Love Life with Matthew Hussey - (Rewind): Use THIS Mindset If You're Starting Over In Love
Episode Date: July 14, 2023When you have to find love after heartbreak, it can shatter your world. You are in a world you never thought you would be in, and life can feel very different than you planned for it to be. In this c...lip, Matt and the team look at an important reframe to change your mindset and get excitement for finding love back when you feel like you've faced a setback. --- Follow Matt @thematthewhussey Follow Stephen @stephenhhussey --- ►►Transform Your Relationship with Life in 6 Magical Days Find Out More At. . . →
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Look for those moments where you feel like you're emotionally connected to why this actually is a really exciting new phase. Welcome to the Love Life Podcast with me, Matthew Hussey.
Enjoy this clip we've put together for you today. I think you're going to love it.
Does anyone want to kick off with what they think is one of the big things that people need to think
about when starting again the thing that springs to mind for me is the idea that you talk about on
your retreat matt of turning your plan b into your plan a i think if you're starting over
it's probably not you're probably not in the position that you wish you were.
You're probably not...
The course that you're sort of going through right now isn't the one you anticipated,
and it might not be the one that you wish was happening.
So I think it's about almost reframing the reality of your situation now
as a starting point before anything else so that you can actually go into it without an energy of sort of regret and melancholy towards
how you wish things were or should have been but rather just excitement for what the future has to with this new plan B, which is now plan A? I always look at any stage of my life
for a role model or inspiration
or emotional reference point
that kind of aligns with the stage of life I'm in.
I remember when I first watched Guardians of the
Galaxy, the first one, this is going to sound so silly, but when I first watched Guardians of the
Galaxy, I was single and I had a kind of melancholy at times that I wanted to meet someone, but I hadn't met someone that I wanted to really
truly be with. And I remember watching Guardians of the Galaxy and Star-Lord, Chris Pratt's
character, was this sort of single having fun person who was gallivanting around the galaxy, just making the best of it.
And for whatever, it just stuck with me as like an emotional reference for like,
I'm all right. Like life's, life's exciting and it's fun. And, you know, there's Star-Lord and
he's just got his ship and he's going around and having fun and making the best of it. And, you know, there's Star-Lord and he's just got his ship and he's going around and having
fun and making the best of it. And, you know, it like became this weird, silly reference point for
me for like, it became what I would call on the retreat, an emotional button for the stage of life
that I was in. Now that's no longer like, that's for me, a reference point that's no longer
the same. So my reference point may change or I might have a new emotional button, but I would,
I remember watching the best exotic Marigold hotel and thinking if I was like in my 50s or 60s right now coming out of a long relationship and I was finding myself starting
again this movie would be like a fun reference point it would it would fill me with a sense of
adventure for this phase of my life it would make me feel like anything was still possible. It would excite me. And that would be an emotional
button for me. So I feel like whether it's a real person in your life that you know,
or whether it's a movie reference or a book that you've read that gets you excited about something,
like to me, The Old Man and the Sea just by Hemingway just always makes me feel like I want
to just be out on a boat doing something difficult, you know, like, like it was whatever is the
reference point for you that makes you feel emotionally connected to the excitement of
starting again, that that's something to draw on. Look for those moments where you feel like you're emotionally
connected to why this actually is a really exciting new phase, because that's a great
place to start from. It's all about our focus. Where does our focus go? If your focus goes to,
oh, this is so hard and And I never thought I'd be
single again at this stage of my life. I never thought I'd have to do this. And it, you're kind
of, it's this backwards look at how your blueprint didn't, the blueprint you had for yourself didn't
materialize or, or got shattered. But if instead you just go, okay, well, that blueprint being really exciting and then make those things
you connect to make that reference point that emotional button something you connect to
every day this gives us such good insight into into matt i think because who who watches guardians
of the galaxy and just thinks like ah yes the yes, the everyman, finally, gallivanting around the galaxy.
Finally, a movie about me. But actually, it's really interesting because Matt is really creative.
Like, there's a big part of just the way, Matt, you look at the world and you just like pick
little things and you learn from them and you kind of make them your own. But it's really, it's more than just, you know, making a good little story. You really do get creative about
just like, how can I get something from this little bit of life and make it mean something
for my life? And there's something really interesting about that example of watching
Guardians of the Galaxy. And also that range you have between Guardians of the Galaxy and The Old Man and the Sea. To get something from both of
those pieces of culture is unbelievable. But they're both really good and they're both really
good. And there's just something really interesting about if you can really set that mindset of
creativity to kind of problem solve your own life with
anywhere, just any little crevice of life, just to pick a little bit of something and to get a
little bit of meaning out of it, that will definitely help on the new journey. Thank you,
man. That was really sweet. It means a lot to me. Send us, if you're listening to this and you have an example that comes to mind for yourself,
either a movie character, a story, a piece of literature or something, maybe even a person
in your life that has become an emotional button for looking positively and excitedly at the phase
of life you're in, send us an email podcast at because I actually think it
would be fun to read a couple of those. even just leave us a voice note leave us a voice
memo by email and we'll play the voice note out loud on the show
all right everyone that's it for today but before you go I have some important news. Our next live retreat dates are set from the 9th to the 15th of
October this year. It's taking place in Fort Lauderdale on the beach. We're going to be spending
six days together diving deep on your biggest life challenges, whether they're to do with your
confidence, your relationships, or just past trauma that you know is still getting in the way of you creating the life you want or experiencing the kind of happiness and peace you want to experience.
If you want to join us, go to to apply right now.
This is going to be an incredible event and we hope to see you there.
Thanks for listening as always and I'll speak to you in the next episode of Love Life. Bye.