
Starting point is 00:00:51 so many people are so terrified of making mistakes that they never even try things. And this is an age-old lesson that we have probably heard every theory on by now, and there's probably nothing I'm going to say that's new to you. But my aim always is not necessarily to say something new, but to say it in a way that actually resonates. And I want to come at this from the slightly counterintuitive place that I come at a lot of things with, and that's to look at mistakes a slightly different way. The first place I go when I'm trying to associate positively with mistakes, which is really what we have to do, because when we associate negatively with mistakes, that's why we don't want to make them.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I start thinking about scientists and the life of a scientist. The life of a scientist is 99% mistakes. It's trial and error, trial and error, trial and error. They experiment, and every failed experiment is about getting them another result that they know didn't work. But no scientist in their right mind ever bails, even after 10 mistakes or 20 mistakes or 30 mistakes. They make hundreds upon hundreds of mistakes, which they just see as tests. Okay, test A didn't work. Test B didn't work. Test C didn't work. And you wouldn't be, you cannot be in that profession if you're not okay with making mistakes. Everything we have that we value in life today was built by geniuses
Starting point is 00:02:11 who spent 99% of their time making mistakes. I actually, I want to look at this a different way. I think it's an incredible arrogance that we have when we look at something and we say, either I get it right or I don't want to do it. Because the geniuses of today and the ones before us built their careers and built this world on untold mistakes, unbelievable numbers of mistakes. How the hell am I going to be the type of person that says, I don't want to make mistakes because I don't want to embarrass myself or look stupid, so I'm not even going to try. It's the most incredible arrogance. It puts us in a league above the geniuses that built the world we live in today. So I want to rephrase our association with mistakes. I want us to look at it like messing up is about learning, growing, and having many, many test results which take us to the right place. Because here's the
Starting point is 00:03:03 interesting part. Even if you succeed first time, I don't respect it. And the reason I don't respect it is you don't know why you succeeded. When you succeed first time, it's like a blind success where you go, well, I don't know how to do it again. When someone makes mistakes, when the guy fails nine businesses in a row and the 10th one works, that guy knows far more about business than the guy whose first business he ever created succeeded. Because the nine failures taught him an incredible amount. It's that stuff that makes us good at what we do. Failure makes us great, not success.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And when we get success, it's only stuff that we can replicate if it's on the back of many mistakes and the foundations of things that have gone wrong. So right now, I want you to stop associating pain with mistakes because it will stop you trying. Here's what I want you to associate pain with. Not learning, not growing. See, I associate pain with not taking action. And the thing that for now in my life, the thing that helps me the most is what's despicable to me is people who talk and don't act. And if you can learn to love action and despise talk, you're going to be someone who always gets results and results won't always be the ones you want, but eventually they'll bring you more of what you do want. So that's it for today, my friends go screw up, go make lots of mistakes today, this week, by the way, guys,
Starting point is 00:04:41 before you leave, if you haven't already, go sign up to my Insider newsletter. I have free videos, free articles for you. All of my best tips are in there. Stuff that I haven't had time to mention in this episode today. Go check it out. You can find it at forward slash advice. Now, if you said earlier, yes, Matt matt i'm ready for a big life transformation now then i want to invite you to apply for my retreat program now spots are limited but if you're accepted onto the program i'll lead you through a series of powerful coaching sessions and enlightening exercises that will remove every barrier standing in between you and the extraordinary life you deserve.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You'll walk away with a practical set of tools to achieve the career, love, balance, and fulfillment you've always wanted. To claim your spot for a phone interview with one of my expert mentors, just go to forward slash retreat. Take care and I'll speak to you soon.

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