Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): 3 Ways You’re Accidentally Scaring Them Away (and How to Stop)

Episode Date: November 15, 2024

It always surprises me how often a potentially great relationship is cut short because of avoidable mistakes and insecure behaviors that we haven’t learned to manage.   “But doesn’t love solve ...everything?”   Well, not exactly.   What often happens is that these toxic patterns slowly undermine every chance at love we find (or at least make the search much harder than it needs to be).   In this week’s Rewind episode, I want to share the three most common behaviors that can scare someone off before they have a chance to truly fall for you.   Avoid these, and you’ll find it much easier to let someone see your best qualities and build a healthy, happy relationship.   --- ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . → ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're looking for all of the little ways that we can catch them out. And even if we don't think we're showing that, it's going to come out in the form of passive-aggressive energy when we meet someone we really like. Because the stakes are higher, whatever insecurities or worries are lying beneath the surface, all of a sudden come out because they're exacerbated by our fears in this situation. Now, there are three things that we do early on in a relationship. And by the way, for anyone who's in a relationship
Starting point is 00:00:51 and deep in, these are just as relevant to you. But there are three things that start right at the beginning that so many people do, and I wanna at least draw awareness to them today. The first one is spying on someone. Sometimes the ways we do this are minor. They're not things that someone else would notice. It becomes a kind of snooping. We might look on their social media to see the last time they were active if we haven't had a text back from them in
Starting point is 00:01:14 the last three hours. The problem with this behavior is that it has us focusing on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on the average of their communication, their behavior towards us, we're looking for all of the little ways that we can catch them out. And even if we don't think we're showing that, it's going to come out in the form of passive aggressive energy when we're with them. The second insecure behavior is comparing ourselves to other people. I know so many women that immediately upon dating a guy start to worry about other women that are around. Are they more beautiful? Are they funnier? Are they a body shape that he's gonna like better? They look for all of these ways that they don't match up to
Starting point is 00:01:54 somebody else and it's so sad because they're completely undervaluing what they bring to the table. So the only way to overcome this is to cut the relationship between you and other people in that way altogether. Because trust me, there will always be someone who scores more points than you in a specific category. That's not ultimately what's going to win someone's heart. What wins someone's heart is our certainty that we are bringing our unique voice to the table and allowing someone to fall in love with that and not worrying about whether we beat someone in every category. The third type of insecure behavior
Starting point is 00:02:30 is when we try to control someone's actions, where they go and who they spend time with. It might be he wants a boys night out and there's a part of you deep down that is uncomfortable with that. You don't want him being in an environment where people could flirt with him, where he might be attracted to someone else and God forbid, could be unfaithful.
Starting point is 00:02:49 The danger of this is it only reflects badly on us and it makes them compelled to do that thing even more. If someone can't have their freedom within our relationship, in a way that respects our boundaries, we have a genuine problem. If the only way that I can trust you is by keeping you in the house, then I'm only masking the problem, I'm not solving it. We have to start
Starting point is 00:03:12 dealing with the real issue, not the fake issue. The fake issue is, how do I get my partner to stop wanting to do this, to stop doing this to me, to stop making me jealous in this way and so on. Those are the superficial issues. The real issue I have to deal with is why am I feeling threatened by these things in the first place? If we can deal with that, we change everything. Because if we can go from feeling threatened to feeling at peace, to feeling free, to feeling confident in ourselves where we can say either this is going to work or it's not. But I am at peace either way because I know who I am and I know what I'm worth. When we change that, it's the most freeing feeling in the world.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Thanks for listening. And before you go, if it is a priority for you this year to find your person. I have a practical roadmap for you in a free training I did called Dating With Results. It's a 60-minute training. It is helping so many people right now who are going through it. And you can be one of them by going to When you sign up, you get a two-day free pass to watch the training. So just make sure you diarize it so you don't miss your window and go there now. is the link. I'll see you over there and enjoy the training. Thank you.

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