Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): How To Get A Guy To Like You: Learn these 2 simple words...
Episode Date: August 5, 2022You wouldn’t believe how many people read every blog, watch every YouTube video, and follow every Facebook post I put out, and yet still say: “Yeah, Matt… I get it. But there’s this one guy I really like…” And because they’re so head-over-heels for this man, all of the advice goes out of the window. In this episode, I’m about to reveal 2 simple words that will tell you everything you need to know about men and how to get the love you really deserve… --- Download our brand new guide on "How To Define The Relationship" - Go to and get your FREE copy now. --- Join our next Virtual Retreat! - Claim Your Limited Time Summer Self-Care Discount ($100 OFF the usual price!) for The Virtual Retreat at Offer ends August 7th! --- ►► FREE download: “9 Texts to Get Any Man” → ►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” →
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🎵 Hey everyone, it's Matthew here. I wanted to introduce you to one of the most important
concepts you'll ever learn in getting the behavior and respect you deserve
from someone you date. Check it out.
There are two words that I want to bring you today that are going to change the way you look at dating forever.
And I think the concept I'm about to give you is so important, you're going to be teaching it to your kids, your friends, when they go out there dating in the future.
TV and candy.
Think of a child.
What does a child want when you ask a child what he or she wants? TV and candy. Think of a child. What does a child want when you ask a child what he or she wants?
TV and candy. Now the astute parent knows the difference between what a child wants
and what they need. What's good for a child long term is very different than what a child wants
in the short term for his or her pleasure. Similarly, when it comes to dating, the astute woman knows the difference between what a man wants and what he needs.
What he wants for immediate pleasure, gratification, validation, and what he needs for a genuine connection, fulfillment, happiness, and to see a future with you.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not calling men children here.
The truth is, men and women all have their forms
of instant gratification that they crave.
I believe that guys actually truly crave happiness
on a deeper level.
I believe guys are far more romantic than they ever let on.
Even though they may live in this world
of instant gratification of Tinder and texting
for quick hits of validation
and that amazing feeling that I'm wanted.
I think that guys are craving romance.
I think they want a woman to come along and have a higher standard, to allow attraction to play out properly, to allow
desire to be in the imagination before it just happens outwardly. I think that men truly want that.
They don't talk about it in
the locker room with their guy friends but they think about it at night. They
want that romance. Remember that although he may be asking for what he wants, it
doesn't mean that he's telling you what he needs. And by the way this video is
not about sex. People are gonna watch this and think this is about how quickly
I should have sex with him. No, I don't care when you have sex with a guy. This is about you people pleasing and losing
that part of you that feels the need to people please. When a man talks about how he wants to
see you tonight at last minute, even though he's made no plans with you or how he wants you to come
fly to see him in his city this weekend, even though you've only known each other for three weeks. He wants TV and candy. He wants that immediate hit
of pleasure. What we have to do is have a standard for ourselves where if that's what we've decided
for us, we don't bend on that just because somebody else says it's a great idea today.
Because attraction over the long term has more to do with respect
than like. Like is I like you because you gave me something I wanted this week,
but like is fickle, like is transient. Respect transcends all of that. Respect is I don't just
like you, I want to be like you. I respect who you are and the decisions you make
and the values and the standards you have.
And respect is what builds long-term attraction.
When we think about the person we want to settle down with,
when we think about the person we want to marry,
have kids with,
it's not someone we just like.
It's someone we respect.
And we grow to like more the people we respect.
TV and candy is a concept I'm going to be talking about for a long time.
This is an introduction to it.
But right now, here's what I want you to think about.
With the guy that I'm seeing, with the guy that's in my mind, with the men I date,
am I being the wise woman who's giving the man what he needs,
even if he doesn't necessarily realize it?
Or am I TV and candy?
Think on that. any anecdotes, anything you want to tell us here at the podcast, send it over podcast at