Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Matt Monday): How to Keep Their Interest After the First Date (3 Things to Do)
Episode Date: January 29, 2024It’s normal to want to put our best selves forward on a first date . . . but sometimes this makes us hide who we really are. And that’s a shame, because someone may not see the real version of us�...��the one they’d want to see again and again. So how do you create authentic attraction early on? What are the things you could do that would make someone excited for a second date with you? In today’s new episode, I share 3 natural ways to get and keep someone’s interest on a first date and beyond.
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What can you notice about this person that allows you to see the best in them
and allows them therefore to feel their best around you? Why is it so many people don't get a text back after a first date?
In this video, I want to give you three things that you can do on a date
that make it much more likely that that date turns into another date.
The idea for this came from someone I recently coached who came to me and said,
"'I had a very difficult marriage.
"'It has left me very guarded after the divorce.
"'I had to become independent.
"'I had to become my own person.
"'And now when I date, I get told a lot that I am scary,
"'that I am intimidating,
"'and it doesn't seem to go anywhere.
"'What's going on?'
Anyone out there who has been hurt a lot will naturally be on guard when they're dating again.
We are looking for red flags.
We're looking for warning signs that someone has an agenda, an ulterior motive, that they are going to hurt us.
And when we go into a date with that energy, it can come across as a very strong energy.
It can come across as an energy that says, I don't need anyone.
It can come across as a lack of vulnerability.
Now, people use all sorts of words when they feel these things from us.
You know, you're a little scary.
You're a little intimidating.
I don't know how I'd ever feel needed by you.
But what it really comes down to is they're seeing one side of us
and they're not seeing the other side of us that they may need to see to truly feel like there is
that polarity that they're looking for. And polarity is often associated with lots and lots
of language around masculine and feminine. Whenever a woman says, I feel like I intimidate guys, the go-to is, well, you need to be in
your feminine.
I don't know that it's entirely wrong.
I just, I end up getting a little bit bored and frankly confused by the language around
these things.
And it ends up becoming a kind of obsession with masculine and feminine and one that I
don't find all that interesting.
To me, dates need polarity.
People need polarity, especially in romantic situations.
We need to know that we both are, not all the time, but sometimes in an energy that
is attractive to the other person.
And I don't think we need to be that energy all
the time. I think it's just, we need to be that energy enough that someone sees that they have
that magnetism in that way with you some of the time. Let's take this woman that came to me.
She would show up on a date, very guarded. She'd almost show up with that kind of boss-like energy,
independent, done a lot in her life, taken care of a lot in her life.
And I believe that it was stopping the person on the date
from really getting to know the real her.
So I'm gonna tell you three things that I told her
that if you find that you're guarded
and it makes you cover up other parts of yourselves,
the softer, more sensitive, more playful, more fun part
of yourself, the more affectionate part of yourself, then I think these are really going to help you.
Number one, lead with your most beautiful energy. Now you get to decide what your most beautiful
energy is, but imagine yourself around the people that you're most comfortable with. Imagine yourself around the people that you're most comfortable with.
Imagine yourself if you were bringing out your core and what that core is really like.
Whether it's a very affectionate person, very sweet person, a very playful person,
a person who laughs a lot, a person who is very smiley, a person who's very curious, very interested.
Bring that person forward first.
Now, many people struggle to do that because they've been hurt before.
So they show up to a date with their guard up because they're trying to protect themselves
and they don't want to get hurt again.
What we have to do is flip our normal way of doing things. Instead of bringing the version of us that is
guarded and in control all the time and doesn't need anybody and can handle it all on our own.
And then if someone proves themselves to be lovely and, you know, have good intentions and
be worthy of our time and energy, we soften up and start bringing them
all of the good stuff, we should flip it and say, I'm going to bring them the good stuff,
not in terms of, you know, my time and my investment and my intimacy, but in terms of
energy on a date, I'm going to bring them the good stuff. And then if at any point I find that
they're not really trying, they're inconsistent,
they're disrespectful, or they're just not giving me enough, that's when the independent me comes
out. The strong independent energy can come along when it's needed. It's not something that we have
to lead with in the beginning because being on a date is not about showing up
and showing how strong you are.
Being on a date is about showing up
and connecting with another human being.
Hey guys, for anyone who is watching this
and wants to not simply watch my videos on YouTube,
which I very much appreciate,
but actually wants to come on a coaching journey with me
to get results faster in your love life,
I have a free event called Dating With Results that you can watch right now. In it, I show you
the reasons we're struggling so much in love, and I help you understand the practical things that
you can start doing this week to find love faster. Come over to You can watch this event
for free. This is not a paid ticket event. It's just my way of giving you something practical
and substantial that can help you exponentially in your love life if it's a priority for you right
now. Go over to and I'll see you over
there for this amazing event. The second thing to bring on a date is vulnerability. Vulnerability
isn't by the way sharing all of your worst stories early on in the dating process. It's not about
revealing information that someone shouldn't know about you that quickly. Vulnerability is giving someone a glimpse of who you are at your core, the things that you're
passionate about, a sense of what you're really like. And we cover up who we really are by
constantly talking about what we do, what we've achieved, what we're good at. And these things tend to be this identity
that we've constructed for ourselves,
that we wear on a date as a way to be impressive
or to be in some way, you know,
we may not directly want to be intimidating,
but there's a part of our ego
that may want to be intimidating.
