Love Life with Matthew Hussey - How to Get Drastic Results in Your Love Life in 2016

Episode Date: December 30, 2015

I have 2 huge problems with most New Year’s advice.  In today’s LOVE Life, I’ll tell you what they are and why they are sabotaging your attempts at getting the love you deserve.  I’m also to tell you the secret to getting drastic results, and why failing at your resolutions doesn’t have to derail you from reaching your goals in a big way this year.  Stay tuned til the end for details on how to get my free guide – “6 Shortcuts to Love.” (

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to another episode of Love Life. I'm your host, Matthew Hussey. Every few days, I'll be bringing you a new episode filled with practical advice you can use right away to improve all of your relationships, romantic, family, friends, career, and most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. If you've been listening to me for a while, please do me a favor and leave me a five-star review in iTunes. In the iTunes app or on your desktop, just look up the show, click on ratings and reviews, and then click write a review. I'm not asking for the ego boost. It's simply because the highest rated programs get the most visibility in iTunes, and together we can help reach more
Starting point is 00:00:45 women by helping them find the show. Thank you so much for your help. Let's start the show. Well, well, well. Here at Love Life, a new year has just begun. It is January. I hope you're psyched. I hope you're excited about everything that's to come for you this year. And if you're not psyched, don't worry. That's usually just indicative of the fact that you know there's some pain ahead as well. Many people feel like you have to be excited about everything, but the truth is, you know there are some problems. There are some problems from last year that you still have to deal with. So let's deal with our stuff right now. In your love life, I know there are things you want right now. I know there are things you sorely want to make happen. And in the last episode, which if you haven't listened to it, please go back and listen to it.
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's an amazing lead into what we're talking about here today. In the last episode, we talked about how the New Year's advice of trying to make huge changes all in one go can make you overwhelmed and therefore not take action. In today's episode, I want to talk about two more problems with New Year's advice that lead to problems. The first one is when people get into a mindset of every new year I make these big changes, they get into a mindset of analyzing themselves at least once a year, which we know is a great, like not frequent enough at all. The way we should be analyzing ourselves is at least once a month. I think New Year's should happen at the first of every month. We should be looking at our lives and saying, okay, 30 days passed. Now, what am I doing? Now, what do I need to reevaluate? The problem if we don't is I know what will happen. If you say to yourself, right, I'm going to start talking to more guys. I'm going to start going out there and
Starting point is 00:02:19 interacting with more guys and flirting with more guys. You'll do it for a couple of weeks and then you'll have a busy week at work. You'll stay in that week and all of a sudden a new cycle begins. A cycle of going back to the old you, of not going out there and talking to people. And if you don't re-evaluate that on the 1st of February, you'll never have that moment where you go, oh wait, I only did that for half the month. I now have to re-engage with the things that I'm doing. You have to be revisiting the things, the routines that you take on all the time. All right. Your progress towards your goals will increase if you actually stay on top of them. You know that there's that old phrase,
Starting point is 00:02:56 a watched kettle never boils or a watched pot never boils. The whole point of that phrase is that if you keep watching something, time will go slower and it'll feel like it takes forever. Well, we have a new phrase here. The phrase is a watched kettle boils, right? A watched pot boils. If you actually watch your goals, you'll make progress because you'll know when you're not making progress. If the pot is broken, if it's not heating up, then you get to do something different. But you don't know that unless you're watching it, unless you stay on top of your goals, you don't know the progress you're making. So make sure you set something at the first of every month that measures how far you've come. And the second thing is this. I know that you're going to have resolutions this year that you've created that you're going to fail. All of us are, by the way, none of us are going to have a 100% track record.
Starting point is 00:03:40 At some point, you're going to fail. That's okay. Here's how winners fail. And here's how losers fail. Winners fail by when they mess up, they go, oh, I didn't do my resolution for five minutes, but I'm back on my resolution now. I don't need to fail for more than five minutes. I'm straight back on. Okay. Here's how people who lose all the time fail. As soon as they get a failure, they go, oh, well, it's over now. You know, I had that resolution. I broke it. It's the 15th of January. I'll try again next year. Maybe I'll get to the 30th. People fail because when they fail in the moment, they decide that it's ultimate failure. Instead of saying, get straight back on the horse. There are rituals, there are resolutions that will change your whole love life if you stick to them.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I promise you that. I promise you. I've never seen it not happen where a woman doesn't put in little measures every day that change her love life and it doesn't start creating drastic results. I want to make sure that you don't suddenly feel like a failure the moment you don't do it. When you don't do it, get straight back on and make sure that you keep making those 1% shifts we were talking about in the last episode. All right, guys, that's it for today. By the way, since it's new year, I wanted to give you all of the support I could possibly give you. I mentioned this in the last episode. I have a guide for you for January. It is the six shortcuts to true love. It's designed to give you steps to finding the love of your life right now, not at the end of the year, at the beginning of
Starting point is 00:05:13 the year. And really, if you know your love life needs an adrenaline shot right now, this is the thing for you. So go check it out. Here's where you'll find it. It's shortcuts to So go to shortcuts to and So go to and I will see you there with your free guide. I hope you got a lot out of the show today. I know I always do. Coming soon, I've got more amazing shows in store for you. So be sure you do not miss them.
Starting point is 00:05:41 If you haven't done so already, click the subscribe button in iTunes and I'll deliver each new episode straight to you as soon as it's released. Thanks for listening. Have an incredible week and I'll talk to you soon.

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