Love Life with Matthew Hussey - How to Win in Business

Episode Date: October 26, 2016

I’ve got a bit of a different message for you today. It’s a lesson I learned from – of all places – my local hipster coffee shop. No matter what your career, from billionaire business owner to... bartender, you’re going to want to hear the tip I have for you. It’s all about creating loyalty with small, simple actions we can do every day.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Love Life. I'm Matthew Hussey and I am really excited about today's show. But before we jump into it, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever been texting with a guy, maybe you've been on a few dates, when suddenly his texts stop cold? One minute you're flirting back and forth late into the night and the next minute he disappears into thin air. It's not your fault. Guys do this all the time. The question is, what can you do
Starting point is 00:00:26 about it? Well, I can tell you exactly what to say to reignite his interest after he's gone cold. Stay with me until the end of the show and I will tell you. I want to get off the love life area today and talk a little bit about how to win in your business. And I have a key tip here. I am in New York right now. And one of my daily frustrations, and it's not a real frustration, but it's something I sort of, it slightly depresses me in certain moments. I've been going to get my coffee in the morning and I am a bit of a coffee snob. So I like
Starting point is 00:01:06 to go to the places where you have this hipster person in a hat with dungarees on making you a coffee in a very special way. And I have found a kind of a trend where the people serving seem to have zero social skills whatsoever. To the extent that there's barely an acknowledgement when you walk in. There's barely a please when asking for your money. There's barely an acknowledgement that you've even ordered something. You know that moment where you order something and someone just starts making it without saying, okay, great. That's happening a lot. Now, it may just be me, but it feels like there's somehow a trend here. It feels like we're getting worse at this. And it seems to have become acceptable in our culture to run businesses where we don't actually have to be likable anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:10 We don't have to be the people that people would want to do business with. It's almost like, I'm sorry for picking on the coffee people right now because I feel like that's what sparked this. But it's not just the coffee people. If we're taking that example, it's almost like because I serve this amazing coffee, which they do, but here's the problem. When, if, if a coffee shop opened next to the ones that I go to right now, where I got even half a smile and a little bit of love going in there, I would absolutely leave these places in a second and opt for the one with more likability. And my message, in a way, is to all of those people out there
Starting point is 00:02:54 who are maybe running small businesses, or maybe even the people in big businesses who are dealing with clients, the people that are likable, the people that go out of their way to brighten up their customer's day a little bit, to smile, to be someone who other people would want to be around, those are the people that are going to win in the long term. I'm utterly convinced of it. I don't care how good your product is. And part of me is tempted to say that in a lot of businesses, when they think their product is really great, they feel like they can get away with treating you in a slightly arrogant manner.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And the lesson here is people always buy people. You know, sometimes we go to shops just because we like what they have, but that's not sustainable in the longterm. The, the brands and the companies that win time and again are the ones we actually enjoy buying from. So when sometimes our systems are bad in businesses, right? That sometimes we, we mistreat customers because of our systems. And it's not that that's forgivable, but sometimes that's not to do with how warm or kind we are. It's to do with the fact that we have failing systems in our company. But there should never be an excuse for us being face-to-face with a customer and not being warm and pleasant and someone that they actually enjoy doing business with. And if we can do that,
Starting point is 00:04:26 we will be the winners at the end of the day. So my message is simple. We have to stop trying to be cool and stop having an ego when we're selling to people and when we're out there doing business and start actually being the type of person that someone enjoys spending money with. When someone is coming to us to spend money, when someone is coming to us to invest, they could be investing anywhere in the world and they're choosing to do it with us. That deserves a particular kind of respect and attention and kindness. And it's something that I find that is lost all too often. And I think it's a real shame. And the only comfort in it is knowing that ultimately, the businesses that will win over the
Starting point is 00:05:13 long term, the ones that won't suffer from the same fad-like attitude that customers have, the fickle attitude that customers have are the ones that actually treat their customers well. Those will be the ones that benefit from the loyalty that no one else does. So that's it. Come join me for the conversation on Facebook, forward slash coach Matthew Hussey. I will see you soon. Okay. At the beginning of the show, I promised you that I would tell you what you could say to reignite a man's interest after he's pulled away. I've actually put together an entire free guide for you called
Starting point is 00:05:54 Nine Magic Texts No Man Can Resist. Just copy and paste any of the nine texts, and you'll instantly be right back in the forefront of his mind. So ask yourself first, is this guy worthy of me? And if the answer is yes, try one of these texts out and let me know what happens. To get your free guide, just go to forward slash texts.

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