Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): Top 5 Dating Myths Holding You Back in Love
Episode Date: December 27, 2024You know what drives me soooo crazy? Hearing men and women repeat the same dumb myths about relationships over and over again. And I don’t blame anyone for believing them. The fact is that society..., romantic movies, and even our friends and family are responsible for spreading certain “facts” about love and dating that just aren’t true. So today, I teamed up with my brother Stephen Hussey (co-writer of the "Get The Guy" book) to break down the top 5 annoying dating myths that need to end now. This is a fun one – can’t wait for you to see it. . . --- ►► Ask Matthew AI Your Biggest Dating Question for Free Now at. . . → ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” →
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We might find someone great who is more confident than someone we've been with before
and now all of a sudden our insecurities are exposed and we need to grow in order to be with a person this confident. Welcome to the Love Life Podcast. It's me, Matthew Hussey. Enjoy this classic clip from
our archives. And if you want to let me know what you think or how this podcast is helping you,
don't forget to leave me a review on iTunes under the Love Life podcast.
I'm here with my brother, Steve Hussey. It's been a while.
Hello, Matt.
You're back.
I've come to visit the big guy in LA and he said, let's get you on camera.
This video is...
So here I am, baby.
Now, this video is your idea.
Yes, sir.
And it contains five points.
I'm already nervous about the length of the video.
Okay, let's keep it really snappy.
Five dating myths that are holding you back in love.
Why today?
Any day.
I just want to contribute. The first one you wrote down was there aren't enough great people.
So I think there's
loads of growth oriented people out there it's people who read personal development they work
on themselves and they assume well i'm doing all this work on myself and there aren't enough other
great people like me and i think men and women have fallen into this trap i think that we can
get into a very arrogant place where we assume that the opposite sex just aren't carrying their load
They're not trying and actually there's loads of men really really trying
there's loads of women who are really really trying and
I think you have to start humanizing people again. How do you do that? Get to know them better?
You have to actually give people a chance
You can't just swipe left on everyone because they don't immediately match up to your lofty standards. You have to actually give people a chance, people are three-dimensional,
and allow yourself to be surprised. Myth number two that Steve wrote down was that no one wants
real commitment anymore. It's a choice to buy into that culture and I've done it as well. When you
use these dating apps and things too much, you can just buy into this buffet mentality where you just assume that
everyone is superficial everyone's super shallow and no one wants anything real i do think it's in
some ways it's tougher today and i do empathize with being single but it's not true that no one's
looking for real commitment there's plenty of people marrying plenty of people coupling up
there's more than enough to go around i think it's probably true that people are still willing to commit, but less are willing to settle.
And that just means to be someone that someone goes for, we have to be great.
Myth number three, the right person will accept you at your worst.
Now, this is a tricky one because on one hand, I truly believe that we should be with someone who accepts us for us.
I think that often gets confused with feeling like we have a right to bring our worst selves to the table.
And if the person we're with can't handle that, then that's their problem.
We owe our partners better than our worst. When we find
someone worth holding on to, we should be striving to bring our best. We'll often fail to bring our
absolute best to someone, but that doesn't mean expecting that day after day we can be our worst
and this person is supposed to be able to handle that and more be grateful for us in the process.
Myth number four, I'll never love anyone like that again.
This is one of those mindsets that is incredibly destructive and it's easy to feel that way
when you've just had a terrible breakup, even a year after, and you don't feel like
you've replicated the same
feelings as you had for the person before but i think the truth is the next person won't be the
same as before there'll be a different kind of unique amazing interesting connection i think we
get hung up on the person yeah so whilst it's true that the person we're with was unique they had
their own thumbprint that made them them.
People may not be replaceable, but feelings are.
Instead of trying to replace the person,
I think what we need to do is focus on replacing the feeling.
And that's something that we might get on our own.
It's something we might get from the next person.
But you will feel those feelings again.
All right, final myth.
The right relationship should be easy.
I get a bit sick of this one.
Right, so you hear this a lot.
Yeah, the right relationship should be easy.
I just don't think relationships are easy.
I think everything's hard.
Business, you want to make a great business?
That's hard.
You want to make a great relationship? That's hard. Even if you're with the right person, there's challenges. There
are ways that a relationship forces you to grow. Love calls on you to be your best self. There's
nothing easy about being your best self. Now, what we have to make a distinction between is the right
kind of hard and the wrong kind of hard. Because something can be hard for the wrong reasons.
Because someone is toxic. Because someone's bringing you bad energy because someone's holding
you down being controlling being this it can be hard for the wrong reasons and sometimes that
means walking away but it can also be hard for the right reasons like you're being challenged
to grow or you have your demons that this relationship is calling to the to the forefront yeah and
relationships expose you right they expose you to parts that you've ignored they hold up a mirror
and so we might find someone great who is more confident than someone we've been with before
and now all of a sudden our insecurities are exposed and we need to grow in order to be with
a person this confident that doesn't mean run. That means this is going to be a challenge, but it's going to make me better.
So relationships shouldn't just be easy.
Sometimes the right relationships are uniquely challenging,
but it needs to be challenging for the right reasons, not the wrong ones.
Thanks for listening, everybody.
Before you go, if you haven't already watched my master class my free master class dating with results
Go check it out. It is a one hour free training my most popular free training of all time
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I'll see you in the next episode.
Be well and love life. Bye.