There's a part of our ego that may show up to a date
wanting to be better than,
or wanting to show that I am somebody. Don't think I'm nobody, I'm somebody. And all of that is ego.
And ego can get us into a lot of trouble on a date because it can stop us from being seen for
who we really are. And it can also stop us from seeing who someone else really is, which is what we achieve through curiosity,
through looking at the other person and discovering who they really are instead of trying to assert
who we are.
Notice when you catch yourself talking about the things that are designed to make you look
or feel important.
Those things are a defense and they are us just slipping into talking about what we feel comfortable talking about instead of what's actually going to generate a deeper connection.
Imagine you're the most famous musician in the entire world.
You could go on a date talking about the huge stadium you just played or you could talk about music.
One of them is talking from a place of ego.
The other is talking about what you care about. Number three, look to bring out the best in that
person. We bring out the best in someone when we ask questions that allow them to reveal what's
important to them. When we show a genuine curiosity about the things that
they've learned in their life or the insights they have about life. When we show that we're genuinely
impressed by aspects of them. This isn't about fawning over someone and it's not about talking
about qualities that aren't really there just to flatter that person. It's about genuinely being present enough with someone
that you actually slow down enough to notice
the little things along the way that make them interesting,
that make them a uniquely impressive or distinct person.
What makes them like someone you haven't come across before?
Or what are they saying that's just funny and you could be very vulnerable in laughing at it and letting them know that was funny?
What can you notice about this person that allows you to see the best in them and allows them, therefore, to feel their best around you. Shakespeare said of his character Falstaff that he wasn't just a wit,
but a cause of wit in others. That's one of the greatest things we can be, right? Ego, again,
that word ego. Ego is being a source of wit, being a great wit, being funny, being intelligent, but to be a cause of intelligence in others, a cause of wit in
others. If we can be the person that brings out these great qualities in other people,
then they will feel their best around us. They will feel appreciated by us. Again, so many of
us are so concerned with showing how impressive we are on a date
that we don't make someone else feel like they're their best around us. And by the way,
there's always going to be a criticism of this kind of content that whenever someone says,
I keep intimidating people, what do I do? Their response will be, you need to find people who aren't intimidated by you.
If you're intimidating people, then they're too small.
Don't make yourself smaller to make other people comfortable.
And I always find that comment to be A, overly simplistic and B, lacking in some basic empathy and compassion and I actually understand where
it comes from because I know that for so many women especially they have come across men who
don't value women don't respect women are genuinely intimidated when a woman can do
basically anything and they're they're feeling threatened by that.
I understand all of that.
And a lot of people have been very hurt.
So when you've come out of a place of being hurt
and when you've learned that you can't trust people
to accept you, then of course it creates a mindset of,
I'm gonna go and just create my life then.
Fuck this whole thing.
I'm just gonna go and create my life and be my best self and stop feeling like I need to dim my light for anybody because I put up with that for
way too long. I understand the origins of that kind of feeling. But I think what we have to do
is almost step back from the kind of baggage of our history, the baggage of gender that comes up a lot in videos like this. And instead, just go,
everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to feel needed. Everybody wants to feel like
they have something to contribute. And are we the kind of person that when we're around people,
whether it's in life or on a date,
that makes others feel like they have something
they can bring to the table,
something that makes them feel like
they would be a necessary part of a team with us?
I remember listening to Ed Catmull,
the former president of Pixar,
talk about creativity at Pixar and how important it was that directors got given
a voice and that they weren't just dwarfed by more powerful voices in the room. And one of those
powerful voices was Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs owned Pixar. And Ed begged Steve not to be in the room when all of the directors were
collaborating creatively about the movie. Because what he knew is that if Steve Jobs came into the
room, all of a sudden it would shut people down. And I find this really interesting in a business
context because Steve wasn't someone that was making himself smaller and dimming his light
as a way to prop up the other creative's egos.
Steve just had to recognize what his power was
in that situation, that he was revered, respected,
in some ways feared, and that if he spoke first,
if he didn't make space for other people to be their best, they would never become
their best in that environment. And that became the power of Pixar, is that people were given the
space and the environment to actually become their best. Now, in a business context, we see this as a
very powerful thing, this idea of leaders speaking last and creating space for everyone else to be great.
That's seen as a very empowered thing. But often when it's translated into the realm of relationships,
we start to conflate it with misogyny, the baggage of gender, the idea of people dimming their lights
and having to prop up other people's egos, their fragile egos. And I actually find that to be a massive distraction.
I'm not saying that there aren't dynamics where a clear misogyny occurs.
What I'm saying is people will want to be around us
if the way that we bring our force, our power to the table
still makes space for their power, still make space for them to be
their best around us and to feel like we bring out and see the best in them. If you want to create
more second dates, lead with your best energy instead of holding it back until you feel safe.
Number two, show your vulnerability. And number three, bring out the best in the person
opposite you by the way you are around them. Before you go today, I have something for you.
If this year is the year you want to meet your person, it is a free training I did called dating
with results that shows you how to avoid
the early mistakes that people make in dating, finally meet your person and get the safety and
the commitment that you deserve with them. Go to Dating with Results to watch this free training
right now and don't forget to let me know what you think.