Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): Never Make This Flirting Mistake In Conversation

Episode Date: November 25, 2022

You're on a date with someone. You're both sharing stories.  He tells you that he plays the guitar. You notice that he seems really proud when he tells you about playing his first gig. Then without m...issing a moment, you start enthusiastically telling him about your friend who's also in a band, is the best guitarist you've ever seen, and has just released and album. Suddenly, his eyes narrow and he seems emotionally checked out, maybe even less interested. Why? What happened? In this episode with my brother Stephen, I'm going to reveal a simple flirting mistake that is all too easily made, and why it's can be such a turnoff to guys in dating. --- >>> Want to learn more about the psychology of attraction in dating? Download a free chapter of our bestselling program at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What it becomes is just two been trying to mix it up lately and give you an assortment of different kinds of episodes. Sometimes they're longer with me and Steven. Sometimes they're shorter, something from the archives, a key moment, a key rant I went on, something that we think can help you that's a little more bite-sized. So check this one out and I'll speak to you at the end of the episode. Hey everyone, I'm here with my brother Stephen today. The reason I wanted Steve here is not because he is often requested on these videos, but also because some of the blogs that he has written for our site,, have done extraordinarily well, haven't they?
Starting point is 00:01:11 They've been a smash. He wrote about a concept on the blog that did really, really well and resonated with people. And it was about one of the biggest mistakes that women make when they flirt on a date. Or at least, I guess, when they're trying to flirt. And let's be fair, I think men do this equally. So this isn't a woman thing. It's an everyone thing. I think this is a people thing. What I've noticed that happens on a date sometimes is that we're always trying to impress someone and usually someone says, oh I went to China last year. And what they're really saying is, I did something that's quite cool.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And they want to talk about it. But then what the other person will do is they'll go, oh, I've been to China as well. I went to Shanghai. Oh, did you go to this spot? And they'll go, oh, no. Oh, you should go there next time. And it's kind of what I call, it's like story trumping. That's what I think it is. Well, they don't just do it about themselves.
Starting point is 00:02:07 They'll say, even if it's not themselves that can have that claim to fame, they'll say, oh, my friend lived there for 10 years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they'll go, I lived there for three months. My friend lived there for 10 years. As you say, what it becomes is just two people trying to impress each other and not realizing that one of the ways to impress each other and not realizing that one of the ways to impress each other, which you have mentioned and termed as being impressible.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, yeah. And you know what? I feel like it's not always just an attempt to be competitive. I think actually in a strange way, it's someone's desire to connect. Yeah, exactly. Like someone actually thinks that they're connecting when they say, oh, you know something about that? Here's everything I know about that. Yeah, they don't always think they're trying to win.
Starting point is 00:02:50 They're sometimes trying to actually, they go, oh, great. Now I can deliver this. But they kind of don't know. It's like, like me, like me, like me, like me, right? And it's a shame because the greatest way for them to connect right now would be to show that they have acknowledged and enjoyed something that that person has said. So I think in a strange way, it's coming from a good place a lot of the time. And if you said to someone, what you're saying here is actually taking something away from
Starting point is 00:03:17 someone. It actually is robbing them of a great feeling. They would feel sad about that because they would want to give someone that feeling, but we don't even realize we're doing it. Now here's my question, because I think someone will be, there'll be people listening to this and saying, okay, fair enough, right? This woman goes on a date and she listens intently and is excited and shows that she
Starting point is 00:03:38 thinks it's wonderful and asks more questions instead of jumping in with everything she knows immediately. But what if she says, okay, I did that, but he just kept talking and at no point did he actually ask me a question. It was all about him. Yeah. I think what you do, like let them have their moment, then offer something yourself and see how they respond. So it's like a test. You then see, do they actually show interest? Yeah, I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:04:05 So don't fall into the trap of simply asking question after question and never contributing information. Like, give them the acknowledgement, compliment, interest, and then you follow up. Acknowledgement, compliment, interest, which can come in the form of asking another question about it, and then contribute what you can contribute to the subject. Yeah. Okay. I think that was great.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I hope you enjoyed that episode, everyone. Don't forget, go over to to join an entire community of amazing women who are working on their confidence, not overthinking and just feeling amazing in their own skin. You can join that community and it's a beautiful place to be by going to and be part of my exclusive coaching experience. I'll see you there. Outro Music

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