Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): 7 Confidence Secrets That Make You More Attractive

Episode Date: July 15, 2022

Just because we've accepted it's over, it doesn't mean we've truly moved on. We can still obssess, think about past times, and romanticize someone in a way that stops us ever moving forward. If you're... stuck right now, don't miss this message and take your power back! --- Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at --- ►► FREE guide to download: “3 Secrets To Love” →

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Instead of trying to get confident about something you can never be certain of, just change the focus of where you're looking for certainty and you can immediately be more confident. Welcome everybody to the Love Life Podcast. I am Matthew Hussey and this is a clip from the archives that I think is really going to help you with your confidence today. Check it out and I'll speak to you at the end of the episode. Confidence. I feel like that is the most attractive thing about a person. I think you say that in your book. It's something that we hear over and over and over that the most attractive thing you can ever wear is confidence. And so I want to hear from you. What does confidence look like? Because I think a lot of us kind of see a specific person or a specific type when we think of confidence but from you what is it yeah i suppose there is a kind of
Starting point is 00:01:11 caricatured version of confidence which is just someone who is very bold quite outspoken um occasionally i suppose just gregarious you know we think of someone who's very outgoing. I think that isn't a true definition of confidence. The dictionary definition of confidence is a feeling of certainty about something. And of course, that doesn't necessarily imply good or bad. We can feel secure right now having this conversation because I'm certain that the ceiling isn't about to fall on my head you know it that's just a feeling of certainty that gives me a level of of comfort and
Starting point is 00:01:53 ease you know I can have a feeling of comfort right now because I'm certainly that I can have this conversation with you because I've done a lot of public speaking in my life over the last 14 years and therefore feel a sense of comfort and certainty about my ability to do this. So there is a kind of confidence that comes from certainty and in a lot of areas of our life that can come from certainty can come from competence from having done something a lot and being good at it um so you could be you know you are of course extraordinarily competent on stage lindsay and therefore there will be a level of of confidence that you have when you take the stage which importantly doesn't mean that you have no nerves before you step on stage it just which you may or may not you can tell me but importantly doesn't mean that you have no nerves before you step on stage. It just, which you may or may not, you can tell me, but it doesn't mean that you have no nerves. It
Starting point is 00:02:50 just means that when it really comes down to it, you do have a feeling of, of security on stage because you know, I've been here before. I've done this before. I know how to do this. Yes. I love that. And you know, when you just just say it it's a sense of um wait what was the definition you said i lost a feeling of certainty about something certainty yeah it really does take it into a whole different perspective and it kind of makes you realize that you don't have to be any sort of personality type in order to be this confidence that we all kind of immediately go to think of a certain kind of person. It's like, no, you can be silent and show confidence.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Like confidence doesn't need words. It doesn't mean to be a certain personality type. And like you said, I love that you said you can be nervous and be confident because I still do get nerves every time before I go on stage and I literally stand backstage and do what I know I need to do my deep breaths and I like visualize really quickly and I you know remind myself that I've warmed up I've done everything I needed to do to prepare and like you said I've done this before and you know and so it is kind of like wow you can be nervous and be confident you can be
Starting point is 00:04:00 shy and be confident and you know any personality type can have that sense of like attractive confidence that we all want. Yeah, that's exactly right. And, and it's, it's important not to, if we, if we change what we, what we need to feel certain about, that can be a great help. You know, if you, if you say, if before I go on stage, I try to get certain that everyone is going to agree with me, that's a problem because I'm basing my certainty on something that I cannot control. And therefore the confidence I have is, is going to be very flimsy. If I base my confidence on the certainty that I really am going to go out there and show these people that I care,
Starting point is 00:04:53 that's going to give me a different level of confidence because now it's not about making everyone like me. It's about actually demonstrating that my intentions are really good, that I genuinely care about helping people today and that I'm going to do everything in my power to do that while I'm on stage. In a relationship, our certainty can come, you know, if our certainty has to come from, I'm certain that this person will never hurt me,
Starting point is 00:05:19 then we're always going to be looking for reassurance because we never can be fully confident that someone is never going to hurt us. We hope that we've chosen wisely. We can make sure that the evidence of the relationship suggests that this person has our best, you know, has our interests at heart and isn't going to go and hurt us recklessly. But we never know for sure. And a lot of people never feel safe in a relationship because they're basing all of their confidence on needing this person to guarantee that they'll never leave or never hurt them. And then we're looking every day for reassurance. You know, did you mean what you said
Starting point is 00:06:06 yesterday? Are you really going to stay with me? Are you really never going to cheat on me? We can never get enough reassurance and reassurance always needs to be topped up. Whereas if you base your certainty in a relationship on the idea that, you know what? I've always been okay. I have had relationships that have ended and I've survived and I'm still here. If this person, God forbid, cheats on me or hurts me or leaves me, I will still be okay. In other words, my certainty can come from my ability to handle difficult situations, not on difficult situations not happening. So that's like a nice little hack for confidence is instead of trying to get confident
Starting point is 00:06:51 about something you can never be certain of, just change the focus of where you're looking for certainty and you can immediately be more confident. I hope you enjoyed that episode, everyone. Don't forget, go over to to join an entire community of amazing women who are working on their confidence, not overthinking,
Starting point is 00:07:17 and just feeling amazing in their own skin. You can join that community, and it's a beautiful place to be by going to and be part of my exclusive coaching experience i'll see you there you

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