Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): STOP WAITING For Them To Message And Do THIS Instead
Episode Date: February 17, 2023Your phone buzzes. It’s a text from them ;) You can feel your stomach flip over with excitement. Every message they send is like sweet honey for your brain. “Damn”, you think, “I’m an addic...t.” And then you fire a cute message back. And you wait...and wait… “Why aren't they replying?” you want to scream to your friend on the couch next to you. But she’s too busy with her phone to notice. You try to shift focus, but you obsessively check for a text every 30 seconds. Sound familiar? We’ve all had this agony of “anxious waiting” with someone we like. It’s distracting, it’s unattractive, and it drains you of your peace of mind every minute you sit in limbo. If you’re sick of waiting for his text and want to finally take back your power, listen to this... --- ►► Stop Waiting and Start Creating the Happiness You Deserve NOW →
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Once again you find yourself checking your phone every three seconds to see if
those three little dots are coming up on your phone that show that hope is on the way. Hey everybody, Matthew here with the Love Life Podcast. I want to give you a scenario.
You met someone new, you like them, but you're stuck in anxious waiting mode every time you
send a text, hoping that they'll message back. If you've gotten stuck in this mode of constantly checking
your phone in anxious ways, this message is for you. You are waiting for a text message,
or for someone to call you back, or someone to ask you on a date again, or to express that they still love you,
that they're thinking of you.
But right now, your phone is blank.
There is no message, there is no phone call,
there is no person giving you that validation
that you're looking for.
And the result is that you are anxiously waiting.
I believe that this anxious waiting,
when we're sat by our phones staring at it,
waiting for this person to show up and reassure us
that we are still being thought of,
that we're still attractive,
is responsible for so much unhappiness on any given day.
The problem with waiting for someone's reassurance
is that it doesn't last.
You know someone could text you right now and you'd feel good, you'd feel elated that they reached out to
you, but that feeling lasts minutes or hours before the anxiety creeps back in again and you start
asking the same questions. Are they thinking about me now? Do they like me as much as they did
yesterday? And so on. So there has to be another way and it can't just be
distracting ourselves because I think that's a lot of people's answer is
well if you're feeling that anxiety if you're feeling like you're thinking
about someone too much just distract yourself but we all know
that that's paper thin because you could be with your friends
doing something that should be fun and you once again you find yourself
checking your phone every three seconds to see if those three little dots are coming up on your phone that show that
hope is on the way they are about to text you we cannot live like that and it also makes us bring
bad energy to the people around us it's not about distraction it's about something deeper than that. The cure is find something meaningful for
you to do right now. Go deeper on something. Now that could be to read a book that brings meaning
to you or that is really teaching you about something that you're curious about. It could be
deepening a skill set you have by focusing on something difficult and practicing it it could be losing
yourself in a project or something that's related to one of your passions if you can lose yourself
for an hour in something that gives your life color and meaning outside of that relationship
now you're into a better state because i know that there's there can literally be a 30 minute
to a one hour difference between feeling despairing that someone isn't reaching out to you and actually feeling pretty
great because you did something meaningful with the last hour that has made you feel full that
has given you purpose and allows you to come back to that person with a great energy you may not know
what to turn to in those moments that is going to give you meaning.
You may not right now have books you love losing yourself in or skill sets that you're set on practicing or mastering or work projects or passions that give your life meaning outside of
this relationship that you're focused on. And this is what's so interesting about this concept to me is that we often relate that anxious waiting to insecurity,
to a lack of confidence.
And yes, on some level it's tied to that.
And you know, twice a year,
I run an entire five and a half day retreat
specifically to transform people's confidence.
But what people forget, what they don't realize,
one of the other things I do on the retreat
is change people's sense of purpose.
Give them something or many things that they can focus on,
that they can connect with,
that reinforce their sense of richness in life,
that give them a focus, a burning desire
to work on something, to train a part of themselves,
to educate themselves, to learn something something, to train a part of themselves, to educate
themselves, to learn something new, to try something new. A sense of fulfillment and
purpose that has nothing to do with their love life. And I think that's one
of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. So the retreat removes your
anxiety by doing both of these things. Making you as confident and as high
value as you can possibly be, but also showing
you how to build a rich and full life that is full even when you're away from somebody. You don't feel
like you're deficient simply because someone's not texting you back right now or not calling you.
And that's the greatest way to be attractive to that person in the first place. I can give you
a hundred different lines to use, but the greatest attraction is when we meet someone who has this
full and complete life that doesn't depend on us and they are their own
person in their own right. If you want to do this for yourself, if you are sick and
tired of waiting around anxiously for somebody to reach out, to validate you, to
text you, to call you so that you can feel
good. And you want to feel good right now so that you can bring your best energy to that person.
When you do engage with them, try the retreat. I hope you enjoyed the episode and a quick note
before you go, the virtual retreat is coming up from the 2nd to the 4th of June. If you want to do three days of coaching with me, go to
I promise you it will be here before we know it.
If you know you want to join us, now is the time to get on board.
That's you