Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Matt Monday): Wasted Your Love on the Wrong Person? Listen To This...

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

How much time have you spent beating yourself up for things you wish you’d done differently? Whether it’s due to: • A relationship you should’ve left months (or years) earlier • A family mem...ber you could’ve created more distance with • A job you stayed in too long . . . it’s easy to mentally pummel yourself as you think about all the time you wasted. But this mindset won’t get you where you need to go. In today’s episode, you’ll learn why you can’t blame the you of the (even recent) past for not meeting the bar you’ve set for yourself today. And if you’ve been wondering how to get your confidence back—the kind that can help you make peace with the decisions of your past as well as change what’s possible for your future—then you can’t miss this message. --- Let's Create Magic in Your Life, Together. Join Me In-Person for the Return of The Matthew Hussey Retreat → --- FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” --- Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys? I just wanted to let you know I have a free guide for you over at In this free guide, I give you nine very specific messages that you can send to anybody you want to attract to create more attraction. Go check it out. is completely free and you can be reading them in the next 60 seconds. After ending a 10-year relationship in 2020, while things ended on good terms and I have no regrets, I'm trying to reconcile with myself why I stayed for three more years than I should have. Matt, how do you get to that core confidence piece again, or at all, after having gone through this kind of failed investment look the thing that you have to remember is that you did the best you could with who you were at
Starting point is 00:01:18 the time and the information that you had at the time and the stage of your development that you were in it's one of the things that we beat ourselves up for at the end of a process that process could be in a job that we stayed in for far too long far longer than we should have it could be with a family member who we've dealt with their stuff for far too long and we didn't create the distance that we should have at the time that we should have. It could be in a relationship where we spent so long with someone past the point where we saw the red flags, where we saw the writing on the wall, where we saw the ways that they were going to hurt us, the ways that this relationship wasn't going to be what we needed. It's very easy to look back and to beat ourselves up. And, and, you know, because most of us are aware that life is short, we look at the time that's been wasted and we beat ourselves up about that. We don't just beat ourselves up for not
Starting point is 00:02:16 acting. We beat ourselves up for all of the wasted time and the time that we could have been doing something else. We all have different belief systems. My belief system is that every step of the way, we do what we were always going to do based on our level of development, what information we had at the time, what resources we had, what our parents taught us growing up, who our role models have been and are at the time, what someone was telling us, what our fears were, what our level of confidence was at the time, what books we'd read at the time. Meng, maybe if you and I had come across each other at that time, maybe you would have made a decision a year earlier or six months earlier or three years earlier. We'll never know. But guess what? You can't beat yourself up about that because we didn't. You and I didn't meet then. We met today. Right. So you can't beat yourself up about information you didn't have.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Or you may say, but I did have the information, Matt. I've read your book before that. I already, I was following your advice or I should have done because I knew what it was. And I knew the red flags because I'd already been through them with this guy. I knew what was going to go wrong. I saw it all. I had all the information. Okay, but then you weren't ready. You weren't ready. You weren't at a place in your life where you'd been through enough of those lessons or enough of that pain in order to change. So you have to say to yourself, I'm going to show compassion towards that me from three years ago, who was doing the best she could at the time. And her best is different from
Starting point is 00:04:07 what my best is today. Me, Meng, today, my best is different from her best. Your best might be different, by the way, because you're now on this call and you're having all of these new realizations and your brain is making new connections. And as a result and you're having all of these new realizations and your brain is making new connections and as a result you're evolving into a different person right now so you can't compare the you that you are today with the you that you were then this is a new best so don't blame the old you for not being able to do your new best. Be grateful that you have a new best and you get to benefit from it now because some people die before ever reaching that moment. Some people never get there, right? You're still here. You're still breathing. You know, when people say,
Starting point is 00:04:57 oh, if only I knew then what I know now, I always think the fact that you're saying that to me means you know it now. It means you're still alive. It means you can still benefit from it. You know now. So don't worry about the then. You're still breathing. I'm not talking to a corpse who's saying, if only I knew while I was still alive what I know today. No, you know it today and you're breathing right now and you're saying it to me, which means you know it now, which means it can create a whole different life for you now. Hey guys, Matthew here. I hope you enjoyed the episode. Listen,
Starting point is 00:05:33 we're really putting a lot of effort into building this podcast right now so it can help more people. One of the things that you can do that would really help us do that is leave us a review and tell the rest of the world what you think of this podcast. Please go over to iTunes and leave us a review. I am reading all of them and some of them will even air on the podcast. Thank you so, so much. I see the blog sites. Got a new wife. Shorty got a new boo. Yeah, love beautiful. I'm looking for love.

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