Love Life with Matthew Hussey - My #1 Tip to Transform Your Relationships This Holiday Season

Episode Date: December 25, 2015

We all know Christmas isn’t really about the presents… but did you know that there is ONE gift you can give to every single person you care about (without opening your wallet) that will transform ...your relationship with them instantly?  In this special episode of LOVE Life I share the simple secret to doing this.  And be sure to stay tuned to the end, where I tell you how to grab your free gift from me that will help you make the most out of this holiday season (and could possibly send you straight into the arms of Mr. Right by New Year’s Eve)!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 this is love life with Matthew Hussey I'm glad you're here now if you're new to the show don't be fooled by the name love life yes we talk all about love and relationships but we also go deeper into every other area to give you advice to explode your career get the most out of all of your relationships, create amazing opportunities in your life, and so much more. If you've been following me for a while, or if you're new and you like what you hear today, please go to iTunes and give this show a five-star review and leave a comment. It'll help more women like you find and enjoy the show. Hey everyone, this is Love Life with Matthew Hussey. Now, you may be wondering this holiday season how to make the most of your social life and of your love life. And I want to
Starting point is 00:00:56 make sure that you know exactly how to do that. So at the end of this episode, once we've discussed our topic for today, I'm going to tell you about something I have that I've made especially for the holiday season to get you results fast so that you can transform your social life and your love life in this little window of time where I think so much socializing happens. This is harvest season. You just need to know how to use it. So stay tuned. First, let's talk about the holidays. And it may not be revolutionary to you, but it feels kind of revolutionary to me. See, Christmas, it would be a cliche to say Christmas isn't about the presents. It's about the people that matter. And we've all heard that
Starting point is 00:01:39 before. We've all seen the Grinch. But there's another meaning, I think, that follows on from this, but I think it extends it in a very important way. We sometimes see the meaning of the holiday season as simply spending time with people we love. And that's great. I mean, time is a wonderful thing, gift to give somebody. I'm not sure there's any greater gift than our time. And it's a wonderful compliment to anyone we give it to. But the problem is so many of us, when we do spend time with people that matter, whether it's friends, colleagues, family, our partners, our kids, too many of us spend our time the same way we always do. We run on the same track in our relationships. In other words, we ask the same
Starting point is 00:02:26 questions. We have the same types of conversations. I think we would be stunned if we actually looked at the length of the conversations we have with people, because I think that most of the time, they're exactly the same length. We've asked our set questions, we've had the set conversation, and then we move on in the way that we always do. So I think our relationships start to run on the same track, which is why we deepen that groove. And it's hard then to actually create a deeper connection with someone because we're never doing anything different. See, the problem is we equate comfort with knowledge of a person and they're not the same thing. You can be really comfortable with your brother or your aunt or your cousin or your child. You can be really comfortable with your brother or your aunt or your cousin or
Starting point is 00:03:07 your child. You can be really comfortable with them because you spend a lot of time with them or you've been exposed to them a lot, maybe over the last months or years, but that's not the same thing as knowledge of a person. Knowledge of a person is gained through truly opening up that relationship in new ways. In other words, we have to get off the well-trodden path and go off track a little bit to discover somebody. Now that could be done by bringing a different level of passion to that relationship. It could be done by asking them a different question. Maybe you start by saying something you really admire about them. I really love this thing about you. How do you do that? Or have you always had that quality? Maybe you ask them something about a
Starting point is 00:03:54 point in their life in a way that you've never asked it before. Or maybe you just try to find out something about who they are today. Sometimes we get new information from somebody by being more vulnerable with them. In other words, when they ask us a question, we reveal new information about us that we don't normally reveal. And that can be done on a question as innocuous as how is your day or how are you right now? You know, sometimes we answer, how are you with the standard? Yeah, not bad. Life's pretty good, blah, blah, blah. And we don't actually say anything. We use words, but we don't say anything. Saying something might be, you know what, it's been a really interesting year. For a not hearing the PR campaign or the same thing you tell family all the time to avoid any deeper conversations. They're actually hearing from the real you. So here's my mission to you this holiday season. Yes, get the presents. Yes, spend time with people, do all of the normal stuff. But I
Starting point is 00:04:58 think there's a greater, more advanced challenge we can all take on, which is focus on a few key moments with the important people in your life that actually allow you to know them better. Never assume that you know someone just because you're comfortable with them. That's how ultimately we lose connection with our kids. When you think you know them and you think you know them just because you stay in the same house as them. It's how we lose connection with our partners when we assume we know everything and we stop trying to learn about them. We start to lose connection because we lose touch with who they are today and how they're evolving and how they're growing. Just because we knew them yesterday doesn't mean we know everything about them today we lose connection with our parents with our brothers our sisters our cousins our aunts our uncles our colleagues our friends we must never assume that we know everything there is to know about someone or that they're not changing as rapidly as we are one of the great beauties of life is that people change and they evolve and what they think evolves and their ideas evolve. And by having a unique conversation with someone and asking them a different kind of question and maybe revealing different things about yourself than you normally do,
Starting point is 00:06:15 you might just find a new moment of connection between you and this person you know so well, or you think you know so well. And those are the special moments. The moments where we stop seeing somebody through our filter of who we think they are. And just for a brief moment in their reaction to something or a moment of authenticity from them or a moment where they tell us something they haven't told us before just for a brief moment we see them as independent from us as a human being living their own life and having their own troubles and their own issues and their own joys and their own unique ideas and we get to actually appreciate them for the complex person that they actually are and not the oversimplified stereotype we have of them in our mind. That I think is the greatest form of generosity you can have this Christmas is to truly try and know somebody. Well, thank you everyone
Starting point is 00:07:20 for listening. It was such a special episode today. I'm so happy to be speaking to you. And I want to make good on my promise at the beginning of this episode where I told you that I was going to give you something special to make the most of the holiday season. So here it is. I have a free guide called Kiss Him at Midnight, which outlines the seven simple steps to meeting somebody special by New Year's Eve. Now, the way I see this, the worst case scenario is that you just have a much better time socially and meeting new people than you have any other Christmas to date. The best case scenario is you actually meet your Mr. Right. So what do you have to lose? To get this free guide, go to and download it and get those seven simple steps. So that's I'll see you there right now. Thank you for listening to Love Life. I'll be back soon with another show packed
Starting point is 00:08:21 with advice you can use right away. To make sure you don't miss a thing, go right now and click the subscribe button in iTunes and I'll deliver you a fresh new episode very soon. Talk to you soon.

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