Love Life with Matthew Hussey - The (Low-Pressure) Friday Night First Date

Episode Date: August 24, 2016

Let’s face it – we all work too hard to risk wasting an entire, precious Friday night with someone we just met if the date doesn’t go well.  Allow me to propose the low-pressure, high-value date: My formula allows you to spend some fun, flirty time with that new guy you’re interested in and you’ll still get to meet up with your girlfriends for a proper night out. You’ll leave on a high note, which is guaranteed to leave him wanting more, and before you know it he’ll be calling (not texting!) for a second date.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Matthew Hussey here with Love Life. I am super excited about today's show because we have a great topic to discuss. But first, I have a question for you. If I told you there were five things you could say to get a man positively addicted to you, would you try them? If the answer is yes, then be sure to listen until the end of today's show because I'm going to tell you how you can get your hands on those five magic phrases. Now let's get to the episode. I was having a thought recently about dating in general and how we're often accused of lacking
Starting point is 00:00:40 chivalry these days. People are accused of not putting as much effort into dates anymore. And I was thinking about the way that dating works in big cities. And this may not apply in quite, I think it does, but it doesn't quite apply to the same extent outside of big cities and places where there are lots and lots of people. But I was thinking about the way people live life in a city. And generally speaking, people have a lot of options. They have their circle of friends. They maybe go out on a Friday or Saturday night. They've worked hard all week, so they look forward to that night when they're going to go out. And I was thinking about how we have these expectations on dates like oh so and so should be taking me out on a Saturday night you know if it's a first date oh he he's he should be asking
Starting point is 00:01:34 me out this Saturday night if he likes me now the problem with that is when I really thought about it in a realistic way I thought well actually most of us don't want to spend our Friday or Saturday night with someone we don't know, with a complete stranger. It's almost like those nights are really precious to us with the amount that we work, that when it comes to those evenings, we don't really want to say, well, I'm going to give up a whole evening with my friends to see this person I'm not even sure I really like yet. And don't, we must not get into this entitled or arrogant place where we say, well, they should know they like me by now. Cause if someone's barely met us or they met us for five minutes or just met us online, that doesn't mean they know they like us. It means they have a level
Starting point is 00:02:13 of curiosity about us right now that might lead to genuine attraction or a deeper attraction. So my view is that when you're on a first date, you're not really entitled to someone's Friday or Saturday night. Firstly, there are other nights of the week that you can go on a date with someone. And secondly, if you are going to go out with them on a Friday or Saturday night, there is a way to do this, which is really casual and actually shows you to be much more high value. See, if you and a guy were trying to get together and you said to him, you know what, look, I'm out with my friends on Saturday night and I'm sure you're busy with your friends, but why don't we both meet up for a drink before we go out? That's a really high value way to arrange a date because now what he sees is,
Starting point is 00:03:01 ah, she's busy. She has friends. She's going out. And there's low pressure because we're just going out for a drink before we go out with our respective friends. Now, of course, what's great is you go out dolled up because you happen to be going out anyway, and it doesn't look like it's all for him. You have a drink with him. You have a good time, maybe two. And then you say, okay, I've really got to meet up with my friends. This has been so much fun. Now here's what happens during the night out where you're both with your friends, you'll be texting each other because he'll start missing you. If he's had a great time with you, he'll be out. He probably won't be meeting anyone that great, and he'll be texting you and finding
Starting point is 00:03:37 out where you are and what you're up to. Now, you may find, by the way, that he starts to get to like 1 or 2 a.m., and he's texting you to say, come meet me because he wants you know what. That's fine. You don't have to do that. You can just keep texting him and say, you know what, it's a little late for me, but I, you know, I'll be around tomorrow afternoon, so give me a call. Now what you've done is had a, almost a pre-date, almost a drink or two before you went out to get to know each other a bit better to get comfortable with each other and then when he's tried to get you back that night you're saying you know what i i i can't tonight or it's getting a little late for me but i'm around tomorrow afternoon give me a call by the way notice i say give me a call not give me
Starting point is 00:04:21 a text because most women you i know you want him to call you so say give me a call, not give me a text, because most women, I know you want him to call you. So say, give me a call, give him that direction. This is a great first date. We must get out of the psychology of every date that we have with someone having to be some big thing or some ordeal where we spend one of the most precious nights of the week around someone who we don't even know that we like in a really deep way that could actually lead to somewhere. We must never be angry at the other person, by the way, for thinking in this same way. That's it. I will speak to you soon. By the way, come join me on Facebook. If you're not there with me having the conversation on a daily basis, you must come and join us there. It's
Starting point is 00:05:05 forward slash coach Matthew Hussey. I'll see you there, guys. Thanks for listening. Well, I made you a promise at the top of the show that I would reveal five things you could say to get a man addicted to you, and it's time to deliver. These are actually five compliments and I've put them together in a free guide that you can go download right now. To get your free guide, just go to forward slash compliments.

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